Lim calls Umno-PAS union a declaration of 'war' on non-Malays

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Malaysia Headlines News

Malaysia Latest News,Malaysia Headlines

DAP sec-gen says that the '1Malaysia' concept previously championed by BN is now over.

"The flirtation between Umno and PAS is over. Now they are all out to declare war against non-Malays and non-Muslims under the banner of 'Malay unity'," his statement read.Lim cited Umno and PAS repeating the line that the government was controlled by non-Malays and non-Muslims as an example of both parties' alleged attempts to sow discord among different ethnic groups.

“If MCA is sincerely protesting against Umno and PAS' racial and religious extremism, they should quit BN immediately and cut ties with BN, Umno and PAS. This will distance and isolate the extremist party. "This will also help MCA, who failed to dissolve BN, be accountable to the people, and not be complicit in Umno and PAS eliminating the basic rights of non-Malays and non-Muslims.”Lim, the finance minister, said that politics, economy and education should not be a zero-sum game among different ethnic groups.

“As Malaysia wishes to be a truly modern country, other than clean governance and the smart handling of finances, we also need to abandon racism.Yesterday, Umno and PAS today announced the formalisation of their ties, which acting Umno president Mohamad Hasan described as their"After a two-hour meeting between top leaders in Kuala Lumpur, Mohamad and PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said that their parties will now move towards a"more formal" working relationship.

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Mentaliti Rasis dibawa kembali untuk mencetuskan perbalahan Kaum demi Politik dapmalaysia Pihak PDRMsia seharusnya mengeluarkan Kenyataan media kepada mana² ahli Politik agar tidak meniup isu Perkauman ketika ini chedetofficial Sir_Azri tunfaisal AnnuarMusa Zahid_Hamidi

Di bukan kenyataan menghasut ke?

arcx13 Wtf. Mic mca involved la

He who make such statement discloses what is in his heart and mind. Evil mind produces prejudice. People with predujices are the worst of men. Unfit to become a leader. Poor malaysians.

Menteri cina yg bodoh

More like two insincere desperate racist bigots insulting the Rakyat's intelligence and dignity.

Buat deyyyy challenge ke tu

Everyone is all too aware there’s a hefty price tag u must pay for playing the race card. Once broken considered sold. Wishing u best of luck.

Mana RBA? Come defend your tokong.

Sigh he finally lost his marbles... Needs evaluation at tanjung rambutan

Wahai rakyat malaysia, bukalah buku sejarah balik, pastu ko fahami isi kandungan tu. Apa pentingnya sejarah kalau tak dalaminya. DAP ialah parti yg menentang parti melayu-islam. Tolonglah wahai melayu, bangkit dan tentanglah DAP ni sehabis-habisan!

Yes and PH are a coalition of Malaysians. Whereas umnopas is only for malay supremacy. It’s ridiculous that in 2019, still got ppl who want racial supremacy. Ok can. But almost all don’t know what is the meaning of special privileges. The country’s money and CBT are not included

Such an irresponsible statement coming from a federal minister. It's just two political parties teaming up.. why lah u must act like this.

To Lim Guan Eng,this country is called Tanah Melayu Malaysia Majority of Malaysians are malays.Both UMMO-PAS represent malays muslims.If both party unite it's a common sense,for never want to undertand our heart feeling

Fully support guanenglim. What's the logic if malays able to spread hatred speech to close down the school while critics from Chinese community refer to declaration of racial war... We chinese also contribute to the country development, it is not fair for us to take the insults

‘War’ sebab dlm article x sebut langsung pasal perang or war. Good journalism by malaysiakini. If there is a real war i would blame media or tabloid like malaysiakini for this.

nak berperang sungguh ke orang melayu jauh lebih ramai..

Setidak2nya di Tarik balik kenyataan nya. Yang buat kenyataan 'apa cina mau' sehingga sekarang tak tarik2.

Waaaa. Bagus2. Lama dah tak perang pun. Bangsa DAP kena ingat orang Islam tidak takut mati. Kami akan sapu kamu dengan penyapu buluh.

Mahu perang? Marilah, Islam bersedia.

Kerajaan suppose to lead not worrying about opposition activities. Apela nobita, dah mmg bodoh mcm tu la harap barang doraemon je.

Wow...that was stupid reaction.


Pity on you guanenglim kenyataan memakan diri. Now you tanggunglah the consequence.

Correction guanenglim , it’s declaration of war on true multi-racial Malaysians

hahaha sikit demi sedikit kita dah nampak watak sebenar nobita ni... alahmdulillah

War? Im longing for that..

Muka mcm Nobita, lagi nak berlagak mcm Komander..... pirahhhh

Ni nyampah menteri mcm ni. Mengarok tak bertempat. Kau cakap mcm ni kan dah stir up racial issues. Walhal kita kat mesia ni ok je..takde pape sekatan pada mana2 bangsa. Dr kecik sampai besor semua bangsa duduk satu kg satu taman 👌🏼

LGE..stop ur nonsense mate! Why is that IF u say it’s acceptable and when others do it’s a WAR! So what will u call PPBM

Dulu, UMNO slalu takut2 org melayu dgn DAP.. Mcm2 yg dikatanya. Now DAP is using the same tactic. Both racist. Same game, different player. No one can be trusted, semua ada kepentingan dan agenda masing2.

kami kasi mandat utk PH berkerja utk ringankan beban kami.Enuf politic le...!!

Melayu dah buta, sudah lama tidur dalam comfort zone. Karang dah susah sikit, nak salahkan bangsa lain pula. Bagi otak kerja sikit, jangan jadi iblis atau syaitan bodoh. Sikit-sikit nak gaduh.

Kenyataan menteri cap ayam ni bleh doh report dalm akta hasutan ni..

OMNO and PAS is an opposition party and still under the BN logos so what is the problem, BN is still open to all races, LGE just to provoke and to make the chinese become afraid against the BN not to joint BN .....

Perghhh...gila punya laa rasis dia nihh.. mmg sengaja nk bagi berapi ke.. repeat 13 Mei, masa zaman limkitsiang dulu..? Bodo punya menteri MOFmalaysia ... dapmalaysia RASIS !!!!

Others say survival & you say war..

Aik! news headline dah bertukar... blum lagi jadi perang dah takut ke?

Then title can be misleading and sedition for people who live by reading titles and don't bother to read full article.

PDRM should look deep into this matter. LGE shouldn't be let go just like that. The dangerous statement is instigating tension and public chaos.

Missleading..dlm PAS ada DHPP dlm tu ada india n chinese yg sokong PAS..

Dap without lge will be so much better I guess

What is the prob of msian. Stupid malays forgot that this is Tanah Melayu. Stupid non malays refuse to accept this is Tanah Melayu

Alaaaa. PM tak marah. Mujahid tak marah. Anwar tak marah. AG PH senyum je.

Pepatah Melayu ada menyebut, “ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasi.” Kata pepatah Melayu lagi, “bapa borek, anak rintik.” limkitsiang guanenglim

Hello guanenglim dapmalaysia u guys r d Govt, are r u so preoccupied with PASPusat & umnoonline .... just do the job u are elected d do..,, u are no more in d opposition just do it... stop ur preoccupation of PASPusat & umnoonline

guanenglim punya syg dekat Islam sampai bila dengar azan dia diam. Bru2 ni dia beri 5 juta ringek dekat Nasyrul Quran demi memartabatkan syiar Islam. So I believed he will support penyatuan ummah Melayu Islam antara umnoonline and PASPusat to dethrone racist DAP in GE15

Kalau kail panjang sejengkal, lautan dalam jangan diduga.

You want a racial wsr since you talk of war? But who going to fight on your side? But since you say it, if it does happen please be in the forefront to show you know where your mouth is.

DAP musuh seluruh rakyat Malaysia

DAP can sing 🎤 The Moon Represents My Heart 💔 UMNO is just rehearsing? Why stoke racial fire 🔥 Racist

Melayu kalau tak sedar memang bangang la haii

Kalau betullah apa dia kata... Kenapa Non Muslim di Kelantan Terengganu masih hidup malah tersenyum lebar.. adakah kamu buta dan pura-pura buta

Ini hanyalah kerjasama politik memandangkan kedua2 belah pihak berada di blok pembangkang. If their cooperation become a threat to the certain party, maybe we can call and looks them as Umno-PAS ONION. As long not Onani then all of us can membawang towards them 😁

Mmg sahih laa dia ni batu api jahanam! Kaw kaw dia diam2 duk tepis Melayu.. Ada jugak yg duk kipas batu api nii.. Gerammnyaa aku..


Stupid apek gila

i seens many things but i didnt speak it out, from my evaluation BN handle better than DAP so why with all these fuss? guanenglim let me ask ya, what happen to toll? Petrol price goes down? None n_izzah what happen to ya radiohead is them coming ? Cant even complete manifesto

Political parties form alliance for political expediency & survival. Simple. Stop fear mongering.

Kerjasam Umno-PAS s3lagi tidak melanggar Perlembagaan dan undang2 lain tiada masalah. PH perlu berusaha lebih gigih menawan hati rakyat . Jika PH berjaya menawan hati rakyat maka tak perlu bimbang gabungan UMNO-PAS . Rakyat suka persaingan parti politik untuk kemajuan negara.

Don’t like the term “war”. Try another word. Like polarisation. A mouthful. Haha 🤣

Such serious allegations! Why inciting and implanting this negative mindset on Malaysians? Do you have something up your sleeves?

Mengelebah payudara betul la.

ini kenyataan racist dari news

Dumbest thing to say

This is dangerous.What is he trying to ignite.?Racial tension and dishrmony ?or another bloody 13 Mei.May Allah protect all of us.

You have shown your true colour.

Ultra idiot. Stupidity at the highest level. Racist ultra kiatsu

I hope now every single Malaysian sees his true colour. As a Minister, he is igniting hatred towards us,Muslims. Racism is at large soon after Malaysia is administered by the PH and the blame is on UMNO BN PAS? Shame on you guanenglim limkitsiang


This is uncalled for from a Senior Cabinet Minister. Isn’t Malaysia Baru supposed to be better? By saying this, you are escalating the differences.

Belum apa apa sudah sombong

Why so stupid guanenglim. Don’t succumb to those bigot UMNO-PAS. We are fighting against corruption, nepotism, racism and towards better nation. Why you should response like this? 😒😒😒

Forming Parti Umno-Pas (PUP) is the worst move Malays could have made. They are thinking by branding themselves as racists, they can threaten the Harapan Government into agreeing to their demands. Let's see what these racists get out of the PKR-Bersatu-DAP-Amanah Malays.

Hahaha memang la gelabah PRU gomen baru buka balik kes SPRM Rumah x ada swimming pool .. Masa tu limgongeng terjun ferry penang la

Mature politicians come!

myintifada This man should be arrested for stirring public peace and his words are blatantly racist. It's a shame for a country like Malaysia to have a minister like him. A loser and also sociopath! Please resign! You bring shame to the country and your race!

corrected statement that he didn’t use ‘declared war’. So whose error? Malaysiakini ka? pdrm should investigate.

myintifada Now we know he's true character. He is of the important minister without any charisma. His behaviors are similar with a psychopath. His lack of empathy towards Bumiputra may need medical attention and probably a psychiatric evaluation.

Apooo? Ni pdangan peribadi ke or pdgan menteri ni..

Kami tidak terancam didalam negara tanah air kami.tapi kamu patut malu.cari makan dalam negara kami,mati pun nak tanam ditanah kami.maruah cina dan india paling bangsat kerana mati tiada tanah air sendiri.mati merempat kenapa tidak tanam dinegara cina atau india

Lu sulah gila mau rasis ka guanenglim

This is racist land, the Bolehland of DAP PDRMsia

now i'm worried...

damaged done...wait for hundred of police report tomorrow

Bodoh punya apek. Part melayu bersatu terus cop rasis. Bangang abadi apek sekor ni.

Kau threesome dengan PAS dan PKR dulu okay? PAS nak couple dengan UMNO kau anat je Cina sekor ni 🤦‍♂️

DAP memang anti-Melayu.

so your statement was rasict on malay parties la kan

Kenyataan macam ni boleh buat depa kalah. Makan diri

Seriously.. How can he thought like that?

Stoking racial fire 🔥 from a party with no race

Mohon PDRMsia menahan menteri dan siasat atas kenyataan yg membawa maksud tertentu.


And now you are expecting the Malays to vote PH?


Who started using the word 'war' now? You and why?

Jangan pernah percaya pada kafir gila kuasa yang mahu rampas kepimpinan orang Islam. Kenapa korang ni tak sedar2 lagi.

guanenglim 一個人的命運好不好,從他有沒有口德就看的出來。

Siapa yg rasis ni sebenarnya? Umno pas bergabung atas agama dan bukan bangsa semata2... knp nk risau?

Mcm ni bukan menghasut ke? Menghasut org non muslim untuk rasa terancam dengan kesatuan UMNO-PAS

What? Why are you singing the same song as the one you point the finger to? Hypocrite much? Government of the day should lead by example. This is a total failure la lge.

lantak la ko kata nk perang ke apa ko dn dapigs y mulakn segala pmadalahan dlm dn luar negara sengaja nk alih isu semenyih...ko itu dh jadi kera jaan menteri kwayangan nobita kit siang lim booo

Remember 1 vote to tsu koon equi to one vote to umno /malay.Does that not declaring war at that point of time


I think this guy sakit jiwa + mulut busuk

guanenglim who is fanning racist extremism and racial fearmongering now? You politicians are all the same, shame on you!

guanenglim what kind of statement is this? Are you inciting hatred?


guanenglim come on, this is only you & your fellow politicians view. One shouldn’t worry about PAS & UMNO work together unless he is running out of ideas how manage the country. Pls remember that they are now the opposition & YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT!!!!

Aik, mana pergi Im Malaysian not chinese

Dari sudut perundangan, apakah kesan kata2 oleh cinadap ini? Maksud yang tersurat dan tersiratnya ?

what choice do they have yb after being openly discriminate

Khalifah Agong Lim Guan Eng sudah keluarkan fatwa.

Don’t make your political problems and challenges guanenglim a racial problem we don’t like to hear that fulfill your manifesto than ppl will forgive u

So dap and pas in PR last time war on what? Your colour finally revealed

ya and when all chinese support dap, thats not a deceleration?

Since ph took over..the racist issue become bigger...pls create loves not war....we want our country sooo peaceful...everybody's pls be nice..

Mr Lim you are very wrong. First not all Malays join umno or pas. Second, umno and pas still need non malays to vote for them if they want to win the election especially in the urban areas

💆🏻‍♀️ guanenglim

wow.. siapa yang start dulu ni? kita tolak ideologi dap bukan non malays. demn u

..anyway..dont forget your magic tunnel scandal in Penang ya..dont divert the issue ya.. limkitsiang BFMradio theedgemarkets

You drew first blood..remember that when u are in the hole soon

Wow playing the race card now huh Lim...

Ngape apek? Dah gabra ke?

Yup, the same non malays yg tak sudah provoke agama Islam. Yg tak sudah menyerang baginda Muhammad. Tapi guess what, melayu jugak yang salah kan ...

This cinabeng try to ignite the racial war. He must resign no matter what!

Racist statement!

Ok move on..

LGE, your PH partner can call for malay unity, why others cannot? Why is it a war? Its just politics, don't try to be a hero, have u ask Azmin or Mahathir to abolish NEP which u claim is racist in nature before u became their buddy?

guanenglim orang yang racist macam ni pon ada orang sanjung² lagi.

guanenglim Saudara YB, PH should rise above these race-rhetorics & not play into it. This is the opportunity for PH to take the road less travelled & display the maturity & sincerity to bring ALL Malaysians as one family. We expect & want the ppl to unite! chedetofficial

DAP will never stopped using the racial card. Such a lame cliche, the people is fed up with all this cheap populist game. PH can't even govern the country. You play with sentiments and you think the Rakyat is stupid. Think again, this govt will fall anytime.

If you say so guanenglim

It's just politics my dear.

Dalam nak mengutuk orang “racist” pun tanpa segan silu mengeluarkan kenyataan yang racist. Last-last Umno & Pas je lah yang dicop parti yang memainkan agenda perkauman, bila realitinya takde 1 pun parti besar dalam Malaysia yg tak guna agenda “kaum” sebagai modal berpolitik.

Now, guanenglim .. who is playing the race card now?

YB Lim. The less you open your big mouth, the better for DAP & PH.

msia ni berbilang kaum smua bangsa sama2 membangun kn msia kearah lebih cemerlang..umno/pas dn penyokong2 kena ingat la.. Jangan sombong sangat.

Ermmm... 'war' on non-malay ?.. use your brain effectively YB LGE..

Whatever he is smoking, he should pass that shit.

LGE is stupid to push the whole thing into racial fight! PH has to rise above racism to show how it is different and how it can still enrich all Malaysians, irregardless of race & colours. Malays as majority will surely benefits! PH shld create jobs! His arrogance blinds him!

just concentrate on the economy and forget about what the other parties are doing. they are just the opposition and they cannot do more than you can. fark all this politicking and concentrate on your job

So what do you call Pakatan Rayat in Selangor,DAPPKR AND PAS

this power is only temporary. it is given to one to save the country and people. eventually it will have to be passed down to someone else. this is your probation term. if you excel, the people might give to another.

oojiley Nobita kata kerjasama UMNO dgn PAS seolah2 istihar perang kpd bkn Melayu dan Islam Boleh kalau mung nak berperang silakan Orang Melayu Islam sudah bersedia 1000 x har

this is a democracy. they can do whatever they want. just concentrate on improving the economy and the lives of the people. if you can do that, even if ph lose in ge15, there is nothing to regret about. unless it is all about holding onto power like the others.

Tokong just made it worse, the politicians in this country is the instigator of racism in this country. The real scums.

dapmalaysia so fast oredi miss chance 2 hentam MCA bcos of UMNO. So when DAP cooperated wt PAS then, it was 4 d best 2 d Chinese community, is it

Malaysiakini tagline is very dangerous..

Y make the malays hate y, y do have a big reputation ,all UMPAS has to do is,to mention y name and vote start falling in their favor.

PH Connered them only choice to move for survival is merging.

UMNO+PAS after GE14 they keep playing racist. at the same time they want keep MCA and MIC as a dog. PAS keep pushing for their IS agenda. UMNO desperate to return to power so Najib can make a come back.

That's exactly what they y to say, now y have proven y are nothing but a dodo bird a kind of Bird with wings, that could not fly.

Umno & PAS since 1964 DaP has being attacked as communism all the while, every country'S do hv a party to represent their own ethnic's sad to say in Msia due to selfishness 🙃🙁

Menghasut ni.. Dlm PAS pun ada non-malay & non-muslim.

A befitting caption will be 'Dei '

Dap declared war on malay muslim lu diam saja.. Dasar cina dap rasis

I think you need makan ubat.

? Tuduhan melulu...


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