Brexit: The conditions are ripe for the biggest backlash imaginable

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Trumpism is coming to Britain - and Nigel Farage is leading the charge

At the mention from the stage of Mrs May's name, a smattering of simultaneous"lock her up!" calls spontaneously emerged. The anger was real; the nervous sadness and bewilderment over the state of country too, ubiquitous. Many of the hallmarks of recent American political culture there for all to see.

After all, euroscepticism has long been a deep vein of British political life. Brexit wasn't, as the lazy caricature so often goes, a populist revolt of the working classes.

Voters were certain that their wishes in the referendum would be carried out without too much difficulty: I lost count of the numbers of voters who, during the referendum and since, dismissed concerns about our withdrawal, not only from the EU but of its myriad political, economic and social auspices, with a variant of the following reply:"I'm sure they can sort it out."

A substantial proportion of the population believe that those same institutions in which they put their faith in 2016 have been knowingly sabotaged: that democracy itself is being subverted for nefarious ends, and worse, the perpetrators have done so as the world watches and in so doing humiliated a once great nation.

Enter Mr Farage, who is telling that story but also one even more potent and appealing to a country bruised and battered by its newfound political impotence: that it isn't the inherent difficulty with the decision the public took which is the problem, but rather the people carrying it out. And that is why if Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn genuinely believe that the answer to their problems is a deal hatched between them, then they are deluded. For a proportion of the British public, to believe in Brexit is now to believe in country, to vote for the Brexit Party is to vote for country; the harder the Brexit, the greater the victory for country.Any deal will be an example of the very humiliation which drives them.


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It’s Bannonism. And it started here. Brexit was a dry run for the Trump election. Same players, same tactics, same gullible public. They also tried it in Kenya, but their government actually noticed and acted rather than joining in.

KarenStopHate The pool of morons is infinite: how somebody can vote for one of the biggest liars in politics? The guy which very rarely turned up to his job. The same one pretending he represents the people while drinking champagne at more £1000 a bottle.

It originated here in 2014.

It's not Trumpism it is white supremesist far right racist fascism call it by its true name thanks .

Yeah it would be good to have a leader who cares about the British people before the people of other countries like our current coven at Westminster seem to do. Time to drain the swamp.

If news media weren’t so besotted with a seven-time failure and political pygmy, UKIP would still be a small barmy army, there’d have been no referendum, no Brexit, no rampant racism and xenophobic violence, and we could’ve done so much more in the past four years.

Without all the gun crap

Another reason not to vote for this dangerous man. Besides isn't Trump the equivalent to a Tory.

It's not Trumpism it is white supremesist far right reserved fascism call it by its true name thanks .

God help us!!!

To stop Trump, Farage et al being able to say anything/make claims in speeches (which are written in advance) they should have to produce a fact sheet showing where they get their info from. Released in advance to the public. The morons cheering should be made to read it too.

There are no grounds for such emotive and simply headline grabbing screams from the leftwing press other than that they are 'FRIT', there is no evidence to support such ludicrous claims and shows they are indulging in scaremongering activities once again.

Wouldn't it be easier all round if Nigel_Farage and Faragism stayed permanently in his beloved Trumpland?

Trump, brexit and farage are to blame for everything that's ever happened. snowflakes and fakenews biasedmedia

And it feels GOOOOD!! 👍🏾

MSM slandering of Nigel Farage continues!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄

Have people forgotten his pre referendum promises that lead people to believe the NHS was going to get a huge pile of money. Have you heard some of his foul mouthed speeches? was already here. PartisanMoralsAreRacist

Its about time politicians kept their promises, Trump is a beacon in this regard

I sincerely hope not!

If our politicians and institutions had delivered Brexit then Farage would be a footnote in history. He is a product of their ineptitude and malfeasance. They have created a monster that they cannot control.

hope so 🇬🇧

With 1,400 Council seats lost, are CONfraudulent & Labour MP's so thick they still fail to get being elected promising to deliver Brexit but failing to do so is antidemocratic & totally unacceptable? WTO now or face obliteration in EU Parl 23rd May election & General Election!

MickeyD44314901 Thus is the UK not the USA

By capitalising on the out of touch two parties and pretending to be a man of the people meanwhile lining their own pockets 👀😂

Trump has taken politics away from the career politicians, the very same career politicians who cannot give a straight answer when asked a question, the same politicians who betray the electorate

Could you keep your leftist bias to yourselves please ?

Cue the order for MEGA hats, build a Hadrians wall, stop driving foriegn cars, refuse to use German,French, Spanish electricity, gas and water providers. Open up the coal mines, burn the witches & if you don't agree your all traitors to your country. Oh but keep the tax havens

What you mean by a non globalist, who actualy works for the people.. And does what it says on the tin.. Get us a trump... And drain this swamp

Time to seriously clean the swamp!

If Nigel can achieve the jobs and economy being achieved by Donald Trump Britain will be a better place.

Those who fell for the 2016 ref lies by the leavers really haven’t learnt the lesson have they? They seem to be falling for the same again in 2019. I guess if you tell the people what they want to hear, even if it’s downright lies, like sheep they follow.I wish it was this simple

Ismism has been in the U.K. for way too long - and Sky and the BBC couldn’t write a sensible news story to save their lives.

There’s nothing populist about Brexit.

If restoring our democracy and sovereignty means Trumpism then fine. Something I wasn’t aware of! Thanks Sky.

Not a real word

I would not say it's trumpism it's cheesedoffism because none of the politicians have listened to what people voted for. Even remainers are changing their minds and want to leave now. If the politicians actually listened to the British people instead of being arrogant towards us.

Fantastic. Roll on 23rd May. I see what you’re going Trying to smear Nigel with Trump’s name. It won’t work. The people have woken up to your games.

And what does the world think if Trumpism and the type of people supporting it. Surely Britain's better than that. That Farage uses the Lying Disinformation Slogan tactics of Trump is well known but surely the average UK IQ is high enough not to fall into that American cesspool.

Come... It started here in the 1st place... We sent it to the US.

He's got my vote so stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Oh and by the way I am only one of millions upon millions. So slander all you like it won't change our minds

Great more jobs. More money for everyone. Hopefully rebuilding Hadrians wall too!!!

It's nice to see the Leftie news media start their smears. And this is why I boycott all things Sky.

If “trumpism” means being proud of Scotland, England, Wales, & NI, and negotiating trade deals to get the best possible deal for the UK, then trumpism is what you need.

a watered down lukewarm, version....

I think it is the time to break political correctness and go back to common sense.

Well fake news has already reached the UK it would seem.

Actually your good friend CarlBenjamin unironically views himself as the next Trump, because he believes he can spout outrageous comments and circumvent the media narrative to gain traction.... not sure it's working thanks to the success of your dirty dirty smear tactics

Trump was elected first time he ran for office though.

Bring it on, denying us democracy reap the whirlwind

The demonstrators will be ready and waiting!

And theresa_may and the Conservatives only have themselves to blame. All they had to do was actually, really, leave the EU... as instructed by the British people. BrexitBetrayal

Ef off Nigel!! 💩🤬🤮

indiaknight GTF...

How about supporting your own fuckin people for a change . Bring back fox news

Only because you cu🤷‍♂️ts in the Media keep giving it Oxygen

Why are you PR'ing for him

Excellent. Hope he bans biased news reports aka sky and bbc

the irony..........Liverpool have reached the pinnacle of footballing professionalism on the same night as Sky have reached a new low point for quality journalism

Good good and good

Unfortunately Farage is splitting the vote which will let Labour in and brexit out. Join forces with UKIP to get a worthwhile BREXIT

JoRichardsKent Nigel_Farage certainly mirrors trump on the IQ level but one hopes the majority of the UK public sees through Farage for the Shyster he is. PeoplesVote

Democracy has already packed its bags and left, perhaps we all need a new direction...

There are a *lot* of bots on these Farage threads.

No, it really isn't. Once again, gets it wrong (say, how are those subscriptions going?)

Too late

Don’t give him air time UNLESS you actually believe he represents the future!

Fantastic. MakeBritainGreatAgain MBGA

Bollocks Sky News...


you are disgusting with your attitude to Brexit the Brexit party and Nigel Farage. Your bias is unbelievable

Trumpism sounds good to me.



Great news, The country needs to get away from the globalist elites running it and get back to putting Britain and British people first like Trump has in America, keep up the greatwork Farage

I can't bear it. I can't bear him. I can't bear it that other people buy his poison.

Sky smear campaign, the establishment is crapping itself!!!!!


Pathetic Sky at it again. As soon as my subscription period is over I'll cancel it all. I'm finished with their biased politics reporting.

God help us.

Brilliantly about time

Snowflake meltdown incoming

Stop. Promoting. Farage. As. Joe. Everyman. He ISN’T. And you are giving him free publicity with these jokey photos and “awe shucks” headlines. Stop it!

Gutter politics.

NathanGillMEP Dont be so bloody silly Sky News! Nigel was doing this long befor Trump! Who do you think taught Trump to do it?

No this is not trumpism but faragism

I like this Trumpism code phrase, it define topical

Great news! aghh the far left fascist extremists will truly have a meltdown!

Have you seen the Nigel Farage rallies. Three dozen baby Boomers who are under the disillusion that someone has some interest in them. The Brexit Party isn't a political party but a Ltd company with zero members and opaque finances. Not root and branch charge but a media one.

Farage is toxic and unlikely to be a major major player

Good to see the modern day national socialists propoganda arm is doing well

Best news of the day,no week,no year




...and Sky News is lapping it all up

NathanGillMEP Ahh it's Sky News, sorry, took it seriously for 1 second!

I think you will find it’s called ‘cuntism’....

Will a wall be built on the English channel?

How absolutely delightful


For god's sake. Nooooooo the British are not that stupid surely

I think you mean 'democracy' is coming to Britain, a word the MSM doesn't understand.

Trumpism coming to Britain Oh god I hope so !

Thanks again sky for being one of Farage's biggest cheerleaders. You made this happen. Your constant coverage for nothing but clickbait has been appalling.

trumpism = lying, self-serving, corrupt, b*stardism

indiaknight Well then the likes of you and other news organisations need to buckle down and stop him getting away with the kind of bullshit and lies Trump does. This needs to be shut down hard.

lewis_goodall In the words of fairness, thanks but no thanks — it’s time for ForChange_Now

NathanGillMEP Bloody brilliant. Trump stands up for the USA. Time to have a politician who stands up for this country. Go Nigel!

Really would like to know who's funding him

This fella does anything to stay in the public eye. He'd go out in a gimp suit sucking a cucumber if he got in the news. Ignore the little man he might go away.

Think you mean democracy 👍

This isn't News....Its political propaganda. You should be ashamed sky news.

Brilliant and so true. With The Brexit Party now getting together GE candidates Nigel Farage could well be future PM 🇬🇧❤️

roshbeth And look how well that's going

NathanGillMEP Good you will get the CNN treatment!

I think we might be able to get the trades description act involved in your logo it's well past being news your sicking up and into the realm of fantasy

lewis_goodall Is an EU stooge.

lewis_goodall Suddenly Corbyn doesn’t seem so bad, right Lewis? 😏

Please hurry and save Constitutional Republic of WALES!. The Edomite British Govt Caliphate of England is done. Recognize Hebrew Biafra and Stay out of U.S. Elections.

Hope so

More bollocks from Sky

Good news.

Best news I have heard this year. 👈👈👈👈👈🤣

Just a little tired of listening to Nigels on Sky News (Farage and Evans.

Excellent stuff.

Time for another “accidental” helicopter crash....

Laws will be broken in plain sight. Lies will be told in vast quantities without compunction Documents will be destroyed Meetings, visitors, agendas, minutes will be hidden Gaslighting will be heavy, until we become apathetic Enjoy your Democracy being flushed down the toilet!

Excellent. That is just what we need. Left wing extremism has dominated most Western countries for decades and is all about the few benefiting at the expense of the many. Idiots support them because they fall for simple propaganda. The left is waning. Freedom is coming. 🙌😍😊

Wtf is Trumpism making Britain great again UK first ?

Fantastic to see blind panic already setting in amongst the MSM and their elitist paymasters. With 2 full weeks still to go, there’s no telling just how desperate they are going to become, but it’s sure gonna be fun to watch😂😂😂😂😂

Wanting democracy upheld, and for us to be a free, independent, sovereign country like the vast majority of other countries in the world is apparently 'Trumpism' You've all f***ing lost it, you really have

What do mean 'coming'? British Trumpists have been ruining British society for at least the last year, if not longer.

On there legal agenda again,politicians have shown there true colours and total incompetence so why act surprised boring

And what is wrong with a Politician that tells it like it is?!

He can bugger right off...

If this cretin was ever leader of a country he wouldn’t last five minutes when he’s got to make serious decisions! He’s just a motormouth! 😴

Not if Twitter keeps banning conservatives without reason.

God no . The last thing we need is racist ignorance.

In the UK it has already peaked, its an age thing

WTF! Bloody foreigners! Britain will defend! Keep 'em out! 🇨🇰

That would be great for the UK. Trump has added $11 TRILLION to the economy. Lowest unemployment in 50 years, 18MILLION people lifted off welfare, the list goes on and on. Look it up. Trump2020Landslide

Great news 👍

Terrifying thought

Any ideas what his tag line will be ? MakeBrexitHappen LockHimUp

In all fairness, when you analyse the current political environment in Westminster, it's hardly tough to see why such populist movements have succeeded.


maxrushden vote Nigel_Farage

After his performance at the Crucible I'm not surprised

Understandable when the democratic will of the people is betrayed.

Total Hogwash... Vote The BREXIT Party brexitparty_uk for Democracy & Freedom on May 23rd! Thank You! brexitparty_uk

God help us 😂😂

You mean common sense?

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