'Black Lives Matter fallout divisive like Brexit'

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Black Lives Matter: 'Backlash has been divisive like Brexit'

Natera Morris says some of the comments on social media have made her question how her friends feel about her

And one black, Asian and minority ethnic charity said the fallout from the Black Lives Matter movement had been"divisive like Brexit". "I've had a lot of the same friends for 24 years and this has been the only thing that has divided us, and this made me have to walk away from certain friends which I never thought I'd have to do," she said.


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How to keep a public distracted 101

BLM activists are shocked at the shock that sane people have regarding the violence and destruction unleashed by the Neo-Marxist BLM movement.

I wish sports would stop kneeling before games. It's wrong and embarassing and unnecessary

That's the govt agenda. Everyone being manipulated into civil unrest. Divide & conquer. Meanwhile boots are being filled.

Black lives matter is a terrorist organisation and anybody backing them like sky sports are terrorist supporters

Cause of the problem

This is the tragedy of BlackLivesMatter which the BBC supported without interrogating its dishonest intent. They are also pushing Revisionist 1619 history George Floyd cult Knee Taking ™ White Fragility The BBC are largely to blame for racism.

Race relations have been put back 40 years with what’s happened this year.

4 pro-BLM views and not a single sentence on why BLM and the protests are considered divisive. Lies going unchallenged - yes we did see an outcry about shoppers and pub-goers. And the usual 'just trying to educate them' arrogance. This isn't balance. It's corruption DefundBBC

We’re been told whites are racist while others are not?

Some of you would still love to see this happening.

From now like lots of people I’m keeping more to my own kind as I don’t want to be accused of anything racist just in case my innocent opinion upsets them or they disagree and they play the race card.

The BBC is better known as BLM and has made matters worse!

The BBC has created this horrible atmosphere!

All lives matter not just black lives

Establishment hate the thought of being dictated to by ordinary people or BAME communities. The real problem has always been the minority, white, privileged Nobsockets who are way out of touch with the real world.

Good to see there was no taking the knee at Wembley today.

Blm, climate change, occupy, same protesters every time, usual rent a mob

Well I won't be educated by that organisation no way

Racism exists in all forms in all countries white on black, black on white, Asian on Asian Asian on black etc etc . education is lacking and social media has spread falsehoods, talking to each other and learning first hand is the way.

What I’ve found in my community is that people have become more racist not less, especially the younger generation who are suffering the most right now and never though themselves as racist until it was forced upon them. BLM has done irreparable damage to society & friendships.

The BBC still dragging up Brexit. Boy they don’t give up do they. Here’s where you hard earn cash goes folk. Robbed from you to support organizations like the BBC. Wakey Wakey 🤡

Brexit is democratic, BLM is terrorism.

It's an American issue

So, the BBC only interviews and gets the opinions of a few minority supporters of BLM to support it’s opinion that there has been a “backlash”?

“Don’t murder black people simply because they are black” is divisive 😂😂😂

BLM has set race relations back decades, causing more hate and division than may have already existed before these clowns appeared.

Why are basic human rights even up for discussion?

Which tells you how much of the population are racist

Thanks to all the protests we are back to restrictions

Its total utter rubbish. ...

You ask 'what has caused the division'? Well, the media mostly. ScumMedia antiwhite AllLivesMatter

The backlash is a wake up call for me.

And why they are pushing that 'advert ' on TV, it's as if they believe every white person in this country is racist and needs to be re-educated.

BlackLivesMatter has helped accentuate racism in racists & awaken it, regrettably, in a colossal number of people, which is like a painful shot unexpectedly backfiring on black people’s feet. CeaseAndDesistBlackLivesMatter now before th damaging effect of it all is irreparable

BLM now stands for Burn Loot Murder

The BLM movement has set race relations in this country back decades.

Yet more activism dressed up as journalism from BBC. The author put this calling notice out, having decided what conclusion he wished to reach then set out to only find affirmative evidence. By admission, these issues are close to his heart so in no position to objectively report

If we had a white live lives matter rally could you imagine the backlash. The BLM rallies have lost all credibility. Colour,creed and race are are all irrelevent as part of the 7 protected characteristics. I respect them all however I do not respect law breakers.

Wow. The racism on this thread from the country that spread racism and diaspora on a global scale so a few white people could steal, loot and pillage the same Black peoples. No racism in UK no way. Can’t believe I almost visited. Glad I saved my money.

If they did not go about defacing and pulling down statues and painting dumb messages on streets...

BBC has been driving this for months, never missing an opportunity to damage the UK. Cancel your licence and defund the BBC

Blindingly obvious that this would be divisive so why has the BBC promoted it so much when it is devoutly anti police and anti capitalist ? Dont you check first ?

Why are you taking the opinions of people who aren't white? The UK BLM is mostly white and middle class.

More blatant BBC bias, absolutely disgraceful from a publicly-funded news outfit

Prejudice creates an odd balance of no one believes others have the upper hand as you pick your own prejudices. Artificially saturated by BLM by folk like BBC; adverts and jobs etc creates an imbalance. Giving them control; only start conflicts; which seems to be the intension.

DON'T compare our pathetic tiff with EU because some twats lied to idiots for politics their own gain..... ....with what is essentially the ONLY real and meaningful protest that I've ever seen about people blood lives! BLM is totally 100% more important

BLM nothing like Brexit riots violence destruction of history assaults on police was this country that racist before no and who has been fuelling all this and not being impartial the BBC

Was that your plan?

BBC still bitter about not getting its own way over Brexit BLM nothing to do with Brexit the BBC will do all in its power to still create bad feelings over the leave vote defund this organisation

It wasn’t the backlash that was divisive. It was the original campaign, with the BBC in the vanguard of the race baiting.

Show the viral video of the Oxford blm leader and let the public decide who the racists are. You won't because you are trying to build up your customer base come the defunding.

Still no statement about one of your news reporters saying the n word?

Ne' mind, eh? You lot in the MSM have had plenty of headlines out of it all and something with which to fill your rolling 'news'. That's all you're interested in.

Of course BLM is divisive, it's right the opposite of inclusive, only them are the worthy, any other way of thinking are racists, racist card is becoming very popular, till blacks being racists against white or any other race different from them

It's only divisive because you woke leftists won't accept majority opinion.

All stoked by the ScumMedia

Can you give us the reasons why they got so offended? I can understand someone getting upset if a long standing friend suddenly turned around and called them the n-word. But if it was because they don't advocate looting for example that's very different.

Of course it's divisive. Equality sounds like tyranny to the privileged.

Fuelled by the lamestream media by any chance?

Brexit wss driven by racism

Becuase whenever you identify with a fascist movement, be it Tories, or BLM, you are sgowing your true colours (no pun intended).

Might be something to do with anti-Semitic rhetoric, the Cambridge educated leader using racist words to other black people , and cheering a policewoman being thrown off a scared horse!!

Yeah, everyone vs racists again.

Racism was an obsolescent problem in the West which has now been raked up again by the BLM movement. It’s aim is to drive a wedge between peoples and re-introduce the concept of ‘race’. It’s a Marxist tool which exploits the useful idiots who champion it. BLMMOVEMENT

All lives matter your a racist if you say it with a colour

Like lots of 'good causes' BAM has been hijacked by extremists.

Instigated and orchestrated....all the BLM movement has done is create division...have a look who’s behind it all then question how well funded riots were simultaneously carried out around the world like clockwork.....🙄

BLM are and have been an organisation since 2013 hell bent on the destruction of society at any cost No better than terrorists

It's been fuel by the ScumMedia SkyNews itvnews Channel4News MSM

Because people see through it... nothing to do with helping the Black guy at end of road working 2 jobs to keep his family in a cold damp council flat..his live doesn't matter. But getting a black guy on tv or the board or in government does..it's about power and money not lives

The backlash is against BLM which itself is racist ! The UK is one of the most racially equal countries in the world.

The movement itself is valid in my eyes, like historical movements for change. The crucial difference though is that the movement is influenced by today's radicalised thinking and thus has become authoritarian & intolerant, the very antiphysis of what it should represent.

Oh wow...

Like everything else 65-35. 65% idiotic feeble minds being resisted by 35% conservative clear thinkers. Quality keeps balance for now, but what happens if the 35 don’t turn the tide of ignorance... 34, 33, 32.....5. Like Europe. Almost gone. Upbringing & Education

BLM or Black Power. That's causing the division. Clenched fist in a black glove has racist undertones. Same as a Nazi salute.

it is disgusting the way the BBC Is supporting the marxist group, BLM, when it should be supporting the people in this most diverse friendly country in this F---D up world of ours.

people who have been shocked by the backlash to BLM , dont understand how the people of this country dont like being called racist. we are not racist, no matter what certain privilaged people say. (Lewis Hamilton)

I've experienced hate and hostility for simply being white. So much so that I created this account. BLM have branded everybody that do not agree with them as racist. They use derogatory terms for white people whilst crying about ' racism'. Double standards anybody?

george floyd didnt deserve to die, but he was not a nice person, and is being used by BLM with support from the people funded BBC. which hopefully wont last long, and will be defunded. ALL LIVES MATTER, ALL LIVES MATTER, ALL LIVES MATTER, ALL LIVES MATTER.

The 'vast majority' of those breaking lockdown rules are from BAME communities says Tory MP Craig Whittaker. He suggested BAME people, particularly Muslims, were 'not taking the pandemic seriously enough' while providing NO evidence to support his claims. BLM PeopleFirstUK

BLM=Blood Lust Mob.

The only thing BLM is doing is making people more racist. even though they dont want to be. BLM is a marxist group and has no place in our society,

This is the reason BLM are divisive in there own words, not shown on mainstream media.

BBC Stirring the pot again, Another quiet news day then? the big problem was that they should have named the the movement “black lives matter too“ It would have been less divisive.

Marxist organisation. Should be outlawed.

Keep stirring it until your forthcoming demise BBCNews.

commonsense was trampled upon on in the mad rush to make things right.

The BBC have been instumental in dividing the UK and not even allowing any discussion on BLM. Instead they call their licence fee public racist. I hope the BBC is loosing lots of income. I've already defunded the BBC. DefundTheBBC

BLACK LIVES MATTER when a BLACK person is KILLED by the POLICE BLACK LIVES DON'T r e a l l y MATTER when a BLACK person is KILLED by A N O T H E R BLACK person

The BBC one again taking sides, what happened to impartiality? DefundTheBBC

“What an utterly unbalanced one sided article Grayson. And how absurd for rocdaboss76 to compare protests, which in many cases becamd violent riots and vandalism, to shopping and going to the pub under strict social distancing. Hardly a way to educate and influence others. FFS”

Dear old auntie Has become evil and twisted and very much despised

BlackLivesMatter has actually caused most of the issue and has moved race relations back by 20+ yes. The BLM are NOT a nice bunch who just want equality - they want complete control, to defund the police and close prisons etc and are getting their message across with violence


People don’t like Marxism 🤷🏻‍♂️

People are fed up with BLM which sounds more racist than those they accuse.

Don’t think that just because people don’t like BLM that make them racists.

mdmurray1207 Maybe stop reporting fake narratives. BLM is a Marxist movement, but wait the US saved your ass from that back in WWII. Ok whatever.

Government is all about dividing people, thats how they survive.

Deffo Made people more wary of blacks

I don’t think it’s a misunderstanding about BLM pulling statues down! In fact it is openly suggesting that it will break dirge British way of life, it’s history, government and the law that protects us. Most people have seen through BLM and what they stand for, it’s failed.

Typical BBC shite article from the Pro BLM viewpoints of course it has divided people it is a Divisive Marxist movement and the Mainstream media and celebrities have put race relations back years.

People got fired for knowing it was an anti-Semitic, anti-capitalist terrorist cell before Keir Stormer did.

The people are starting to realize what a political scam BLM is

you did this ,and still are

Yes it’s set back racial harmony back to the Enoch Powell era - BLM has revealed racism against whites and the hate against their history. It’s also made us more aware how small groups of neo Marxists really do want disrupt the fabric of society by division and hate.

Germany has had terrible racist attacks, true, but its political system has ensured that left wing and liberal and green voices are well represented through federal proportional representation. This helps create a societal consensus against racism.

Perpetuated by the bbc in its attempt to bring down the govt

Like Brexit it has simply flushed out a problem, and that is we have a racist society in the UK. I know plenty of my vintage and older who make no secret of it.

Why did you get involved in the first place. You had bottom feeders trash your country.

BLM is a bogus movement it creates and enhances racism

Are people surprised? BLM is a racist, divisive cult.

Grow up .

if the press was 50/50 about it people might not be as angry. They have totally ignored the majority who despise the organisation.

FunVA_OpEd Bullshit... No one pushing Brexit went around looting and burning down whole cities. No one went around beating the crap out of anyone who didn't agree with them

Brexit & BLM are not comparable. Brexit was occasioned by a mass, democratic, aurthorised and regulated vote. The losers caused the 'divisive fallout'. The BLM 'divisive fallout' is by a small group of nihilistic loonies who have fooled those in power into taking them seriously

Black oLives Matter.....

Yes. The fact is we are a divided society.

BBC stirring the pot

Blm is needs to be stop before London looks like Portland In the us blm have killed more black men then the cop have in 50 year

No doubt the messenger is at fault again. I'm sure it will all be the BBC's fault in these comments 🙄

I think I know what the division is: decent human beings and racists. Also the state of the comments under this because of irresponsible BBC headlines.

BBC “news” fuels the division. The inflammatory headlines, the selective use of statistics, the disproportionate coverage, the lack of context, the lack of impartiality and balance, all perpetuate racism. The BBC is partially responsible for creating disenfranchised black people.

Blm racis

And the BBC played a pivotal role in driving that division (along with the rest of MSM)

There’s a fine line between a profiting campaign and a counter productive campaign. BLM has crossed that line. The MSM’s disproportionate approach as well as rioting etc is to blame.


Since the Afghanistan and iraq war, there have been more gun homicides in Chicago than both wars combined. Blm will never criticise who is doing the lions share of killing, it's not police, or white people.

Because rioting doesn’t make people like your cause. And that cause is Marxism, destroying capitalism and whites people. What did you expect exactly? An open arms welcome?

Promoted and fuelled by bbc , sky news and other institutions!!

I don't think it won them many friends. Initially people were supportive but that has evaporated and the media have made it worse by keep ramming it down our throats, endlessly.

White Lives Matter

The current BLM has done more harm than good for the black communities and division in society. The organisation is not the same as the concept, we all follow the concept but if you don’t like the organisation you get called a Nazi.

Compromise! BLM, but not very much.

Well done bbc keep on stirring the pot every day when are you going to stop


MEDIA is the problem.

Did the KGB write this?

Tbh at the Eotd the problem isnt divisiveness, its endorsement. The far left used our rage of G Floyds case as a political ploy, and then when the cases for corona spiked... they removed themselves from the blame equation completely and decided to blame the government.

Mmm funny that! Maybe if the BBC had reported the news impartially instead of stirring it all up-clearly promiting the left, the racial and political chasm wouldn’t be so deep and so full of hatred. You have stoked these flames (poured petrol on them) so why r u now so surprised?

BLM Initial narrative I stood for, which was tackling police Brutality and countering systemic racism. But there is an obvious hidden agends behind it. Many oppertunists and extremists, who think reverse racism and discrimination against ALL police and All white ppl is the goal.

All Lives Matter People....not just black ones !!

I’m going to sneak into Nigeria illegally, demand asylum and then spray paint “white lives matter” all over their national monuments.

The LEFT are divisive. Blame them.

The organisation not the concept

Not really sure it’s BLM that’s divisive, the AntifaTerrorists are the problem.

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