Hotpot assault: 'Datuk' caught by cops

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Malaysia Headlines News

Malaysia Latest News,Malaysia Headlines

A man who carries the 'Datuk' title was infuriated after a customer asked him to lower his voice and to not make too much noise. The man assaulted a male victim and slapped another female victim before leaving the restaurant.

A man who carries the 'Datuk' title was infuriated after a customer, at the hotpot restaurant he was in, asked him to lower his voice and to not make too much noise.

In the 9pm incident at the TST Hotpot restaurant at Tropicana Avenue, Petaling Jaya on Jan 12, the man assaulted a male victim and slapped another female victim before leaving the restaurant.


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only a loser demands respect for a paid pseudo honorary title.

Stay classy... lol... looks like a real POS.

As long as you have money, can easily become one .... that’s how our country honour them.... wholesale market🤪

Surely can get away maa..bagi angpow sikit,kena bayar denda sikit,settleeeee..malaysia kot 🥳🥳🥳

Strip all titles! Only royalty should be entitled as it's the rule of the country. Every Tom, Dick and Harry are being given titles and it's not even earned! No respect anymore for these people!


Datuk with questionable morals should be stripped from his title. Achievement is nothing without good character.

Gangsta datuk, bully datuk, Loan sharks Datuk, pimp Datuk - so many Datuks. Shame on whoever awarded these datuks! Do ur checking properly first la. Ban this “notorious” title. Why need such title to differentiate class among citizens?

His Anarchical and Presumptuous attitude liken wilted Trump of USA shamelessly. If he's datuk could be bought mostly from Pahang that's normally the case!

Zaman lani mangkuk ayun pun boleh dapat datuk

Which despot gave this hooligan his datukship?

How do they get datukships?

Well, let see how much he get fine. Datuk ma...

Who is this Datuk?


Now days too many Datuks with questionable background. Gangster pon dapat Datuk. Kleptocrats pon ramai Datuk, already convicted pon still a Datuk. Uncle Kentang & Uztaz Ebit Liew should be given Datukship. They are doing more for the rakyat than any of the Datuks around.

No one is above the law to do as he likes.

When was the last time we heard of a Datuk doing something vaguely magnanimous? And no, giving money to charity is a tax break.

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