Private doctor tells Noor Hisham and team to leave their 'ivory towers', says MoH failed frontliners

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Malaysia Headlines News

Malaysia Latest News,Malaysia Headlines

Dr Musa Nordin says the health director-general and his officers should go to 'ground zero' to see the inadequate protection for frontliners in public hospitals. FMTNews MusaNordin NorHishamAbdullah Covid19

ByPrivate hospital doctor Dr Musa Nordin says health authorities have failed Covid-19 frontliners, and urges Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah to personally visit public hospitals.

Dr Musa Nordin from the KPJ Damansara Specialist Centre also urged health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah and his team to go to the ground and visit the affected hospitals. “The DG and his top officers in the ivory towers of Putrajaya must descend to ground zero, the Covid hospitals/Pusat Kesihatan Daerah/Klinik Kesihatan and see and feel the pain and misery of doctors/nurses/allied health professionals bereft of basic PPE to shoulder the nursing of critical patients in ICU and ramp-up screening with 17,000 tests/day,” Musa said in one of several messages he shared.


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disappointed dr musa bcs you have a good idea but never look down how the government doctors doing their best for the nation

I respect dr musa suggestion but u cannot talk like kkm is doing nothing in this pandemic! government & private totally different but government hospital doing their job very good. you should just let private open for patient covid19 also instead saying this kind of things

Is PH still alive

Musa has inferiority complex from since school n uni days. Mocked n teased as 'Musa aka Ibrahim Pendek'... 'Shorty'. Ask drmusanordin, although he will deny. He hasn't dealt wth these issues. As seen from his extreme jealousy n resentment.

Dr PHancing rupanya dasar sampah

Cakap je lebih mamat ni..

If Noor Hisham Kena jangkitan covid19 macmana? Bodoh punya Dr Musa Jgn terbawa2 dgn kehebatan misi kemanusiaan terdahulu . This is world pandemic Covid 19 . Just shud up ! Boleh tak ?! drmusanordin

What nonsense. Doctors dont be please with this approach. Bila orang gila berikan nasihat inilah jadinya

Dr. Musa Nordin ni sapa? Mahluk anugerah Allah ke

This coming from a private hospital doctor that always overcharge clients.

The government must prioritize PPE for those frontliners, they are the one who risk their live to save Malaysia. Please help them.

Dr yg gila kuasa....

Ini sembang je ni try dia ganti dr hisham tengok acane dia menggelupur

Hahahahaha genk PH rupenye patut bukan main marah lagi

Dear DGHisham, keep inspiring others in every possible way Sir. People with great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Keep marching forward DGHisham.

Don’t speak if you do not know what you are talking about. Dear DGHisham keep inspiring others in every possible way. Malaysia will be with you all the way Sir!!


Just when I thought he'd be the one of 'good guy'.

a Malaysian would not understand what that means.

Who is this Dr? Why need to listen to him? Just ignore what he say. We've a good DG fullstop.

drmusanordin, DGHisham. This question should be directec to the minister & his deputies. You think DG is a superman? We hope he has enough sleep & rest to do what he’s doing.

You’re doing amazing sweetie DGHisham 👏 Dr drmusanordin, pls...

Its worth checking........must everything be politicised....

dr musa, u ingat Health DG ni baru sehari dua ke jadi DG ? adoyai

Sorry, doc. Dr. Noor Hisham knows better than you.

MISLEADING ARTICLE. Habislah fmt kena saman

Dr Musa aritu tak setuju diadakan MCO. Draconion kata dia. Bayangkan, kalau tak buat MCO, brp byk PPE ada pun tak guna.

Fact is netizens never check their facts and non stop barking. Better go and help or donate for the frontliners

Where is adham baba? All doctors and nurses are working with fear.

Saman je ni fmt doctor

MISLEADING ARTICLE. Stupid fmt. He went down to the hospitals himself. And it’s REAL FACT: OUR FRONTLINERS ARE HAVING SHORTAGE OF PPEs fighting for the people. GO & check your facts netizens

This kind of species which makes msia sucks. They talk like they can save the world. Bloody hell

Stop pouring cold water if you can't help & stop barking & politizing. The DG is doing a great job. Why don't u ask the 'drink hot water' MOH instead?

If ur facts r keep quiet

Dah menyalak pulak dia ni.. Dpd aku respect langsung meluat..

The grape 🍇 is sour.

Ada je yg x betul..dlm keadaan cmni carilah ssuatu yg boleh beri kebaikan kpd smua..nasibla npk dahi tu ada tanda kalau x mau Tuhan disalahkn dn abis lebai2 ulama2 disalahkn sbb dh solat hajat pun virus msih x hilang..kitabantusama bukan kitabantaikita🧠

Ure Dr.. stop barking too much, and pls stop act like a nut, rather that, please help and assist on what ure good at... thanks

Pasal 'inadequate protection' tu aku setuju. Kalau bagi bantuan PPE atau face masks, bagi bantuan pada hospital tu je. Ada lagi klinik2 atau hospital lain yg tak terima bantuan.

Suruh la menteri tu. Takkan semua nak harap DG Timbalan sampai 2 semua makan gaji buta je ke

Tak payah la dengar cakap Dr. KPJ Damansara ni. Biar dia menyalak. Dr. Nor Hisham tetap la di situ. Rakyat Malaysia tak mahu beliau terjangkit pula virus Covic-19 nanti.

Kerjasama yg penting kot skrg politik boleh letak tepi dulu..because melibatkan nyawa bukan ideologi

Therefore it is also wise for all private hospital doctors to contribute & do your part on CSR by helping the Government right now instead of commenting & keep on harvesting your profit everyday. What abt you & your expertise Dr Musa

Where is the dept health minister, flying kites?

We have the health minister and his 2 deputies earning bigger, fatter salary and wields a bigger authorative power but doing much less of what the DG is doing. They should be Dr. Musa's target.

Sepatutnya ketua pengarah kesihatan dan paksukkannya turun padang ke GROUND ZERO untuk memberi semangat kepada barisan depan dan melihat sendiri keadaan mereka .

aku rasa dr hisham DGHisham dan pasukannya dah tunjukkan prestasi terbaik, pelik jugak jika kenyataan dr pakar swasta drmusanordin macam ni. bagus cadangan, tapi 'just play your own role' la dr. tak pasal2 kena kecam pencacai.

DG only does PC. While where is adham baba? Poor frontliners

Stop barking netizens. He went down to hospitals himself to giveaway medical supplies. Go check your facts. Fmt misleading headline.

STANDARD FMT MISLEADING HEADLINE. He meant well. LACK OF PPEs is REAL. Go and ask all doctors n nurses. HIS NGO GANG already donated thousands of PPEs. Yoh guys talk only?

No barking please.... 🐕🦮🐕‍🦺🐩

DR Musa ini adalh dokt. pakar kanak2. Berckp hebat mcm ahli politik. Dlm peperangan,jeneral x turun ke lapangan,jeneral lihat dri pandangan arial & merangka strategi. Cuba'offer', sy akn bekerja secara sukarela di hosp.kerajaan. Bodoh. ladydarshankaur

Baru nak start suka pd drmusanordin ... then this happened. Too loud too fast i guess. I’ll stick with DGHisham 😬

Mohd Noor Basiron · Public Mereka Anugerah Allah Oleh: Abdul Muein Abadi Pensyarah Program Sains Politik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Ramai yg x perasan sayangnya Allah kpd kita. Duji kita dgn wabak Covid-19, tapi Dia kurniakan kita rozali53

FMT is trying to contact Noor Hisham for a response. StayHomeSaveLives DudukRumahDiamDiam

Good advise. The officers need to see it for themselves.

Its hard to hear you from YOUR ivory tower.

DGHisham has to ensure that KPJ Damansara Specialist complies with all the requirement of MoH. After all no problems bcos this KPJ unit charges everything to the patients n has all the resources

Ini komen doktor swasta yang HAMPEH. Nak cari publisiti lebih macam terer sangat.

our health minister says drink warm water will do.

When a private doctor from a private hospital, who only operates on private patients give advice to our DG who serves to fight for public & nations day & night, no wonder stupidity level from his comments was so high. Keep barking!

doc musa ni lagaknya tk macam doktor pon..bad lingo 👹

Hey, stop seeking free publicity.

Bullshit.. DG already do his best

I think EVERYONE I repeat EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT SHORTCOMINGS here n there To remind that mahacai DOCTOR COVID19Malaysia came in when PH was govt of the day n later taken over by PN the pandemic cause was not clearly known n preparations is nt like u knw Banjir coming END OF YR

Politically motivated statement here which worths a few cents. FMT=PH, zero net worth.

Ya! Give the DG a break and do your part instead

Don’t compare KPJ & GH. Why don’t KPJ allow Covid patients to be treated FOC? then u will understand the situation our GH & DG is in. I doubt KPJ can handle the chaos. Cakap senang.

I think EVERYONE I repeat EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT SHORTCOMINGS here n there To remind that mahacai DOCTOR COVID19Malaysia came in when PH was govt of the day n later taken over frm PN the pandemic cause was not clearly known n preparations is nt like u knw Banjir coming END OF YR

A ridiculous statement.. Doesn't mean you donate a ppe to hospital or clinic means they haven't enough supply... Have you see a doctor in hospital or covid centre are not wear ppe? Please be mindful and stay united with fellow colleagues...

The Health DG is doing his job, but I find it astonishing that most saying he has done an excellent job. He is doing his job, what else is his job scope? If he needs to do better, then he has to, simple as tht.

Alahaiiiii.. Ngko la tolong buat kerja2 camtu.. Tak payah la nak mem viral kan mende2 mudah chiiitttt

These are not normal times, have the decency to respect fellow politicians...I mean professionals.

Talk is always easy...criticism is easy...being irresponsible is just as easy..hence, empty vessel makes the loudest sound...conclusion..plse shut up n keep yr opinion to itself

Boss, you can bark out loud & show off your ‘taring’ cause you’re not a civil servant. Just because the DG is quiet & not beating ‘ tin kosong ‘ doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what going on on the ground.

drmusanordin was someone at KKM mean to you or something? Was your expert advice shunned by them? KPJ specialist - you must be doing pretty well. KPJ seems to have done something for the people by lowering their Covid test fees. Can share the good stuff their consultants do too?

What do you think of this phaidz ? Is Dr. Noor Hisham not doing enough to protect frontliners? Or is Dr. Musa an attention seeker?

Yeah some group 3D printer Malaysia just work around hour to supply face protection .. why ? Coz our front liner doesn't have enough face protection .. giler

Don't simply get jolted with what reported, guys. Just yesterday, FMT reported the Hoteliers Association are not aware of RM150 rate paid by Governments to hotels that was converted into quarantine centre. Then, malaymail quashed that quoting hotels themselves.

Dr Musa ini Menangguk di air keruh. Hampeh mat Dr Musa ini

Dr. Musa et al, I can respect your opinion but giving advice beyond your scope of specialty sounds aloof and is devoid of professional courtesy. The MOH and its DG is doing a great job amidst many shortcomings and the current political climate. Let's agree to this.

semak la dia ni...

If it's true, it's not acceptable. Forcing them to work inadequate PPE. Nevertheless, private hospitals shld also help, to ease the workload of the GHs n gov clinics. Don't just bark.


Go unannounced. Cause if for example quite recently a lot of visits from health minister, everything suddenly became adequate.

It’s undeniable fact that DGHisham has done an amazing service to the nation during this period of adversity. Give him a break! The major question is, where are the TWO deputy health ministers

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