Cost of living: Rishi Sunak says government's response to cost of living pressures will 'evolve' - but announces no immediate measures in CBI speech

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Rishi Sunak has said the government's response to the cost of living crisis will 'evolve' as the situation does - but failed to outline any immediate action

Mr Sunak continued:"Our role in government is to help cut costs for families. I cannot pretend this will be easy.

"I have always been clear, we stand ready to do more. At the same time, we need to be careful," he said.The chancellor continued:"So, even as we protect people from the worst of the crisis, we must continue to be responsible with the public finances and get borrowing sustainably under control and debt falling."


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HE DOESNT CARE!! People are going to die and HE DOESNT CARE. His priority is big business, grease the wheels of corporate Britain and fuck the people. As long as the donors and share holders make money he feels he’s doing a good job.

From a man who raised taxes, reintroduced Vat on PPE during a pandemic & introduced an environmental charge on essential gases, doubling the costs of it to hospitals & businesses, also getting all of that extra revenue from vat on petrol. Meanwhile we eat fresh air ToryBritain

Has his wife paid taxes yet? May help the country abit.

Trolley will wait for the bandwagon, then jump in front and say 'follow me'?

SunaksRussianRubles ConservativeRussianBrexit ConservativeRussianAssets ConservativeRussianTraitors Conservatives ARE SCUM

So reading all the comments I still don’t see any solutions or ideas. If we the uk, just throw money at it, as labour would do, then we would once again, as before under labour become virtually bankrupt. Does it make the situation easier. Of course it doesn’t. He’s being prudent

Nothing evolves into nothing.

Once the expenses for lock down are paid Criminals

They don’t have any ideas. Because most solutions are anathema to their extreme laissez-faire ideology.

'Eat out to help out plan' helped business turnover. Why can't a supermarket voucher scheme be announced, especially for pensioners, universal credit, disabled, who are most at risk from food poverty.

I mean, we wouldn't want the Tories to actually be proactive to relieve the stress on millions of people now, would we?

so he still hasn't done anything

How can you labour say anything I’ve been asking for month where you lot would get the money from for all your false promises but no answer so why not shout full up

Not my work (for once) but perfectly sums up the man.

We have to learn from this we relied on Russia for gas etc we put to much into China because its cheap we have to invest in home made products so China doesn't hold us to ransom like putin is trying with fossil fuels

I.e. They'll line their own nests for as long as they can and then whip out a bribe for votes just before the general election.

Ridiculous, inept, corrupt, negligent and as always, making sure the rich stay rich and the poor suffer.

Absolutely out of his depth and out of ideas.

'Rishi Sunak has said the government's response to the cost of living crisis will 'evolve' as the situation does ' Does he think this ridiculous attitude will wash as this cost of living crisis bites deeply NOW for thousands across the country?

As prices rise VAT payments rise. I wonder what Sunak could do to reduce prices …. 20% of a bigger price means 20% of more!

I used to like Sunak. It’s now clear he’s one of the worst. How one person can have so much control over our lives is staggering.


RishiSunakOUT OutOfTouch ToryCostOfLivingCrisis ToriesUnfitToGovern Conservatives

Just waiting for all the poor to starve or freeze to death and it will all sort itself out

Basically what he's trying to say is i haven't got a clue what to do,

‘He failed to outline any immediate action’ is that because they havnt got a plan? Because they don’t care?


Basically f’k all then… Considering a) they caused it…Scamdemic, lockdowns, furlough, list goes on b) they continue to spaff money away abroad incl fake wars c) shite green taxes no one voted for…. d) they’ll continue to do so, cos thick ppl keep going along with it all!

This government’s slogan for the CostOfLivingCrisis WORK MORE - EAT LESS - STAY HOME I think that sums up the idea of help from them

Can't wait for general elections to get you toris OUT!

Well get 4 word slogans instead of 3, evolving...

Bit difficult as it's GLOBAL...

BorisJohnson RishiSunak they either don't know what to do or more likely don't give a shit about people who can't feed families or afford gas and electricity. Cost of living group not met for 6 months.

I call bullshit he's gonna do nothing neither is the goverment they proved that by voting no to tax on fuel companies .all the lot will be gone at the next election for certain they've nailed there coffin firmly shut

Evil not evolve. There only interested in thereselves why people even vote for them beggars belief

Geez. I was only holding out for $2.50.

Não desprezem o chamado do Senhor nesse dia de hoje Arrependam.

What he means is “we’re protecting our billionaire mates”

Best keep his powder dry ahead of winter when people will really need assistance.

It will ‘evolve’ aka doing sweet fa

code for 'we'll think of some ideas later'?

O tempo acabou o Messias está vindo arrependam-se recebam Jesus, os Profetas que prepara o caminho já estão na terra.

Is he Kidding!!! Will evolve? WTF does he think will evolve? It’s already “EVOLVED” what is he waiting for people to die, the homeless numbers going up due to evictions,people starving, people being taken to debt courts because they can’t pay their bills?

Totally clueless Sunak. Mega wealthy and totally out of touch.

Immediate action is what's required, not more procrastination

Didn’t he just finish his speech with “Get to work”. As if most people aren’t already working. Your either very rich or very stupid to vote Tory. Check your bank account for answers. Facts

Makes perfect sense. Do absolutely nothing immediately, kill off the chaff, and those left are the better people. I’ve been a conservative voter but I’m ashamed. ACTION NOW RishiSunak , not for me or you but our fellow man! You’re like a sketch from Life of Brian! ACT NOW!!!!

Basically its going to get way worse, so there's no point wasting tricks early.

He has to go a law breaking chancellor who is way out his depth can’t count useless and frenzying on the taxpayers lucrative gravy train he has the uk an utter embarrassment basket case ffs

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