Why spend RM81m on Jasa in Budget 2021? Veteran servicemen’s group asks Putrajaya | Malay Mail

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Malaysia Headlines News

Malaysia Latest News,Malaysia Headlines

Why spend RM81m on Jasa in Budget 2021? Veteran servicemen’s group asks Putrajaya

Saturday, 07 Nov 2020 10:09 AM MYTPatriot President Brig-Jen Datuk Mohamed Arshad Raji said Jasa had deviated from its original objectives over the years and had become a political propaganda machinery during Barisan Nasional’s rule to be used against its political rivals. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

Patriot President Brig-Jen Datuk Mohamed Arshad Raji also questioned the decision to bring back the controversial department that had been criticised for being a propaganda tool, saying there were other existing agencies that could disseminate information about government initiatives and programmes.

He said Jasa had deviated from its original objectives over the years and had become a political propaganda machinery during Barisan Nasional’s rule to be used against its political rivals.


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Pariot pundek boleh pergi makan taik sana.

Pocket Money la

Why? Why?

Hidup lagi org tua ni.. hahahahaha

To give more people positions for no reason so that PM can get support and nobody would vote against him. That's why.

81milliom is a lot - to do what again?!


No why because we're the government.

nak bagi hangpa kan duk dokong PH; duk diam2 je la

81 juta utk 52 staf..harap ada kekosongan lg

Back to the old days..full of govt propaganda.

The umno mca pas bersatu cyber troopers need to get on the gravy train again ...

Wonder whether Patriot is scumbag or moron DAP sucker? What a disgrace....

ha ha penyoking tegar lge sudah bersuara. hallo kerajaan PH no more!

I thought this man has long vanished. Go go back to the cave where u belong

Good question, sir.

Hopeless government with a hopeless budget and pray hopefully all Malaysians are hopelessly stupid and naive to let it pass.

Because Jasa will educate rakyat when to wear mask like in this picture.

JASA could be just a label over lobster meals and golfing expenses. Says much how the rich will screw the poor to maintain their excessive lifestyle. Thanks PNipuan government. The people owe you lots.


blnja duit mcm duit bapak depa..hareyy btoi

aik... hantu dah bangkit!

When servicemen were made fun of in Sabah for battling chickens and dogs why no voice. Suddenly now can talk 🤮

Climate change

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