Bike from Banksy's Nottingham hula-hooping girl vanishes

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It vanished from its post outside a beauty parlour in Nottingham over the weekend.

The artwork showed a girl hula-hooping with a tyre next to a bike missing its back wheelThe graffiti artist's latest piece appeared on a residential street in Nottingham on 13 October.But the bicycle vanished from its post outside a beauty parlour in Rothesay Avenue over the weekend, which one visitor described as "such a shame".

Resident Tracy Jayne found the artwork had been targeted when she went to visit it on Sunday morning."The artwork records an important part of Nottingham's history, Raleigh bikes," she said."It's such a shame that someone has stolen the bike. It's sheer disrespect and saddens me very much. "


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MyNottingham Thieves. Take from the... Banksy give to the...

Thieves Banksy

Its a piece of junk. Who the fuck cares?

So!! A piece of junk has been removed from in front of some Criminal Damage Vandalism

Wow must really be a slow news day when you cover half a bike vanishing aka taken to a dump

Breaking: Scrap men remove scrap

The scrap men probably took it. Can't leave anything metal outside too long... They'll have it away 😉

Poor Neil RyanLGilb0urne

Do some research before publishing stories. The Nottingham project have the bike. Lazy journalism as normal.

Love the way Banksy did this. He's walking along. Sees my painting on the wall, and goes and gets a broken down bicycle and locks it to the lamp post. We both win. Well done Banksy......but get your own ideas in future.

As much as I love Nottingham I can't say I'm surprised by this at all.

maybe he should have painted the raleigh bike next to the girl

They would nick the shit off your shoe round here trust me i live here.

i might be incredibly stupid, but isn't that the point of this piece? my interpretation of it was that it's picking fun at littering in residential areas. an opportunity born out of the lack of upkeep in certain areas. sure it's a great bit of history but is it really so bad?

Vanishes? Did somebody see it just disappear? Or do you mean 'stolen'?

I've got a shiny pound that it was tidied by an underpaid council worker doing their job.

Wouldn't be surprised is some council cleanup team has took it to the tip

like magic? Hopefully, someones getting some good use out of it Banksy bikes

Boris probably stole it to go for his morning exercise.

I think people might be expending a bit too much emotional energy into a bike locked to a lamp post with the back wheel missing and a busted front wheel. If I took a steaming dump in front of it you would probably call that art as well.

Yay, the vandalism has been removed

Some call it art but then others with more common sense call it graffiti -writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view.

Who cares ? FFS get a grip

'This is why we can't have nice things' 🙄 (I'm only surprised it didn't happen sooner)

Lets be honest, should we be suprised? 🙄🤦‍♂️

is any one surprised? it is 2020. is now a good time to advertise my artwork prints🤣

And in todays publicly paid news that isn't news, someone takes a bicycle that privileged white people pompously proclaim to be valuable so we should feel shock and outrage

Really tragic. Nice idea including a real bike in the art work. It needs to be returned.

Surprised it’s taken so long. I predicted it would be in Sotherby’s or a New York auction house by the end of the year.

Maybe the bike is being repaired and refurbished under the government scheme.

People expecting it to remain there for 100s of years like some monument. Maybe the owner of the bike took it - because it's their property?

They should of metal wield the bike to the pole..should of would of!

No suprise we live in a country were idiots carry knifes around to stab each other


When will Banksy finally be arrested for criminal damage and made to pay the £100,000s in repairs?

Banksy: a vapid 'artist' for the vapid nation we have become.

It is Nottingham. Check on ebay.

We can always hope

Culture less heathens. Britain is fucked!

Please stop advertising this company.

Banksy should be prosecuted for criminal damage and fined for fly tipping !!!

no its defintely there in the picture

Official_MRLP defundthebbc


Ok let’s be honest this isn’t art, Bankys is vandalism. If someone else did this a dumped an old bike it would be called fly tipping

I'm more concerned about the crap on the wall be classed as art

2 funny

You’re failing your brief BBC news - you’re biased unrepresentative inaccurate and pursuing your own agenda

Stop everything... major alert...

We are too ignorant to sustain street art

Probably the only bit worth nicking. But its deemed brilliant work of art by those who consider a pile of poo worthy of the title art. I am sure banksy insured it.

woah hey bestie

Nottingham is famous for robbing as we all ‘now lol

Long time ago I hoolahooped lol

Good that the trashed bike was removed, shame they didnt clean the wall while they were there.

Sadly we live in a country full of thieving scumbags

Just got to make banksy dissappear now

Police are now looking for a man with watering eyes!

Some people r such dumbs, right?

Think I may have found it in Canons Park

Is it a banksy's creation👀... realyyy Wow... u r lucky 💫👍😃😃.. might i come to see after corona 🤩

Maybe he rode it back to Bristol....climate change and all that

Most welcome in the broadcast


Last seen at the tip in Nottingham! 🤣🤣👍👍

When I saw the tweet, had to double check it wasn't a spoof account.

This is one of Banksy’s very best. I have travelled around and seen 6 Banksy’s and this is a good one. It should be taken down carefully and put in the V&A or other top museum. Praise Banksy’s as the greatest UK artist.

It’s a story of the thief and the vandal. Timeless classic.

Question was the bike already there and abandoned before the mural was painted ? Or did Banksy place it there?

The modern Spanish Inquisition ,

Just the graffiti to go now 👍.

'Banksy schmanksy,' I say. Ride on, dude, into the sunset.

Im going to say it...Banksy is overrated shite...ahhh that feels good.

Probably council street cleaning team? What’s the bets they will be back to remove the graffiti off the wall too 🙄 Most reported stolen cars are actually towed away by councils 🤷‍♂️

Surprised it wasn't removed already. Probably the council doing it on the quiet.

hopefully Banksy vanishes too

Fly tipping. Graffiti. Lock him up

Oh BBC, it’s Stolen! Bike don’t vanishes!

Over rated crap from a graffiti vandal!

Re-cycle. LoL

'The LORD is using the Coronavirus to warn this generation that the Dispensation of the Great Tribulation is unbearable and she ought to prepare for the Kingdom of GOD!'회개와거룩함사역회 SundayGrandWord

Surprised it took em that long lol

File a Police report!

If something can be taken or destroyed, someone will do it.

He's very negative. He needs to sort out his own issues before he drags us all down.

We live in the 'doesn't refer to me' era.



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Surprised it lasted that long

Someone's white-washed it hopefully.

Terrible news hope someone called the cops

You mean someone knicked it


Covid got it

'The LORD sent CHRIST to die a very painful death on The CROSS in order to restore Righteousness in the Church. The LORD commands Righteousness in the life of Christian believers. SundayGrandWord ㅍ

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