Covid: Relaxing restrictions 'could trigger third wave', NHS bosses warn

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NHS bosses urge 'extreme caution' over moving areas to lower tiers when England's measures are reviewed.

Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, told the BBC: "We're about to hit our busiest time of year so people are really worried that if we relax the restrictions now the NHS simply won't be able to cope with all of the work that it needs to do in late December, January and February."

NHS Providers added that "the evidence of the second wave suggests that unless infection rates fall to a very low level, as they did in London after the first wave, the virus will spread again quickly as soon as restrictions on social contact are relaxed". "Over each of the last five winters, demand for NHS beds has significantly outstripped capacity," it said.


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Two households, RULE OF SIX. Instead of three households which could amount to 18 plus people. Why didn’t the government stick to the well known Rule of Six?

What sort of an expert do you have to be to be able to predict this, an expert in the obvious that’s what. If you let your kids hug they’re grandparents, they’ll be burying them in January.

Well, duh? But it’s either that or we go through christmas being not seeing anyone we love, which would be detrimental to most peoples mental health. There is no win win situation, imo its vitally important to have some normality over xmas, even if it means more deaths in January

NHS stop fucking wineing moan moan moan all the fucking time if it not covid its something else do the job you are paid to do and dry your eyes

Yes it could not stop many syicides or increases in mental health. I need contact with my family

I’m just waiting for the Mexican wave, missed it last time round

There wasn't even a 2nd wave. It was all just pseudo-science with a severely flawed mass PCR testing. Total number of deaths to all causes were at the average for this time of year.

Propoganda machine in action

Have we got over the second wave yet!!!!?

Perhaps it's because the NHS is not fit for purpose. Inept bosses

We,re already in a 3rd wave. It’s spiralling out of control in Wales 😮

Welcome to the Ministry of Misinformation aka Tory Propaganda Mouth Piece....

Can we talk about how people travel between tiers to break restrictions as they think - if I go to london from Manchester, it won’t affect my home lockdown. So I can do whatever I want in another borough. A serious problem I’m seeing across social media. The tiers flaw

3rd 4th 5th ........ just open the fucking wet pubs, came out of second lockdown with worse rules then when we went in, stop taking the piss 😉

brent945 In order for there to be a third wave surely the second wave would have to have gone away. It hasn’t, things are worse than ever!

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We should be trying to get to zero cases not giving up every 5 minutes

The high death rate will mean less people to pay taxes, in turn raising the proportionate amount everyone left will have to pay. Maybe when it’s hitting their pockets big time, they’ll take note, and follow the rules?!

The government have to keeping the lockdowns and restrictions in order to avoid trigger 36th wave 😆 Anyway, the covid will be seasonal and there will be a vaccination campaign every years which can make big pharma more and more rich. That's why the virus was created

I'm still waiting for the first wave amd the second one too. So are all the Drs and nurses.

Who cares what the NHS “bosses” say or think. The NHS is a service, if it can not cope with its 1.2million staff shut it down and replace it with something that works. Or just shut it and give us our lives back, the risk is better than protecting the NHS forever.

Did I miss the second one?

Media doing their job and priming the people for the next lockdown mid/ late January for 6-8 weeks- the final part of the plan to destroy the economy and enact WorldEconomicForum plans for TheGreatReset

Non mask wearers will never visit a test centre, will never get tested or get the app installed, so why do they get the blame for the numbers(cases) going up? 🤔

Blah, blah.....and more blah.

if those at risk of severe health problems or dying have been vaccinated, where is the problem?

No shit Sherlock

Yesterday I spoke to people working in the NHS who are desperately concerned about the impact of relaxing the rules over Christmas. The priority must be to protect the NHS and avoid a devastating third wave.

How can there be a third wave when there hasn't been a second wave?

You dont say...

And the current mass of Christmas shopping isn’t?

All the time offshore paymasters and big businesses at home are giving the Conservative Party their orders, there's no chance of keeping the clamps on.

I expect cases will rise after Christmas. More places in tier 3 doubt they will do a full lockdown as in March. Schools will remain open and only the minority who can work from home will do so.

Whether you believe in waves or not is immaterial - the virus can only be spread by human contact and if you cannot control yourself you will bring about the continual spread - just get a grip of yourselves people!

We know this. Scientists and doctors have been saying this all along. Gov just want to please people over Christmas. More people will die unnecessarily. But hey at least we get to eat turkey together right?!

Winter does cause some or the other respiratory problems in many people mostly kids.Testing for C-19 possibly will go up in UK now...

What about the 4th and 5th wave? That’s what the scientists will be banging on about after we are over the 3rd wave.


Is it fuk there never was a 1st wave never mind a 2nd or 3rd wave 🖕

Hello? Where have they been then?

ABS BBC BS .... what a bunch of bunts !

UK Morons About Spreading It About. Just look in the shops & high streets. No guidance followed. Only wear masks to get in shops. No distancing, bunching together. Now it’s the old & young. Everyone given up. So yes UK and NHS will be in 3rd lockdown with supply chains clogged

JenkinsJacky BorisJohnson

Why is Havering and East London only in tier 2 when covid rates are escalating and spreading rapidly? Tier 3 immediately! BorisJohnson MattHancock

covidChristmas we really need to heed the warnings. It's just one Christmas, show your love of your friends and family by being sensible. And if you value nhs think of the medics who are on the front line.

Judging by the huge increase after the relaxing of the rirst lockdown, the government’s Current easing plus the Xmas relaxation, we are bound to see a third phase, the idiot public will see to that.

No could about it ! 😡

5 days of madness will equate to thousands of unnecessary deaths.

Most people just don’t believe in all this anymore. Sure, people are wearing masks but the roads are as busy as ever and shopping centres are full of people. If the majority believed it was so serious. They would not be out.

Really? Doesn’t take a scientist to work that out!

We're not having a second wave so that is utterly ridiculous.

Oh really


Yes you idiots an imaginary wave.

So what continuous lockdown?That would suit all the civil servants&others who haven’t lost a penny’s income since this farce began.Screw those of us who’ve suffered massively under continued restrictions& lockdown!Ul never be forgiven for fundamentally destroying our way of life!

Mass bullshit scaremongering propaganda from the BBC.

' Exceptions to social distancing rules in England include: Education and Training...' Mass vaccination still not available and intence testing only introduced only after the situation has deteriorated, schools and universities ignored by the government's lack of action.

The Fifth Wave was a great film though

There’s not even been a second wave. Media hysteria based on mass testing with tests that have been proven to be useless! Casedemic!

Sorry to break it to you but that’s exactly what they have done for crimbo...! Good luck..! 👍🏻🎅🎅

Round and round we go. No sooner are restrictions lifted slightly, we’re being herded towards more

We haven’t even had a 2nd wave let alone a 3rd! All we’ve had is delayed cases in areas of the country more lightly hit 1st time round

Any fool who says that for 5 days over xmas you can meet up with 3 extra families and does not expect an increase in cases of covid after, is blind to the understanding of a virus. Keeping with christmas film tradition though, decrease the surplus population

No shit

FakeNews SOB!Please FAUCI & Debra are Bill Gates Ass Kissers!Project_Veritas EricTrump SenJohnKennedy SenJohnBarrasso VicToensing IngrahamAngle DiamondandSilk RealCandaceO

National Covid Service bosses can rot in hell along with the SAGE freaks. This thing finished in April and they know it.

ChrisCEOHopson spreading his non-evidence based bullshit. No hospitals have been close to overwhelmed as a result of symptoms arising directly from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Do what you’re paid for NHS bosses....look after the sick and that includes cancer...the whole world doesn’t have COVID..

How about covering the corruption regarding the lack of tendering out of contacts for PPE. It's time to expose the Tory deals to chums. Contracts that should have been tendered out to NHS contractors

Every one knows a third lockdown is coming!! No matter what we do now,As though it’s a surprise 🤔

Just watched aj fight rediculous 1000 people alound in most of them had their masks off and all getting really close what upsets me ive got a family funeral next week and only 30 people aloud and thats out in the open rules and regs are all backwards

Bit late with this news the public that are awake already knew this a while back all part of the plan !!!

It will you mean BorisJohnson herd immunity plan strikes again

Not even over wave two yet.... It's well and truly still here......

'We want to keep this milking cow going and relaxing restrictions will jeopardise that' - NHS Bosses warn

And I ‘could’ win the lottery.

He has spoken....🎄🎄

Useful from the BBC again 🤔

More pessimistic shite


Can we just stop saying 'waves', admit that Covid is here to say and the NHS to admit it needs to get itself into a state where it is fit for purpose.

I am fed up with having to ‘save’ and ‘protect’ the NHS. It is no longer fit for purpose and is a burden on the taxpayer.

Ya think - daily figures don't lie!!

We're still in the second wave

No shit...

The Government had to relax restrictions over Christmas and try to control it as many would have ignored the restrictions


UK Summary. Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK Last updated on Saturday 12 December 2020 at 3:45pm Deaths within 28 days of positive test. Daily 519 Patients in hospital 16,531 Patients on ventilation 1,275 Cases. People tested positive Daily 21,502 coronavirus COVID19 UK

NHS are gearing up for another wave in Jan/Feb as expected due to a political decision

Fascist never concede power.

No shit Sherlock

If people are sensible they will protect each other and not socialise . As a family we want to be together at Christmas but know the sensible thing to do is to stay in our home bubble . The Indian community couldn’t celebrate Devali and the Jewish community Hanukkah why should we

Even replying to this is boring now


Public Health England: '..1/4 of the .. population studied had high levels of T cells which recognised SARS-CoV-2.. when they joined the study.. about half the people with high levels of T cells in their blood have not had COVID-19..' MartinJudge10


So the Nightingales are also being used then?

I could be wrong; but is it not pointless having a vaccine to prevent you catching it; if you already have it. Surely a 3rd lockdown would be required to slow infect rates so that we get affective treatment; first time. your likely to catch it from toilet seats in pubs than home.

Still waiting for the second wave 🙄

Already know this 🙈🙈

Bore off 👍

Enuff already

Just how long do we have to keep protecting the NHS. 138 billion of tax payers money being put to really good use..

Bristol is in Tier 3 yet going around the city centre today there are no one way systems, no social distancing or anything.

Still waiting for the first wave

NHS managers should not be recommending to shut down industries and put thousands out of work.

Fake news.

NHS BOSSES talk some shit. More doom and gloom merchants

If restrictions reduce covid, then relaxing them will increase it. Basic logic.

Give it a rest. We know they will play with the figures. They will make it look like we have been bad children over Christmas and need to lockdown. We see your game

But going to a football match with up to 3999 other people is ok 🥴

It’s all fake bs we don’t care open the country

This is the biggest bunch of lies, the PCR test is being misused. There is no more flu but now we have covid. Deaths are no higher than average. If covid was so deadly it would be spreading like wildfire in the supermarkets. What global governments and media are doing in sinister

🙄 ugh

It's a 100% certainty

We're already in one in Wales, and if welshgovernment don't act fast / allow Xmas household mixing it could be a disaster. Hospitals are struggling in S Wales now.. I dread to think what the end of December & January will be like

Still waiting for the second wave. We have no excess deaths this year. It's been very average. People need to start using some common sense and ignoring all the SAGE bullshit.

NHS bosses would do well to stop patients catching it in their hospitals for starters!



Well inevitably and unfortunately yes - cases currently in an upward trend + relaxation of restrictions = high probability of a further resurgence. This could be an expensive Christmas with the debt paid by more lives lost to CV19. Just be sensible out there people

So restrictions causing third wave?

Ffs. Please make it stop

regeneron. Dont let them lie. . Prevents hospitalisation 97%. Thats 3 in hospital out if 100 infected.

That's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain. Oh Boris, do you half a brain? I think not.

The biggest statement designed to mislead in recent history is: 'Deaths for any reason within 28 days of a positive test'.

Have any of these restrictions eradicated COVID-19.. all that appears of late is family hardship, financial loss, and utter confusion with the ad hoc approach of this government

Here we go again... more propaganda from the BBC!

One word, bollocks

No shit sherlock, who the fuck would of thought that if you relax the restrictions more people would catch COVID-19!!!

Cancel Xmas Ebeneezer !!

Rocket science.

Blanketing is absolute garbage Drakeford proved it does NOT work. Caerphilly proved to the World that pubs with 11.00pm and 12.00am closing times that the infections went DOWN. However, nightclubs are a different situation. We know Unis & schools need rethinking.

Christmas 2030 a 37th Wave of Covid is on the horizon, if we can just get through onw more Winter we can get back to normal.

Stop with the scare tactics... they are boring now !

Have you seen V for Vendetta (2005)? It's set in the UK in 2020. In the film a tyrannical government (similar to Boris J's) imposes profoundly authoritarian restrictions on people's lives following the outbreak of a virus. It ends in mass civil disobedience.

Blindingly obvious to anyone with a working brain cell.

If they don’t, we will do it anyway then they have the embarrassment of policing it. Ain’t going to happen scientists so forget your latest threats

Like in Sweden? STFU

Dear England! Don’t do it!🇬🇧

Let’s hope people will be responsible, not mix over Christmas period, and safe in own homes. , it up us control this dreadful virus.

Are they pushing to keep the whole country in tier 3 until march? And to think we used to clap them. People could turn against them.

Second ripple more like.

The way the government's going they ll be a lot more waves than we think. So why does the media keep harping on about it. We knowwwwwwww

2nd wave is far from over

If you turned your tv off you wouldn't even know Covid was a thing

Bore off with your fear mongering.

Your stats state 'death by any reason' positioned as a ' covid ' death which is incorrect.

Why is the top headline news story still coronavirus when the real crisis is second, BREXIT !!!

Did we all miss the first and second wave? Hospitals haven't been close to capacity across the whole country. Everyone is going to each other's houses because the pubs & restaurants are under ridiculous restrictions. Reopen the country. Let everyone get back to normality.

Open x'mas just for Gov collect money from people ,third wave is on January . show is continuing

Government propaganda machine.

Cancel the relaxation then. XMAS will be here next year, that is guaranteed.

It is already happening. Nothing to do with christmas relaxation. Too many selfish ignorant idiots just out for themselves right now. Muppets.

They warned of it on day 1 of the news. Where were you?

(Continuation of first wave)

Yes, Boris already told people he’d furlough covid before returning it to full time work post Xmas

Then why the eck are they suggesting the Christmas get togethers?

How the hell are people catching flu if they’re all masked up, distanced and not seeing anybody? They don’t half talk some pessimistic shit.

Already planning it then aren't you. Won't be happy until we are all living under hedges and everything is shut

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