Hadi: Don't allow the corrupt to come back to power

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PN victim of power grab by inhumane people - PAS president.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang today urged opposition parties to accept Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's offer for bi-partisanship."Don't prioritise power by allowing the source of the disease of corruption to spread again.


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Who’s talking?

I support you

U r not 🤔🤔

Siapa yg korup? Pas ke?

It's good that you look into the mirror & remind yourself on that regularly hadi!

So shoo away you abdulhadiawang

Now more vaccine for him. The vaccine effect is confusing him 😂

Cadang yg terbaik ustaz....

PAS allowed underage marriage... Big trouble going on. Abit weird leh

OMG what

The most useless trusted..

pas x corrupt ke? pas tak pandai jd pemerintah..x layak lgsg jd kerajaan...pas x pandai jaga kebajikan rakyat...contoh kelantan trganu kedah ...

Pak Lebai, undurlah. Bagilah peluang kepada pemimpin muda dan lebih berkaliber. Cukuplah. Raykat dah lama sengsara.

Hedi Bawang speaking about himself.

As Salaam TGHHA abdulhadiawang tujukan kepada NajibRazak & DrZahidHamidi ke?

Hello, Tn Hj sendiri tahu siapa yg korup. Depan mata tu. Sama mcm yg tak hadir tugas di Parlimen

why cannot...didn't he preach that a corrupt Muslim is better than a clean non Muslim and lying is also fine. 🤔🙄

Diamlah badut

He's so careful with his fingers... none pointing at him. Pandai juga orang PN😏

Including u?


Those who are part of the scheme of things are also corrupted

Well, then, how about you, yourself to be PM9. All will be cleansed accordingly.

Kau sembang apa ni hadi? Kalau 14 org umno patah balik sokong pn, ada lagi ke kenyataan ni? Umno tu cuma tak sokong Mahiaddin je

Without them u not in power minded

sama juga......


Ok noted peanut we won’t let it

Better stop you (Hadi) then the corrupts , when a mind is filled with rotten vibes and unimaginate enemy , it is extremely dangerous .

What nonsense is he talking about

True you are one of those

I agree not to let the court clusters to return to power. However isn't you part of those supported them in forming this failed gov? Loss of memory?

TAR said before.. PAS will never be a successful party.. 😂😂 Still stands till this day..

Hahahaha…..ada cermin kah.

Haha..habis modal... dah tak relevan...semoga balik ke pangkal jalan kebernaran arwah TGNA

Don’t talk nonsense, now is the corrupted ones that kills many Malaysian & lead us to be poorer each day while enjoying Durians

A PAS leader said if Muhyiddin resigns tomorrow, they will support anyone from Umno to form a government “but not Ismail or Hishammuddin.” Hadi talking cock, again!

His house got no mirror

Kah kah kah

Yg seekor ni patut masuk tanjung rambutan

The president of Parti Ajaran Setan seems to have a lot to say now a days.

😦who is he talking ?

When u put race and religion first, that’s what you get.

That is you and your geng!! Unless you are talking about your once upon a time bestie NajibRazak ?

and do no let PAS reps to be in power bcz they will forget who they are n their party objectives

Aku benci gila tgk mamat bangsat ni

Hypnotise the rakyat at the same time hypnotising themselves with their own word…

You can ensure that happens by not supporting umno

Yang ambil 90 Juta tu Corrupt juga ke ?

abdulhadiawang ARE U TALKING ABOUT YOURSELF Mangkuk bertingkat2 kamu ni


Hari tu langkah Sheraton x pe pulak bergabung ngan keleptokrat

Which corrupt is he talking about?


Religious-based Party are mostly corrupt.

He part of the sharaton backdoor government, so he is one of it but didn't realise it, becausehe always thought only he is clean and suci. Let's see if he sign up for the sabri sd which may include the makamah cluster mp.

Pukimak cibai ni lah lebih busik mulutnya. Dia sendiri menyokong corrupt lagi cakap banyak

I agree with you abdulhadiawang By the way, have you found a new job already?

Throw a stone at politicians and it will almost definitely hit a corrupt one. No need to pretend to be holy.

You are with them what?

Yes, we agree. That is why PAS and Umno have to be kicked out.

Hadi should be in a mad house not Parliament House

Hahaha!!! 🤪🤣😝 kelakar betul si Hadi! PAS+UMNO=Muafakat, PAS pun support PN, Mungkin si Hadi lupa ko. Selalu main pusing sini, pusing sana. pusing sehingga sendiri dah lupa pendirian.

Wait, is he talking about himself? Duly noted, we must kick him out and close the door, lock & buang kunci.

Rasuah n makan gaji buta.. sama2 berdosa xde beza

Corrupt telling others corrupt

Ckp dgn cermin eh

He never ever said anything about the thieves before. And lying is ok too


Abis je Power ni leh la jadi Nelayan kat Ganu

No one is innocent

Senile Aledi

How about letting go corrupt charges?

Sapa yg kena tuduh rasuah dan bersalah kalau bukan umno?


Desperate times call for desperate measures

How is your 600k Mercedes Benz ? abdulhadiawang

Talking to yourself you devil

1000% agree! That's why you need to Go!!

contoh menteri yang buat malu bangsa dan negara....tolong la letak jawatan...tiada keperibadian sebagai seorang pemimpin. dasar lalang.....

Dia cakap pasal Najib ke ni

PH lagi teruk. Berapa bulan je lingkup.

Kau la korup moral

One of Alibaba's 40 thieves.

Yes ! Names please

Pak lebai ni cakap je pandai. Selama ni Pak lebai buat apa dalam PN?

Both corrupted. But we need the one that is functioning better

Pot calling the kettle black.

pukimak punya adi, ko senyap ja la babi

Look who's talking 😂

Dei he’s referring to DAP la

kau yang siap buat muafakat nasional..berkawan baik skrg pandai pulak acah2 tak suka..

Is he saying he should be excluded too?

abdulhadiawang YB (Yang Bodoh) Hadi Awang, Mahiaddin sudah hilang majoriti. Sudah hilang kuasa. Dia dan seluruh kabinet akan letak jawatan. Perasuah akan menjadi kerajaan kerana PN - Penderhaka Negara telah gagal menjadi kerajaan yg baik.

TEORI RAHMAN dh hbis.. lepas ni teori MAHADIR = MUHIDIN, ANUAR ++++++++++


The only party that can guarantee the corrupt not in power is DAP so PAS is the one putting the corrupt in power

You mean Merz ?


Makan gaji buta tu lagi teruk dari rasuah

Being a holier than thou leader, it must take a great deal for you to say that, you are not exactly clean ...

What a job from this old man!!

Can you tell who is Corrupt ?

Kalau PAS boleh di percaya, lembu boleh terbang lah. Religion and politics should not mix.

That's why we don't want your party to come back again.

You are the corrupted.


What about sinecure job getting salary? Allow?!🤔

Ingat tak PAS ok dgn penjelasan bekas CEO 1MDB sampai menjajah satu negara? Ingat tak bila PAS menjalinkan hubungan akrab dgn UMNO Kleptokrat bentul muafakat? Ingat tak bila PAS bersama2 dgn Umno & Bersatu mengkhianat mandat rakyat melalui Langkah Sheraton? Ingat tak?

Hilang ingatan ke ketua lebai?

What about the corrupt that has been released

Hahaha. JOKE of the year.

Dont allow PAS posers like me,who actually bersekongkol gn Klepto,Corruptor and all despicable practices to an extend even Ku Li referred as 'Pelacur'..Beware of all of PAS..atleast some of Umno have some principles like Tok Mat.anwaribrahim guanenglim KhalidSamad SyedSaddiq

Is he on drugs? So who he was working for all this while? Is he saying that the current government is clean and pure?

Everyone and all the MPs contributes and allowing that to happen.

U are one of them lobai

The fool speaks again! But the existing corrupt must be eradicated too in order for M’sia to progress.


And yet you were happy to work with Zahid and Najib in the middle of their court cases

ehhhhhhhhhhhh… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

U mean Umno.. Ka...😂😂😂😂... Maharaja lawak dewata lah awak ni.

Lebai's logic : Only let the ruling ones remain.

You surely don’t mean Najib your buddy’s in the last elections.

Ambil duit dari tangan Najib, sekarang untuk kuasa dia gigit pula tangan yang hulur duit haram tu. Ini contoh orang beriman ke !

U r one of them

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