Whisky controversy: Misuse of name cannot be allowed to confuse Muslims, says Hadi

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Malaysia Headlines News

Malaysia Latest News,Malaysia Headlines

PETALING JAYA: Religious authorities cannot allow the misuse of names by any parties that could confuse the Muslim community, says Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

In a Facebook post, the PAS president said despite whatever reason given for the use of branding following the Timah whisky controversy, the use of the name"Timah" in Malay refers to Fatimah Az-Zahra, which is the name of Prophet Muhammad's daughter.PAS deputy president Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man had earlier weighed in over the controversy involving local whisky Timah.

“It’s a type of metal. Furthermore, the logo is a picture of a man. There is no man named Timah,” he was quoted as saying by PAS mouthpiece Harakah Daily.


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Wow so weak easily confused. Let's invest more in education and with more knowledge they won't be easily confused

Why must the producer of the whisky chose Timah to be the brand name. Timah is a common name amongst the Muslim Malays , and Timah also means 'tin' in Malay. Just stay off the controversy and be more sensitive instead of accusing the Malays of overreacting.

Itu sebab sebenarnya


Why must you use a Malay name and that picture? Because, that's your nature. Provocative, slandering evil maniac! You shout Malays being close minded over issues like this. But, you shout discrimination, racist when you feel yr religious customs provoked.

Pulau Babi Besar?

How are grown adults confused by this?

Whisky controversy : “Muslims cannot be allowed to be confused over name”

If we allowed such stupidity to ruin the country then we deserved to perish.....

Really, confused about a name? Timah? Why are you selling our fellow Malaysian Muslims short?

U tukar nama kah tukar logo, saya akan beli. And akan syorkan kpd kawan.

All the publicity has made Timah the first Malaysian whiskey, capable of competing with global brands. Keep up with the publicity cz at this rate, we'd be able to export the liquor.

who is confuse here?

Geng ko je yg konpius... Tak habis2 dgn topik trivia. Tapi takleh nak salahkan pakcik... Sbb ni je pakcik tau. Sad.

Lainla kalau guna nama mcm carlsberg, baru tak confuse.

what muslim is actually confused? show me

It is totally rubbish n stupid. Muslims in this country will never simply take whisky

It is totally rubbish n stupid. Muslims in this country will never simply whisky

Seriously.. Will Muslim really get confused? Thinking it’s Fatimah juice and start drinking in gallons? Muslim sees Timah and thinks, oh my prophet daughter company, I need buy in bulk to support?

I seriously think the only living thing that is confuse is u atuk hadi!

Is this confusing?

Timah, is misue of name? Asked Hadi go back to school and study properly this time!

Is wrong but we still have a Mohamed Salah .... confusing

We shouldn't mistaken that a Proton Wira is a war hero. Malaysians get confused so easily? :-))

We are confused about how some people can be confused when those people are not allowed to have anything to with any alcoholic beverage whatsoever.

As Muslim, I'm not that stupid to be confuse in between halal & haram just because of name. Please lah, don't ever use religion to score political point. It just pathetic. P/S: just so you know, there are wine named HADI out there. Google it!

Say something about the killings in afghanistan or the british mp who was murdered or the princess who is held captive by some middle eastern king, the journalist killed in Saudi , the imprisonment of alleged spies in Iran, the imprisonment of opposition leaders in Russia,

Sold out. Out of stock everywhere. Curious to try. Maybe will be a collectible in the future.

The ones who are confused is him and his alike

As a Muslim, please don't use my religion to play your politics, Hadi.

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