We Need To Start Holding Japanese RPGs To Higher Standards

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We need to start holding Japanese RPGs to higher standards:

by dragging their feet on diversity.) If we’re trying to measure the artistic achievement of a prestige game, then inclusivity should be evaluated as seriously as we might consider “technical” elements such as the graphics, cinematography, or the responsiveness of the controls. It’s insulting to hold blockbuster Asian games to a completely different standard. Moreover, it feels incredibly awkward to be told that Asian creators can’t develop media literacy about racism.

The backlash to demands for inclusivity is interesting when it comes from JRPG fans. I read a strong tone of defensiveness—that JRPGs are just fine as they are, and they don’t need to be held to western standards. As someone who grew up playing them, I get where the feeling comes from. Just a decade ago, a Canadian indie developer felt emboldened enough to publicly


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such a piss poor article 🤣 imagine saying someone needs to change the artistic direction to be more inclusive. Absolutely ridiculous

It's very egotistical to call your own opinion about how to make a game a 'higher standard'.

Not every game needs to take place in fucking America ffs.

Here we go with Kotaku's dumb bullshit again

Not enough black in Japanese game. Dont even care that there is no japanese in this game either. Because japanese dont give a fuck about your american culture.

Example of quality jrpg👌👌👌

Stop farming clicks with bait I ain't taking it again

This political article you’ve been reposting for an entire freaking week. Why? We need to hold Kotaku more accountable for brainwashing articles.

Sure hold them to a higher standard, the beauty of it is they don’t give a fuck about you western sentiments. Is it right, no but it is refreshing

Sure hold them to a higher standard, the beauty of it is they don’t give a fuck about you western sentiments. Is it right, no but it is refreshing

When these kind of shit articles come out, 'minority' always equate to 'black'...why is that? No other minority exist? FFXVI is made by Japanese, you don't see any Asian in it thus far, yet entitled writer like you guys bark the loudest. First world problem and clout I guess.

No. If a game is based on a time period then let it. That's the story they wanted to tell. Make your own 12th century African Zulu c civil war with US Americans in it if you want to.

Who ever wrote this piece of $& would you quit your job already.

News flash, they’ve always been cringe

I been saying that for a decade now. Its gone down hill for a while now

No we dont the japanese should appeal to their own people first and foremost global standards will just ruin things like a insipid poison.

Facts. They are lagging behind in quality and length compared to their western counterparts

Why just Japanese? Why not all? The biggest Western RPG in the last 10 years was re-released 15 times. Why is it just Japanese RPG's that need a higher standard?

please dont drag them down journalist nowdays need to hold their standard higher

How about we ban this trash from flooding the US marketplace.

Seriously? I thought this would be about things like bad PC ports or bad UI or QoL things missing from a lot of jrpgs. Not some crap about being salty that FF16 has white people. Typical Kotaku L

We? Who is we?

I think about this episode of oddparents daily

Stop your 'diversity' agenda in game ffs

Hey Could you please fix your news page? I wanted to read this article, but having a video of yours that won’t close is obnoxious. I understand needing to put in ads—I closed it after it let me skip. Why won’t your local content let me close it

God all legacy media is slowly dying. Grow up

“Inclusivity” only seems to matter when there’s too many white people. Nobody cares about inclusivity when it’s Dynasty Warriors or Black Panther.

Did you guys not post this exact same article like 3 days ago?

No, we should let artists make art the way they see fit

get lost

Your standards.

You need to stop harassing developers for diversity

You have standards?

No we don't. Shut up with this.

Bro gtfo out of here with that. No one needs to bend their knee to satisfy a group of Twitter users that don't even go out to spend money and buy the product at launch to begin with

Japanese RPG's need to be judged for giving all of their characters Karen haircuts

We do? Lol

The same article 4 times on the last week? Trying to push some narrative here or just farming clicks ? Tomorrow You Will post again the 'we hate crafting' article again?

Kotaku 😬 Stahp trying so hard 😬 Just stahp 🤦


Another repost Another dick sucking from Kotaku

Not higher standards. Your standards. Stop shoving your opinion into other people's creative work.

Nah, I don't think so. I'm enjoying them more than western RPG's lately. Will continue speaking with my money.

Uh no

Why? These games for the majority are turn based copy paste garbage. Its always the same game and style!

That first paragraph in the article...

not gonna read or click your article again but gonna say we should hold your journalism to higher standards instead, again

How many times are you going to post this article written by a racist? Why does this author have a platform again?

Is Kotaku like The Onion now except for gaming? I haven't been keeping up. If so, this is pretty great. If not, what went wrong?

Hey maybe stop telling brown people what to do

Don't mind me, I am just here to read comments. Move along. 🍿🛋️

Ok, I see where you're going with this now after reading the article.

So...the same standards I hold most games then?

How about you mind your own fucking business. Stick to domestic gamergate retaliation.

You can hold them to your nonsense, and the rest of us can have fun. Only part of the industry still making AAA games worth bothering, I swear.

Cultural Imperialism in action. Vermin.

Oh a Kotaku shit take again? 🤡

No. No we don't.

We do

Would this be the response if every chatacter was Black or Asian?

LMAO you’re writing about this AGAIN?! Get over yourself

Naoki Yoshida Sisi Jiang / Kotaku Make your own videogame set in medieval europe and be as unrealistic as you want but stop telling others they should adopt your ideology.

...Do we though?

People should just cancel Kotaku, trying to colonize Japan by forcing your opinions on them. Bad Kotaku, bad, CancelKotakuVileJournos

Then Black Panther needs to be held accountable for not having any of their warriors be white. How utterly racist of them.

If you don't like the artwork then don't buy. Companies care about the money in your wallet not the words in your mouth.

We haven't been already?

The person who wrote this is racist towards japanese people

Brah how many times Will you repost this huh Tf cheap ass Kotaku get your shit together...nothing but a bunch of SJWs crying over every single shit...

No, this is pure American and western world bs in taking control of everyone's freedom, let Japanese do their games how they want. You can buy them or not that's your option.

you still mad bc they like putting white people in their games, huh?

you need to hold journalism to a higher standard

No, we dont.

No, keep racist mentality to yourself. Stop forcing your opinions and “standards” on others. Just as people shouldn’t force religious beliefs on others, neither should people force racist beliefs on others. If no one is directly being targeted and hurt, then leave it be.

I think the writer of this article should go for a mental health check. I found the toxic hide under good words.

Kotaku you really need to drop that play on Otaku, you are a disgrace. How about leaving Japan to be Japan rather than giving them a lovely white lecture on how to be.

We also need “Kotaku” to stop with the same shitposts

No, you need to lose your job

raise your journalism standards first

You reposting this over and over isn't gonna change the comments this article still sucks ass

Take your own advice

Yes and no. Yes, inclusion is something also Japanese developers should consider more. And no, because when I play Prince of Persia, the inclusion of an Aztec warrior, an British knight, an Aboriginal and an Eskimo would feel out of place, no matter that it is an ... 1/

Boohoo, nobody is buying this bullshit. Expecting another country to conform to Western standards to fit your sensibilities is in fact quite racist, but somehow it's okay when you guys do it

Why are you publishing an opinion piece? Who gives a fuck about an unknown guy.

Ya'll real fucking desperate to try and make this a story. It's a shit take and we're gonna tell you that every time you post it.

Keep posting this till someone freaking cares I guess.

If it makes you racists at Kotaku feel any better, there aren’t any Japanese people in XVI either.

Please stop

Omg give it up Kotaku.

We need to arrest the writer of this article for anti-japanese racism and hate speech against Japan.

How often do you intend to post this shit?

Look who is talking

Kotaku telling us how we should think and act again. Some snot nosed game journo. Shut it.

Art is the creator's vision. You don't get to tell an artist how to carry out their work. I'm going to say what you and other media hacks have said before: 'If you don't like it, don't buy it. Not everything is for you.' Since you keep reposting this, I reposted my last comment😁

Can't wait for the doors to close on this worthless rag.

rare W

I keep on seeing this article written over and over again. I’m unfollowing this link for spamming the same goddamn story over and over

For once, if you read the article, is really on point.

Yeah, all Asians in Ghost of Tsushima too. Also all white people in Mario. I really think developers aren't properly judging people based on skin color / race. This could potentially be white supremacy guys, should we get law enforcement involved?

That's rich coming from your website of all places.

How about no

Oh joy another chance to ratio this article! Good work social media team you know how to harvest those hate clicks. Anyways it’s not the place of foreigners to tell POCs how to create their art. It’s slighty culturally imperialistic.

Are you ppl that salty that nobody likes your opinión that You had to post the same article 3 times?

Oh hey, suddenly imperialism is good when you want a foreign country to bend the knee, huh?

Kotaku's funny: '...inclusivity should be evaluated as seriously as we might consider “technical” elements such as the graphics, cinematography, or the responsiveness of the controls...'

Yes more boobs, more ass, more white people please. Get on it Japan! You’re our last hope!

No you don't

Imagine thinking you can just keep reposting this and get different results in the comments 🤭

Should read 'We need to hold Final Fantasy to higher standards' but Kotaku going to click bait I guess

I think Kotaku need to learn what having high standards means. 🙄

You need to hire a better team of writers that are not far left activists.

You don’t understand Japanese culture and language. I get it. It’s difficult for westerners to grasp.

Guess your definition of 'higher standards' isn't the same as mine

No we don't and y'all really gonna keep beating this dead ass horse eh?

No you don't Kotaku shut up.


this again?


Tell you what. You first.

I could suggest the same thing about 'games journalism'

WTF, Third times the charm?

You guys posted this 3 times

I just miss Turn base, because I’m old and like slow things ☺️

Me seeing Kotaku keep reposting trash

We need to end gaming journalism

'If you don't like my politics - don't buy my games' :D .

We need to start holding gaming journalism to higher standards.

I don't play JRPG's but I know for damn well they are legendary

Yup! The voice of reason.

Says the same game journo who defends Chinese government restrictions & standards on gaming, yet is now attacking Japanese culture. Hold yourself to a higher standard instead, before doing the same to others.

Just like how your opinion doesn’t matter to them, this article doesn’t matter to them. Go give your opinion on something that actually matters and doesn’t serve the thirst you have for social justice. I’m sure there’s still some shit happening over at Activision/Blizzard

I love how Kotaku preaches ending racism while continuing to employ an extremely racist writer and promoting the hell out of them.

What the fuck is wrong with you.

Nobody likes you. We like the JRPGs that piss you off the most.

how about holding journalism and western entertainment to a higher standard?

Can we hold video game journalism to a higher standard?

You don’t get to impose external qualifications and standards upon Japanese games.


Just for appealing to the Korean audience?

No we don't you racist


I gotta hand it to ya. Articles like this get traction, even if they make everyone miserable including the author of said article. But I suppose even Kotaku has bills to pay, so get that bag.

Keep your religion to yourself

which 'standards'? a black person trans, gay, blue hair, orange eyes, in wheelchair, w/o dad and problem with 'I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY LIFE'S'...really? shut up...REALS final fantasy fans ar happy and hype for this and we doesnt need WokeShit

Lol no

Worst take

We need to start holding corporate journos to higher standards

Strew your standards.

Stfu marxists colonizers

No. It's a fictional fucking setting, the creator is allowed to do whatever the hell he or she wants with it. Stop trying to make everything follow a pointless guideline that serves to only make every RPG ever the exact same boring aesthetic. Write some real fuckin' news.

Higher standards for non-linear world design and deep role playing mechanics? Sure. Forcing them to insert woke politics just to satisfy hack journalists who don't even play the games they praise, as sales of Saints Row, Deathloop, and the recent Battlefield show? No.

I'm sorry are we really whining that a game with fantasy in the title isn't historically accurate?

Fuck forced inclusivity, we need great games however they are.

Or, hear me out...no

Kotaku staff photo btw 🤣😭 Seems like this problem has spread to the games journalism industry.

Lol if you dont like it dont buy it

We need to let kotaku and gaming journalism as a whole die

Western standards are not higher standards

Kotaku wild for thinking it has any right to lecture anyone about 'standards'.


You need to stop being racists, Kotaku.

Another Kotaku click-bait article that a 'journalist' think is worth inflating his opinion as artistic standards?(lmao) Making a controversy from water-vapor isn't going to get good diversity, it'll get Hollywood bs stereotypes.

Kotaku has standards?

So you want to culturally appropriate Japanese culture now, as well?

You are journos, not gamers What do you care?

Can’t wait for Kotaku to go the way of G4

Imagine telling non-whites that largely stayed on their own islands that they're doing it wrong for 'not being inclusive enough' in a genre that literally stands for Japanese Role-playing Game.

Kotaku being jelly af again. Sqeenix is making money hand over fist, meanwhile, venture capital for sites like theirs must be just about gone.

Just in: retarded kotaku writers decide to fight white colonialism by colonizing Japanese culture. More at 8.


They're already made to a much higher standard than anything in the western mainstream.

We need to stop listening to muppets like you

Cultural imperialist. Japanese culture is not your culture. You want to impose your culture on foreigners you see as lesser. You're exactly the kind of 'coloniser' your ilk accuse others of being and you deserve nothing but ridicule for your hypocrisy and disdain for your hubris.

No thanks sisi jiang you literally support the ccp

Your whole business practice revolves around baiting rage clicks with purposefully dogshit articles. Just go bankrupt already.

Lol nah

Down with american woke cultural colonialism! The rest of the World are sick of this. I'm glad that Asian cultural sphere is providing a shield against american wokism. Hope this continue.

Or Kotaku needs to be shut down for their crappy opinions

Fuck off kotaku

declare bankruptcy and go away already

No. Bad racist journo.


Racist kotaku hates Japanese stories. Stop Asian hate

Looking at Square Enix games lately I'd say they're on their way

You're still in business?

We need to start holding gaming journalists over the edges of cliffs

Theres no pleasing people with 'representation'. Look at the butthurt over Barret in FF7R. Eventually companies will say screw this and stop trying if people keep whining about how X or Y is portrayed when they do include it

Why do you care? You're not gonna play this game for more then 2 hours, cry about gamer gate and sexism in gaming like all the fake gamers and hope more then 5 people who won't use adblock actually click on the article. Get a life, touch grass do anything productive

Yeah, why don't we (Americans descended from Europeans) tell Japan (An Asian country that's stated they dont care what we think) what to do. Sounds great, I'm sure there's no historical pretense for this.

Kotaku stands for Kirai Otaku (Otaku hate)? fuckyoukotaku

First you need to stop being racist.

Fake News sites like yours are why gaming journalism is trash. You far-left hacks need to stop trying to hijack and ruin everything.

Maybe stop with the racism? These games are literally made in a non-western country, for mainly non-western consumers. It's not made for you. If you do not like it, simply don't play it. Not everything has to adhere to your 'social standards'

Creaters should be free to make whatever they want.

Yo only need to hold this L

It's not enough that you destroyed Western games with racist skin color check-boxes, now you want to destroy asian games because they are 'too white'? Let Asians make whatever games they want to make you absolute clowns.

Why i read this and i can sense the racism for white people in the article?

please dont force others to lower their standard and please stop pretending to have any significant standard because you guys dont have any.

気にいらないなら買うな見るな お前の為に作ってるゲームじゃないんだわ


No, we need to start holding Kotaku to higher standards.

Or maybe not. Maybe the are not made for you. You can always go and play something else.

You need some standards first before you can critique others about intrusion.

We need to start holding pseudo gaming news sites to higher standards, so they stop making up problems where there's none just to prop up themselves instead of the games they are supposed to talk about

why? you don't hold yourself to any standard.

Final Fantasy is made with Japanese audiences in mind. Japanese audiences tend to not care about inclusivity and representation as long as the game/story is good. Just let the devs make what they want for the audience they're targeting.


FF16 White people only?

He's handsome, what's the problem?

No we don’t

I hate video games with real-time graphics, but I love playing video games with guys with blue hair and handsome face that can only exist in a video game.

We need to start holding gaming journalists to higher standards.

Take off you China apologist.

No We need to start holding retarded kotaku authors to higher standards, those are the people that tell us what games to buy, yet they focus more on politics than anything

Stop your cultural imperialism. You are not the good guys.

The homunculus that wrote this needs to stop getting paid for being a drain on society.

Enjoy the game. Avoid this communist nonsense.

You need to go lie down six feet under

Why this game have no Chinese and Muslim?

We need to start holding Kotaku to higher gaming critism instead bullshit.

I'd really like to discuss this, as a jRPG fan... but c'mon, you guys are throwing stuff like 'white gamer chuds' in an ARTICLE, and the Kotaku subs in the comments are just offending anyone who is outside the US. Like... wtf?

Why? What for? How do you lot stay in business? Them goody bags aren't that good!

This is literally colonialism talk kek.

Musk should've just bought your sorry ass excuse of a publication and fire your asses instead.

All Japanese Gamers 『Go to the hospital』

why can't a game be all white? what is your issue with white people? you are antiwhite

You need to start holding Kotaku to higher standards. Not everything needs to have representation of everything.

Let me save ya'll a click. This is what the article is saying in summary. 'Why are different cultures so... DIFFERENT? Why can't they just conform to what we westerners tell them to be? Don't they know america is the center of the universe? '

I'm not even taking the bait and I know that this kind of racist, culturally appropriating nonsense is exactly why japanese devs like Hideki Kamiya have such a low view of western gamers.

It's their story and world. You have no right to bump in someone's project. The world is a white European one, final fantasy has other games if you want a diverse cast of characters or play other games. Whether the project is is with an exclusively black, Asian, Latin or white

We need to start holding Kotaku to higher standards. Does that sound fair to you?

Remember them? I'm fairly certain they're some of the most popular characters in their respective games.

Sounds like cultural appropriation...

No, actually we don’t. Japanese games are wonderful precisely BECAUSE they ignore all the SJW fuckery

Yeah, that's the concrete reason of why you got a big capital HYPOCRITE written all over your face. And your arse. 🤣🥴

What do they mean by that?

Are you suggesting entertainment should not be allowed to have near exclusive focus on one race of people? So you would also suggest BET and similar focused entertainment should be abolished by that logic, yes? 🤷‍♂️ j/s

Progressive imperialism be like:

Look up the diversity in Japan and you will see why they are almost all white characters lol

Guacala! 🤮 No! No queremos más juegos para apelar al occidente! Dejen que los juegos japoneses tengan su cultura japonesa.

Geez Kotaku sucks.

We need to start holding journalists to higher standards. Do you consider yourself a journalist, Sisi Jiang?

Cultural imperialism from the Western game industry

You’ll never be a respected journalist

Kotaku back again with asian hate

Kotaku is trash

'This game wasn't made for you'

After you take China's cock out of your mouth, maybe we can discuss it.


Sisi the CCP apologist. Ignore her moronic ramblings, she thinks top-down authoritarian restrictions imposed by the Chinese Communist government are mere 'cultural differences we must accept' But if it's a Japanese developer? they must change their game or suffer her slings.

How about you wokes stay out of games? People like you just like to take away our fun it's a freaking game with fan functional characters. Just because it's not on your standards and doesn't have what you like that means it must get cancelled. No.

How about you start with the gameplay and writing rather than diversity casting?

Kotaku needs to be held to a higher standard

That's bait.

When did Kotaku become racist?

We need to start holding games journalism to a higher standard.

Japanese should never stoop to the lowly Western ideals.

You're racist. You're literally judging fictional people not on the content of the character but the color of their skin.

I want Square Enix to make a game about a group of Japanese people teaming up with everyone of every walk of life and storming spoofs of game journalist offices and destroying every last one of them for their horrible articles. Call it Final Publication !

Ah yes, please tell me how Japan isn't western enough for you.

the standard by which how much they ignore racists like you.

Need to mind your business, sounds like.

My god. You guys get worse and worse. How about you just stop playing Japanese RPGs if you hate them so much. SquareEnix FF16_JP SQEX_MEMBERS_JP finalfantasyxvi these people hate you Square Enix. Stop giving them favor

damn racists

those are games made in Japan why the fuk would they need to follow your standards tho

do you play jrpgs besides the AAA ones? plenty of jrpgs since the ps1/snes have had black and brown party members. just because ff16 is fumbling in this place its a problem for all games in the genre

2007 called, they want their inane talking point back.

The game isn't for you people. Play something else.

Kotaku SUCKS!!!

At this point you all are just being racist towards the Japanese. Seriously demanding them to make their media and art the US way!?

You need to stop colonizing, for goodness' sake.

No, Kotaku. WE, the gamers, need to hold you to much, much higher standards than your trash takes.

We need to hold Kotaku to higher standards. They shouldnt be allowed to get away with hiding Blizzard's sexual assaults for free games

What about you fuck yourself Kotaku

Using minorities as a mark of quality. Sounds like tokenism but ok

Why can't Japanese people make the games they want to make tho...?🤷‍♂️

We need to start holding Kotaku writers to higher standards. Delete this and fire the author.

There's a reason why your website is dying. Nobody wants this sanctimonious BS. You will continue to diminish unless something changes. I hope you guys can change.

Liberal journalist are showing how racist they are by the minute. What a time to be alive.

Um no stay out of other countries business. Especially if you can't make your own business a successful one at what it dose. Failure dose not dictate what winners do.

Whenever a 'gaming journalist' hate something, it means it's good. Can't wait for the game.

Right, because Japan clearly needs American advice on how to create marketable media. 🙄

This is the game that sold me on a PS5. So I feel they must be doing something right.

I assume there were literally zero standards applied to this hateful article. Stop trying to colonize Japanese culture with your silly brain takes

Uh they're better than any western RPG you hack

One word ' NO ! '

Another shit take...

I'm sure a failing game journo has a great idea on how to make a globally loved franchise more so than the creators of the franchise. Square Enix would rather sell a game & get a ton of money than make something woke & get less money. And remember, maybe this game isn't for you

Seems kind of racist that you're trying to infringe upon the choices of Japanese devs, how very colonial of you.

We need to start bullying video game 'journalists'

let them make the games they want to make without putting in what you want. if you dont like it dont buy it but they have a vision and im glad they stuck to it. fuck off trying to inject politics and other life bullshit into my escapism hobby. let it just be fun

Is this similar to the self-inflicting rhetoric Kenji Inafune stated about Japanese developers adapting to Western sensibilities? And if so, doesn't everyone remember what happened from that?

Kotaku is spectacularly racist, surprising no one.

The problem is that holding people to a higher standard doesn't necessarily mean they'll improve. Case in point:

So you want to colonize Japan. Good to know. 😑

You need to shut up an stop telling others what they can and can't do, since you aren't creatives yourself or, you wouldn't say this.

No one cares what you 'journalists' think

We need to start holding game 'journalists' to higher standards

Kotaku succumbed to neurological Scarlet Rot long ago.

You mispelled 'chinese' Sisi jiang

You mean YOUR standards?

You need to be quiet, possibly go out of business

No. Don't fuckin play them if they're not up to your 'standards'.

They're just not made for you.

Go away Kotaku

Kotaku talking about standards is like a drug addict talking about how to improve our lifestyles.

We need less western views and opinions pushed on eastern Products

Cultural colonization continues. This is Kotaku's MO. They don't care about pop culture unless it conforms to their tiny world view. Yet will still claim artistic integrity should be a thing. Just close already.

No They're shit and their fans are allowed to enjoy that

We need to start holding the American gaming journalism to higher standards, and stop the Yankee cultural colonization on the internets.

You know what? I hope he adds even MORE white people just to spite you.

Encouraging Japan to repeat the mistakes it made in the PS3/Xbox era of chasing 'western sensibilities' that caused catastrophic losses can only go well. It worked so well for First Soldier.

No matter where the chinese go, their ancestral hatred of the japanese will still remain.

We need to start holding gaming 'journalists' to higher standards.

So when do we start holding kotaku to better standards?

Does this writer think that genshin impact is made in Japan

Oh yeah cause western RPG’s are so much more respectable right 🙄🖕fuck off

And politics gets injected.

Huge L


We need to stop platforming racists like the writer of this article.

lol, the absolute nerve it takes for KOTAKU of all people to lecture an entire nation on how to make their own video games lol.

Please dont ruin jrpgs with woke shit

or and here's an amazing idea.....you want shit? make it yourself. or...go play something else. there's millions of games out there. i promise you you'll find something that has what you want. Not everything has to have everyone of every skin color or orientation or what have you

Japanese Rpgs American Rpgs, Japanese games in general American games , Japanese consoles American consoles....

Game journalist moment.


Kotaku's success guide on writing an article. -Trash everyone

Don’t be scum by promoting piracy and perhaps game developers have resources to make better game. Idoits

Kotaku you are no mood to speak here because from I can tell nobody isn't gonna listen to you or your damn opinions.

How about you hold my balls instead

Please, what you hacks propose are lower standards.

shut up

Nah you're fine. Really just go do something else, we insist.

LOL no

yeah, we don't

Or maybe let them do whatever they want, instead of trying to control them? Oh it’s you, the Chinese communist party lackey

How about they create whatever they wish and not have a bunch of bourgeois baizuo bloggers tell them what they can and can't make?

you need to hold your obligation to shower in high regard

You need to hold yourself to some standards before you throw those allegations at other people

Nunca falla

Start by holding yourself accountable for your blatant racist colonialism and trying to force your cultures on foreing groups, you ignorant pseudo-intelectuals bigotts

meaning what exactly?

When are you guys shutting down? I’m getting tired of you all existing and having jobs

Ah, the imperialist dog speaks. Nippon falls for no one.

So you are telling Americans to hold japanese people accountable for what they make for their own country..........so policing their culture........by forcing our culture on them........that sounds like something really terrible

“There’s no brown people in this game based arounf medieval Europe, literally unplayable”

You don't cover most JRPGs. FF16 is one of the few times and it's only because you're mad that the foreigner DARES to have cultural differences from 'Murica. When are you going to stop being so imperialist, forcing your views on foreign cultures and calling it 'progress'?

If you say video games are an art than let the artist do what THEY want you don’t get to pick and choice for them

I gave up on holding Kotaku to a higher standard a long time ago.

No, kotaku and all Westrn game 'journalists' need to join gawker on the pyre. Your political bullshit is unwanted and your ever shrinking audience proves it. Japanese devs are the only ones who make what they want regardless of political pressures.

Oh boy, it's this person... again...

This is hilarious. There is a ton of diverse people and places in final fantasy 14. Yoshi p is the head of that. There are several non white characters in alot of rpgs. Beyond that, these are fantasy worlds. Real life politics should stay out of them.


Remember when the Bayonetta voice actress had pay complaints? And your journo goons started yelling to anyone who would listen about standard rates? Why didn't you hold the corpo to a higher standard? Are higher standards only for creators? For issues not concerning pay?

Journalists back at it again with veiling their distaste for a creative choice behind genuinely racist rhetoric like cultural colonialism

ah wait it's written by Sisi ''i suck chinese government dick and i want to force everything to everyone'' should have figured

I thought this was going to be about the quality of the games, and then quickly realized it’s just woke bullshit.

Kotaku racebaiting again

hate click farming, this is just beyond sad.

Harassing game journalists is always morally correct.

Let me translate this headline from mealy-mouthed shitlib: 'We need to exert the full force of American economic and cultural hegemony to teach those fucking Japs that they either make art the way WE want it or they don't make art at all!'

Than what?

“Wii, like Nintendo Wii?”

Nice ratio

No we need Journalists like YOU to be held to a higher standard.

When can we hold you to higher journalism standards? 🤔 I guess you’d have to be journalists for that

Getting some strong 'colonizer' vibes right here.

The person writing this original article must be of Chinese descent. BL novelists have been arrested in China. If this reporter wants to preach diversity so badly, why don't you do it to China?

or we could just ignore game urinalists and armchair activists...

If we did that then people would hold Kotaku to a higher standard and you would be out of business. God knows how you aren't already.

We need to start holding you to higher standards

Don't get carried away. Who the hell do you think you are? You're a creepy political correctness fanatic.

You do not have the right to tell any culture what to do with there creativity it's their decision not yours if you don't like it then don't play it that simple

Why are you being a colonizer right now ?

No, we really don't. An author creates his works however the fuck he wants and companies or audiences have no saying in the matter. If u disagree, then u should be gatekept. Nothing more.

Even though he literally said 'there will be diversity' in his interview yall are disgusting

Kotaku is bottom of the scum bucket tier journalism.

Piss off, race baiting hacks.

Who gives a shit what you think..

Sure. Now go after the lack of diversity in Chinawood, Bollywood and Nollywood. See how far that’ll get you. I’ll wait.

Kotaku still exists? Damn, that’s shocking lol

Higher standards like what? Being appealing to people who do not even accept themselves or to 'gaming journalists' who don't accept being criticized for their work (In most cases done reluctantly) and having no idea about videogames?

Ah look at that, imperialist bootlicker wanting to do imperialist shit. What a shocker.

Make games on par with FF otherwise your opinion is disregarded

The only standard Devs need to be held to is Quality. They are artists, If you don't like their work don't play it. They shouldn't be told that they have to make something for everybody. Artists aren't Gov. workers, You don't get to tell them what to create.


Make no mistake. Once the woke target a franchise or cultural staple in a society, they will absolutely destroy it under the guise of “equity equality and inclusiveness” just remember that those calling for that rubbish are not fans they are activists. They WILL destroy anime.


What a silly tweet

who's we?

Lol that’s not how that works chief. Japanese creators can make the games they want and how they want. It’s on you wether you want to purchase it though. Let me just remind you that the majority of people don’t care about what you are complaining about.

Sisi Jiang, the same circus clown that accused Ghost of Tsushima of 'cultural appropriation'? Opinion discarded

Gotta say, the part where Sisi Jiang started talking about the Rape of Nanjing and how 'two nukes were not enough' felt a bit out of left field.

No, Kotaku. No we don't. We all know what your 'higher standards' are and they're shit.

What about game journalism?

If you don't like the game, don't buy it.

No, you just need to stop whining.

We need to leave artists alone, especially when we lack the same faculty they spent years to develop. Their talents are theirs and we need to respect their choices on how they use them.

Another journo 🤡

Oh, piss off.

How about: Fuck and You?

Great imperialistic perspective.

They have already higher standards then kotaku or western games.

Just admit you guys hate JRPGs and shut up.

Thank god we have you guys to tell those backward Japs how to make a game for the modern age!

If you want a game that reflects your ideological doctrines and creative bias, make a one yourself. Do the work. If you can. Sophistic attempts to impose woke cultism as if you have some sort of moral authority are as pathetic as they are amusing.

No...no you don't. Please stop with the bs

Yes, people need to stop sleeping on turn based JRPGS, that's it.

It's time to stop thinking any western garbage is better than what the Japanese do in this industry. LOL Taking lessons from Kotaku, yeah I'm sure that's what the best games in the industry need.

But when people were saying the same about western journalists that they should be held to higher standard it was'evil' and 'bad' and that it was 'discrimination'.

Start by holding yourself to that standard instead of soft calling game companies what abusse of employees and blaming fans

Yes. We should colonize Japanese culture, subvert it and mold it into to our own.

first world westerner video game journalists to colonize Asian culture 🤡🌎

Siri, play 'Cultural Imperialism, But Woke'.

It’s kind of funny because the journalistic standards of are so low. This is like a bunch of white guys making a movie about a bunch of black folks in Wakanda, chill out.


We need to start taking journalism to higher standards and shutdown Kotaku

Shut up lmao

So why is an American going around telling the Japanese what to do? You got a Colonialist streak going on?

No, Kotaku writer, inclusivity is not a measure of artistic achievement.

Genshin(MiHoYo) is a good though Chinese game, shouldn't be lined with SQE games.

No, we really freaking don't. How about we start holding Western Triple A games to higher standards instead?

We need to start holding trash rags like yourselves to higher standarsds

Kotaku talking about higher standards

Why not just let them make what they want to make?

No. The artists decide how to make their art and who they appeal their art to. And we decide if we buy the art. End of transaction. Nothing else is necessary, especially your thinly veiled bias

'when i write about wanting japanese games to be less socially embarrassing.' holy shit 'I'm just in this for the fashion, okay?!'

kotaku are the last people in the world who deserve to discuss standards in gaming.....

Nah. They doin’ fine.

How about you set yourselves some basic standards before you whine about holding others to higher standards?

Why do you employ a rabid racist like Sisi Jiang? Here's what she thinks of white people:

Nah, but you need to hold yourselves to a way higher gaming journalist news. Pathetic

You should start off with having real standards to begin with.

On borrowed time

The game is based on Medieval Europe. Kindly do one ❤️

We need to start holding video games “journalists” to a higher standard too Just saying 🤷🏻‍♂️

Yeah higher standards, as in ignore everything the West says, because those standards are under the basement.

Personally as a white man I find it detestable that you think I should try to impose anything onto anyone. How colonialist of you smh

devs can do what they want, shove your agenda up in your ass Kotaku

Kotaku trying to cancel a whole Country now.

No Kotaku. Let them create what they want.

People need to hold game journalism to higher standards. 🚨 SPOILER ALERT 🚨 Your garbage tier site doesn't make the cut. Your 'writers' are neither gamers nor fans. You're all ideological hacks and clowns.

Your disgusting & RACIST idea that YOUR specific 'standards' are higher is problematic. You can shove your neo-colonialism up your ass.

And Jiang, the writer, is the one who always defends restrictions on video games in China. Hypocrite?

This is just racist drivel

How about no? You talentless trash.🖕🏿

Early cast reveal for FF17

How about you let them make what they want without your fat greasy little hands running them into the ground also.

It is culturally imperialistic to hold foreign creators to your perceptions of race. By logic we should also demand inclusion of Japanese and other Asian people in all our media as well. Yet many on this site are supporting policies that systemically discriminate against them.

Oh, look - another stellar take from six6jiang.


The writer defends Chinese Censorship

You need to know your place. You lot are nothing more than backseat producers who aren’t even producers.

You are a cultural colonist and you should be held accountable for that.

We need to start holding kotaku to higher standards.

White cultural appropriation

Liberal here who doesn't find wokeism appropriate here


art is the creator's vision. You do NOT get to tell an artist how to carry out their work. I'm going to say what you and other media hacks have said for years: 'If you don't like it, don't buy it. Not everything is for you.' 🙂

Dropping Kotaku. Anyone know any other credible game websites/pages that I can get actual quality information from rather than these losers ?

'Game journalist' virtue signalling again. All he can see is whether there is diversity in a game. smh

You should start holding deez nuts.

The game ain't even out yet sis, trailers have a black skinned knight, middle eastern dominant, persian inspired npc, a dominant has clearly asian inspired features. Just stop wanting to making fake worlds the same as the real world. Inspired or based on is not the same.

The irony of Kotaku demanding higher standards. Like yours? If so, that’d be a really low bar.

how about no

We need to start holding political writers on a video gaming website more accountable.

So a leftover woman is writing resentment filled articles because why


Lol wtf no we don’t?

Average kotaku L and of course it's sisi jiang

Stop this nonsense, man, Kotaku really is making themselves look like trash more than ever lately with some of these headlines. This isn't news, this is garbage.

We just need to let game makers make their games and not push some ridiculous ideals and context into them. If wanted to make a game about goats, people don't need to get buthurt an insane because there are no cats or dogs in it.

I keep telling y’all to play SaGa games.



Entitled to your opinion Sisi and I'd hope you would be prepared to listen to other people's.. same goes for your audience leaping to defend what you wrote. Just yelling that's racist! Just shouldn't cut it anymore kids. Be better.

Yup, 2022, and 2023 will probably worse with more snowflakes! Play the game if you want and dont if you so desire! We dont need to have a black, hispanic or LGBTQ character in every single game! livehappy

ポリコレという宗教を押しつけてくる原理主義者には本当にうんざり。 自分たちでポリコレ用のコンテンツ量産して内輪だけで勝手に盛り上がっていればいいのに

Where are the high standards for the press/media? And who has the authority to set those standards?

What I glean from the discussion is that there are certain people in the States who want to americanize european history.

You made a hit piece about a game you haven't played where we don't know the story yet. You got the flack you deserved. By all means after the game is out criticize it for not being diverse if it made no sense. But egg on your face if the game deals with racism. You do better.

Get a life Kotaku

They were free to do what they want, until you culture colonists barged in demanding these “lesser tribes” to hold up to your nonsensical dogma! If this stupidity of yours were any good, you’d be reading culturally appropriate manga, equality anime today animeFreedom

Only racists notice issues like this in the first place.. “needing to represent your audiences”? These games were made for Japanese in the first place, and none of the characters were Japanese! What higher standards? This ethnical dictatorship is the lowest of humanity

Guchy 🤡

NecroIogos Thanks for this article. It offers a very insightful and valid criticism on Yoshi-P's interview, and mirrored my thoughts as well. We need to do better about putting pressure on game devs to have a more inclusive cast in JRPGs going forward, and hold them accountable.

That is a statement that discriminates Japanese people against Asians. Please study history. It is harassment to impose your values on us.

Who is we? I say no to this!

Oh just shut up fr fr


茶渡 was mean by people around him because of his personality, but he was bullied even if he was Japanese. My friend's father was black, but he was popular among the kids in the neighborhood. The kids in the neighborhood called him 'Daddy.' I thought it was his name.😂

Stop imposing your values ​​and standards. Japan is not obligated to follow your standards. If your JRPG doesn't have the variety you want, walk away.

Journalism too but u dont want that conversation

Crappy journalism at it's best

I'm done with these guys

Aren't these the ppl behind Gamergate?

Have you not played FFVII Remake?

Kotaku back at it again bro, this shit sucks in every media we have today, instead of forcing it, just write media that contains it

Which Final Fantasy are your referring to? XD

I knew this was going to be a complete garbage article about race and some other bullshit. I knew it. You are awful Kotaku and you should frankly be ashamed of it.

多様性の認識の違い🤔 difference in recognition🤔

Kotaku, you shouldn't call yourselves 'The Gamer's Guide' anymore when you hire hateful racist anti-gamers like Sisi Jiang. It's a disgrace to gaming news. At least YouTubers like TheQuartering, ClownfishTVcom, GeeksGamersCom, and Nerdrotics will have fun with this garbage.

There are a lot of people in foreign countries who say things like the polluted media in Japan. Where is the need to bring reality and race into a fantasy world?


The maker of this article when he looks himself everyday in the mirror

Good God you people are obnoxious

For that you're going to have to come to Japan, learn the language, spend 20 years winning trust, then do it yourself Source: Work in games in Japan thestruggleisreal

Just stop. You are an entertainment vampire. A joyless husk. As an entity, you must ruin birthday parties. Probably only like vanilla ice cream. Can’t handle how spicy mayonnaise is… just…

It’s honestly extremely demeaning and racist to Japanese people for these commenters to assert that Japan does not culturally understand racism and representation.

Racism exists everywhere if you look hard enough.

Bruh for real, get help kotaku. I gotta unfollow ya for this shit.

And you need to start writing more meaningful articles.

No we dont shut up Kotaku your the reason we cant have nice things

Racists…racists everywhere…or maybe if you don’t like it, instead of writing about what you’d like to see in games, go learn how to make one and see how well your woke game sells.

sounds like a personal problem and a skill issue

Oh yes

Nah we don’t. You need to get off your high horse trying to make art homogeneous. You scream diversity yet try to take it away from the medium you want it in. As a black person and minority. In a JRPG like FF or Persona, the STORY is what I care for. If you can’t connect to-

Or you could stop bowing down to leftists.


I thought this was about how 90% of modern jrpgs have horrible stories and agreed

Less woke is better for health and brain cells

How about not telling developers what to think or do like a little pinko commie?

kotaku fears the samurai


Wow an article to sum it up that Japanese game creator are racist...cause the writer assumes the Japanese game creators dont want to include black or Mexican people. Why would the Japanese have any care about this countries woke thinking? Yes let's just focus on race on a game.

Cool stop making dick sucking tier of articals

Since when did kotaku become a woke media? Disappointed

Black Panther is too brown.

Your standard ≠ The others' standard This kind of wokeness bullshit is ruining Japanese video games, look at Netflix's Resident Evil. Totally unnecessary.

Stfu Kotaku lol

Or the devs can make what they want and you can just not play those games if you don't like them. Believe it or not, it's not that hard

XD lol Kotaku

Does six6jiang also hold genshin to a highstandard like when u cant type uygurs/taiwan/hk or does that impede their ability to enjoy the game they like playing, a game that literally censors human rights abuses being mentioned

Why does every negative comment on here have an anime profile pic? Oh wait never mind.

Fuck your standards, the rest of the world doesn't need to follow the woke shit y'all be putting out

Here we go with the garbage take

No, JRPGs don't need to adhere to our regressing western standards.

No, we don’t.

We need to hold journalism to higher standards.

JRPG’s are literally the most undervalued genre. So much hard work and passion goes into the games

Newsflash: not all developers have to include racial themes, that’s your standard only, and a shitty way to create traffic. Don’t force your views on other people.

Kotaku's funny: '...inclusivity should be evaluated as seriously as we might consider “technical” elements such as the graphics, cinematography, or the responsiveness of the controls...'

Says the American.

Whoever wrote this article is a self entitled racist

Kotaku being kotaku. Quality zero.

Japanese RpgOccidental Rpg, easy.


If video games are art. Then you have no place to dictate how the art is made. You may not like it. May not agree. But then you have the ability to not purchase. Are you also mad that a movie like black panther doesn't represent more divisity.

You saying his statements are misguided is some of the funniest irony.

Respect other cultures! Unless that culture doesn't conform to your ideals! Except for when someone else noticed them not conforming to your ideals first, in which case you add -phobic to a word, dial the self-righteousness up to 11, and f'king destroy them!

Ah yes, the 'higher standard' of useless low IQ gaming journalists obsessee with race and skin color.

Lmao L

No we do not. More like wrpgs should start to be better.

We need to impose our rule on other cultures* Nazi liberal fucks

you bitches can go cry while I enjoy this game with all my might

There's a very important and obvious thing that many seem to forget or ignore: we are talking about fantasy here. Predominantly fantasy settings and stories in most JRPG s. Sure there are some notable exceptions, like Persona series, that are set in our World. 👇

No, we don't. Not everything needs to be 'inked'

Yeah im with you on this Sisi. This idea of originalism or tradition within Japan isn't good enough. I would rather YoshiP just said he didn't want to spend money on other races rather than the false premise that Europe was 100% white in some arbitrary era.

I love that Wumao Sisi Jiang thinks it's OK for Chinese developers to be racist (Genshin) but not Japanese devs. You're a racist Sisi. A racist that harassed developers of color.

Don't you have more developers of color to harass (for calling out you excusing gambling in Genshin) Sisi Jiang? Your Midautumn game is going to bomb hahaha

You mean be your woke standards?That will never been enough.If you are not a fan of Japanese RPGs then ignore it.Simple as that. If you are a fan of something,TAKE IT AS IT IS and don't change everything to your standards.

We need to start holding video game journalism to higher standards.

Nobody cares about your 'standards'.

Who is going to seriously read this dumb woke shit? Pass.

Kotaku = shit Basically no value to any gaming discussion

Of course is that sishi jiang - why do kotaku hire such whingey, vile people

lol more like every other game needs to be held to the jrpg standards. I see nothing wrong with the direction of FFXVI if you don’t like it dont buy it 🤷🏻‍♀️

You need to start holding this ratio

You need to hold yourself up to higher standards. Don't alienate JRPGS, it's the entire Gaming Genre as a whole doing this BS to a point we have memes about paid betas now.

I have been. Join me up here, please.

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