The Russian environmental activist aiming to plant a billion trees by 2030 | DW | 13.10.2020

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Deutschland Schlagzeilen Nachrichten

Deutschland Neuesten Nachrichten,Deutschland Schlagzeilen

Global3000: Russia’s forests are disappearing at a rapid pace, but activist Marianna Muntiano is fighting back. She runs her own “Russian Climate Fund” and plans to plant 1 billion trees by 2030.

Smoke, ash and tree stumps — this is what Marianna Muntianu remembers was left of her home region in Kostroma, western Russia, following huge wildfires in 2010. It was a decisive moment that would shape her future. Instead of pursuing a career in finance, she joined the Russia environmental group, ECA, to plant trees.

With almost half of its territory covered in trees, Russia is home to the largest forested area in the world, even ahead of Brazil. But the country's forests are disappearing. Wildfires alone wipe out around 3 million hectares of forest annually, according to WWF Russia.project. The young environmentalist says together with volunteers she has restored the equivalent of 1,350 football fields in 24 Russian regions.

Planting goes beyond placing seedlings in the soil. The goal is to educate people, so they care about the environment, and technology is one way to get to them. Muntianu and her team launched the mobile game"Plant the Forest" to help make virtual trees a reality. Players learn how forests work and how they can be restored, while the income generated from the game goes toward reforestation., which is awarded to seven environmentalists each year.


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Municipal solid waste ( MSW) Generation (kg/capita/day) Kuwait - 5.72 , Norway- 2.8, Switzerland- 2.61, USA -2.58, Denmark-2.34, Canada - 2.33, Finland - 2.13, Germany - 2.11, China- 1.02, India - 0.34 Asian countries generate much lower waste than filthy westerners.(Source:WB)

In terms of air pollution and historical emissions , Rape, sex tourism and waste generation ( MSW kg/ capita/day ) , western nations top the list..Rape rate in Germany(10) is more than india (5).( source : according to WB, UN Office on Drugs and Crime).

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