Anwar plotted against me right after pardon, says Dr Mahathir | The Malaysian Insight

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Anwar plotted against me right after pardon, says Dr Mahathir

Port Dickson Anwar Ibrahim at a press conference last week where he claims to have an overwhelming majority to take over the government from Muhyiddin Yassin’s Perikatan Nasional. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, October 1, 2020.

DR Mahathir Mohamad has accused Anwar Ibrahim of going behind his back to rally support after the jailed politician was pardoned in 2018. The former prime minister alleged Anwar met with the royalty and other parties to shore up support for himself instead of supporting the Pakatan Harapan administration.

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Dia nak jd PM sampai masuk kubur

blamer blames; achiever achieves.

Of course he did. Power hungry!

Berkelahi lah dua orang sampai Kiamat. Who cares?

Absurb to say Anwar plotted against Mahathir because Anwar only demand what's his as agreed but Mahathir is a liar and dishonest in not honoring his part of the deal, that's his post as PM is temporary until Anwar is released. He's a traitor of PH.

Kahkah kesian bangnon ,🤮pergi balik tidur la woi

🤣 Mereka berdua yang bergaduh pasal kuasa, tiba-tiba

Dr. M, please forgive and forget. So did you 'plot' against him. When you had the opportunity to save the nation, you didn’t but chose to resign. A costly move that hurt all of us.

Macam drama Korea. Pusing pusing tang situ gak.

Politik adalah seni. Pabila anda rakus & kebulur, maka tak lama. 3x tak menjadi adalah something luar biaSA. ** Wallahualam Bissawab ** 🤭🤭🤭

RakyatJagaRakyat DafinaCool

Mahathir sudah mula mengeluarkan kenyataan2 propaganda di media untuk memburukkan nama AI supaya tidak menjadi PM. Sifat benci yg tersemat dihati beliau ini sememangnya tidak akan hilang walaupun dengan usia yang sudah larut. busukhati


What’s wrong with that old man? You’re over.

Dia tau atok chedetofficial nak kenching kepala dia lagi.. hahahaha

Now we know how fragile was PH.. chedetofficial guanenglim Saby limkitsiang anwaribrahim KhalidSamad kept bluffing to the raykat all this while.


I think he should stop blaming others & the whole chaos situation is because of not keeping his promise to pass the PM post to DSAI. It's not DSAI who plotted against but you join hand with PNkhianat to break your promise. Tun.. Please retire cause people would not believe you!

If tun can plot others, others also can plot others, karma comes back,

Oi chedetofficial dah tua bangka masih tak faham yg kau ni sbnarnya aibkan seseorg satu bangsa dgn kau?Malah moyang korang pun hebat2.anwaribrahim kan pemimpin utk bangsa melayu juga?Knp mahathir dah tua dah nak masuk alam barzakh tak lama lagi pun kau ni mahathir taknk sedar?

haha.. all this while old man like to critic DSAI. someone should tell this old man, who the PM now ? so, is the old man support Muhyiddin as PM ?

Ngarut sgt dh. Smua nk twist plot. Play victim plak dh atok ni..insaf lah atok..better pencen duduk masjid

Hahahahahaha jatuhnye PH adalah kerana TunM jugak.

Tun M mudah lupa. 😔😔

Mamak tu mamak juga. Putar belit. Pigi dah orang tua nyanyok.

Yeah, the whole world and Jewish community is plotting against you if things dont go your way.

Fakyu la chedetofficial

We should start NyahkanMahathir campaign.

I thought Najib NajibRazak has thick skin because he doesn't feel ashamed of what he did. But Dr.Mahathir chedetofficial has the thicker skin for not feeling ashamed of himself. He keeps spinning and lying through his teeth and wants people to believe him.

Musuh Atok 1. Anwar 2. Najib 1. Najib 2. Anwar 1. Anwar 2. Najib 1. Najib 2. Anwar Jgn2 tak lama lagi Atok akan kata Anwar adalah Najib adalah Anwar adalah Najib adalah Anwar. Jgn smpi jadi akhir kalam sdh lah Tok.

Hahahahahaha drama pukul 7 ni 😂😂😂😂😂

He know can't be PM again, and he will do whatever he can to make no one else (except his son) becoming PM again. Rather Anwar be PM than MCO2.0 soon.

Everybody should watch V For Vendetta, then get that thing going to finish off these fascist supremacist once and for all. You gotta free your mind and motivated. Not enslaved with paying Hitler's taxes on housing. (10% disc means you're subsiding another) Wake up!

Mahathir babi!!!!

Still have intention of becoming PM, eh Tun, what for ? So you can launch your cockamamie ideas 3rd , 4th, 5th National Car Project. In 22 months your & Daim's cohorts ran rampant on all sort of deals in town, did you not know, all these were observed.

the reason, summed in an image

Dah tak larat dah nak gelak dgn atok punye lawak

No shit Sherlock! Is that even a surprise? Should know DSAI by now!

And you apa kurang. Tried to stop him every which way from taking over.

Tak habih2 la pak tua ni.. 94 dah oii.. cuba buat perangai elok sikit oi

Sudah tua masih perangai kanak2. Begitulah adanya.

Pardon Tun chedetofficial but you’re no longer relevant nowadays.

Why didn't you seek Agong's concern to dissolve the parliament to pave the way for a new election. Instead you resigned, got to be the interim PM and wanted to form a unity gov. You also keep claiming Moo didn't have the support. All this shows what.....

Dr.Mahathir chedetofficial nobody in their right frame of mind will ever believe your cock and bull tales. We know that it was you who plotted to deny and deprive Anwar from becoming PM.

chedetofficial sy putarrrr yaaaa halim

Ni dua org ni kan gaduh2 mcm adik-beradik berlawan tapi bini dorang pula best friend. Dah lah Atok, jgn ikut perasaan sgt. Hubungan tu kira dah elok sgt. Buat pe berprasangka seumur hidup....jiwa tu tenang ke?

Orang tua ni patut hentam Muhyiddin yg dh jadi PM dgn cara khianat. Tapi, mcm x berapa nak hentam Muhyiddin sgt kan. Yg sibuk dia dok hentam Anwar yg x ada apa2 jawatan pn dalam kerajaan sekarang. Sebab apa ye agaknya? Sebab org tua ni lah perancang Langkah Sheraton!

mimimarinajaaf1 PH it self is a total failure, why shd Anwar support? Klu i jd anwar pun i cabut. Dlm kes PH, sy fikir BODOHLAH jk anwar atau komponen PH masih percaya Mahathir.


Wei orang2 tua, pi bersara la dah orang penat nak dengar korang bertekak.

Please use a Mirror and repent

What is wrong with you atuk! Be nice! Im sure after this pejuang will rotten in...

X guna atok

What is wrong with you atuk! Be nice!

Dah lah Atok M, you betrayed PH and those who voted for you.

Tun lama tak pergi check-up otak tun

Permusuhan yg berpanjangan dan berlarutan hingga ke lubang kubur, untuk apa? Dah elok DSAI dah maafkan Atok. Bertaubatlah, rumah kata pi, kubur kata mai, ketepikan politik untuk buat saham akhirat.

Masih ada segelintir manusia bangang yang percaya kat Atok nyanyok ni.. 😄😄

Kita putar ya chedetofficial MukhrizMahathir ..

sembang lebih sgt . chedetofficial prk slim river pon team kau xdpt sokongan.

oi chedetofficial kau ltk jwtn. slh anwar ke? Agong pon advice jgn resign. kau resign jgk.

Cukup la... the position shouldn't be yours in the 1st place.

Mahathir, Mahathir. Anwar probably not perfect but you... you are ulaq.


The old man plotted against the nation from GE14

Very hard to believe.

Plot or not, u dilly dally handing over when clearly in the manifesto u promised. No clear date.... Nanti...nanti... lepas apec, this n tht. U want to hand over close to election ke? What is there for next leader to sell if u hand over close to GE15? Dah tua still nak kuasa

how many umno MP and Adun jump ship to bersatu after General Election 14?

Enough of the old dead wood politics Malaysians are sick of it

With both still around we can discontinue our subsription of Netflix


One finger pointing at Anwar other fingers pointing at your self, betul tak Tun.

Abis lepas bebas penjara Anwar duduk berkurung dalam rumah baru Tak plotting!? Your mind is a dark place la atok, dah tua pon hidup Tak tenang, tanda kena banyak taubat!


chedetofficial sapa yg plot sapa......apparaaaaa

Butuh pak hang la atuk.

You plotted against the Rakyat after getting all the mandate. GOSH, Please for once look at yourself in the mirror.

So much noises and talks lah Tun M, who met those in Sheraton Move ? Who resigned from his position as PM ? Who wants to extend the date of handover to Nov 2020 that supposedly happened in May 2020 ? Aiyoo you’ve got nothing to do with PH anymore lah. Go away, leave Anwar alone.

Pls retire gracefully as an elder statesmen...enough of spinning, politicking n nit picking

tak sudah2 laaa..lagi ada umuq dia.....

An after thought? Why are u only now speaking up? Think anyone will believe u. You chedetofficial were never sincere in d first place. U never learn do u, telinga nipis easily manipulated! Very obvious Anwar was grateful for the Royal Pardon and he was at your mercy.

What about the part where you sent him to jail for crimes he didnt commit out of your own benefit?

Atok ni banyak sangat layan sokernet ni sampai terikut2 point no 7.

Dont worry here i come. Pardon’s Board had given wrong advice to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in granting a full pardon to PKR President Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. This will do. Hehehe

Lawaklah dia pls.

Who put him in the jail in the first place?

Whole country run by plotters, liars, schemers, cheaters, corruptors and racists for their own benefits. All the citizens suffer.

And you betrayed & plotted against the rakyat since winning the election sounds like the same to me

Ur father head la atok oiii.. Hang yg dok buat taik tuduh org.

Atuk pandai pusing apa yg dia buat kepada musuhnya. Yang plotting, atuk. Lepas dah gagal, nak tuduh org lain pulak. Baliklah, org tua.

🤣👻😆 ha ha



Tak habis habislah depa ni

Baca boleh percaya jgn


Ni mesti azmin punya maklumat ni.. percaya sgt ler ke azmin tu

Elok dua2 berdamailah, umur semakin senja, entah kapan dpt bermaaf maafan lagi. Adakah sempat bertaubat sebelum bertemu Y Rabb anwaribrahim chedetofficial

chedetofficial Go away.

Makin tua makin seronok buat dosa..takde org nak g azan kt telinga Atok ke? Dia nak jadi Firaun ke?

Atok dah buat dah, kubur kata mari dah pun nak buat hal.lagi, sialan sungguh la

old fox just shutup

The Art of War

Bersyukurlah Allah dah panjangkan usia dkt 1 abad. Cukuplah. Lepaskanlah hal2 duniawi dendam kesumat. Fokuslah pd akhirat pula. Biarlah kami hormatkan Tun sbg seorg negarawan.

Politik seperti wayang. Pemimpin adalah aktor dan aktres. Lakonan terbaik dipersembahkan. Tanpa skrip. Tanpa pengarah. Pengikut menjadi penontom. Yang taksub berduka bila babak sedih dilakonkan. Bertepuk dan bersorak jika sebaliknya. Yang sedar bahawa itu hanya aksi tetap tenang.

I will have to disagree with you on this Doc chedetofficial

Game on 👍🏼👍

He knows you too well that you won't let the power transition to happen like promised.

Jangan lah Tun, merapu meraban lagi. Dari org percaya sikit², dah la ni, tak percaya langsung. Mmg doa org² yg dizalimi itu terus ke Tuhan Yg Satu tanpa hijab...bertaubatlah Tun chedetofficial

Thank tun. Time for you the rest and enjoy your retirement life. Let anwar di his part now

DSAI x berdendam dgn kau pun dah kira bagus. Sudah2 la TunM. Pangkat, darjat, kekayaan sendiri anak2 xde guna lagi bila nyawa di hujung halkum. DSAI dah rasa keperitan di penjara angkara mainan politik durjana keparat yg Tuhan aje yg tahu.

ANWAR USES SAME TACTIC HE DID 2 COLLAPSE PH PM TUN M chedetofficial TO COLLAPSE PN PM MuhyiddinYassin ANWAR CARELESS RAKYAT MANDATE. HE B KLEPTO-CROOKS JUST 2B A PM Anwar met the royalty & other political parties 2 shore up support 4 himself instead of supporting PH Govt

kalau 1 org tak suka 1 org.. dia maybe betul... tapi kalau semua org dia kata salah.. sampaikan brp PM/TPM dia salahkn dan dia saja betul... fhm2 sajalah sapa yg tak betul kan..?

Yang letak jawatam die,yang rampas kuasa midin and kitol,yang beraya umno pas dll.tapi tetap salah anwar🤥

sudahlah merapu atok

Go fcuk yourself Mahathir

Makin nanyuk pulak.. mu rehat lah

And yet nothing happened until you volunteering resignation ... chedetofficial lies until death do us a part.

I rasa dah nyanyuk atok ni. Ada2 je statement bodoh keluar. Rimas juga baca

MukhrizMahathir diam seribu bahasa. Dibiarkan Tun jd bahan. Betul2 tak guna la ko MukhrizMahathir

Pejuang ni nak berjuang lawan siapa?

Was he plotting or you? Why did you meet H20 in September 2018, now known as one of the architects of the Sheraton Move?

Dah nak mati ni, bawak2 lupakan dendam tu atok

Enough la. Forget history. Too much to dig dirt. He threw the election victory under the bus. Ingat la

Tun.... your story like dongeng kanak2.... please la

Kau dgr ckp azmin,memangla

Mahathir, PLEASE leave this country alone at your age! We have suffered enough from your lack of true leadership to govern the country. You always seem to have some kind of hidden agendas. Go & rest. Be with your wife and family. Just let us be! You have destroyed a nation!

Actually you plot yourself chedet..

Enuff la chedetofficial .taubatlah

Thats what he should be doing right? Getting support?

chedetofficial gi mampos la ko

just like a movie plot

Woi chedet sasau Ahhh?

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