Health DG: Raw Covid-19 data not shared with S’gor to avoid conflicting interpretations

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Malaysia Headlines News

Malaysia Latest News,Malaysia Headlines

COVID-19 | The Selangor Task Force for Covid-19 said its efforts hampered as it had not been receiving granular data from MOH since early October.

COVID-19 | The Health Ministry’s move only to share processed data and not raw files with state health departments is for better coordination, said director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah today.

This comes after the Selangor Task Force for Covid-19 said its efforts to combat the outbreak in the state were hampered because it had not been receiving granular data from the ministry since early October.


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DGHisham stop bullshitting and spinning.

Semakin dia diguna sebagai alat politik kerajaan. Hati2 jngn rosakkan reputasi sendiri ya. Semua data2 covid perlu dilihat oleh semua. Jngn jadi mcm Trump atau China, nak sembunyi2 data.

Give data with condition any analysis should be shared with ministry. Would be a pity to miss any important findings which can assist all parties. DGHisham

Be the DG. Be a doctor. Stop becoming a tool for dirty politicians

Tan Sri DG kena sedar, Tan Sri telah mula dibenci oleh rakyat Malaysia disebabkan Tan Sri mula bermain politik...kena ingat Tan Sri tanpa sokongan rakyat...rantaian Covid 19 x akan berjaya diputuskan disebabkan double standard Tan Sri antara menteri dan rakyat marhean..sedarlah

DG x blh pakai...

Does this mean the official numbers being released daily may not be so accurate after all?

Are you serious DG? You're manipulating the situation for your bosses twisted political needs.

Other than sgor, did MOH share their raw data? Sgor should not position herself above other states..

This clearly shows...after you got your TS title.. you kawtow to abah cow!!

DGHisham you know why youtube exists? do you know how many peoplw share video n their expwriences

Isn't that the responsibility of the three ministers to manage the conflicts?

It's conflicting if you have something to hide.🤨

So apa kata pihak istana Selangor dlm perkara ini? Bknkah perkara ini penting untuk keselamatan rakyat Selangor juga?

Epidemiologist loves DISCUSSION AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING. But surgeon is more like 'I know the most' type.

We like u, we love u DG. Please avoid from your bosses. They are using for their benefit.

Interpretasi berlainan biasa lah tapi kalau sampai konflik atau bertentangan, rasanya tidak. Dgn adanya pasukan lain yg analisis data, ada kemungkinan juga kita temui cara lawan covid yg lebih efektif. FokusLawanCovid RakyatJagaRakyat

Why though? You are sharing with your fellow doctors in S'gor, not to the average people 🤔

Political reason....

What kind of ridiculous logic or reason is that? Aren’t we supposed fight this together ?

whatintansays Due respect, sharing is caring 😊

i think, the raw data speaks the truth, yet the consolidated/transformed data speaks politically correct 'truth'. That's why.

DrDzul things changed , people changed too I guess

Totally Unacceptable statement

DrDzul Many experts here in comment section 🙃

DGHisham If we go on the contrary, S'gor decided to cease Mysejahtera & place an embargo on its state's statistic, imagine the detriment that would cause. This CAN happen & we are trying to avoid this. Work together!

Should come clean la, we cannot work in silo to fight covid19, who ever need whatever data, kkm should consider at this time of hard DGHisham , sorry to differ

Pls work in coalition instead of isolation. When it comes to combating a common enemy ie covid19, kkm and stfc must work together and trust each other. Dont let rakyat be victimised bcos of conflicting parties. Pls dont politicised covid19 issues DrAdhamBaba DrDzul DGHisham

DrDzul When there are 2 confliction means either one is wrong or both are wrong.

i feel dg hands getting tied more and more by politikus

Aiyoh Tan Sri, apa lu pun sudah kena ka? Apa logic ni?

DrDzul Is it that if raw data is shared, more +ve ministers will be revealed? 😔


DG politik jugak?!


So data was purposely withheld from the Selangor government DGHisham ! You don’t want DrDzul to be in the limelight?Is this why U like MN?(Selangor folks trust Dr Dzul’s judgement; Selangor was doing well, before the Sabah returnees U refused to quarantine,turned up).

Tibe2 la sekor2 nak jadi epidemiologist expert. Eh anjing. Dulu suruh study medic pemalas. Tak sanggup nak kena dpt 4 flat matric. Duduk je la situ main bijik. Org nk buat kerja pun bising. Kecik taknak mamp!

What happened to collaboration and secon opinions, to work together. Wrong move DGHisham .

The primary purpose of data sharing is to ensure that decisions are based on the best available evidence via the fullest possible understanding of health challenges. Remember when Dr Kaw Bing Chua was right about Nipah's, and everyone was wrong in 1999?

Aku lama dah nak tanya... Tapi aku tahan-tahankan jugak... Tapi, hari ni aku nak tanya... Sebab hati aku dah panas... Kluster PRN takde ke nak disebut-sebut? Kluster politik takde ke nak disebut-sebut? Kluster tabligh hari tu bukan main lagi di hentam kaw kaw... 🙄🙄🙄

Another shameless answer from DGHisham

Lukis lg muka pukimak ni dkt dinding

Is this bloke going to change stance later and say he was misquoted? What a cad

The data must also be made public not just to state authority. It is acquired using taxpayers money. To date, public knows so little about Covid-19 and data below if provided would make a big difference.

Someone with no guts was declared a national hero too soon

Why? Raw data consist of sensitive names/info? What is there to hide? Wouldnt hiding data make it easier to manipulate the data? Or KKM is the only one that is right? Then we arent so different from China arent we?

This is very dangerous indeed. How this DG still over idolised really beyond me.

That's utter bollocks. By not sharing, it would be more detrimental to everyone in the state. But I guess you're on the Federal Gomen's payroll, so it figures

Yep. Now he's a politician..

Firstly any incidences of conflicting interpretations since March 2020? There shld be protocols on releasing information. If you think KMM can fight this alone, so be it! There are resources that KMM can tap on but due to your political masters, you decide otherwise. Sad 😔

You have got to be kidding me. How many ways are there to interpret the data? You actually mean conflicting conclusions and decisions lah. Difference of opinions will be there and it's up to you to defend it, not to withhold data so that you have the upper hand. 🤦‍♂️

Wat u expected at opposition state

Another one bites the dust.....

So it means let the selangorian become positif and suffer At last you to failed the country Politicion brain poison you too.. so sad. Please dont do this DG.. your salary is from tax payer and poor people too DGHisham

Sure it’s not political?

Logic 101: To avoid getting food poisoning Dun eat dun drink Let's starve to death instead

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