Spider-Man Remastered Modder Banned For Letting Players Remove The Pride Flag

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Spider-Man Remastered modder banned for letting players remove the Pride flag:

that it removed the mod and banned My Cock and his alternative account from the site, but internet dirt dies hard. The mod was uploaded to the non-profit Internet Archive, and though the file comes with an “inappropriate or offensive” content warning, the link works. The comments on the site give fantastic insight into what happens when cerebrospinal fluid is gradually replaced with Mountain Dew.

People are writing many disgusting words that likely make them feel big and strong, and some freely reference liberal “snowflakes” and their “triggered” fragility. The commenters taunt and mock the snowflakes despite themselves being so sensitive that they immediately shit their pants upon seeing a rainbow in agame. It’s like when babies cry after being given the wrong face paint at a very special fourth birthday party.


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Since when is removing propaganda, or any decoration, hate speech?

Why? For letting other people who paid for this game to do what they want with it? Man, people wear their feelings on their sleeves constantly these days.

This is such a weird misleading clickbaity title. The mod in question replaced pride flags with flags showing hate symbols and was removed from mod sites for that purpose. It was 'banned' in China because it replaced them with American flags, which people use to claim anti-right

Wow so you have to be pushed to support it

How many more times are we going to see news of this shit?

He just like me fr

What if I just want Ukraine flags everywhere

Pictured: Spider-Man beating a troon

Damn nazi woke mob is real with kotaku

This is why the pride flag is a problem cant even change it without getting penalized

Some say, it's not his proudest moment

He made another account and re released the mod.


So they require the flags to stay in the game for one group of people but if you remove them you get ban 🤔🤔🤔 if that isn't pushing the gay agenda then idk what is.


Kotaku social media manager posting old news for the 5th time to farm engagement so they can stay relevant in the algorithm

Why let them remove it

Its a flag texture. The majority of players will never mod this game. This is a non story.

I remember kill children mod in fallout and skyrim. There are a lot of f*ck up mods out there. But then a flag is remove, and everyone lose their sh*t.

Who the hell gets mad over modding a single flag, anyway? That's like getting mad when someone changes their Character Color in Street Fighter V to some gross shade of green and getting banned for it.


What is this? Gay version of Chinese communist party?

Hey, this mod is something that you have to download to work. Why does it matter if people want to take a pride flag out of the game. At least it wasn't a nude mod. If they made Mary Jane a man, Kotaku would be sharing it as free speech.

Now that's stupid.

This is literally 1984, the shit he didnt isnt even a crime, our society is truly going worse.

Unban him it’s just a stupid flag and it’s a single player game

Censorship only makes people dislike the group censoring more. Debating, and letting people believe whatever bs they want makes it less popular, not more. Free society allows assholes to exists. Respecting the right of free expression, means respecting jerks to make content too.

Censorship only makes people dislike the group censoring more. Debating, and letting people believe whatever bs they want makes it less popular, not more. Free society allows assholes to exists. Respecting the right of free expression, means respecting them too

Shouldnt matter. Hell mod the flags to be nazi flags. They cant do shit cause we own the game and are free to do whatever with it.

Love to instigate since you gotta repost this more than 5 times?


The gays strike again.


Anyone know where the mod is now? I wanna download it

The mod change the game to the Chinese/Middle east localization so is good to now that Kotaku in their righteous fury became racist

Kotaku is run by tranoids

U posted this like 5 times

How many times are you going to keep posting this article. WE'VE SEEN IT.

this is stupid

So much for freedom of expression in modding community... 🙄

This is false. The modded was banned for replacing pride flags with American flags. That code is simply from the Chinese version of the game. There are also other mods that replace the pride flag with Ukrainian flags and other ones that are still out there.

and they disabled comments on the thread. diversity is our strength, am i right?

That’s Crap where’s his free speech ? It’s such BS, so they want free speech but nobody else is allowed to ? so fucked 😡

thats very tolerant and open minded of them

Screw those lgbt they are just error and error need to be removed

Let's make a mod that replaces every US flag with the Japanese flag. Let's also make it so you play as Japanese Spider-Man

The pride flag is not a beacon of choice rather it is being enforced therefore dictating to others… Spider-Man saga just highlights how extremist the pride propaganda proponents are.

Nobody wants to see some gay flag in Spiderman gay people always want to make it about them


I don’t understand why everybody needs to scream at each other for stuff like this, yes this guy took it too far and deserves to be banned but screaming and arguing with people who use snowflake as an insult instead of just ignoring it can hurt the community with controversy.

Damn yall bitchmade this shit is tame af

The mod just does what every corporation does when June is over.

God bless america

Don't see why he should delete them


This writer made me burst out laughing. They are spitting facts.



So the comments have boiled down to “it’s not bigoted to want to remove gay people, that’s real world stuff I don’t want that in MY video game” Like do any of you even open your blinds?

i had no idea the game even had a pride flag in it, i even went as far as to platinum the damn thing

God, I love this platform

'The comments underneath it give fantastic insight into what happens when cerebrospinal fluid is gradually replaced with Mountain Dew.' That one nearly killed me, well done 🤣

Nexus can pull whatever mods it likes, but it feels weird to ban the author and all their work. This isn't so unambiguous or harmful a creation as to justify that.

Banning someone for making a mod for their game that they own and then releasing it for others is highly illegal

Love when things like this happen so I can watch losers getting mad on Twitter

not all hero’s wear capes

Honestly, Fuck this bro. The game removes a fucking flag and gets banned for it?

W mod

Win modder


I love Twitter, so many homophobic people here, it’s so great, really I’m proud of this community 🙄🫤

I really hope that u LGBT kids actually realize that company’s don’t really care about pride they just do it to get ur attention and for u to give them money. Basically they using LGBT as a profit

genuine question if I replace it with a BLM flag am I still a bigot?

The guy might be very religious. I think that’s very unfair and he should be unbanned. Homophobia has lost a lot of meaning nowadays and is just thrown around when someone disagrees with a gay person or has personal/religious beliefs

Why are people still homophobic in 2022?


It's an optional mod, nobody is forcing you to download it. In a single player game, how does this affect anybody?

common modder W

“We need a hero to save us, im not gonna stand here and wait.”

Spider-Man Devs

What the fuck is this wording ? 'Modder banned for uploading hateful anti-lgbtq mod to hub' There fixed it for you


how disappointing. i hope i can still download it when i get the game

Is it really that big of a deal? It's literally a single player game. It doesn't affect people who want the pride flag or not. Who cares

Ich finde das scheiße ich finde jeder sollte das spiel zu spielen wie er möchte und wenn das nicht seine Community finde ich das voll okay und finde es scheiße das alle so ein Tumult machen wegen einer Flagge das ist mittlerweile schlimmer als ein Amerikaner mit deren Flagge.

He just activated the settings that made insomniac be able to let it be available to play in the Middle East. The real criminal is them, not this dude

But the child killing mods in skyrim are fine

Thats a weird issue to have


Not really a big deal


I guess the LGBT religion was not pleased at the heresy.

I don’t get it man. It’s a flag… just don’t look at it? Would that not solve your problem if you’re that upset at it?


Only banned from online mods I guess. He would still play other modes

I would love that mod for every game.

Damn I would have used that mod.

The homophobes in the realise don't realise how much Spiderman would hate them IRL.

This generation is full of snowflakes, if he wants to remove the flag let him

I don’t think a ban was in order but what do you gain from removing it and before the mfs say “iT’S pOlItIcAl” how tf is being a different sexuality political

what, no freedom of choice

well done! removing all globalist fascist flags from all the fucking games !!

Well I'm truly impressed that changing a flag is homophobic. Just more evidence mentally deluded people will call anything phobic to silence people simply because 'I didn't like what they said/did'

it’s a single-player game. who gives a shit? the whole point of modding is to have an experience tailored to you that the devs didn’t explicitly intend, why does anyone else care how this guy wants his game to look?

If someone wants to use this mod, they should be allowed to. Nobody is forcing this mod on people.

This isn't accurate, the reason was actually that he called it 'that stupid flag' in the mod description.

Watch out with the gay modders. Gay people are wild now and days

If the person who made that mod is going to stand by their dumb mod, it will be one of the saddest hills anyone has ever died on.

Could have just done this from the start didn't need everyone on Twitter crying their asses off

Based modder, we needed him!

The most hated person on earth is the straight white male. Choices are choices. People just getting butt hurt (no pun intended) over a mod. If you don't like it, get over it. People get so easily offended in modern times.

Why did he get banned? Stupid

Why does the guy in green look like if voldemort had a nose

Note that not a single person in the replies can find any way to defend this other than by insulting people.

Fok die LGBTQ community dom donnerse skewe poese

Our generation isnt doomed after all

This is sad... Politics are not key part of video games and shouldn't be there especially for superhero games... There is no need to push this narrative everywhere I don't care what side you on...

Most people mad about this would immediately fold if they set foot in East Village. The game is pretty faithful to NYC, meaning those Pride flags and that Pride crosswalk are real and all over many neighborhoods like EV Yet another example of reactionaries being sensitive lmao

fReEdOm of expression 😂😂😂😂😂😂 only when it's an apostate

They shouldn’t be banned for that wtf

Huge W

Banned from what?

Ima sit back with my margaritas and watch the thread just unfold and watch the chaos ensue

what happened to the 'it's just an option, you don't have to' mentality

You can still download it, it's not hard to find. bye bye gay flag.

That's gay

God loves you all and you can all be saved (if not already) by just putting faith in Jesus Christ and repenting of sins (turning to God from sin and changing your ways for God) And you should ask for forgiveness of your sins have a nice day Jesus is my lord! Hallelujah!

We lost a good one today boys

Let’s goooooo

Banned for pretending the mod didn't remove the price flag I guess. I don't see why removing the flag from in game would warrant a ban. If that's how they want to play, then let them?

Absolute W

I agree with this decision but anyone that gets mad about this on either side of the argument is being ridiculous. It's a flag... in a video game... that you have to go out of your way to even see... This small detail is so minimal that it's almost pointless.


I'll say this much: I accept LGBTQ+ being a part of common culture and I accept that it's here to stay. What I don't accept is the force feeding of said culture down my throat at every instance I find myself in. It just really flares up how bad Christians were when I was growing.

Funny thing is, there are no threats or deathly causes from this mod, removing a flag because of a personal belief, (you can't force someone to love you, sorry that's the way the world is) but the people in these comments be attacking everyone who doesn't love/support them 😂

the new nazis

He really didn't do anything 'wrong' since this toggle was built into the game But, at the same time, this is like if there was a setting to disable black people Maybe instead of targeting the mod author, you should target Insomniac for making it possible in the first place

Both flags represent pride.

Very nice now remove it from the real world as well 3

Damn! We need that hero back.

People clearly didn’t read the article...Theyre banned from Nexus. They can just post the mod on another website 🤷‍♀️

No one is forced to download the mod, it was an unfair ban. No one should oppose to what someone like or not.


If people didn’t like it then why did they download the mod. It seems like you are going out of your way to be mad

Bro y'all just snowflakes fr, let people have fun Why y'all so afraid of a rainbow flag in a game which you don't even see the scenario 80% of the game play 💀

This article was pure gold. I too enjoy watching hateful, fragile snowflakes shit themselves.


Common Insomniac Games W

Isn’t this a bit hypocritical? They want to seen and accepted their belief by others n yet wanna censor those who’ve chosen to not to be a part of that movement. Double standard

I don’t see any problem here. It’s their copies, they change whatever is pleaseble for them.


It’s a FUCKIN RAINBOW, not a pride flag, you weirdos ruined the rainbow and skittles by associating it with this mental health problem.

Where can I download that mod?

When the American flag is replaced:😀 When the Pride flag is replaced: 🤬

Politics in games is stupid, and these corporations effectively force us to talk about it... I dont think anyone really said anything about the flags to begin with, but when 1 modder replaces them, shows a little opposition; ban hammer. 'How dare you speak ill of the regime!'

That’s so stupid that mod was based

A gaming site equates replacing a fake flag w/ a real flag to being a basement-dwelling stereotype that hates? fears? (most tired suffix of all time: -phobic), a small demographic being shoved and shouted off-stage by other, smaller demographics. Thin Blue Line mod incoming.

Not wanna be political but should there be a option to disable it. Like some games you can disable blood and gore being shown 🤔

Let's gooooooooooooooooo

Game has X, player buys game and doesn't like X, player mods and replaces X, people call modder triggered by X, then critics of modder who replaced X become so triggered they ban player... You people I swear...

This a shame. That modder was a legend.

In the same breath, the alphabet mafia wants to be free to choose their way of life, why can't others be free to choose what they want to see in their SINGLE PLAYER RPG GAME THAT IS NOT ONLINE OR MULTIPLAYER... HYPOCRITES!!!

Should not have been banned smh

While I don't agree with everything Nexus does, I appreciate the swift reaction, even though ultimately it doesn't really remove the problem.

Modders Mod, get over it.

How y’all moding the game?

The BULLYING continues, if you are not assimilating to the alphabet mafia YOU WILL BE DESTROYED.. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE...that's all I'm getting from this.


So when it’s something to do with pride it’s not freedom of speech it’s hate speech. Never been against the pride community got a lot of friends who are part of that community, but shit like this is what’s turning people like me against it.

Someone give that man a medal 🏅


And the worst part was that it forced everyone to download the mod so they couldn’t see their flag anymore!! 😱

You niggas weird it’s a fucking game lmfao 🤣

immensely based

This comment section is gross. The LGBT community is not a political movement because queer people are real people fighting for their rights. Your beliefs against people who can't help but to be who they are are not justified. Get some help.

Wow. This LGB whatever are really looking for attention.

So you can change anything bout the game except our gay pride flags 🤦‍♂️ y’all hopeless


deep_tee_ 😷

When they claim straight people are triggered, but they are the ones who whined constantly over something so optional it would never actually affect them but they hate peoples option of choice in beliefs except their own. I don’t hate them, they’re just sad

Best mod 10/10 hope someone adds it back

Fallen Hero

The funny thing is - if he made a mod that lets people make everyone naked, guys with huge hardons and women with big tits, then it will probably not be a problem lmao

Indeed. True gigachads your sacrifice will never be forgotten

A modder also replaced the Pride flag with the Ukraine flag. So it comes to the question on which is more important.

game shit again unlucky

Didn’t the guy just activate the Saudi Arabia version of the flags?

It's a rainbow.


No Christian flags?


Wait so he had to go and remove every single one of them. If it was one then fine but all christ.

i'm sure these comments are normal


what people don't understand is that this is about more than just a flag

But nude mods and much worse are perfectly fine! Reminder, the Middle Eastern and other such releases were never called out for doing the same thing. Most curious.

Quick tip! Those defending the mod are super great additions to your block list! Don't even bother engaging! They aren't worth the shit on your shoe!

This gotta be the softest generation ong

Enough about gay rights. What about gay wrongs?

Bots are everywhere

in a game that promotes freedom of movement and gameplay I should be allowed to do whatever I want with *my* game

Literally 1984

“It’s just a flag” ok..what if it was an american flag and I removed it for another flag?

Why bann its not hurting anyone

Why do people care. I swear some of y'all are loser. Who cares how they mod the game Some make all people gay. Some make all people straight.

That’s fucking gay.

It's a game he purchased, so let him do as he pleases with it, and just as everyone is saying to ignore the pride flags while playing, you can also ignore if you see his mod posted for others to download and use in their own purchase as well


doomsday is coming y’all

Everyone liked that

So many triggered snowflakes mad about pride flags

“b-but the middle east and china!” still stupid and y’all are weird

Bad things happen to good people



Just removing something shouldn’t be a ban , hate isn’t needed but if we don’t wanna celebrate gayness we don’t have to , shits gone completely backwards

Whats the vig deal Asking both partys why remove the flag and why bann someone for it both partys are children here

Fuck the pride flag

jolly good

it's demented, since the mod just enables the textures that are already in the game for the middle east localization. sony chasing that market share and petrodollars is why the pride flags are removed in millions of copies of the game already - moralizing the mod is dumb AF

Didn't he just enable the settings for the middle eastern versions of the game to be defaulted? Isn't this more of Insomniacs fault than his. All he did was just unregion locked the game

The ultimate power move would have been to just not give a damn at all.

The games people buy is not their own games and you can't do what you want with YOUR COPY, YOUR GAME that you paid 60 dollars for.... Clown World 2022.... This only makes people realize how silly this is getting.

he was a hero

Sooo now we’re going from a desire for inclusion to mandatory acceptance or you get banned from products you PAY for? Freedom of speech and representation is a two way street

common spiderman W

Would love to ask the Mod Site Admins if they’d remove a mod that allowed players to ‘customize’ all the flags in the game?

Why would you waste your time on that if you can mod in Thomas the Tank Engine. I want to web-swing with Thomas, damn it!

Removing the flag was dumb. But banning him is mad dramatic

'But technically, all the modder did w-'

they can defeat our hero but they cant erase his legacy

This whole thing is dumb. Have it if you want it, remove it if you don’t. Despite the gaslighting here you are in fact not phobic of anything to remove it.

Hope this guy makes this mod work on the new Saints Row

Based modder 💪

I remember the days you could upload sex mods smh why is everyone so soft now.

If you are the type of person taking time out of your day to edit a piece of media to remove the pride flag, please stop and actually self reflect on what got you to this point.

Free him

Come, oh sweet meteor of planetary extinction!

Based modder

👏🏼We👏🏼NEED👏🏼MORE👏🏼MODS Yall love to cry bout the dumbest shit.


Don’t necessarily agree with that

Technically, they were banned for making a shell account to post offensive mods from instead of just posting it with their regular account. They even stated they would've just removed the mod if he, 'wasn't such a coward'. Seems completely legit to me

Where do I find this mod to download now?

Good. It's really embarrassing how immature and bigoted some players are. No wonder gamers are getting a bad rep when shit like this happens.

Because most people will only read the title of the article— insomniac didn’t ban a modder. It’s a single player game. So yeah. It was the modding site that did. The name is misleading.

this is so stupid it's like their afraid of the gay community


I’m gunna be honest… I’ve never even noticed a pride flag in game. I was too busy beating people up and swinging around

i would understand, placing offenses on the flag , or something like that, but removing? wow, this money launderes organizations of the abcmovements, are really just crybabys XD.

Wait until this guy plays the sequel and sees theres a mute character. His gonna record a whole section of dialog just so he doesn't have to deal with it

Why? Just because of a dumb ass mod? And u worried about stupid shit like removing a flag.. it's his game he can do what he wants wtf

Literally all they had to do was change the localization files to where there aren’t any pride flags anyway. Plus the mod affects nobody who doesn’t install it. I really don’t see the problem if someone wants to play a video game without seeing pride flags around every corner.

Ban all the f… Pride flags! 👍🏻

it’s over

So he got banned for basically adding a new setting. Have nothing against gays but this seems a little extreme punishment. Dave Chappelle was right...

Alas we won again

But.... I am extremely patriotic, and I'm not against homosexuals. But what if I change every flag in the game to the American flag, without having any malice towards anyone else. What if I just like the America flag? Does that make me a bigot?

So he got banned for basically adding a new setting. Have nothing against gays but this seems a little extreme punishment.

based kings

Go woke go broke

people who say ''but it doesnt effect anyone its single player game'' well then lets wait till someone releases ''black people removal'' because oh well it doesnt effect anyone just let them be racist smh....

Lmao mod that shit

Not all heroes wear capes

W modder.

So they removed the child diddler flag?

Xbox is so much better

The islamophobia in this comment section is disgusting

What's wrong with rainbows? 🌈

I’m gay and think he should be allowed to mod his fucking game however he wants without reprisal. Because I’m not an authoritarian asshole that way.


Wasn’t it the middle eastern ver that was modded in?

Bro this gotta be the most stupid ah shit I’ve ever seen💀 why does it affect you if you have the option to remove it if you want to remove it you can personally I would bc it’s random but if you don’t wanna remove it kept it on🤣 you took another L

So we ban china and middle east?

It's just a stupid mod. Banning seems a but extreme imo.

People should be free to do what they want in their games, that includes removing a flag if they want to



I mean I dont really like the lgbt community because I've had some extremely shitty experiences with them but why would you go out of your way to remove every single pride flag. Seems like a huge waste of time like wtf

Fragile wokeness lmao.

Privately owned company can do what they want with their product. Don’t like it, don’t buy the game. Idk what to tell you but that’s day 1 stuff you learn anything to do with business.

It's not 'modern homophobia', it's game designers being woke. Like really it's necessary for developers to include pride flags in games now? Wasn't before when they were truly discriminated, shouldn't be now.

And? The mod is still out there and will definitely not go away. Now more than ever it's going to get more users since you all bitching about it.

Why are people complaining about this so much? There's other modding websites to go to. Nexus has done it multiple times where they ban certain mods that contain hate or pedophilia. They can choice what mods to host whether you like it or not

It's freedom of choice man they paid for the game so it's their choice not everyone like lgbtq community

Pride Flag? More like Shame and disgrace Flag...

Spider-Man ps4 on pc is a mistake.

They didn't remove the pride flag tho, they just replaced it with another flag that was in the game lol

To hell with that pride flag

Why is there a pride flag in spiderman Why do pole suckers need validation in video games? What's wrong with these people? We get it .. you love pole. Go suck one I don't really care

Shouldn't people be more outraged that all he had to do was switch to the middle east files? These companies love to virtual signal to the West, but God forbid they offend people in the middle east with a rainbow flag 🙄

Time to delete my nexus account

these lgbitches in the comments 😂🤣

where is the download link for the mod ?

So devs can do what they want, but normal people can’t? Interesting

Fuck that stupid ass pride flag man let that man do whatever he wants who tf wants a stupid ass pride flag in game anyway

I think this incites hate more than acceptance. Which they are trying to shove down our throats. Anyway. One flag in middle east version a the spider cob will be on the game cuz no one would buy it.

Never in my life have I seen people get so sensitive over a mod When mods been around for like ever. it barely does anything to the game nor would you really see it. And they really banned them lol there are far worse mods out there than this stupid flag drama like what?

Why is this an issue it's just a mod if you don't like it then don't download it if someone wants to remove the pride flags from their own game then let them it doesn't affect anybody nor does it harm LGBTQ since technically it's a mod for a video game

Based But also why is spider-man punching Nathan hurd?

They just did what every Corp on earth does with their twitter the moment July 1st rolls around.

Why does it matter tho it’s just a preference💀😭


Damn, managed to get banned from a single player game 💀

Guys can you please stop fucking arguing in the damn comments like it's just a damn game get on with your life and stop being heterobic hobos

Socially enforced homosexuality

This is ridiculous

Bunch of super cool people in these comments lol


I don’t see why.. just don’t use the mod if you don’t want to, why do people make this out to be worse than it really is?

If somebody is uncomfortable with the flag then people don’t have to tolerate it if the modder didn’t want lgbtq in his face then he should have 100% right to do some thing about it

I mean the point of modding is to alter a game, who cares what the alterations are. It's still just a game. Now I'm not saying its right or wrong, to me its funny but hey, to each their own.

I don't understand why they would ban the modder. It's not like the mod replaced the flag with a homophobic one. Not every game needs has to have representation. Most companies do it in the first place for clout not because they actually want to be progressive.

Kinda dumb on the modders part but he doesn’t deserve to be banned

All he did was patch the game to use textures made by insomniac for middle east releases

He was doing us a favor


Ibr I don’t anyones gonna see this but if your gay your gay and there’s nothing wrong that I don’t have a problem with like yh do your own thing however removing a flag and then people complaining about it why? That’s the question 🙋‍♂️ I have. Like is really a big deal.

Imagine being so offended about a single and simple mod. lol First world problems.

Imagine getting triggered over a rainbow

Removing the pride flag has nothing to do with Homophobia, is more because the Community is being annoying, now imagine instead of a pride flag people put WW2 ones, wouldn't you want it removed ? they once put the pride flag over Cuba's, just because they were similar...

Dude got banned for removing something he doesn't agree with? Weird L

How Tf you get banned from a single player game? 🤣🤣🤣

I wonder if a player would've been banned if they removed every USA flag, people are sure to neve have double standards

What you SHEEPLE forget to realize is that it wasn't even a 'Mod'. • The dude went into the files of the game and enabled the settings from the Chinese/Middle Eastern versions of the game. You want to ban someone for doing something? Ban the Chinese for being anti-LGBFJB+

Lets show these fookers their place. BoycottSpidermanRemastered

F00k pride flag from India. 🖕🇮🇳❤️

That settles it: America is a communist country

Cmon dude , if i as a user dont want the DAMN flag in a game , let them not have the DAMN flag , why banning for personal preference lol

Smh this is clear Heterophobic at its best

and here i was planning to play this game

You can band modders? Cool!


Can anyone else see the problem here? The LGBT has basically weaponised tolerance From 'We just want to live our lives' to 'You must like us and what we do' Left unchecked, this is going to be a big problem because they most likely become above critisicm. We are seein it already

This is absolutely funny to me to ban someone for making a mod... ...funny how literally every game has mods... ...Also funny how there are mods turning you into Hitler in some games with nothing done. Changing flags is not a big deal, Sorry but not Sorry.

So what? No one forces you to play it or download it. I don't understand why people are salty over something like this. People should grow up already

So I gotta be forced into the pride movement is that what the world has come to.

what's so funny is that he just activated the middle eastern and chinese versions and he didn't really do anything lol

Modder is a walking W

This is so sad.

That’s gay

W ban

God damn modders and their... (flips through notes) giving players an option to change a flag!

Are we ignoring that they literally were just swapping it to Chinese and Middle Eastern versions of the texture? Like, they didn't manually change it. Just flipped a software switch.

Good Lmao

Yep everyone acts like a child anymore. I don't like this so we have to ban it. When are you going to ban the mod that let's you kill children in Skyrim?

Nexus doesn't hate Pride they hate America

Sounds…. Gay

I remove it from any game I play that has the propaganda in it.

Ain't you the same LGBT that sent me death threats for being straight on my old account? Funny how you shit on straight people but as soon as we respond you get pissy. I'm not homophobic, I hate all Humans equally regardless of gender identity. I long yearn for a mass extinction.


Gay community done turned to the bullies this world crazy

There are mods that let you kill children in skyrim btw

I would’ve banned him for NOT removing the flags. Why are there flags representing sexuality in a fucking video game? Oh, so the alphabet people can be happy? Lmaooo. “Can’t wait to play Spider-Man so I can determine what sexualities the NPCS have 🤓”

L devs

Let people do to their own games whatever they want, literally doesn’t effect anyone at all

Ok? Maybe they’re not homophobic? Maybe they think the flag is ugly? Because it is! Honestly the gays could do better.

Wait you are still a publication?


Can anyone tell me where i can find the mod

But why is mainstream media and videogames pusing sexuality to children? Can we just let kids be kids and allow for them to find their identity later in life?

Not everyone has to support the gays

Sooo someone removed the pride flags? No offense but what a waste of time. Let people enjoy pride, if you got a problem with that, start by improving yourself. In Germany we call it Hobbylos SpreadLoveNotHate


I'm sorry a ban? For removing a simple flag? Good Lord.

The same modder also made a mod where they replaced all American flags with pride flags! That proves they aren't homophobic.

What does gay pride have to do with spiderman seriously it just shouldn't of been in the game in the first place

Banned from what?

BOO! (gonna scare homophobic pc players)

This is actually sad, they really got banned for such a stupid reason, it's an option that does not hurt anyone but sensitive snowflakes. I'm Bisexual but you don't see me whining about it, stuff like this makes me feel that being in this type of community is embarrassing.

Bruh im prolly gonna come off as hella offensive but some pride niggas are hella sensitive and dramatic asf. Who gives a fuck what mod a random nigga makes for his own game. It really isn't attacking u personally at all. Maybe if the company themselves did it sure but 1 person-

Ok but would they get banned if they removed an american flag? nope it would be freedom of speech

Superboy here, why you as a straight person homophobic? Why you care so much about a gay flag to remove it? You mad ppl getting partners? This is just jealousy, you are jealous!!


As if it's a religion, and he got banned for heresy. I don't recall swearing allegiance to alphabet ideology.


good 🙏

At this point the rainbow flag is far becoming that of a propaganda machine. Anybody that doesn't have one proudly displayed in their living room is branded a homophobe. People can still fully support your choices without wanting it rammed down their eye balls with every blink.

What a sorry state mankind is in. We can't even mod our games the way we want anymore without the LGBT community having a hissy fit. Pathetic.

Well that's kinda ridiculous.

*replace the flag with an American flag. There, fixed it for you, you leftist rag site.


W Mods, We support them

its not homophobic, theyre just accessing the secret middle east version

Wrong flag. Take down the American.

Nexus' statement The modder broke a whole bunch of rules besides the creating the mod, but lets not get those pesky facts in the way of 'muh outrage'

Thai real?

This is so cringe

Is that flag in every version of the game? Like the one being sold in middle eastern countries?

See when I first saw the mod I just thought people were overreacting because I was under the impression it was only a few of the flags, not literally ALL of the flags and all LGBT representation. Freaking yikes


typical western double standards

Why are we arguing over a mod that removes a flag now?

If they're only getting the option of removing the flags, this ban is really unnecessary


I don't even remember seeing this flag on the PS4 version, is it a new PC thing?



I mean, I’d rather see a flag that means something to everyone rather than a flag that only supports a certain group of people. That’s just me tho

The LGBT community have effectively become a sort of far left group who if you dont agree with you get silenced

People should not be banned for this unless, obviously, they replace them with nazi flags or the modder straight up says it's because of the LGTB 'agenda'. Just imagine if someone wants to meme the game like l4d2 using Goofy ass pics in those flags, the buildings, whatever.

Could someone explain how the ban works please ? Which functionnalities become blocked or un available then ? I still did not have the chance to try that game so I have no idea. Thanks !

Bet they dont do anything that replaces every other flag with the pride flag

Idk, seems a but weird to delete a mod just because you don't like it. You wouldn't delete a mod that let you play as Venom just because you don't like it. And I didn't even notice the game has lgbt in the 1st place.


Lmao why would that be his one goal in the game

So they banned the player because modding the game or they banned the player because removing the flag?


Well, that’s fucking gay

Everybody are such snowflakes these days fr 💀

Deadass? Who cares bro it's a mod that like 70% of people probably wont install why give a fuck?

You can't force people to like/accept a pride flag. This is stupid. Humans are stupid. Let people do as they wish. Modding it out isn't hurting anyone.

Remember folks you can burn an American flag , piss , shit, step on it with no consequences. But godforbid you remove an alphabet flag and it’s the evilest thing in the world LMAO. People are a joke

Maybe people who don't care about people's sexuality and what flags people fly are just sick and tired of having all this absolutely everywhere. Every Disney/marvel and apps are promoting this. How much attention do people really need. Just be human and enjoy life.


But it’s a single player shouldn’t I as the buyer be allowed to enjoy the game how I want? This is heterophobic asf

I can't get over all the people crapping on this modder yet defending Sony, which is doing the exact same thing but MONETIZING IT by censoring this sort of thing in other countries. Yeah, this mod is ridiculous, but shit, it's being done with code that's ALREADY IN THE GAME.

So Kotaku is still trash, huh?

it's a fucking single player game lmao the wokes are ridiculous.

banned from what? I ain't going to a link shortener that links to another link shortener

The homophobes in this comment section is wild 😂😂

where can I download the mod now?


Might just have to download it myself😈

Y'all really trippin over this huh


But if they removed the American flag there’s no issue lol


I never understood why inclusion bothers people. If you don't fuck with something just ignore it. It really is that simple.

Actually what he did didn’t hurt anybody and people should just be allowed to do what they want. You don’t think it’s cool? Fine. He doesn’t think you’re cool either lmao


its a video game

Oh some good news for a change 😄

Would there be as much backlash if it was the American flag removed?

As much as I think this mod is stupid I think that banning it is even worse...🤔

…Surely all modders should be banned then! Why is just those for removing a pride flag get removed! 🤯🤯🤯🤯

It's funny how there is now a mod that replaces all US Flags with pride and that still hasn't been taken down,



But in Skyrim I can install a mod that lets me lynch every Thalmor I come across and it’s fine

All the modder did was make the Middle East version available in the States

LOL the whole game can fuck right off then I guess. The rainbow nazis are out in full force haha


Based mod

damn straight, he got what was comin for him.

So they are advocating for people to respect their choices while they can't even respect other people for wanting to follow their religion's beliefs. Kinda hypocritical honestly

Why not ban the game for having everything required to quickly swap the textures for middle eastern markets where homosexuality is banned

ahhh twitter, what a lovely place indeed


Dissent against the alphabet class will not be tolerated.

I hope someone else releases a mod that puts a pride flag on every corner

That's straightphobic of them

The same people who laugh and say “it’s just a flag you need to stop getting so offended” are the same people who would cry censorship over an anime girl in their game being covered up or aged up. Give me a break. 😑

The western world crumbles I love it

Not saying what they did was appropriate or not. But just making sure everyone gets the proper information. If you read th article it is very bias but it does state the mod was made under a different name then what the mod actually did. So they were instantly trying to deceive.

Propaganda lmao

If they dont like the flag, they can put the flag in every enemy in the game and beat'em up all but there will be millions of flags so its a win win for each side

I bet you can download that mod from somewhere else. No worries.

So we are forced to accept gay stuff in our games and can't evwn mod it out after we give them our money? Pathetic.

I only recall seeing one Pride Flag in the game. Kinda curious to why they would ban him entirely. I like Sony because they don't try to take political sides, but that probably wasn't the best move!

Mf not even doing quests just walking around the map looking for something to get mad at I’m crying

No wrongdoing in removing the flags

All things within the state, nothing outside or against the state.

I choose this 🇺🇸 over this 🏳️‍🌈


After reading the comments here. I figured two things, if you removed the flag then you don’t support the group and help with endangering there life (🤯), because i played a game without there colors. And second this generation is butthurted and whining a lot. Have sweet dreams.



Gay people are weird

that’s fine I got the mega :)

A lot of you have some serious mental damage, and need to learn to respect the beliefs of other people.

Actually it's letting players play the version Insomniac made themselves to sell in the Middle East cause Pride is great...unless it costs them sales.

POV gays when they see anything that lightly offends them

Lol thats hilarious. Atleast he gave players an option. Thats more than what most devs do. Shouldnt have been banned for a stupid flag as that doesnt affect or hurt actual gameplay.

Meanwhile Nexus Mods still hosts 18+ rated sexual mods that include rape mods.... hypocracy at its finest.


Such a better looking game without that garbage in it, glad I downloaded it.

L game

L imsomociac

Wasn't the modder from the middle east? seems kinda racist.

Tombstone aka the face of homophobia


so much for freedom of expression, once again we see the that community getting offended, its no wonder why so many are getting fed up with those people....its getting old and censorship is simple wrong

imagine being scared of colors on a piece of virtual cloth

It’s ok to be straight and patriotic.

Don't install the mod and play the game as you like? What's the problem here? Whoever likes the pride flag, just play it as is. Want the American flag? Install he mod. Why can't people just do what they like instead of making all this drama?


What a double standard

Offtopic question: Will Spider-Man PC have side mission mods you think?

Bro why is it so hard to just ignore the LGBTQ+ content in Spider-Man, like are you THAT scared of “the gays” that you need to erase every rainbow you see? grow tf up. Tired of all the homophobic Spider-Man fans. Spider-Man would be ashamed.

Shame, he was doing the right thing

is why cant stand pcheads they cry for sony games and just cant enjoy the game for what it is, then trying to change everything about the game

Damn, that was my favorite mod.

i don't get it you swing around the map barely looking at it do you see it every waking moment like i don't get it

I prefer youtube comments. They at least had a brain and common decency

It's a look on the awfulness of China and how publishers bend the knee. But sure take it with one person.

Yep, defiantly not buying this game now. I personally wouldn't have modded it out. But now that I see they are forcing it. Not even if it's in the $5 bin.

Good. Bigots don't get nice things.

If I make a mod in skyrim that turns all of the dragons into Thomas the tank engine, it doesn't mean that I hate dragons. Oh, also the guy who made the mod also made a mod where he turned every flag into the pride flag, I don't see people calling him out on that. Wonder why?


Given the textures were already in the game from middle eastern releases, its kinda insomniacs fault lmao

The best mod ever.

Good, don’t give them any grounds for bigotry

So who exactly was forced to download this optional user created mod? It’s almost like people can’t ignore shit like adults and move on 🤷‍♂️

Good. Whoever came up with that is a loser.

This is why Batman Arkham is clear

This comment section doesn't pass the vibe check. Marvel is and has always been about inclusivity. Including as much diversity as possible.


I’d have changed the flags to be troll faces

We love to see it

Another trash article by kotaku lol :D:D. How are they still in bussines.




I refuse to believe there people who disagree with this

America fuck yea

The same modder has a mod that changes all flags to pride flags. How does this make them homophobic?



Let's riot to make him come back

We really this mad about what someone does in their SINGLE PLAYER game?

Can’t believe some loser waste their time messing with the game code, find a model to replace the pride flag, mod the game and upload to Nexus. At that point I think we all know who’s the real “snowflakes” here


Who is responsible for banning modders?

Imagine being such a snowflake you spend time removing a flag from a game. Instead of just... Idk, not being a snowflake about it

Nonsense. Sensitive society strikes again cuz of one flag

So judging from the comment, a person got banned because they made the non-LGBT version publicly available?

They’re literally bullying the world into “accepting” them and expect respect back.. I honestly dgaf what you do or who you do or with, but don’t try an bully your way around..

Tbh i don't mind, it's his game that will be modified not mine, so where is the problem?


You WILL worship the rainbow flag and you WILL be happy

Now start banning the Middle Eastern and Chinese players too thx

Lmao W

Y’all know Sony itself does the same shit to their own game? Lmao y’all are getting mad at a dude for literally doing something they do for other customers anyways.

Lol, get fucked ❤️

So basically this game forced gay people on them so he changed it back to the normal flag and he got banned

You guys hurt my head. The point isn't that someone had the idea and COULD remove them. The point is that someone had the idea and they CHOSE to remove them. Really think about it. [1/2]

…..but the same modder also made a mod that makes EVERY flag a pride flag, and they even explained “this mod is just a texture change that’s already in the game’s code for certain regions.” They didn’t deliberately make a non-Pride flag version, they just removed region lock.

banned for improvement


Wait so it's bad if a modder does it but acceptable when the devs do it for different homophobic regions like China and the middle east?

Sony is pathetic

Banned from what exactly?

(Even though he made a mod to add more pride flags but whatever)



what a fucking joke. If it doesnt affect you directly, let it be.

So the guy was banned from nexus mods, right? Does that stop them from still making the mod and posting it in another mod site?

that way you can see wich one is the ignorant, ps not the modder

Good riddance.

He did gods work 🙏🏾

people who support the ban, if i were to make a mod that removes the american flag do you think i should get banned

W opinion

Me wondering: there’s pride flags in Spider-Man? 🧐

It’s Pride month all over the world , but not race equality month , or peace month. Oh wait , it’s hard to make money on the latter.

Tbf everyone crying about “snowflakes” when YALL were the ones who lost your shit when you saw the pride flags in the game 🙄

Not a big deal

Freedom of speech has gone down the drain then. Sad to see



Oh the comments are an homophobia nest

Such a L to be straight now a days we can have nun with out people who choose to be what they are getting mad💀

one mod was also removed for replacing every flag with the pride flag 🙃

Forcing LGBT content in a game is ok, giving an option to remove it isn't, got it

Oh Kotaku. Pathetic bigots as per usual. The irony.

Common Sony L.

All the people who are 'hurt' by a optional mod that does not affect them really need to get a life

Thank god I saw this tweet. It reminded me to buy my weekly supply of Pride flags to burn. Thanks!

Youve gotta be thin skinned to take offense at this. Not everyone cares about your sexuality.


Some people want to enjoy games and movies without political propaganda, i don't see nothing wrong with it

That's awful he was banned for modding a game

All he did was enable a feature that was in the game already to be used by players.. Insomniac already had this in place for foreign markets.

What a fucking legend

Anyone got the download link?

Its modding you can do practicly anything in moding if a guy doesnt want pride flags all over the city then he has the full choice to remove them if your gonna ban a mod for just removing some stupid flags that you might not even support then our world has truly gone downhill.

He literally just changed it to the version in the middle east

Fucking snowflakes

Gotta love it when people bring up chinese and middle eastern releases of the game as a defense for these mods. Nexus isn't Sony. They didn't make those releases. And those of us who criticize the mod also do not agree with Sony's lgbtq stripped versions of the game.

Extremely rare Kotaku dub

Freedom alright 🤣

Pride fag

yeah cuz you know, screw freedom of speech and stuff when its against something YOU like. I swear if this was the other way around and it was like a trump flag or something people would be celebrating this modder and trying to get him a permanent job with sony

Bruh such a show for s game The comments tho

W modder

Incredibly based and Anti-America of them

I always wonder why these liberals never say anything about China or Middle East. Baffles me.

Alphabet Mafia strikes again.

When did the LGB group, supposedly about acceptance, turn to such a hateful and oppressive mob? We're losing the battle for acceptance yearly because stuff like this but everyone's blinded by their hate to see it. Doubtless, this will get hate, but idc. It's a bloody game ffs..

Thank god they removed it



Do these woke mfs realize that they don't have to download the mod?

Reminds me of a mod that added pride flags to Fo4. The mod itself was great. But as usual phobes were throwing temper tantrums in the comments

This people tryna make everything bout them?

All he did was enable the Middle Eastern texture localization files, which Insomniac themselves created.

Nexusmods being soft?

On one hand I get why someone removing the flags make them an ass, but a ban? Considering this is already in the game for middle east editions, isn't it insomniac to blame for saying 'you either take our game with the flags or you don't get it'?


Why, why can't people have their own beliefs as long as youre not bothering anyone? Its only a problem if you force it on others

That's fascist!! Wtf They really pushing that crap every way they can. they_ruinned_rainbows


All he did is change to middle eastern version It was already in game I thought you guys were pro censorship and people should accepting it or should I use words like localization And he wanted to play localized middle eastern version

this is one of the smallest dumb things I've seen like yeah its only existence is to cater to homophobes but I doubt the mod is going to suddenly make someone homophobic

Absolute chad

It's crazy how the LGBTQ claim that Christians & muslims force there beliefs on people without there consent While they🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ push there gay agenda on the masses (mostly kids) on a larger scale then any other culture/community or religion

I really wanna make a mod with a mod page that says it removes the pride flags and has screenshots with pride flags removed but it actually adds a ton of pride flags everywhere

Glad to hear of their stance on this. Very.

A ban is a little excessive. No one out there is feeling inspired to come out of the closet because they saw a flag in spiderman. Who does it really affect?

Banning for removing a flag? Sounds like fascism to me.

So? I see no problem

Funny how people are defending him by saying 'You should respect his opinion', but probably wouldn't respect the opinion of the modsite to ban him.

And by doing so, incidentally, have made the mod the most popular mod for the game by far. well aside from the usual nudity mods.

True legend, doesn't deserve to get banned

He got banned for enabling the Arab version lmao

Leaving the writer's questionable attitude aside, in my view the modder did nothing wrong really. He changed some textures in the game, so what, I don't get why people are offended. Besides, from what I gathered, he just used files and settings present in the game

What even is this drama



We need to support the guy who created this mod 🥰




The Hypocrisy, they promote 'Live Your Live They Way You Want' but then when someone says 'Ooh i want to change the flag' they instantly try to control you to not do what you want, the mod is not harming anybody, y'all just to sensitive.

Delete every fucking one of them

AStillExists Bruh no wau

Did they take down the mod too? Where can i find it?


Why would this person be banned for letting players remove the Pride flag? The flag shouldn't have been added at all, because it's a political problem in the first place! Always a kid on here who will comment on it 🤣

I'd remove that shit in real life. Am I getting banned in real life? Lmaooo


Wasn't that an option in the game for localisation? So does that mean Sony should be banned for even having it? What about countries who demand the flag not even be included? Should the game not be sold there?

Thanks for the writing Ashley. It gave me life!

Pride flags were added on the remaster? I played the original and don’t remember ever seen one. Or I think it didn’t bothered me so I just swing by them.


If Spidey can pose on Christopher St with the 🏳️‍🌈; then why not have him on 181 St with the 🇩🇴, 116th St 🇵🇷, 13th Ave 🇮🇱, Franklin Ave 🇵🇦, Arthur Ave 🇮🇹, 125th St with ✊🏿/RBG, Rogers Ave 🇭🇹, Bay Ridge Ave 🇮🇪, GreenPoint Ave 🇵🇱, Liberty Ave 🇬🇾or Hylan Blvd 🇺🇸? Just a thought.

Seems like freedom of speech and believes works one way only. You can only accept political correctness. Its funny though that this is happening in single player game, and you don’t have an option to stay away from this


Don’t like the mod? Don’t download it, simple as 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s not like fucking Spiderman needs a bunch of Pride nonsense plastered everywhere anyways

N I thought mods didn't have boundaries

He died as a hero he was the real spider man

Based banhammer

Good to hear 🌈🌈🌈

rest easy, king 😔👑

You’re not allowed to mess with the alphabet people

Why do people get so upset? Its not real life

Goodbye Modderf*cker 👏👍

Ffs why does pride flag need to be there gay good fr them idgaf

Didn't the mod just use the localization options for Saudi Arabia, or was that just a rumor someone started? Because if so everyone's a hypocrite and this story is hilarious

Sad day indeed poor Modder man😔 some hero's don't wear capes

“The fact the user needed to make a sock puppet like a coward to upload the mod showed their intent to troll,”

Not saying this is a good thing but why do y’all care so much what someone does to their own single player game, it’s not like this modder or any one who used the mod has any effect on your life

Bit late on this one

wow, what a free speech for the west

Bro said

sadge I'll download it from somewhere else ig

It’s just a mod, this is ridiculous



Why so serious just a mod now we punishing modders over a mod wow how low🙄

I have nothing against most LGBTQ people. But those that wave the flags and screech at others. They do nothing but hurt the community's image as a whole. Just for that reason, I'd remove the LGBTQ references. Why should we accept you, when you don't accept us. Fair trade.

I feel mixed with this... I don't have a hatred against the LGBT+ community, I just hate the modern politics that's been going on lately to the point where I wish it just shut the hell up about it. However if the mod was purely homophobic, then screw the modder.

Classic Webhead!

This wouldn't even be a story if it had happened on a game that isn't considered big or popular. It's a game, people can do with it as they please.

how does the flag, affect ones gameplay. honest answers only.

The LGBT community are a bunch of hypocrites. I’d rather be a bigot than be a hypocrite honestly.

At this point the + people are doing too much

Holy based

Hey China and Middle East also don't allow the pride flag, when you gonna criticise about that.

Well I'm using it thanks to the guy .

To anyone saying it's like China/Middle East release, that ain't the point, is it? You can and should attack devs for making such a version, and you absolutely should ban anyone who thinks it's a good idea to mod a game to be homophobic. Don't like it? Tough.

chad move.

That’s stupid. What if someone wanted to replace the flag with his own country’s flag?

There’s a mod for that What if I want to replace it with a Japanese flag or a flag from another video game…?

american flag is homophobic confirmed

What about if the flag was to offend certain people, I don’t see this being an issue, things get blown way out of proportion these days 🥴

Should not have been banned imo. He just changed it to the middle eastern version. I swear the people that complain just want it shived in your face 24/7 let normal people choose what they want to see, not everything has to be about LGBTQIA+. We are tired of seeing it

That’s gay

ꋊꋬꁝ ꒒ꏂ꓄ ꓄ꁝꏂꂵ ꁝꋬ꒦ꏂ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꉔꁝꄲ꒐ꉔꏂ

so if u dont like it download mods that have it.


Wasnt the mod just enabling a feature already present in the game ?

For me i don't have any problem with lgbt just don't 'force' their belief on people, and my belief is ''you do you and I do mine'


It’s just a flag. And yes the flag has history meaning etc but ppl shouldn’t be punished to believe in what u believe in that’s lame as hell. If someone wanna see the American flag what’s wrong wit that

Idk why people wanna defend the guy

Homophobia is cringe.

Nexus did this? Based haha


The mod isn't actually a mod but a filter created by inmsoniac to remove all LGBT references so the game could be sold in Arabic regions. The modder just gave the option to activate it. The ones 'oppressing' minorities are the ones who enabled such option. Go after inmsoniac.

This article in itself is hatespeech. They're using a flawed assumption to call people homophobic. Thats not just reaching, thats slander

I don't get why though. It's a single player mod they could keep to themselves if they wanted too. Okay they got banned. They should be allowed to have all their money back from this game to the whole system if it's ban permanently.

Haaa varungu madhodhi chaiwo ayas

Where can I get this mod?👀


Gottem lol

Banned from where? Y'all have sites for this shit?


The comments are why we are dying as a society. Part of them just want the option to not associate with a group. The other section thinks that is evil, racist, bigot talk and attack anyone who disagrees. One side wants to be left alone, the other side won't leave them alone.

went out a hero

So people can mod games to add LGBTQ stuff but people can't mod a game to add a flag? Keep you LGBTQ trash out of my games

Umi dont know how legal is modding but if i was him i outta sue

Don't agree with what he did but its hypocritical because it was the games own resources that replaces the flag that the devs use ingame in countries where homosexuality is illegal, its ok for them to do it as long as they make money, which is arguably worse

'Spider-Man Remastered mod banned' 'That's great!' 'What is that?!'

Oh look, it’s the official Middle Eastern version of Spider-Man Remastered…

For me a Muslim living in Muslim countries I need these mod

W modder L developer

Whilst it's clearly a homophobic act that does need some sort of response, this response is setting a dangerous rhetoric. Mods are used to personalise your own gaming experience, on the copy of the game you purchased to do what you want with. This is gatekeeping, again.

lmfao who wrote this this reads like a chat room log


My ass itches bruh


Why ffs not everybody wants to bow down to a cult

lol, owned

A based man being punished yet again. Never back down from your beliefs, and never let the woke mob get to you. We admire your work and the risk you took in going public with it. This will not be forgotten.

Can this whole bickering and arguing over this mod just stop like who the fuck cares ok the game has gay flags in it so what modder makes a mod that replaces them with US flags who gives a shit there's nothing wrong with either side

Sooo getting this mod, seems like a mod that makes sense.

The thing that gets me is that apparently the modders got the code to make said mod from the middle eastern version of the game, which replaced the pride flag with the american flag. So it's essentially banning a mod for doing what Insomniac themselves already did.


The mod was a version of the game designed for countries with anti-gay laws created by the developers, the modder simply allowed players to access said version.

Homophobic people should get the Luka Magnotta execution they deserve to burn 😘

I want a mod that changes the Chinese & Middle Eastern versions of the game to use the Pride flag. Fuck homophobia.

I don't see the big deal. Just don't download or mess with the mod if it's that big of a deal. It's not physically hurting you. Tbh though do you people stare at the flag for hours on end while playing the game? (Welp...let's see how much Hell I catch for this one😂💀)

Lol, that isn't even necesserily homophobic at all. xD


This makes absolutely no sense it’s just sad that people get banned for doing little things like this

You can't just delete 👇 'THE MESSAGE' 🙌


it was just a flag change mod its not the end of the world

Nice. Anyone notice we’re going backwards? Like, this feels like oppression.


Lol! 😂Would have done the same thing if I knew how to mod. AMERICA! 🇺🇸

Its so funny that we shun dictatorial countries for shoving propaganda and political messages down the publics throats but then when a western country does it, its completely ok? Wasn't the whole point of western society its championship of freedom?

That modder is a king and patriot.

should this mod be banned too? or should literally no one give a shit because it doesn't effect anyone but the person installing it

Not one sided or anything, just curious what would have been the results if American flags were removed in a mod that replaced them with pride flags? 🤔



From what I hear didn't he literally just switch the game to the 'eastern version'? And besides if u really wanna download it it's all over the place

Not all heroes wear capes

based modder.

based modded


tf? xD Everyone has all the right to add or remove through mods things from games... I swear, the world we live in...

they doin too much by banning them ngl☠️

No one is actually mad about this… but online activists always gotta be cringe.

Is there a mod to get rid of all flags in the game 🤷‍♂️

Why? People paid for the game They deserve to mod the game any way they want It's not a Multiplayer game where u can disrupt the environment for other players You guys will literally force somebody to eat a food they don't want to eat insomniacgames

Why the hell would someone go out of their way and take time to single handedly remove every pride flag in the game lol

Nah that was just too far. I found a problem with them posting it but it most definitely wasn’t worth a ban. It’s their game at the end of the day and if people wanna do it to their files just let them they’re not being homophobic to irl people by modding a single player game.

I mean personally I think politics shouldn’t be in games. Let people do whatever they want. If they wana remove the flag let them if they wana add the flag let them. It’s an escape from the real world why do you care what they’re doing in the game?

The Middle Eastern version has the pride flag removed by default.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with having pride flags in a game, but people should be able to play games without political messages if they want. They are hanging by every landmark in the world and in nearly all schools etc. the message is well and truly out.

Look how the turn tables.

The west officially deserves the collapse that is coming to it.

Imagine banning someone just for replacing a fucking flag


The one mod I'm okay with

Hopefully the mod is still available somewhere and the creator has a patreon for us to support so he can make more excellent mods like this one. It’s a significant improvement to the game


Good. Whiny bigots can kick rocks. Gamers are such weirdos...

Imo they shouldn't have banned him because 1. Sony are changing their opinion based on the region,they don't care about gay rights and 2. Everyone should mod the game however they want,i don't think it's wise to silence anybody because things can get ugly.

That's bullshit insomniacgames

Who wrote the article? A 12 year old?


it only replaced files that already existed. it was the China version of the game. Nexus better ban China next or they just virtue signaling for profit.

Now days the pride flag it's more important tnah the US flag. 🤡

Literally 1984

DgelijkSGameS hero

Soo they banned him for not supporting pride ? 💀💀

Massive L

Literally nothing wrong that he did. Reason being you have to download it therefore if you don't well no issue. And yet Nexus had no problem with people making nude and big ol'd tiddie mods for fallout 4 but remove the rainbow flag a big no no.

people are way too woke now..

Took one for the team 🫡

_Hero_Hei_ a continuation of that last one you did on this topic

It was the middle eastern localization that removed them it was already in the game just a texture swap NexusSites are a bunch of piss babies who can't practice what they preach

Guess I won't be buying Spiderman. Shit game anyways.


I reported it :)

Islam is right about them

Banger article pic holy shit Rare Kotaku W


The modder made a mod to replace all flags with pride flags lmao

Wasn’t this a feature in the game code, so they could sell it in less accepting countries?

Give him a medal!


Iflashiestboy based

unnecessary mod yea but this is just sad 💀 if it was a mod to render the pride flag in there this would look a lot different



Of all the things to be angry about and you all choose a digital piece of cloth from a mod that you don't need to download....I'm a bi man who has been in many gay relationships I think this entire situation is so damn stupid.

This is an interesting development. I know the immediate reaction is to denounce the motivation behind the pride flag removal as justification. However, I am concerned by the precedent this could present, and I don't know how to feel about it.


billmaher this has you all over it call them out

How is that a bad thing tho? I don't get how someone can be banned because of their beliefs.


Maybe some people don’t subscribe to mutilating kids and don’t want a flag that represents that?

Wow what a bunch of babies I swear

Yeah if you don't like it, don't download the mod?


Ok, now ban Disney for removing LGBTQ scenes from films in homophobic country's releases.

why would you get banned for that lol

Les dijimos, centrense en ponerles unas tetotas bien gordas y ricas a la MJ y a Gatúbela. Pero no, tuvieron que salir homofóbicos 🙄🙄🙄🙄

I’d remove it in a heartbeat

Good, ban all the haters.


Can't we all just get along? Apparently not.

Not a good look for PC master race snobs.

Wait till the they find out the Chinese version of the game doesn't need this mod because it's already part of it.

This will result in MORE mods in other games changing or deleting LGBTQ stuff. Blowing it out of proportion as 'usual' only makes it worse. Let people have the freedom to choose


simple texture replacements are easy as fuck. I could do this in like 10 minutes or less

Someone should make a mod for Wolfenstein to change all flags to pride, what would they say then?

Its a flag, what if I want to replace that flag? We have fucking modes for san andreas to get a white cj and nobody said shit about it because it is ONLY a mod. If you want to use it, it wont affect other people


Lgbt zealots don't care if the flag makes you uncomfortable, no option to remove it. Lgbt zealots start screaming about being uncomfortable if you just add the option to do it. I mean this is some next level hypocrisy.

That's a fat L. Not all of us care about LGBT bs, we don't need it being preached to us cuz we simply don't care about it.

Imagine being pressed about a flag in a video game

Lol, the moment when a flag is the biggest controversy in video games today. Society really is in a fucked up place, huh?

you can enable child killing in games , have nude mods , and all sorts of shit but damn removing an ugly flag is too far

Spiders dick fall off. Wouldn't it be natural for the flag to do the same in a game about spiders and men :)

Lmfaoooo way to go sport

Pretty stupid. This mof affects no one.

Should've replaced the flag with a Ukraine flag, they are still being invaded.

Another victim of the cancel culture

someone make a mod where it changes every flag to the gif of wide putin walking gif meme

Imagine being a modder with limitless possibilities of improving the game or making it more fun and your first call of action is to “remove lgbtq flags” 😐

Lol that is probably the most ridiculous reason I ever heard for a ban.

Pathetic. Let people mod the game however they want. If they wanna remove those flags or change it to something else, it’s up to them. It’s their own modded game, it doesn’t influence others.

Beyond a joke

Y’all wasting your breath over one guy

Bunch of soft alphabet soup loser.

Just a little bit of Trolling

Free my boy he did nothing wrong

Just here to clarify some confusion: Sony didn’t ban anyone, Nexus did (the site the mod was hosted on). The mod itself actually just made the flag spawns the same as the ones for the Middle Eastern and Chinese markets version which does not have the Pride flag.

Let em do it

He got banned from one modding website that literally has a policy against anti-inclusivity. He created a burner account named 'Mike Hawk' to post the mod to said website and erased all doubt that there was malicious intent behind the mod, which violates the TOS.

I seen games get whitewash mods which remove coloured people from games they seem to stay up but a mod removing a flag is what gets banned lol come on priorities people

What if it considered religiously offensive?

Banning a player because they used a mod to change an in game flag. Wow, I don't care what narrative you drive but banning someone for this?

Booo! Let people mod how they want too

Can I replace every pride flag with the Mountain Dew logo

I've never seen this flag. Spent too much time just playing the game

Free country

You will obey the regime

Isn't the whole point of modding to do whatever you want?

All of a sudden the 'don't like it don't play it' crowd isn't following their own advice, except with an optional mod instead of a whole game 🤡

Died a hero

Why do we need a pride flag . That’s weird.

it's honestly not that deep. they could choose to not download it or cry about it on twitter. I understand that it can be seen as homophobic but I don't think anyone is really complaining about the releases in other countries that don't have them.


Why do all the heroes have to die?

best mod for all time

I’ve never been ratio’d

sooooo...why do we care? just simply dont use the mod?

Truly the most discriminated class of people is the modern g*mer./s

Maybe the should be called wokestation studios. Dude should have atleast gotten his money back

literally 1984 💀

Ver os gays se doendo porque a bandeirinha deles foi trocada e ainda chamar o cara de homofóbico! Bando de hipócritas. ! 🤣👍

its literally just another hot coffee case lol


I would rather have that in the game with the option to mod it out, than have it not included by default and have to be modded in. Removing player choice is generally a bad thing whether it's platform exclusives or mods. This is just winning a battle at the expense of the war.

He was a true hero.

Im uneducated, why such a big fuss for this matter?


Yup. And people are STILL trying to post that same mod, but with different names/descriptions. Look, even if you don't support LGBTQ+, the ones who run the Nexus do. If they say they don't allow this type of mod then accept it. Don't keep trying to upload the same thing! (Cont.)

A lot of these replies just saying its okay for Sony to be anti-LGBT as long as its profitable for them, but not a random joe smoe on the internet using Sony's code to do stupid shit like take flags out of a game. Even if the game was already programmed to do that for Sony 🤷🏽‍♂️

I didn't even know there was one to begin with.


Man this guy isn’t homophobic That’d mean he’s scared of them The gays are fucking phobic of him lmao

Unban him

The flag that they didn’t use in certain parts of the world.

Pretty sure they did the flipside too, undeserved tbh What's funny is too that the pride flag removal mod just makes the game behave like a Middle Eastern copy, the modder didn't even really do anything, it probably took less than 5 minutes to make

Cry more. The Pride Flags plastered all over Spider-Man was OUT OF CONTROL. There were more rainbow flags in the game than there are in NYC in real life. That mod will NEVER disappear, no matter how many tears you cry. I hope someone makes a mod replacing them with DTOM flags.

Banned? Really? Shouldn't it be up to the player for that

He should sue

I mean how is not supporting or not having problems with gay people is homophobic? Just let the guy do whatever he wants he bought the game


Why ban him?. Man earned the biggest W of all time

God first created the rainbow as a sign to Noah that there would never again be a worldwide flood, also known as the Rainbow covenant. Around the 1500s people used the Rainbow Flag to represent it not LGBTQ.


What is he banned from? The game?

Homophobes trying so hard to tell us they’re oppressed rn.

L I like how the comments on this are just people arguing on how people don't respect others opinions and shit


Lost a real one

What a shit article. It's a mod that can be installed by choice by the player who owns the game. It's no different than the people who want to install mods in bethesda games from lovers lab. Guess you rather force the pride issue instead of letting people have a choice in it.

That's a weird ban

Who cares, it's uploaded on other websites.

People will continue to do these things because you tell them they can't. It will increase now. Do the left understand human nature at all?

rip dude changed a texture and a bunch of femfucks bitched about it

Behold, the 'oppressed' minority. Kind of a touchy bunch, eh?

i’m all for total free speech. but it’s literally the developers choice. yes you can technically say whatever you want but that’s doesn’t mean you can’t expect consequences from people and institutions. you don’t have a right to homophobic spider-man mods.

ROFL! its their own details that are in for the Saudi releases xDDD

ironic that if you buy the game in Russia, china and Saudi Arabia, those versions won't have any pride flags or anything like it, following their own actions, they should ban themselves but oh well, the hypocrisy, expected no less from Sony


Let's wait till they make BLM replacement to LGBT flag mod

Good riddance

Commie censorship

Sony (PlayStation) when a game comes to pc, let it be modded!


All the people going 'the code was already there, it's the big corporation playing both sides!' are ridiculous, honestly. Yes, they removed any LGBT from the game in countries where it would have seen intense opposition if not outright being banned from selling it. It sucks they-

Bruh 🤣 Didn't you guys get rid of the flags for the Chinese release?


Some people dont want to see Pride flags plastered everywhere. Nexus has every right to take it down but Im all for that mod. If you get triggered by flags being replaced. Then you are probably a fascist

It's my game and I can mod it however tf I want lmao. Lgbt always have double standards.

SMH some people so toxic, if people wanna be gay let em no one tells you shit for being a racist LOL !

He was a true hero and will be remembered + no homo

Its free speech if they don't want q flag in they're game then thats a person choice it's just q flag and flag that's already in the game at that

I don't see what the big deal is. Spider-man isn't a mutliplayer game. It only effects the people that download and install mod. If you don't like the mod then don't install it. How would you feel if they added more LGBTQ content in a mod and nexus banned it?

fucking christ talk about overkill

I don’t understand Mods, I’m not a computer gamer. But they allow Mods? If so he created one, if someone doesn’t like it do they have to download it? Or can they just play their game like normal? Brian Cashman sucks as Yankee GM as well. FireCashman





Guess buying and owning a game doesn’t matter hope he can get a refund


Fucking poggers

Anyone who thinks Spidey doesn't say trans rights doesn't know shit.

Tell me this generation is soft without telling me.

Isn't that discrimination?

What a clown world. The developers should be ashamed

not all heroes wear capes

i thought spider man story is around america so it should be american flag rather an unknown flag

Barney was a psyop

Who got the link to the mod 😫

Exclude all who aren’t inclusive!

It's a private company. They can support or oppose whatever they choose to. Don't like it? Don't play the game. Period. Personally I say good for them! I applaud then standing by LGBTQIA+ rights. It's about time some major corporation did



The lgbt community literally just wants to put their flag on everything to claim and oppress whatever they can and this is proof of it, banning someone just because they dont want to see the aids flag is a blatant display of facism


Thats hilarious

People on Twitter are going to complain but the mode wasn't homophobic when he used insomniacs own resources to make them American flags. Resources that were used to remove them in other countries. He also had one where every flag was a rainbow. Y'all are just childish.

I hate everyone equally no matter gender or race


Imagine your that fragile that you ban someone because they dont want your heavily politicized poopy butthole sex flag plastered through a game they spent money on

Homophobic? Nah, you're just heterophobic

The punishment does not fit the crime at all

A different type of villain 😭

Dawg, how tf are LGBT people so privileged that removing their symbols from a game socially unacceptable? Like, that is insane. The modder could've been homophobic, but getting rid of pride flags is not homophobic. Wild, honestly.

i would have done the same, being homophobic isn´t free speach nor an opinion. It doesn´t hurt anyone to have a pride flag in the game, let people choice for themself if they wanna use it or not, that is freedom

L Tbh it’s only a flag I don’t get why it’s that big of a deal

So many people here act like they are forced to download these mods. Not saying I like this mod but c'mon y'all classic Twitter 🤣🤣🤣

bruh moment, the guy changed a texture and the world went against him, sad times

common L

Rainbow mob promoting acceptance as always🤭

W modder L devs

Modder did nothing wrong, not everyone wants pride shoved down their throats.


Oh no a rainbow flag! What a fucking coward

Lmao get fucked

So now we just need to flood that shitty mod site with thousands of versions of that mod.

Thats gay

How gay

This replies in this thread makes my fucking brain hurt 💀

I seriously don't see how anyone's actually taking the side of the modder here. Mf literally went out of his way to remove something that easily could've just been ignored. Why the fuck would you do that to begin with?

Free him!


Wasn't even a mod. Just made the game the version they sell in the Middle East.

NexusMods being based again?

Oooo… you can remove whatever u want there with mod except the flag. Is this the US version of Chinese Communist Party?

Damn, guess I just have to get the china version now

All they did was take a flag out. Its not like they went full 'God hates F**s' with westboro Baptist church.


so everybody is gay now!

Some of y'all people need to learn what the tolerance paradox is. You keep acting like people have to tolerate hatred or they are intolerant. A society that tolerates intolerance is an intolerant one. A society rejecting intolerance is the only way to be truly tolerant society.

What a world we live in....

So much for equality for all! Oh wait i forgot 🤣

Here it thought everyones' beliefs and opinions all together is best represented by the American Flag that shows that we stand United regardless of opinions.


He didn’t remove all lgbtzebra flags. He’s just added more freedom 🇺🇸

Oh bitch, bitch, bitch.

It's the textures in the middle eastern version of the game.


It was big brain to remove the pride flag.

Ahahahahahaha amazing

lmao? I think it’s a shitty mod but it seems ridiculous to ban him. it’s not like he replaced the flag with one that’s just the f slur

that sucks i hope they unban him

Lmao this is offending people.


bro some people are 14 living in their mums basement and you can tell



Mfs more concerned about a flag than saving the city from a bunch of villains wild. 😭😭😭


bruh why are they removing it anyways? ;-;

Lol triggered.

Just play the middle eastern version.

PFFFFT HAHAHAHAHA THIS WHOLE GENERATION IS HILARIOUS. I support but going to the extent of removing a flag cause it burns your eyes is hilarious.

why do people care so much if there's pride flags in a game 😭 y'all are fucking children

Mfs acting like they aren’t playing a game with a character who has literally admitted he was somewhat fruity

Magat 'muh free speech' cope in-coming lmao

It an obsession lol they really took the time out of their day for a piece of virtual cloth


If they changed every flag in the game, then there wouldn't be an issue The issue was that they changed ONLY the pride flag and called it the 'Homophobic' mod There is literally no valid reason to change it, any other is based in homophobia 'Regional differences' don't mean shit.


I barely even noticed the flag. I happened to see it once while swinging by. Like why do people need to mod it out? If you don’t like it, just swing past it and ignore it. It’s not like gameplay will change having it there.

If the modder was removing religious iconography in place of this flag there wouldn't be an issue, fact is mods are optional, being this upset over an option (even one you see as silly) is dumb.

This is a bad play. I support LGBTQ rights and I think I should have the right to decide whether or not I see it. I don't have a problem seeing the pride flag but I wouldn't want a maga flag in my game


Bruh, I am pretty sure some LGBTQ guy got mad and banned modder. Shit is hilarious imagine being this asshurt about something.


Get this It is perfectly ok to shit on the flag that represents your entire nation, and every type of people in it. But it is not ok to shit on the flag that represents a portion of people in your country even if you are the only one who is playing that save. Good times.

Free that hero

It's ok, the mod is still readily available elsewhere

How did he get banned from an offline game?

I guess homophobic= replacing a rainbow flag with a flag of your country you want represented. In YOUR own game copy. From a MOD that you can CHOOSE to get.

Damn, got them lol

It ain’t that deep, they just don’t like the lgbt and that’s whatever


The mod was just making spiderman more lore accurate. As spiderman has on multiple forms of media, been homophobic. Safe to say he wouldn't allow the prude flag in his friendly neighborhood. SMH my head.

PastelN0ir Good

Don’t bother having flags unless they are flags for countries, not nonsense. 🤔

Was it like... Actually real mod or just an honest to god shitpost so people can say 'bait' and make themselves think they did something with their lives.

AranTheCurry sorry to see your account got banned

I mean it’s a single player game?! Why does he need to be banned if he’s just doing his thing in his world? Yeah it’s a lot of effort for something as dumb as a flag but like I don’t see why he needs to be banned. Imo you allow it because it’s not effecting anyone.

Yet they allow pornographic mods and child killing mods... yep, their priorities are sound.

This is some cringe shit, considering that the mod was actually just changing it to be like other versions of the game released in countries where its illegal to be gay.


Jeez... You'd think he was forcing people to install and play his mod.

We fw the gay homies here 🏳️‍🌈

Why 🤔🤔🤔 tho


That’s sad

it's a double edge blade. Yes it can be offensive because your removing something that is important to lots of people, like if you were to remove a memorial. BUT! also, it's not offensive.. it's a single flag. If everyone's so uptight about this. Why the rainbow icons in June?

Enabling the Middle Eastern version of the game*

He literally did this but also made a mod that made all flags pride liek all he's done is give people fucking options and this is how peopel repay him Truly no good deed goes unpunished I hope all of you that decided to ban this guy or girl or they/them for all I know a bad day

deserved to get banned for that bs.

Banned from what

Based. Let them have that W

People should be allowed to use both this mod, and the mod that removes American flags in favor of more pride flags if they so want. I think freedom of choice is pretty cool, as unpopular as that sentiment is nowadays.


Ya love to see it



Removing pride flag is not hating it tbf


oh S000o offensiiivee

When someone asks Sony why can’t the LGBT flag be replaced

Based ban


Massive L indeed

Homophobic or Heterophobic, it's just a mod guys. it's just goofy asf to see this post and y'all arguing like a pack of dogs. 😭💀

Ummmm what?


i mean…. It should be an option


They want that mod up, they can find a site they wants to host it - or make their own.

The 'pride' people are the most toxic of all

Spidey07271 Of all the things to mod in a Spider-Man video game, the person decided to mod out a pride flag, turn tombstone into thanos instead lmao

lmfao Nexus mods is full of pedos and weirdos. This doesn't surprise me.

i never saw someone being so mad about the pride flag when the game was on playstation only 😭

Big W, fuck homophobics.


Damn that fuked. pssst give me the link to the mod.

Biggest L i’ve seen all month 💀


people are ill

Porque les importa mas una bandera que los que realmente sufren viendo luces destellantes en los videojuegos tratando de no tener epilepsia. Opciones que han ido desapareciendo hasta que ya nadie se preocupa mas que por una estúpida bandera que no aporta nada mas que confusión.

So deserved tbh

Good fucking riddance lmao



ok but can i still remove it?

cue the 'buh buh but my freedom of speech!!!!!!' commenters

What’s wrong with a nigga removing a flag. Nigga it’s a flag!

the modder literally just turned on the middle east setting lmaoooooo

not everything gotta have LGBT+ plastered all over it.

Weren’t there already American flags in the game anyway? That was the first thing I thought, and if that is the case, it’s hard to argue that dude wasn’t just being a jerk when he made the mod. Honestly it’s a weird ass mod in general

Oh no..... you can still mod the game anyway.

Welcome to pc

Anti-patriotic individuals must be nazis. What a shame. Be Better

🤣🤣🤣🤣 remove it

Don’t let this distract you from the fact there is literally a mod for Skyrim that lets you stab, burn, electrocute, dismember, and ultimately murder KIDS. Oh, and it’s ALSO ON NEXUS. Where’s the outrage for that? This generation is so fucking soft. Not to mention hypocritical.

The good side acting like censorship nazi once again


Banned? For modding the single player game he paid for? That's the dumbest shit I've heard all day.

You would think by the comments that the modder wanted to add a confederate flag or something lmao

Respect legend



That's pretty gay

Time to blame the modder that activated the files in the game for the Middle Eastern release that removed the Pride Flags instead of blaming the company that made those files to begin with

I could understand if the modder took it down completely, but they didn’t. Not everything has to be gay.

The devs banning the modder:

The pride flag/movement is antisemitic and racist. It’s terrorism. I’m glad someone is removing it. That’s the hero Gotham needs.

This is dumb as fuck. I have nothing against homosexuals but some people do because it’s literally what they believe. That’s taking away someone’s freedom of speech. It’s not illegal to be against homosexuality rather you like it or not.

It's a mod. This is the least of their worries. I'm honestly surprised they took the time to do this. Everybody knows there's about 12 million times more degenerate s***

That’s gay. Should have the freedom to take it out if he wanted to

I swear the LGBT community is more protected and babied than actual endangered species. Like what did the mod actually harm other than their feelings, knowing of the reality that not everyone in the world wants to be bothered with them. Being just like everyone else is too much

But why did the developpers removed all the flags for the Chinese release

Who tf cares about replacing a flag😂it’s not like it effects anybody else’s game besides the modders🤦🏿ya keyboard warriors need to touch some grass fr🤓

What the hell? Seriously?

The alphabet people are taking over

not even gonna read the replies just gonna say W insomniac and move on


Free them

Free bro

PLUS_NM Being homophobic ain't right, but the modder was clearly a troll anyhow. I believe people should just be able to scroll past it instead of censoring it, but it is still Nexus's choice at the end of the day.

unban him

They also made a mod that made every flag a trans flag.

Censorship, just like China

WWWW (for removing the flag, not the ban) 🫡🫡 All the 🤡’s that are defending the ban, keep crying🥲🥲


It probably wouldn’t have even been a problem if he literally just didn’t post the mod 💀

I think the reason they did this and banned him is because they didn't want negative press from the LGBTQ+ community saying he did it because he hates gay people and also didn't want negative press from people that hate gay people praising him for doing it

Shots FIRED!

its shitty but it literally effects no one except the people who actively choose to add the mod to their game so literally no one should care

Maybe it was for colorblind players that don't like being reminded of which colors they can't see

Seems like a lot of work to not remind you of them in a superhero game.


Lol rip bozo

Funny thing is that the mod was essentially just using the saudi arabian localization files. But you won't hear that from the same people that desperately want Xenoblade 3 to succeed to own teh gaymurs:tm:

based nexusmods

lol grow some balls

So sad


Banned from what? a single player game?

Wild. Would be a pity if all this mod did was restoring the game to an official version of it sold in a part of the World when being accepting of everyone is not something profitable. But, no, thankfully, it's that Mountain-Dew Gamer-fault, we sill can count of Corporations.

I don’t agree wit the mod n shi but deadass banning him is lowkey scary. He just changed it to an American flag he didn’t promote hate or anything. He probably didn’t even break any ToS either it don’t make sense.


That’s actually fucking stupid

Why would you do that? Oh wait.

I don’t see what the problem was with removing the proofs flag 💀😭

Thoughts 💭 breakingdead1


cmon man he was just based

Comment section is sick, how yall bring black people and middle eastern people into this.


I only ran through the game one time so I didn’t know there was a pride flag in there



These maricones

Ah yes, the wonders of free speech. That is a human right that is so delicate it crumbles on itself.

He should sue them

Banned for changing his own experience in a single player game? Cmon we cannot be this sensitive

Preety sure arab versions dont have them but they bann an american from doing it. Oppresion much.

How long until ComicsGaters defend his ass?

Hero without cape

You could just ignore it and not download the mod… no? ok…

Based modder


you're late to the party for the billionth time

But they don’t ban mods that make everyone nude


I don't understand how putting an American flag in a game is 'homophobic', can someone explain?

Anyone bitching about this is literally supporting bigotry and hate. People should be allowed to make what they want, but if it's something thats sole purpose is to belittle and spread hate, then no it shouldn't be allowed. There is NO reason for this mod other than hate.

The very tolerant gay pride community angry others don't agree with their lifestyle.

Well, that’s heterophobic



nexus being based as always

The mod isn't even a mod. It just activates the textures that already exist within the middle eastern version. Of course Kotaku won't report on Arabs hating the gays or Insomniac creating a 'homophobic' version for other regions.

I don't understand why it's hate speech when something bad happens to the pride flag but when something bad happens to the American flag it's free speech


Not a flag. Just bs sorry

I like how it's impossible to down vote this lmaooo, twitter out here showing bias again

Letting players you mean giving the players options to keep the flag or not?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I had heard the flags were already in the original game data, and used on versions of the game released in other countries. Can anyone credibly verify this one way or another?


So where's the pride flag removal mod?

I still have no idea why this got bigger than it should have. This is just a texture swap. Lol


NexusMods be like...

oh so they can do it in the middle east and its fine but if its in america? tf outta here with that hypocrite bullshit.

Best mod ever created.

Well, it's going to be ahoy then.

okay if they want to do stuff like this now a days but hell can yall at least give us the option to take it off or on since we are paying money for the game. stop forcing shit on people isnt that what people so like for example the abortion shit?

He was doing gods work

good. people need to learn to not be triggered by the lifestyle and sexuality of others.

Common Insomniac W

Knowing the modding community they will up and do something worse now lol

This comment section is why I dislike using Twitter. The amount of people thinking Sony is the villain in this thing is a bad sign.

Imagine being such a lowlife loser you’re so hellbent to go through hoops of downloading mods to remove some rainbow flags because you’re not LGBT+ — it’s giving beta male 🤭


Good. I don’t fucking care. And if that pisses you off, scream at a wall

I keep saying it, people in developed countries have little to worry about so they chose the dumbest shit.

Ouch. We are losing freedom here

Wtf !

Good riddance

W mod

You could code webs to fire from Spider-Man’s asshole if you really wanted to, but you decide to go around removing pride flags instead?

it makes sense if this was giving the company bad press and hurt their share holders, but to ban someone for a totally optional mod (no matter how stupid) is a bit extreme

goated ban

Seriously? There was nothing homophobic about being able to mod a game for how you want it to look. No different than personalizing a room that you own. It's your own game, do with what you will if mods are allowed. 🤦🏻‍♂️

LMFAO 'People HAVE to play the game how I want!!!!!!' Get over it not everyone wants a face full of pride


Imagine being so triggered by some pride flags and art. You used your time to do that and not a nude mod having Peter swinging around with his dick out.

So what if the rainbow flag is there? Like are you bitches scared of a peice of fabric with like 6 colors?


Ugh. Those f .ucking as.5 lickers getting offended is offensive


Removing a mod bc of crybabies. What a shitshow we live in indeed

Blame Insomniac. The mod just loaded the Middle Eastern localizations that had American flags instead of pride ones

Probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen all day.

any1 got link to mod

L flag


People being upset by this mod (that nobody forced them to use) definitely gave it more publicity


W then

That’s pretty gay

You banning modders now. Wtf.

W mod

This world we are living in is so da soft. 😂




The question for me is, would it be ok if the mod made an US flag into the pride flag? I have no problem with both ideas being made. But to ban the modder for it is a bit much. Its not modded to the nazi flag or any hate group.

People are way too woke nowadays. I would download that mod, it only replaced it with an American flag, things would be different if it was confederate flag


The horror

Ffs its a mod! A fcking mod! 99% of all mods are useless anyway and exist just to entertain people. Dont get offended by a free dlc that 90% of the playerbase wont even use. And Im pretty sure the other 10% will just install it for fun. Nothing else

Went in the comments, happy to see all the homophobes crying

What happens if your apart of a middle eastern religion that doesn’t support lgbtq and your parents see it.

They take this as if the modder really point with a gun at all LGTB people to download it 💀

Wtf, that is PC bullshit

Mod is still largely available

How inclusive lol


Kotaku came so hard after finding this news out

Why’d he get banned for giving somebody an option wtf😭😭😭😭

Better ban Insomniac because they're the ones who programmed that setting into the game. All the modder did was turn it on. Pic unrelated, I swear.

People on comments showing how much colors on a piece of cloth is to them.



😴 another day another outrage another mob

and why the pic of Tombstone getting his ass beat 💀

Quite honestly I don’t know what they were expecting to happen

W 😂😂


Literally 2022

RawbertBeef how is their any hatred involved in doing that tho. it's not hurting anyone, it's not even offensive


Ain't know one wan that gay shit in a video game

Hilarious honestly lol let someone make their game less gay if they want

Need me that mod

Aww yes let’s ban someone for just replacing a flag. So sad

Pretty anti american to take pride in a socially constructed flag over one people proudly died for, if they knew this was their countries future they wouldn't have bothered. Such ungrateful sacks of privileged shits don't even realize how fucking good they have it.

Looking at the 'if this were the other way round...' replies, all I can say is if you'd like that to be taken seriously you'll be needing a global American erasure XD


I know Twitter & Reddit have a hard-on for this stuff so idk what this dude expected to happen

That’s soooo stupid…. Use this flag instead

Deserved, and anyone who cries about it can sob into a fucking echo chamber for all I care


Tbh i wanna see a mod replace EVERY American flag with LGBTQ flags just to spite the original mod.


RawbertBeef Good riddance. Piece of trash.

Good lol


Let's fucking goooo

They got banned? Based


Yikes the homophobia in these comments. Grow up it’s 2022. Don’t like it don’t play the game simple as that. So glad they got BANNED as they should be

Lol what a joke of a game

Absolutely pathetic. The gay movement in 2012: 'we just want to have the right to be married like everyone else'. (Very fair) The LGBTQ movement in 2022: 'Fly this flag and bow to us or else we'll get you banned online and fired from your job, bigot'


Why do people care enough to remove it. It doesn't affect the game or the experience in any way whatsoever.

When we needed him most… he vanished


lmao imagine getting someone banned for that holy shit. 2022 I guess.

What!? That's dumb AF


I’m gon remove all American flags and replace them with communism


A rag mag writing shit stories. What a load of 💩. Also nexus mods can shove it.

There was a pride flag

Where can I download the mod?

And why was he banned, maybe people have a phobia of flags!

idc I've the mod 🕵️ Thanks to the modder, I love u so much bro

As he should be

Edgy virgins

There sure are a lot of authoritarians in here.

Wasn't it revealed that Insomniac did the same for the game's release in Arabic regions? Are they gonna ban themselves from their own game too?


People are really getting mad over a flag 💀

Lmao good riddance

Fuck Sony shouldn't be teaching our kids about that gay shit anyway.

Can’t be out there blaspheming against the current religion…

Kotaku, the name of the mod was meant to be offensive. It was rightfully removed. If the mod just said 'Remove Pride Flag' it would have probably been more controversial. Misleading clickbait title from Kotaku?

Should i even check the article? Well, i did... suck my cock for the click kotaku. As xpected... Just a 'n-no you are the one triggered, you nazi!' homosexual rant, about the homophobia of one of many mods that basically can change every aspect of the game...

This game has the strangest controversies I swear.

'Remove our propaganda and we'll remove you.....'


This is kinda dumb knowing that all the modder did was data mine bc this was ALREADY in the files 🤦🏿

Kinda cringe they did it in the first place

question so people now can't add the American flag in the game or they can they still just asking

All this for a damn flag!?

That is dumb.



L modder


How the fuck do you ban someone on single player game?


its a mod, just don't download it if you don't like it, don't ban mod authors for stuff like this

Does it really matter that much to ban the guy?

How tf

Nexus Mods as a private company has the right to remove any mod they want if it's against their policies. Their reasoning is sound; why create a dummy account if your intent isn't malicious? The mod is still on the Internet Archives since it doesn't go against their policies.


I wonder if the flag is in all international versions of the game? If not, then why ban the modder. It's a single player game. Removing a flag for your own experience shouldn't be a big deal to people who are not even watching you play🤷🏿‍♂️

It was removed because the woke complained that others can't play a single-player game the way they want to. The woke have to force their ideals onto others, and cancel/ban anyone who thinks otherwise. Seems a little fascist/totalitarian. Who was the mod hurting? No one.

thanks for letting even know about the mod. now i will find it anyways and add the mod. ha ha

Don't make the lagts mad. They'll send you to internment camps.

Banned for removing a flag?

As they should 💀 The way these mfs calling ppl snowflakes AND saying they're oppressed for not being able to delete a flag in a game. Embarrassing, pathetic, hilarious.

I mean Insomniac let the middle east do it

W modder, simply gave the people a choice

Time for Christians to reclaim the rainbow. Won't be long before the pride flag is dethroned and seen as a white supremacist symbol. How will we celebrate what people like to rub with their genitalia then?

People really making a mountain out of a mole hill


They are a private company and can decide what they want, but it's still hypocritical of them to ban a harmless mod.

But... but why?

It's so interesting how easily people are quick to bend over to censorship.


Tbf he just made the hidden switch for the Middle East version that Insomniac themselves made available to everyone, I wouldn't call that a mod.

Yeah, so much for 'we are not shoving it up your throats' ridiculous

I wonder why? Why should I support something I don't believe in or agree with?

Would they be banned for using the Chinese release of the game since it also removes the flags?

The flag doesn't bother me at all but it doesn't really feel right to ban this person. Nexus mods has waaaaay worse mods and nothing really happens.

Just watching people fight over each other and scream about freedom of speech and its a private company is pretty funny to me

I support the lgbtq+ community and even I think this is going too far

So basically, we need to be forced in something that we don’t like by accepting it even we don’t want it, I’m not against pride movement whatsoever but, again if don’t want something in my life in this case a flag a want to just removed it

Lets go

Gamers truly are the most oppressed group


That's ridiculous. If people don't want to see the rainbow flag. They shouldn't have to. Stop forcing ideology on people who don't want it forced on them. Cry about not getting your way somewhere else. Oh wait only america allows it. Lmfao I'm bisexual too so don't assume I'm not

why? sounds pretty fascist


I refuse to support companies who flash the pride flag or represent black lives matter.


Fucking pathetic

Dude was patriotic and didn’t want sexuality in a Spider-Man game and they banned him 😂. This wild.

There are literal sex mode in games but this is where we draw the lime

I ain't an LGBTQ supporter myself but this mod is useless because Insomniac's goal is to represent an ultra-faithful New York graphically and historically. We may not like it but those flags are history now and removing them defeats the purpose of a faithful NYC

The game already do this on some countries, it is homophobic so?

I think this is the wrong battle to fight when we should be aiming at people who have done way worse than re texturing a flag. I could understand if it was actual hateful images or slurs but this I feel was not worth and makes the LGBT community look petty

really banned him for that lmao I would’ve done the same thing it’s my game why would I keep modification’s I don’t want

Eh? Didn't seem like a big deal to me, who cares? I can't tell you how to feel but at the end of the day. It's not real... nobody is 'oppressing' you in this game.

So can anyone tell me if its easy replacing stuff like this in game?

Good. So glad to see that there’s an immediate clampdown

you have serious issues if you’re getting offended at what other people are doing in a single player game. that amount of butthurt is actually insane.

Casual insomniac W

Can we get a TOS check for this though?

Somebody link pls

Imagine being scared of the us flag that you ban someone giving others options. Does everyone just have to believe the same thing or you're banned? Very soft people



💀wow this is really what banning comes to?

The fact they went out of their to way to remove the pride flag, instead of just adding more American flags, and called the mod “Non-Newtonian New York” just shows there was homophobic intent behind it. People crying “free speech” like if it’s the government behind this.

“We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war. Our Great Depression is our lives” Stop being…butt hurt about nonsense, people.

This is what people are being banned for. Who cares?

The mod page and comments within it were pretty heinous. If I had to guess that was more of the reason than what the mod simply did to the game.

Wokism strikes again


Homophobes triggered over a pride flag is on them

even more ironic he made a mod that replaced every flag with the pride flag while his remove mod basically turned the game into the middle eastern version. But the people who claim to be upset don't wanna admit they were wrong and are willingly to backstab someone whosupportsthem

Heterophobic people make me sick. I’m sooo triggered

Once again conservatives are showing they're the real snowflakes

Imagine being pissed because of a rainbow flag. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Taken too seriously.. half of these people complaining barely even have a gaming gear to run the game in the first place, gonna go report every game that changes a flag? What if I change the flag for say a custom star wars one? Seriously.. touch some grass

Based NexusMods

Another reason to avoid this Game, again...

Damn banned for changing the regional preset of a software.

I was literally going to download this mod bro does anyone have a way I can download it now?



How to keep making people hate you more&more 101

If there was a mod to remove the American flag would they have been banned too? 🤔

The real question is who goes out of their day to do this


Massive big L

The modder:

this matters why?

Of course out of all the mods they ban they chose this one to post about and homophobia isn’t a crime or anything but don’t worry I understand it’s a private company it’s just stupid how much they flex with things like this just to win some more people over



Oh, did they? I am glad I didn't buy this game.

These comments are amazing I swear. They will use ANYTHING to justify removing the smallest bit of representation for anything remotely positive. It’s not even sad it’s just like watching animals in a zoo lol

So what? Just because we ALL don’t accept certain lifestyle choices it doesn’t make us “Bigots” or “insert word-Phobes”. It’s simply called “a difference of opinion”. The 🌈 has been forever tarnished since the Freakshow hijacked it. “Freakshow” meaning everything after “LG”

How about we start replacing the American flag in games. Basically a hate symbol. Maybe start making them the villains in games. More worried about deep throating firearms and marrying cousins.

'People are writing many disgusting words[...] so sensitive that they immediately shit their pants upon seeing a rainbow[...]It’s like when babies cry after being given the wrong face paint at a very special 4th birthday party.'


So all he did remove a flag? He didn't insult anyone but he removed a flag cause he hated it and he got banned?

They have done him so dirty but i have to thank this guy for giving me and others this mods for sure i had to do multiple copies of it maybe on day reupload

Wtf straightphobic we live in 2022

Modder was right

That’s gay wait……..

What happened to freedom of expression?

Banned from what, nexus, steam, or just the game


so you can release mods on nexus where you can kill kids, but removing a rainbow flag from a game is where the line is drawn. Got it

Who cares and kotaku is a shit site.

I didn’t expect to read this today. That’s interesting.

Wasn't it just built into the game for other markets? Didn't the modder just turn on a function of the game


Like everything else, this got so much bigger than it ever needed to be 😭 shoulda just been “lol look at this homophobe” and that’s the end of it. Now it’s a modder banned and a Kotaku article 💀

So force people to deal with the pride flag? Something ain't none of these mfs care about until it was trending and popular. Same games that refuse to put certain countries flags in games due to political disagreements but.. Every company is jumping high for LGBTQ

W Spider Man remastered mods

alphabet gang is trash

Are they going to ban China and every other country that uses the provided game code/tools to replace the flags as well? Nobody wants these Commie-Mods in the first place. If they don't like the flag being in-game, they can go play something else.

Thank God I can still find it elsewhere

That is 1000% the best mod released yet

More woke BS. Imagine my surprise....🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

very pro LGBT, but this is.. questionable imo - especially when certain versions of games already do this for many countries themselves - shouldn't they just ban the entire game from the site then?

Thought Spider-man punching a black man was a good thumbnail for this article did you?

Excellent. Well done.

Massive W for banning him

What the fuck is this article? This isn't reporting, it's moral grandstanding and totalitarian.

No shot

should've been the right opposite fuck whoever banned

Dumb. Just ignore mods you don’t like and install those you do like. Move on with your life.

Plot twist! The user is a Muslim living in the states so they enabled the version that’s sold in their home country and NexusMods is now islamophobic.

Oh all the things to get banned over. This might be one of the dumbest.

Good riddance. One less bigot.

People probably don't want to hear that this was already part of the games code to remove it in select territories. So maybe get mad at Insomniac/Sony?

🤦🏻‍♂️ it’s a mod bro.

Unlocking the middle eastern version is a crime

Just started playing today on PS5 thanks to PS Plus and my Spiderman is definitely a sassy one for SURE 💅


This is what we mean when we say we don't want the shit shoved down our throats. When the simple option of turning the pride flag off is seen as an offense, you've crossed the line and are forcing your opinions on others. If the rules were reversed, it'd be a shit show.

American patriots when they can't look at their flag 24/7

Stop giving them your money.

super petty over a flag this game like 60 bucks as well yikes 😳 major L

Why would this get you banned?

I support LGBTQ+ people. That said, if someone owns a copy of a game and wants to mod that game to meet their own preferences, they 100% have that right. You don't have to like it but you can't tell people who they can or can't modify their own property. That's nonsense.

Common Spiderman/Sony L

It doesn't remove the pride flag. It enables the Middle Eastern textures which are already in the game.

lmao awesome

to whoever enacted the ban: y'all got space for this W?

They’re stopping players to stop taking the knee but they’re keeping the rainbow 🌈 flag. We have more to fight about racism that to fight about sexuality

Banned from where? The Nexus? Why do they care that much? There's way worse things in there than a mod that removes a pride flag.

They’re using it as an excuse to lash out on certain brands and company this is totally unfair

not__vee Isn't it like a desecration of holy symbols? In the good old days of social justice, people were burned at the stake for it.


mfs be scared of A FLAG 💀💀

See? Y’all don’t appreciate shit.

Whoever banned them is a literal nazi


Ok can someone explain banned from where? The game isn't even online or something

You know what this authoritarian behavior reminds me of? This little-known social movement called Fascism.


And he used assets in-game already. Assets for regional release in arabic countries. When Insomniac will be banned for that sin, eh?

That's stupid, they can put naked people mods. But this ooo how dare you change rainbow flag 😤


I press f to pay my respects to that brave soul for removing that gae shit with mods.

Who else spends all of their time in prayer asking for God to swing the pendulum back?

Well, it's safe to say this is heterophobic

Don't forget they also got banned for swapping all American flags to pride flags as well


Lol need That mod

That is toxic banning people from having freedom and choices to put what ever they want into their game.

in an argument thread on this topic I seen someone (who is team ban the modder for being 'homophobic') deadass say 'modding miles Morales into 2018 spider man is based, modding Peter into the miles Morales dlc is 'racist' cant take these people serious

Imagine being the kind of person who gets mad about the ways total strangers mod their games.

not__vee NexusSites what the hell guys? Et tu Brute? You are removing mods simply for having the USA flag? What's wrong with replacing flag with USA flag? Why the hell am I paying you subscriptions if you are gonna censor mods? I may as well be paying for bethesda Creation Club

y'all really be getting pissed about this? holy shit

Insanity since it's been revealed that the pride flag being removed was in the game code itself for Isreal release. Clowns should ban themselves

That's stupid.


W Modder

BrokenGamezHDR_ Bruh I've seen some questionable s*** get modded into some of this PC games involving underage little girls and their line is replacing a flag in a game they own without it even hurting anyone else's experience as its optional? Absolutely wild.

Gays are so sensitive

Wouldn't this be a perfectly acceptable mod of it was a middle Eastern or Chinese creator.. Let people experience the game how they want to I say, even if they are bigoted assholes 🤷 no need to police the whole planets views and opinions.

Ngl of the dude made a mod were everyone was but naked or something worse he would probably be fine seems abit petty tbh

not__vee Anyone got another way to download this mod?

Goofy thing to ban the modder for.

That’s kind of wack. He didn’t replace it with a swastika. I don’t agree with the mod but you don’t have to install it. Imagine crying over someone else installing a mod that doesn’t effect you at all.

I was wondering what this image would perfectly describe. Now I know. It is this article and its writer.

I'm actually speechless. I can't think of anything more evil than this mod. Thank you Sony for fighting homophobia!

not__vee actually it just changed the game to the middle east release which is a categorical self-own for the offended I should think.


not__vee cult behavior

Can we get a mod where it deletes all the mj sneak missions

The world should have ended a decade ago.

The code to remove the pride flag and replace it is by design already within the games code, because if you sell this game in a region against pride, the developer themselves replaces the flag. Anyone against this is a hypocrite, go and cancel Sony and all the other companies 1/

get owned

Good riddance lmao

Someone really got triggered so much by a rainbow flag that they felt that a mod to remove it was necessary

Freedom ends when you don't meet like-minded people, and freedom is a big lie.


my hero, where can I download the mod to remove that woke shit being shoved in our faces

If you want to find out who rules over you look for those who you are unable to criticise

Lmfao get rekted homophobes

You love to see it, bigotry shouldn't be tolerated.

So like the Chinese version right?

If I am not mistaken, doesn't the mod just replaces the flags texture with the middle eastern or Chinese version of the game?

So he gets banned because he made it so you can switch to middle eastern/Chinese region textures that were already built into the game so the dev company could sell the game in those countries? Why aren’t you mad at the dev?

Ffs why? Why shouldn’t you have the choice?

sucks to suck don’t play the game if you’re that easily offended by a rainbow lol

Has anyone checked the Chinese version of this game? Does that have a pride flag in it because if it doesn't it's a bit hypocritical to be slamming down ban hammers when you yourself don't fully support the cause.


Sony already mods the game this way for some markets in which the game is sold. But it's suddenly a problem when a third-party mod does the same thing?

people these days are so soft i swear

If MF replaced it with another nations flag, or any other flag, it wouldn't be a problem, but since it's the alphabet symbol club's flag it's a problem 🤣 You can't make this shit up.


The lbgt pretty much are Nazis lol

Lmao, lefties embrace capitalism and private freedom so much when it goes in line with censoring stuff that make them cry, 'Nexus is a private company and has the right to ban the mod'if it was the other way around and banned a rainbow flag mod, you'd be crying all over internet.

“Homophobic” lol FFS

Lol so mods that allow me to blow kids up and debase every female character to their physical attributes in Skyrim is still cool? Glad we have our priorities in order

Just don't install and keep scrolling wasn't an option?


WOW this is Stupid!


How petty of the developers

That is wrong...

where the link to download and his venmo to support, nothing like helping the oppressed

Funnily all the modder did was change various textures from the Western release to the middle east version. The Chinese version has similar differences

But they're still okay with the mods that enable child murder in Fallout/Skyrim?

oh my god this writer is amazing

It's just replacing a flag with a flag why resentment 🤷



If it were reversed these people wouldn't bat an eye. They even got that guy banned. It's ironic the former opressed have become the oppressors everything they deem contrary to their beliefs must be purged😂

I mean that's kinda dumb. Is it really necessary to ban him. For just removing a flag. That's really stupid. And unnecessary.

'The comments on the site give fantastic insight into what happens when cerebrospinal fluid is gradually replaced with Mountain Dew.'

Anyone got a link for the mod, asking for a friend 😅

Sleeplessjade Sel_says

While I don’t remotely agree with the mod I feel like it’s kinda their choice?

before anyone blames epic/steam/Sony for this. Read the article. Was less about the content and more about the people being incredibly homophobic too. Idgaf if you download it just for the American flag but homophobic kinda scummy.

Good riddance.


Freedom of speech ?!!!!


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