The revolutionary socialist: 200 years of Friedrich Engels | DW | 27.11.2020

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Deutschland Schlagzeilen Nachrichten

Deutschland Neuesten Nachrichten,Deutschland Schlagzeilen

'A capitalist and a revolutionary': November 28 is Friedrich Engels' 200th birthday. DW editor Stefan Dege on the life of Karl Marx' co-author of the CommunistManifesto in Wuppertal and Manchester and his popularity with the Chinese.

Engels' father summoned him to his cotton mill in Manchester. Here he met the young Irish woman Mary Burns. Together with his future partner he would wander through Manchester's working class neighborhoods.

His work brought him ever closer to Karl Marx, who had meanwhile emigrated to Paris. Engels began to write for the German-French Annals, a journal published by Karl Marx and Arnold Ruge. Plumpe said in an interview with public radio broadcaster Deutschlandfunk that it was only through Engels' involvement that they became political statements. And without his money, Marx would have died of a collaborative effort, most of which was written by Karl Marx, but what's most important comes from Engels, which you can still see in his writings today.

Engels gave his friend Marx a helping hand financially, as well as with his publications. It’s often impossible to tell whose pen is behind the words.posthumously from notes. In 1869, after he was able to sell his company shares, Engels moved to London to be with Marx.


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