Najib committed to help with economic recovery - PM

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Malaysia Headlines News

Malaysia Latest News,Malaysia Headlines

This follows a meeting between the current PM and the ex-PM.

Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak is prepared to contribute towards Malaysia’s economic recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic, current Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said.

He said this following an hour-long meeting with Najib yesterday, at which he said they discussed economic challenges both inside and outside the country, including strategies to fight the pandemic.


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KasmanSenin 💂🏿‍♀️

Only Malaysia Boleh! Shameless. Anyone dare the guess where are all the birkin bags?

Its okay if he wants to help Malaysia. We must support him on this. However justice must be served . We Rakyat are watching u closely.

hafizihamid Ask him to first be committed to pay his tax dues of 1.7bln

Recovery /rɪˈkʌv(ə)ri/ See definitions in: noun 1.a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. Eg. 'signs of recovery in one's pocket'

why is he still around. seriously just go away already.

Are you kidding me? What am insult to Malaysians!! What happened to Lock him up now.

Soon he is a Freeman......

butuh la.. sedih la korg ni.. carik la contoh elok ckit


yaa...sure...absolutely right

Only in Malaysia.

Tahniah kerajaan keluarga malaysia

Keep the con away from our money!

All these negative comments, are they also the ones that made negative comments to outcast muhiyidin too!😄

Ohh.... No....

1MDB part 2. Ade masuk laa Jlow

Joke of the day 😁

Oh no, what's wrong with you Malaysia... such a disgrace...

Hangkang terussssssss

Babi. Dats it

A convicted offender is also allowed to run the show?🤔

Hahaha..... what's a joke,economy recovery. MGBA

Mampus la mcm nie .. duit yang rembat pun belum pulang balik sekarang nak tolong lagi pulak 🤦🏻‍♂️

Mati nnt time dihisab harap tak dikira bersubahat la hidup dipimpin penyamun & perasuah. Yedok drzul_albakri? 🙂

Najib? Economic recovery? Hmmmm

Lantik ja lah Najib ni sebagai Gabenor Bank Negara supaya cepat lingkup!!

Cash is god.

IsmailSabri60 It goes to show you are clueless in achieving economic recovery. First, you brought in Muhyiddin to chair NRC. Now, you bring in Najib to help with economic recovery. Both are bitter rivals, they will screw up economic recovery. You are not fit to be PM.


Wait. Is this 2015?

IsmailSabri60 Tq for making umno unpopular for GE15 👍👍

Najib committed to help with Jho Low rediscovery - PM


by returning back the money 2.6b

1MDB part 2 ?

This is bullshit… a convict, who stole billions RM from this country is appointed as a committee in the economic recovery plan… 🤬🤬🤬

Empire strikes back !!!

Thief in the making.

How ar .. court case no need t focus ..

Why would a PM want to be seen with a convicted felon, and further more, accept his commitment to recover the economy (which he helped lingkupkan thru 1MDB). Am sure PM9 can find so many other individuals yabg layak...


Shame on you PM, photographed with a pengkhianat negara.

Finally some good news


UMNO should disassociate itself from the court cluster gang. Full stop.

[ADMIN] Just curious, how 'not paying taxes' and worst yet, wastage of public funds to the tunes of hundred of millions help recover Malaysian economy? Does any of the above show commitment on his part NO!

Pro-DAPig unhappy...🤣🤣🤣

He’ll recover his lost wealth first - any leftovers, consider helping whoever.

He mean 'economic recovery' for himself right? Especially with all the Berkins or Any'kins' bags and goods.

Did the deal go through? Exchanging skeleton and favours of the past for the future?

Ko nak jaga duit pun menggelupur. Sial.

Najib committed to help with the economic recovery by giving back all the money from 1MDB.

By returning all the money?

Let’s begin with the return of all monies owing to the country TruthMatters



That's great!! Does that mean he is going to return all the money he stole? That would greatly help the economy

The current prime minister of Malaysia is next to 'Malaysia's former prime minister Najib Razak was yesterday found guilty of corruption and sentenced to 12 years in jail and fined RM210 million (S$68 million) in the first of five trials he faces relating to 1MDB.... - NST'

Najib ni siapa, nk tolong2 org plk. Settle la masalah sndiri dlu.jgn pm baru jd boneka

No to Scammer

It's a bottomless pit. The worst is yet to come. Fasten double seat belt, guys.

oh penyamun

Soon to become Minister 🤢🤢🤢


World’s best celebrated n being granted most freedom kleptocratic convict. Moral of the story, crime comes with different shades of darkness, it pays to be a politician, a kleptocrat but not a petty thief?

Ni betol2 ni?…..🤲🙏👍…..

RIP Malaysia.....

My over the tebrau strait neighbour is laughing non-stop 😂😂😂.

Yes, a joker who corrupt the wealth of the nation is helping his joker fren to recover the loss of the nation TheJokersLand


PN trolling itself to the extent of preposterous comedy..

ask him to pay tax first la

I help you, you help me. Bukan x biasa...

what we wantedd. bring klci back to 1900!!!go najbiii

The more they do this, the more confidence we will have for GE victory. Thank you!

What about his income tax payment?

Lawak ke? Suruh dia bayar balik pasti ekonomi negara terus pulih.

What can Najib do? Create 2MDB?

So this is what hapoened after Muhyiddin era, one after another get freed, including already convicted by law, rakyat should have a good sleep from now on as economics is under trusted hands, kudoss

good...after this we can get donations frm planet 🪐 pluto

Jeng Jeng Jeng, he is going to walk free soon. Just like his another brader

Can’t wait to see the economy recover now. We may find some much needed funds.

Ya he's anxious about how his court cases are proceeding. How can he help with economy if he's jailed, right? Please la I scratch your back, you scratch mine.

More interesting or worrying is what they are not sharing on what they agreed!

You da be$t bo$$ku...time to re$tock...NajibRazak

Org melayu paling ramai DIPERBODOHKAN dan DIBARUAKAN

In exchange for his total acquittal... U think we are stupid

Can start with Jho Low

He should have been behind bars lah IsmailSabri60

Why is a convicted felon running around and meeting with government officials? Is there a double standard where convicted felon from vvip can roam around wherelse ordinary citizen will be lock up in jail? When ordinary people do vigil they handcuff but convicted vvip stop free.

Ask him to pay his tax to the nation first

These S holes are so ridiculous…getting a convict who has not even pay his own income tax to help with the country economy. Please stop making our neighboring countries laughing at us!!!

Then why appoint Midin?

Najib, please 😆

More like, China orders Najib campers to con their base Are Malaysian voters so gullible?

What? A convict?

Hahaha dont be fool by his statement,Mr. PM

umno is comeback

Both look like high on drugs


Make that man deputy chair of the NRP next to that Abah ...hypocrite 'I won't work with kleptos'

Jangan duk ajar menyamun sudahlah

It’s like asking a surgeon who whose track record stated 100% of his patients do not making out of OT with him alive, now coming back and doing a major surgery on someone. Say a prayer for Malaysia. We are farked.

I Help You You Help Me Ok No Forget...!!! 😂😂😂😂

By giving back all the money he took is it 😀😀

Pay the taxes first! NajibRazak

ask him to pay tax due too

dammnn Can we trust a convict?

Whose economic recovery? What economic recovery?

Muruga, don't waste yr subscription fees on Mkini with half bake Moderators like Susan Loone ( Community Moderator).They r Double standard in censoring comments at their Whim & Fancy. They can published the name Mahaidin on their article but comments they censor ! 😎

Bincang lain tu?😝😝😝

Lepas lah tu nampaknya 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

1MDB 2.0 please kikikiki

bayar tax anak beranak tu dulu

Ok lah. Org macam Ellie pontianak tu mesti suka kan…tebus maruah gadai negara

Thief welcomed by the PM. What a joke

Let him settle & answer his court cases firstlah! We know how he had managed the economy before in his administration till this nation had become a laughing stock. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine that. Hello.. PM9, don't you have better people to help you on this?

Next TPM?

Yelah tu.. 🤣🤣🤣🖕

NO NO NO : he is 1MDB that brought serious damage to our economy: just send him straight to jail ( do not collect 200!

Haha. Finally rakyat became jokers

Did Cash is King Najib Razak tell Ismail Sabri to bring back his GST that he used to suck the blood and lives out of poor and hardcore Malaysians?

Help with corruption? Oh No.

The picture paints a thousand words....looking at it and body language guess who is in charge?

Only criminal will bind together with criminal. We don't need you. Get lost.

Najib pakar ekonomi. tapi nanti kalau ditanya, dia tak tahu.

Najib is planning to put a judge that could help him free from all charges. Another scandal in making with new partners. This is Bolehland!

Lets see what LGE or LKS has to say

Takpelah NajibRazak, susah2 je. Duduk je la dekat rumah tu

Probably need the help of Jho High this time.

Finally, the umno kleptocrat family is officially reunited! Good luck to Malaysia & thanks to all the people who still trust these kleptocrats! Most people are getting poorer while the kleptocrats & their cronies are getting richer every day! Malaysia is truly a semua boleh land!

Doesn't ANYONE REMEMBER THAT HE STOLE FROM US hannahyeoh chedetofficial


please take someone is clean lah ... PM you dont have anyone else

Is it a wonder that he is dwindling as Premier now His track Record screams negligence. Anyone who rallied in support of him and gave the reins to him were probably out of their minds.. 🙄🙄🙄 TeladanPakMael BapaDafi NoMyPM OhMyMael Kerajaan69

Isn't he facing charges of corruption etc?

Hutang tax dah byr belum?

Tolong “donate” kekayaan dari dana 1MDB dah cukup baik dan boleh menolong economic recovery.

Well that's funny we should expect another donation money!

Crooks United.

Means he will be a free man soon,if he is helping

Convicted criminal sharing his experience.

Ye ke?

Once a pencuri, always a pencuri. Tak tahu malu ke?

Jahanam Malaysia.

You mean his own economic recovery?

This is so depressing to read.🥺

kasi najib jaga hal duit ni.. hilang pulak duit rakyat.. dulu jho low..skrg jho high..

For crap sake, this bloody man stole our money and now he’s going to fix the country

negaraku tanah tumpahnya darahku, rakyat hidup berperit dan mati, celaka musibah tuhan kurniakan, menteri kami semakin gila.

Help to sapu all the money, can buy jewelry for wife!


Sorry but why would you be photographed with someone convicted of what he’s been convicted of?🤷‍♂️

The first thing that the Govt should do towards economic recovery is to stamp firm that this Govt is legitimate by having a vote of confidence. This need to be done to boost the confidence of foreign investors that this Govt has the mandate.

Ya Cash is King, Undisputably!

Lets see how many billions of money he will get after this


Haha help to change the judgment

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