Children 'robbed of childhood' as families housed in converted shipping containers and offices

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'This is a place for animals - not for human beings.' Lulu Akubaker tells Sky News the converted shipping container she lives in is not fit for her family. She was offered it as temporary accommodation by the local council. More here:

She said:"When I got the phone call, he said, 'oh, we have a flat for you'."When they tell you, they make it out like it's a flat or a house, but no, it's a shipping container."Ms Tertullien, who had to move out of her family home because of overcrowding, is now living in one of the 34 containers, which have been stacked up and clad with wood to resemble a housing estate.

She said the lack of circulation means the containers are prone to overheating, and that leads to condensation dripping from the ceiling. Someone else - who had been in the Calais"jungle" in France - cried when she arrived at her new home. Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said homelessness was"robbing... children of a decent childhood".

"We constantly hear from struggling families forced to accept unsuitable, and sometimes downright dangerous accommodation because they have nowhere else to go.In 2018, 23,000 families were put in temporary accommodation outside their home council area, having a"deeply disruptive impact".

"It is a scandal that a country as prosperous as ours is leaving tens of thousands of families in temporary accommodation for long periods of time, or to sofa surf.


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Dear Lulu 1) nobody asked you to come to Europe 2) find a job - earn your own living 3) if you want more, pay for it 4) your kids are not kids of European taxpayers 5) container is the best home you can get on EU taxpayers money 6) not happy ? - go home! Thx to JozeBiscak

Let's face if it was in a war torn country, you'd be safe in one of them.

She's saying three of the four kids in one room showing a bed on the floor, whose using the bunks that are shown in background

Bet there are more than a few people living on the streets including a few service veterans would bite your hand off for one of these. Only like the prefabs that were built after the last war, and people loved them. At least she's not in a one room bed sit with 4 kids. Get a grip

WTF... this is perfectly fine and she should be grateful for what she can get. Her area is in a housing crisis! This entitled little princess is calling it a prison?!?!

Much better living conditions than being homeless.

The entitlement! The entitlement!

Lucky her to get anything! It’s time to say no more illegal immigrants! One thing is for sure, its a lot better than where she comes from! Another gravy train feature, pay for their air fare’s home! Our country is being overtaken by them and with them comes crime !

Such a shame, please feel free to bugger off.

I have a thought .... if she really dislikes it that much why doesn’t she (& Family) go back? Is this worse that what they’ve come from?

Ungrateful cow. If you don't like it.....


It looks like what a 'trailer home' would👊 just ANOTHER UNGRATEFUL UNAMERICAN😡Would she rather be in the STREETS or A TENT?!🙄 Didn't look bad conditions to me, BEGGERS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS👊👊

Should feel quite at home then !!


No sympathy

I would like to see the homes these immigrants have come from, so we can compare them & get the real picture.& if the homes prove to be better, they can always sod off back there with there. And see how much Benefits they get.

yes, they should return to their own homes and make those places better for all people.

Be grateful you have a roof,a front door and windows to shelter you from the outside when so many are living on the streets. You could always get a job and rent a place if you hate it so much? You don’t deserve everything handed on a plate!

She should think herself lucky her place is better than mine and I'm born and bred Englishman. More to the point I'm an embarrassed Englishman, we open up to all only to be slagged off, perhaps we should put our own homeless people in those homes first.

Ask your owner to spent some off his cash to build them homes

Ungrateful woman! Once inside, you can't tell it's converted containers and it's no different to the prefab houses after the war. I'm sure there are plenty of others who would appreciate such accommodation.

She will get what she wants no doubt.

Well! Why doesn’t she go back to Abu Baker Land?

Where can I buy one of these? It's EXACTLY what I've been looking for! Oh, wait. What? She says it's not good enough for her and her family? And she got it for FREE?! And free food, TOO?! A perfect example of the lack of respect for a better life by those seeking 'asylum.'

Think yourself lucky its better than nothing and not having anything

Not happy - 👋

Laughably entitled. If she doesn't like it, she has the freedom to leave. There are plenty of natural-born British people who would be very grateful.

If you gave this to a homeless person with running water heating and gas they would probably break down and cry for been so grateful

This 💩, is why I cancelled all my Sky subscriptions !

Demands demands about right for us silly bastards

How is she not grateful?! There are 1000s of people in both US and UK that live on the streets and have NOTHING! Veterans left to suffer and die on the streets, yet hijab-wearing welfare Barbie is arrogant enough to complain about the roof GIVEN TO HER! Disgusting...

Tax payer funded accomodation. Torture.


Fcuk off

I'm sure the mother of the sick 3 year old who had to live in a rat infested flat because the council didn't have anywhere else to house them would have snapped her hand off for this!!! She could always have turned it down and lived on the streets or gone home.....

emeralds3 She has received more then some British people receive, even some of our soldiers end up on the street. But I also have some sympathy, after all, she came all the way to Britain expecting a free house and all the benefits that one could possibly ask for, my heart bleeds for her.

Dear Lulu, feel free to go elsewhere, you don’t have to stay here. There are many many other countries you and your brood can go to. There are many many ex servicemen forced to live on the streets who would take your place. Talk about ungrateful 😡

Well it’s a lot better than where our ex veterans are sleeping


There’s a little saying we have here in the UK ... ‘Beggars can’t be choosers’.

A converted shipping container isn’t anyone’s idea of a perfect home but to say it’s mental torture to live there comes across as an exaggeration and ungrateful.

Its not for animals either, i wouldn't let my cat live here

Be grateful you’re not on the streets 🤷🏼‍♀️

I know people WORKING renting a room for a extortionate amount that would give there right arm for a place like that. By the looks of it with these comments if it’s sympathy your after then you come to the wrong place sister. Stop moaning ffs

Sorry, but they are lucky to have the govt handout. They are free to go out and make a living if they want better.

Is she homeless? No. Is she paying anything for this TEMPORARY accommodation? No. She should be grateful for those things and spend her time finding a solution to her real problem; having too many children without the means to care for them.

Looks far better than my student flat....

So guessing this accommodation is free, electricity and water free, kids education free, hospital treatment free, food and clothing banks free, and in the end you chose to come here, so shut up please.

Wait what? I thought shipping container tiny houses were all the rage right now

She expected a chalet....

You have an address, with that you can get a job, with that you can upgrade. You’re welcome.

Words fail me.

This is Ealing conciliatory email I suggest anybody as discussed as I am send them a quick email

I suggest you leave the UK ASAP 👍

Get a job.

It's better than living on the streets like half a million Americans ungrateful!

Well go get an unfurnished shipping container and I’m we could club together to ship you off somewhere better

Dear you didn't get one positive comment from running this yesterday. Why do it again? Why not go out & interview the homeless & see what they think of the 'prison'?

In the 60s, my family lived in a corrugated iron Nisson hut. Four boys under the age of 10 were in one bunk bed, my sister slept on a mattress on the floor with my parents. We endured an Australian summer and winter with no heating or airconditioning. Our family was grateful.

Lived in several when deployed. They are better than fit for animals. What an ingrate. N O T H I N G Will please this mindset and it should not be coddled. Maybe time to go back to the better accommodations she had prior.

No matter how basic, it's better than the streets. Ms Akubaker & co. - Show just a little gratitude for your handouts funded by hard working UK taxpayers. and perhaps you might get some sympathy. Focus on your children and what you *do* have, not on what you don't.

Be greatful for what you have. Many people especially men are living on the streets with out a pot to piss in and would love one of this so they could have a fresh start in life.

Meanwhile the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed, thousands are homeless in the UK, our veterans are treated as outcasts and people are living off food banks and sky news you focus on this a woman who actually has a roof over her head .... !!!

Go back home

So they gave you a roof over your head for FREE and still you complain? Deport them.

Offer them to people that are born here and have fallen on hard times ... I doubt very much they would complain.... unlike the benefit spongers .... I thought America was the land of the free ...

Let her ass go live on the streets.

Not happy go back a lot of homeless people in this country would be very gratful

Keeps having children 🙄

Stop having kids if you can’t support them- it’s child abuse

Listen people, all of you who have commented here and those about to comment. I'm a Muslim and what Lulu Akubaker says is not a character of a Muslim believer. So get Islam and Muslims out of it. Lulu Akubaker is simply ungrateful person who expected to be given heaven instead.

Isn't that the lady on ITV news who had her face hidden while interviewed?

There are people here who live on the streets and would love somewhere dry to sleep. A container obviously wasn’t in the brochure when the lady decided to travel from wherever she came from and with us picking up the tab for her and her kids from now on

If she doesn’t like it, turf her out and give it to one of the homeless on our streets. I’m sure they’d appreciate much more!

You have a human right as defined by the UN to an adequate standard of living, we dont measure whats adequate by the lowest common denominator

Then go back to where you came from?

She is a very lucky lady. I’m interested to know what she pays for this well located little flat?

I’m sure a homeless person could have it.

Beggers can't be choosers.

She should be grateful for what’s she’s got, there’s plenty of ex servicemen that have a lot less. Bet she’s not working and claiming as much benefit as possible too.

What do these people expect? Its not hidden by the british people that were overcrowded that property is scarce!We struggle housing our homeless let alone anyone else! skynews try reporting the british peoples housing woes then the rest of the world wont migrate here to live!

Give her a shed in a field, why do I pay income tax.

This has got to be the most ungrateful woman that I’ve ever seen. What a disgusting attitude, many many people would be happy to have a free, furnished home like that.

I find this unbelievable she just came to this country and many come here thinking that everything is free, you get a nice house and you don't have to work, they think that this is heaven, well hello you have to work here to get stuff and be thankful for what you have. Ungrateful

Can sky supply data on the immigration status of these people ? Our own people are homeless . We don’t need any more migrants . Deport those who have no valid case to remain FFS before we all sink

Ungrateful she is

Very ungrateful pass through multiple safe countries to come to are great land only to moan & say I want more!! Surly this has to be better than where they have come from🤷🏻‍♂️

I'm guessing she's turned down several offers of reasonable accommodation until she's offered a free six bedroom home with offroad parking, ensuite and a nanny service she feels she has a right to.

Ungrateful woman should go home if not good enough and take her 5 kids with her.

Yes, making immigrants live in homes made from shipping containers is so dehumanising. Someone tell Grand Designs...

Sure a homeless person would swap

Where the fuck’s Lily Allen when you need her? 😜😜

Wheres that line between ungratefulness and 'entitlement'? I'm really struggling to know these days.

Go back to your own country if it’s that bad over here. Stop sponging off us. What about our Britisb homeless that live on the street. You are ungrateful.

Better than being homeless

Mieux que les bidonvilles de Paris !

This container is definitely suitable for a single person, or even couple with one child but not for a mother of 18yo son with severe autism and 3 other children. We don't know why she's homeless so not fair to judge no of children. Many families with children become homeless!

Perfect example of a foreigner who needs to fuck off bck to there own country and may she could remind us of the mansion she lived in there!!!

Miss Akubaker. This was my accommodation in Afghanistan. 16 of us in a flooded tent. No whinging or moaning, we just got on with the task at hand. Be grateful for what you’ve got. I’m pretty sure it’s a vast improvement on where you’ve just came from.

Animals are far better than humans.

You ain’t getting any sympathy love. Where’s the dad? Why have so many kids if you can’t afford them? Wake up

can you possibly ask her or her husband what she has contributed to this country?

Did she pay for any of it? I guess not so I’m not entirely she’s got much to complain about if her only worry is the aesthetic.

I hate bait news clips that are insufficient to know what’s going on. How big is container (or as we call it in US “tiny house”)? How long until better housing avail? Is it furnished? Are there others nearby? What about local schools, shops: are they good?

Sadly the hardliners will mostly likely focus on the fact that she is a Muslim woman with a foreign accent rather than the dire situation and blame immigration. If it were a white person they would blame the likes of this woman. That’s the political climate we live in today.

If she is not happy here, she should go home to her own country,

How ungrateful !! There’s many veterans on the streets that would appreciate something like this ...

It is more than our own homeless have especially veterans

Be grateful we had worse growing up. Yes doesn't look fab from the outside but it's accommodation which millions in the UK don't have.

Sky news floogging this story to death as usual

It’s a shipping container lock her in it and ship it back to where ever she came from

Dear Sky , The lady was Targeted by Sky Reporters to highlight how ungrateful immigrants are in The UK. Its sad when Media twist words and cook questions to suit their narrative. To my Immigrants community Boycott skynews and its racist ideology. switch .

Did she pay into our tax system for min 5 years? This is the image of GREATBritain gives to all overseas wanting what she has been given for free !!! Stop this nonsense !!!

She had a roof over her head. More than can be said for some. Whilst may be not suitable for her, if there is a housing crisis then its possibly the best solution at this time?

Absolutely disgusting ungrateful attitude. We have service men who sacrificed so much for this country, yet they’re living on the streets. No roof over their head. No water. Freezing cold. No food and due to being on streets, NO benefits. They don’t complain this way.

She’s absolutely right. A rich country with the worlds 5th largest economy treating its citizens like this is shameful !!

Gammons will be exploding at this! 🤷🏽‍♀️

She and her family might get a nicer property if they move out of west London. As it is, I would be happy to live there!

Move out then? Get some army vets in there instead. Next.

This is wrong. I mean Entitlement is wrong

Feel free to find superior free accommodation of your own volition

You obviously must of come from better accommodation, just return to that. Turn the light off and close the door when you leave.

I don’t understand what the problem is. It’s temporary accommodation that presumably is being paid for by other people and it doesn’t look unsafe, just basic. If you don’t like where you live then rent a more expensive and better place provided you’re able to.

Get an f'ing job and find a better place

People are literally homeless and this chick complaining that the free house she has isn't big enough.

Is this America? You pay your own way in America.

I’m sorry your free stuff isn’t good enough free stuff 😢

I'm sorry but no one deserves the right to a house. Unless you work for it. If you are offered free accommodation you should be grateful. Mind you I do wonder if it's the media stirring the shite. The people I meet in temp accommodation are usually thankful.

Disgusting that they even give her the time of day

Go back home then

Cernovich Move them to a cheaper part of the country with lots of free housing. The ‘crisis’ is mainly in the south, lots of empty property north.

Some people would be grateful to be warm, dry and safe. Others expect a free house that they never have to pay for. Personally, if I had no options, I'd live in a container. But I work and pay my way

not how it looked in the brochure

All houses are literal human containers. Maybe you should go back to where you came from if things are so bad?

There is a housing crisis in this country because of immigrants like her which is why these cabins exist, but if she’s unhappy and “she lived in a 'normal house' in Eritrea and Sudan.” Then go back to where she came and stop demanding more freebies.

The homeless would love to live there. She can live on the street instead

She should go back to the desert lmao 😂😂😂😂😂

why is this foreigner even here she should be kicked out to make space for our people.

I recon you'd pay about £300.000 for a space like that in Ealing ,pretty sure that someone else might like it ,if she doesn't. I don't know her circumstances,it must be worse than where she has travelled from ..........😁

Free home and still you complain? If you aren’t happy do us all a favour and go back to where ever you came from.

We don’t have a housing crisis. We have an immigration crisis.

Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn.

You are animals


She went on to say 'Its not good enough ..before I came here I read people get 5 bedroom houses'

I’m curious what her house looked like from the country she fled.

Go back to where you come I bet we have some native homeless people who love to live there

I believe the appropriate phrase here is 'beggars can't be choosy.' Perhaps she'd like tickets for her and her brood to go home?

Then go the hell home. 🙄

I was left without a roof over my head and was told I could sleep in my car so tell Lulu she can do one.

Go get a Teant a couple of them if you don't like living inside somewhere ! I know some disabled people that would love to have a place to live right now ♿

She can't work but she has her lipstick on. Priorities

They need to leave or be executed no other option

😤my free housing so bad😤

Cernovich Then go to work, make money, get a better place. Do NOT expect it to be handed to you...for the love...

In America, we call these “modern homes”

You have an address now start building up what's a foundation with out the ability to fall on to the complaint. A home is what you make of it and if you watch TV then... It's not what you have but what you make out of what your given by chance.

Be greatful.

Well sky. I guess you know now what a crap story this is. You have just shown how ungrateful immigrants are coming to the UK and expect everything given to them on a silver platter. People like this is what cause friction in society's. If they dont like it, maybe send them home

Another ungrateful 'refugee', she should go back to her country, since the living conditions are soo better back home. *eye roll*

Them are the fkers that give foreigners a bad name. Piss off where you came from, if it's not good enough.


And yer British children under 13 are living in every city street throughout the United Kingdom. They should be privileged they have more room than me. Just goes to show you what television these migrants are educating themselves off!

The reason this woman is homeless is her attitude. She believes the world owes her everything.

Cernovich Did Ms Abubaker say that the container she’s been living in is a storage? The irony. 😂 It may be a container for the rich Cargo but it’s a home to many Europeans. Those containers are the best things since sliced bread. Very economic. Low utility bills, etc. Europeans love it.

When you read ALL these comments it makes you understand why we voted to get out off Europe 👏👏👏

Fuck off m, my appartment is not mutch bigger than this, its not like they locked inside 6 months a years like in Canada cause of the weather, so ungratful its unbelievable...

Cernovich She sounds very ungrateful

How ungrateful, send her back.

Stop breeding, get a job & start contributing to society.

Entitled spoiled brat.

Mussali wants a house in Hamptons for free

I guess beggars can be choosers while on someone else’s dime. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I am literally sponsoring a family here in the States, that have a severely disabled child. No gov’t help, they were out on the streets after fleeing California. CA state makes the medical decisions for parents whose children are disabled. They would adore this flat.

How dare this Muslim woman demand anything from a country that saved her?! Of course if she is a real refugee. But she is not. Real refugees are happy to be out of danger. They are grateful to America for accepting them, giving them shelter, food, medicine, education. GO BACK!

There's people paying 1k a month to live in garages in Orange county. This women is ungrateful.

Strange, lots of people are converting shipping containers into homes... because they want to.

Go back to where you came from

Cernovich Hmmmm...... as I understand there are thousands of pensioners who are barely making it in less. Be grateful, you embarrass yourself.

I think she’s doing fine considering she’s wearing an Adidas Jacket that can cost from $45-$75. May be a small space but at least she has welfare money to live off of and buy fancy things.

There is an old adage, “Beggars can’t be choosers”. Why not go back to where she came from, if she feels she and her kids are treated like animals?


so ungrateful: she's not paying a penny for it i assume

How ungrateful, she could be totally homeless or in a tent!

“..Because human beings deserve to be in a home” - if you work for it, yes. It’s not a damn entitlement, particularly not when you move to a foreign country. And why have a gaggle of children if you can’t afford to feed them ?

Better than being on the streets. Shelter from weather, security for family. Maybe it isn't the best ,but it isn't the worse .

Then pay your dues like the rest of the citizens in the country, and you won’t depend on the government to put you in “containers” like this. Don’t rely on government to give you a poshier home.

Cernovich One could always use their brain to find a job and earn some money and upgrade from their adequate, although less than desirable cost-free shelter.

She doesn't even sound British. Where's the Husband & Father of her Children?! So she considers Animals of less worth than Human beings. She should be thankful for what she gets as many people are living homeless in the UK.

What about in your country?

My people in the Appalachia, many of them, have converted old wooden shacks to home and have outhouses and wood-fired stoves, drinking well water. This desert troll has luxury handed to her and still complains. Why do we bother? Is this that strength we hear so much about

Tell lulu to go back home and be free. And get a job, leech.

Go back

Cernovich Looked pretty good to me. You got veterans living on the streets that would LOVE to be put up in a shipping container. Just sayin.

I don't have a house so I will be happy if I have a house like that. With 4 children, what she expects for?


Cernovich Let her sleep in her car(if she has one) or under a bridge or in the subway. Many homeless families are doing that. I'd love to live in a container home

She calls it a prison, yet she's not locked in.

Much better than how my grandma grew up, and come to think of it, my dad too. He shared a 2bdrm house with his parents, four brothers and a sister. One bathroom. His dad built that house brick by brick during the depression. This whinging shouldn't make me mad but it does.


What lmao

So f*king work and buy one. WTF is wrong with these free loaders.

This thing got ratioed all over. The question Sky should have asked is how did she end up there in the first place in order to provide context.

Cernovich I’m sure the grass thatched mud huts from your home country are of much higher quality.

Cernovich She can go back to the Middle East if living conditions are so poor.

Nice, if I'm a refugee from America do I get one of those for free too?

Go home.

They’re only as bad as you treat them... and looking at the state of her’s... It could use a clean.

Cernovich Still there are thousands of kids on the streets even do not hv cabins like this...

It is not a prison, if you are free to leave.

These entitlement is a foreign concept to third world country, you keep asking these immigrants to assimilate, now she choose to become a progressive. Maybe the problem is the progressive that turns hard working immigrants into whiners.

Cernovich Why does she expect to get a decent housing for free? Ok what planet is she landed?

Such sense of entitlement!

Can't sympathize for a reason. Hmmm... I wonder why.

“She even said it was worse than when she lived in a 'normal house' in Eritrea and Sudan.” Then stop asking the government to give you housing and go back to Eritrea and Sudan.

Having been an injured disabled veteran and homeless person I have zero sympathy for her. Tell her to go home. I’m looking at a container to be a home. If I can afford it because no one gives us anything.

thats nicer then my house stfu

Cernovich She's better off than homeless people.

Cernovich Meanwhile, in real life...

Cernovich Why western civilization is finished, reason 335

That place is nicer than the best places in the shithole country she came from. It's better than where the thousands of actual citizens who are homeless have. Maybe she should get a frickin job and stop complaining about the free shit not being good enough.

Cernovich send her back to where she came from

Maybe the native people should pay more tax’s so immigrants can live in a 3 story town house, within walking distance to schools & shops & don’t forget to give them lots of free “money” These people should & will never be thankful to the country that helps them. PS, I’m sarcastic

Then quit whining and go home.

Cernovich There is a multitude of people that would be thrilled to live there you ungrateful c***.


Cernovich Ungrateful breeder

Lol that looks super nice

What arrogant, self-entitled greed from this woman. Why on earth would anyone feel obligated to placate such an ungracious jerk? I can only imagine it’s white-guilted lefties still falling for this nonsense.

Better then a camp

Cernovich This is some colossal entitlement. Why is she expecting so much? I really want to know. She is outraged! Why so ungrateful? Someone has been sold a pack of lies.

Cernovich I've seen some of these created and they were amazing and unique. Well she could appreciate having a roof over her head, and if it's free be grateful. Work and find another place then. I'm not sure that occurs to her.

Cernovich A fee home vs the street and she is complaining!!!? Don't work, don't eat!

Cernovich Go back to where you came from!

Cernovich She should move back to her tent and resume her nomadic life.

Cernovich Are we really meant to feel sorry for an illegal immigrant with buyers remorse?

Cernovich So tell me, who owes her more?

Cernovich These animals have some nerve to complain

Cernovich They behave like grumpy tourists! Go back if things here are so bad and not up to your standards. Please! Leave..

Then go back home

If you are displeased with the house the government gives your own house. Snowflake.

Cernovich How does the street sound?

Cernovich You know what's wrong? Expecting other people to pay for your living arrangements and then complain that they don't live up to your standards.

Go and earn a living like the rest of us then. We’re not your slaves to pay the tax to give you a living if a queen.

Ladies like this, well - they have to go back. Ungrateful. Entitled. She should see the sleeping quarters and living conditions of those in volunteer armed services.

Can we ensure cornwall councils give planning permission for some 'tainer villages . With a little bit of thought we can create some vertical gardens & be totally water & energy independant Oh it might reduce the value of some holiday homes... But tough shit .

Send her back.

What is she paying for this?

Actually container homes are kind of a thing in the US for us cash strapped folks.😄

first u should thanks the taxpayers for paying ur housing bcz this place better than living in a tent in 2nd if u don’t like it then shake ur ASS & get a job make money to live as u wish but these migrants act with effrontery bcz they feel they r entitled!

Head back to your former fabulous lifestyle.

The word 'Ungrateful' comes to mind... I lived in a hastily built shelter on the back of a Ford for nearly two years while I saved for another caravan. I had room for a mattress and a few personal belongings. Compared to that, the'storage box' looks like a sodding palace!

Thousands of workers live in this kind of accommodation worldwide. Nothing to see here, move on

It’s shocking that someone is complaining about the FREE housing they are given

No complaining here. I’d take it!!

MicroGMarshal We lived in those containers in Iraq.

Game has just begun. Wait till they group together and start fighting against the govt for 'freedom' or 'Azadi'

What makes you think you deserve to be ahead of the 250,000 plus homeless people in the London area. No one demanded that you go to the UK or that you stay there. I have lived in way worse lady. Way way way worse. Be grateful.

I’m not surprised by the sentiment based solely on aesthetic demographics alone.

Free roof over her head and the useless twat who contributes nothing and earns nothing is complaining her FREE HOUSE isn't good enough. The absolute height of entitlement.

Find another refuge then. The comments clearly show the people here are not willing to offer you anything better. You're a refugee not a princess.

Says a woman who more than likely comes from a country where they live in mud houses or homes like they have in Rio in the poor sectors

OK!!, get out and give it over to homeless people sleeping on the streets who will appreciate it a lot more. You could try accommodation in Northern Syria. Pissweak Council giving in. 🤬

If she’s not happy she can go out to work, earn some money and rent a home to her standard or she can just return to the country she came from as it was obviously so much better 🙄

They know its a sham, that's why they have to play that dramatic music.

... Her apartment is larger than mine... That I pay 400$ a month for, and I dont even have a balcony. I also live out in nowhere with a hour long bus drive to a city. Talk about entitlement. Holy fuck.

It looks like a trailer. 🤷‍♀️ what's the problem? 3 kids in sharing a room is not an uncommon arrangement for a lot of families. My babies slept in the room with me as well. So long as it is clean & in good working order I don't think she has much to complain about.

Lulu Allahu Akbar should be glad the Brits aren't shipping her out of the country in that thing.

I despair

Un freaking believable 🙄

Fine. Let her swap places with any random homeless war vets living on the streets of LA Skid Row or SF Tenderloin

😮 Wow, bite the hand that feeds you , you could always , you know go back to a more comfortable location / country ? You choice , you decision to have a child and raise it knowing your circumstances. And btw , tou have a roof over your head , it’s warm , water and toilets .

You need to earn yourself freeloaders. Begging should have some limits and shame.

She’s pissed she’s not getting the 4-bedroom free house, let her sleep out on the street like many UK Veteran’s have to do 😡😡😡 FO

Would she prefer the alternative?


My daughter was homeless in London for 12 months she slept on mates spare beds, settees and floors. If she had been offered a container like that one she would have been delighted

Your more than welcome to return to your home country as you don’t seem happy here. Maybe have a better house in your original home country ?

Why would you move to a country and not have accommodation in place. I can’t just move to a country and expect their taxpayers to house me surely?

Shipping Container Homes = Hip Trend for the homeless & young people.She appears to have made next to zero effort to make it better. I’ve lived in grottier bedsits / studios & made them look great on a budget. somepeoplewillneverbesatisfied quitmoaning putinsomeeffort !

When you can’t or won’t provide for yourself/family it seems deeply disgusting to disparage those that do it for you. It’s vulgar & rude to expect another country & the population there to support you while you💩on them with such contempt. Perhaps this woman should go back home?

Sorry sweetie... Go back home and you won't have this problem of having a roof over your head... Beats being on the streets any day of the week!!!!

Get a job and pay for your own housing and food.

What do you expect, a damn mansion

Give her a fucking cardboard box and a kick in the ass and let someone live there thayd appreciate it

She should run for Congress in Michigan, Minnesota, or Brooklyn.

To be fair, it doesn't even look that bad...

Work hard, find a better place.

Perfect example of being “ungrateful”. Then maybe she should stop producing children and get her a$$ to work!

She has housing. How many Brits don't?

Four kids. No sign of a husband. I’m guessing she expects us workers to pay for her to have a four bedroom house ?

Well how much is her rent payment?

Feel free to to leave st any time.

Ungrateful cow, Jesus Christ you’ve got a roof over your head and you know your kids will be warm and dry, you can’t expect to get a house off the state you’ve got somewhere to stay so stop being so ungrateful plenty of homeless people would kill for your opportunity.

Didn't stop her buying make up and lipstick. I now treat Sly News as I do the BBC, nothing but propaganda that should be ignored.

What does she want a 4 bedroom house? Looks better than my apt.

Fake news

She is not entitled to anything. She is a charity case. Ask not what your host country can do for you. Ask instead what you can do for it......

So? Go buy something if you don’t like a home that’s GIVEN to you?

She’s with her kids who look happy and healthy. They’re safe, and probably warm in bed at night.

Shame on you for giving such an ungrateful person a voice with 1000s of citizens homeless

As unpopular as this is going to be if the living conditions were better where you were ... perhaps its time to go back.

I don't know if she should feel happy she has a place to live rather than being homeless or feel like she hasn't got what she believes is fit for her and her kids... I'm also struggling to understand why you have 4 kids if you can't afford rent? Maybe I just don't get it?!?!

i think its good!!! its safe. its free (i am guessing) what more do you want?

This is a place for animals? Idk about UK but where i live, these are okay for eastern european construction workers. Calling them 'animals'... uhhh okay damn.

Oh well, poor woman, 🙄If she don’t like it she knows what to do.... there’s homeless people who would love to be in her position ...

Well.. get use to it, I see this as the future for this overcrowded country!!

Imagine having the shear audacity to invade another country, demand they feed-house you and your 4 kids and then complain and throw a fit when they do. Absolute insanity. Plenty of working locals that would love all those freebies and not ever think to complain to a “journalist”

It's not quite the London Mansion that Somali immigrant got to live in a few yrs back but I'm sure it'll grow on them - eventually - thems the breaks eh

If it is so awful who do they continue to invade other countries?

Don’t have 4 kids you can’t look after It’s that f~cking simple

Why not booking the Ritz? For sure they have few free rooms.

Send that THING back to the crap hole country it crawled out of to begin with.

Gimme gimme

Nice outlook tho!!

Agree. So damaging for families and children. Should not be happening.

American millennials love these 'Tiny Homes'

I want, I want, I want.

I bet some of our homeless Vets would welcome a container home. She could actually make it look more home like. There was a time in my life I would have jumped over hurdles to have.


If you need a lift to Dover I can help you out !

Ungrateful scum

It seems personal responsibility & responsibility for bringing up your kids is not a thing anymore.🤔 If someone chooses to make the state their provider (traditional the role of the husband) then they have to take what they're given. Where is the father anyway?

Instead of being grateful for the things people have given to her and and actually trying to do something for herself, she'd rather complain and demand that people give her more!

What gives her the right to expect!? She should be grateful

Ship them out to Alaska plenty room for them out there

Why have 4 kids then ffs

Come be in a refugee tent in Syria some people are never happy.

Better than a tent in a war torn country though no?

If you don't like it find a shop doorway.

I am FURIOUS reading this! If I was homeless with my children I would be so bloody happy just to have a roof over our heads! Clean, dry and safe.


She should try shop doorways, like our ex service men have to live in.

Try being a single white mid thirties male, you don't even get offer a container!!!!

Ship her and the container back to where she came from. 👍

This woman is obviously not a British citizen. She has a roof over her head, and I'm sure the taxpayers are funding food as well. Maybe she should go back where she came from if what is provided doesn't meet her expectations.

I would not ask her how it compares to the conditions she previously endured. I wouldn’t.

Astonishing ..more more more. .not happy unless they're hating the country. Where is the bloke .. probably with the other three wives

Off to Camp Calais then 😂😂😂

Beggars can’t be choosers I’m afraid.

Where is the father to the children why is he not paying for a house?

If you dont like it, get back on the boat you came here on and go home

Has she got a job? If not Find one then and stop living off taxpayers

Should've stayed where she was, property is more expensive here, she can't complain about free stuff, ungrateful cow.

Dont like it leave

Go and live on the streets and give this home to a homeless veteran.

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