The Nintendo Switch Can't Seem To Handle Pokémon Scarlet And Violet

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The Nintendo Switch can't seem to handle Pokémon Scarlet and Violet:

, marking the game just three out of five, and citing its technical troubles. Savagely, it reports, “It’s not hyperbole to say thatis one of the worst-looking—and running—games I’ve ever played.” Also insisting that there’s a great game behind all these issues, the review notes, “Pokéballs get stuck in rocks. The frame-rate in the open world constantly judders to a crawl.

Crashes forced me to restart, lag and slowdown was frequent, pop-in was a constant bugbear, the loading times were testing, textures looked unimpressive up close, sprites don’t appear until you’re practically standing on them, and the game cuts frames of animation on anything too that’s too tough for the hardware – like a single, slowly-turning windmill or several people sitting calmly in a classroom.And so it goes on in review after review.


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U cant blame the switch. games like witcher 3, skyrim and Xenoblade chronicles 3 look amazing and perform well. despite the obvious downgrade. This is literally gamefreaks lazy development and unwillingness to put more money and time into their games. Stop being blind fools.

bs, the switch has lots of well optimized ports. doom eternal runs incredibly. this is game freak. give the franchise to monolith soft.

This pokemon looks very similar to the Final Fantasy IV's main character: Cecil.

Looks more like Gamefreak can't handle the Switch. Keep in mind that the Switch plays some 'impossible ports' like Witcher 3 GOTY, DOOM, Nier Automata, and a few others. Don't blame the hardware for the colossal failure that is Pokemon S/V.

色花堂❤️98堂The Nintendo Switch can't seem to handle Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

It's not the Switch. Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade are much more detailed open worlds and are fine. This is on the developers just not being that good.

Mine hasn’t had any issues or crashes

Hey i remember commenting on this two days ago. Just reposting, geez.

this isnt the switch. breath of the wild was open world and YEARS older....this is them not wanting to spend money on making the game run better...

Mine works just fine. Seems like you guys don't take care of your devices then wanna bitch and complain.

The Switch needs a serious upgrade, yes. But BotW in 2017 looked miles better and the Switch could handle it no problem. What's Pokémon's excuse?

False title

Game was rushed and needed more time to develop* Not clicking on that bait 🤣

Rubbish, I'm 5 hours in and mine seems OK, alittle sluggish in some moments but nothing that makes it seem like it can't handle it and explode.

My Scarlet is working genuinely perfectly fine

“it’s the lowest for a Pokémon game in almost two decades, and only out-scoring 2005's Pokémon Emerald.” uh, what, you mean one of the most highly regarded pokémon games of all time? that stat is technically true but i don’t think the reviewer is familiar with pokémon…

It ain't the Switch. Game Freak didn't have optimization written anywhere on their scope.

Nothing to do with the console. A bunch of games that came out at the Switch’s launch look better and run better. The modeling and textures are N64 quality in some places (looking at you lighthouse cave). Pokémon is a huge IP and deserves better development.

Misinformation and excuses like these will keep GameFreak in the stone age

I guess 'gaming journalism' for you guys means reposting the same articles every few hours of every damn day. Also the game isn't as 'omg apocaliptic bad' as you guys make it out to be. Stop listening to people who pirated it and/or play it on emulators.

OR get this... The games are shit?

Correction, it CAN handle it.. should be able to handle it. Game Freak just doesn't care anymore.

Pokémon too powerful for the toy machine

More like 'multimillionaire company doesn't care about customers or quality' there are lot of more ambitious games with better performance in the switch, but they know Pokémon will sell no matter quality

Meanwhile at Monolithsoft...

shitty article false title

I don’t understand how this is being blamed on the Switch itself. Did the folks at Game Freak not have a Switch to test this on?

What terrible journalism. The switch can handle games like Witcher 3, Persona 5 and Xenobladr Chronicles 3 just fine. This is not a hardware problem. The real issue is GameFreak will never have any motivation to do better when Pokémon sells as much as it does regardless.

This is not the switch’s fault, stop defending this shit

Just give Pokemon to Monolith Soft.

The real takeaway for me is that they need a second studio to alternate releases with. Give gamefreak one title per generation, and let’s get some variety up in here. Been playing the same game since the 90s. None hold up to silver and gold’s amount of content.

I feel like I wasted money on this game. Frames are terrible and don’t get me started on the glitches

Clearly gamefreak is the issue here.

That’s a sweet way to skirt around Game Freak made a broken game.

Stop reposting this garbage. It's no wonder no takes Kotaku seriously.

Blaming this on the Switch makes no sense, the Switch has far better-looking and running open games than this lol.

The Nintendo Switch can't seem to handle Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Game freak should just stay away from the switch and focus on the 3ds/retro titles! The only thing they good for!

Stop doing misleading headlines, switch can, devs couldn't

Why do you keep reposting this ? THE ARTICLE ISNT EVEN ACCURATE!

Nah this is all on Gamefreak failing to optimize properly. If the switch can handle Witcher 3 Gamefreak has no excuse.

Do you think that if the problem was the Nintendo Switch, Skyrim, Doom, The Witcher 3 and No Man's Sky, to name a few, would run and look as good as they currently do? It is clear that the problem is not the console

I would dare to say that the developer has had enough of pokemon and they don't make an effort as they should to make the game come out properly, it doesn't matter to them if the game comes out with errors or not, I think it's time for Nintendo to pass the ip to another developer

But it can handle Xenoblade Chronicles 3 lol? It’s game freak, honey. The Switch may be a potato but it’s not as bad as GF makes it.

*Gamefreak can't optimize a game for the Switch*

Isn't it GFs problem?

Can’t trust game freak to do anything right lmao

What Pokémon is this and how do I catch it?

Istg the games are fun as hell but they better fix the big issues .. it’s so annoying having fps drops every 5 secs.


you criticise Square Enix and Japanese Developers for lack of diversity in games like FF16 but you dont Criticise Pokemon Scarlett & Violet devs for releasing a broken game, it's not the hardware that it's running on it's the game its self


Not gamefreaks fault. The xbox series S is responsible

GameFreak can't seem to handle their development tools would be the better headline

Gamefreak for the live of them are not able to optimize their games, that's the issue

I’ve been playing Nier: Automata on Switch, so this headline has me absolutely offended. Please change this.

Yeah it does seem to glitch quite frequently, but if it the switch can run a Monster Hunter game with perfect quality, then i think we should look for the root of the problem somewhere else...

Can gamefreak please just admit they can’t develop a game for a single platform understanding its capabilities. You guys suck. Only reason you’re relevant is the brand itself. Ubisoft could do a better job ffs.

Problem is the game, I don't see problem on zelda BOW.

I cannot belive its the switch, it runs Bayoneta 3 and the witcher 3 fairly fine and they're way more intensive. It's the game not the hardware

The Nintendo Switch can't seem to handle Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

I can’t believe someone got paid to write this.

The swirch runs fine. Gamefreak is turning into the Japanese EA.

For the guys who have played it, did the game really looks like a mobile game port?

It handles it fine. The game itself is built shitty. 🤷

Lol my switch fan sounded CRAZY

Not an hardware issue just a useless developer x'D

You think? is not switch fault. You can do better than that.

It's a combination of the switch holding games back and gamefreak rushing their games. Literally a 50/50

Can’t the dev just patch it 😂. Stuff like this happens all the then a few weeks later it runs great.

common kotaku L headline

It's not the switch. You should research more on the hardware and game development. Then maybe I'll start clicking your bait links.

Grossly misleading title

This is urgent when Nintendo soon to 'enter the 9th gen console era' that can be handle, but resolution are only up to between 1080-1440p (while 2160p is severe).

Does the switch need a hardware revision? Yes. Does Game freak need to optimize their games heavily and bring in someone that can help them make a game beyond the 3DS? also yes.

Its not the switch. It's Pokemon Gamefreak developers poor optimization. They need to hand the development to new game studios or collaborate at least. They don't know how to do open world 3D smoothly.

That's why my stream deck is on its way!!!

Horribly misleading title, more like gamefreak cant handle the franchise. Not a surprise coming from Kotaku tho...

Then get a new Switch. Mine handles just fine.

Not really Kotaku. Game Freak and Nintendo in my opinión are just not giving their dvs enough time to optimized the games and take care of the bugs as well. It’s really sad many companies now are too lazy or incompetent to properly release a finished product without flaws.

Iam not having problems and im with 3h yet

It can handle Xenoblade fine, run NieR, and manage Witcher. It’s not the hardware…

I been playing for a couple hours now yeah I noticed some of the frame rate problems but it’s not terrible like it was. I do know sometimes the background flicker a few times but over all im having a good time

Even with more power would pokemon company have a clue how to use it?, Probably not

? I love bait titles I got the game on midnight release around 12 AM, and the game runs fine at 30 FPS? like all games similar this on the switch? The game is fine, like its honestly turning into one of my favorite pokemon games

I know the title is interaction farming and I'm taking the bait but fuck it The issue is 100% on the game, not the console

imagine saying the switch can't handle a piece of shit looking game like scarlet and violet. pokemon players need to demand more from them considering all the money these games make.

baits everywhere

Blame the developers for releasing the game too early 🙄don't remember anyone saying the switch couldn't handle Zelda....

You mean the devs didn't a bad job, right?!

I know the Switch’s hardware is aging fast but I really don’t think game freak are the best programmers out there either

no, it’s the bad code, on hacked switch with mods with be run at 60 upscaled in less than a month

The Nintendo Switch can't seem to handle anything at all with its shitty hardware

This came out on the same console. The devs weren’t given enough time to finish the game.

Move on

Other way around, Gamefreak do not know how to optimise

Ya call yourselves journalists huh

Lol the Switch is fine. Gamefreak needs to spend some of that fortune on real devs.

Guess im saving $60 and pirating

Pathetic game

No Gamefreak can't make good looking and stable running games on the switch. It's not the hardware. Look at BOTW, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and Persona 5. They are beautiful and run good on switch.

how many times does it need to be said, S/V is full of sloppy unoptimized code, its the game not the system

Still looks like a Mega Man villain. You know it looks like Omega, now that I look at it carefully. I stopped playing at Ultrasun

Gamefreak doesn’t know how to develop games that aren’t on the gameboy advance they should hire more talented pple

Not saying the Switch is greatest console ever made but there are so many games that are much more demanding than Pokemon and it handles them just fine. This sounds like a developer issue to me, which isn’t suprising considering there have been quite a few games with bad launches

Amazing how this Switch game can look and run so good! 😑 Game Freak is a joke.

Pretty convinced the people who work use these headlines just to upset people for clicks. At this point everyone knows it’s the game and not the switch. But here comes kotaku with another dumb article.

It’s not the switch. Pokémon can’t handle game dev anymore since it left the DS/3DS.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet can’t seem to handle the Nintendo Switch*

“The Pokémon company and Gamefreak still don’t know how to develop for the Switch when it’s the only console they make games for.” FTFY

I will play it on my pc 🫢

Considering the game looks like ass, i don't believe you

It’s definitely the game. The switch isn’t some powerhouse but the last three Pokémon switch games ran perfectly fine, it’s just so poorly optimized. Gameplay is fun and they added some cool stuff to the overall loop but these technical issues ugh 😩

Slow news day?

You posted this yesterday

Another bait title it’s not the switch that can’t handle it it’s the game that is completely and utterly ridiculous

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