Opinion: Afghanistan — all power to the Taliban? | DW | 07.09.2021

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Opinion: 'Afghanistan once again appears to be on the path to becoming a country where women, minorities and dissidents have to become invisible in order to protect their lives,' writes DW's PetersmannS.

Afghanistan is rapidly sinking back into its former identity as a repressive Islamic emirate. For proof, look no further than itsTo take just one of the men — because, of course, they are all men — in the Cabinet: Acting Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani. He has been on the United Nations terror list since 2007.

. But the first Taliban regime, which was in power from 1996 to 2001, systematically persecuted them. Mass murder occurred in Mazar-i-Sharif in 1998.Afghanistan once again appears to be on the path to becoming a country where women, minorities and dissidents have to become invisible in order to protect their lives.A person's sense of security depends not only on whether they are subjected to acute violence — but also on the knowledge that they could be a victim of violence at any time.

Habiba Sarabi, the"dried grass on the water," was part of the Afghan state created by the US-led intervention after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. She was the first female governor of an Afghan province. She was minister of women's affairs and a vice-presidential candidate. AndWinner-takes-all absolutism

But the Taliban defeated and abolished the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, which Sarabi championed. In their Islamic emirate, women no longer hold political office. There is also no trace of any male representatives of the now-defunct order — despite all the Taliban's assurances that they would build an"inclusive Islamic system."

The new Taliban regime is an absolutist government of the victors. Without any other political voices. Without any of the"losers." In this way, the fundamentalists are repeating the catastrophic mistake of the international community. The US and its allies had also arrogantly refused to negotiate with the battlefield losers — the toppled Taliban — at the end of 2001.


Vielen Dank für Ihren Kommentar.Ihr Kommentar wird nach Prüfung veröffentlicht.

PetersmannS Der Westen muss nicht für Afghanen kämpfen, aber bitte finanziert keine Pakistaner. Die Anstellung von Pakistanis kommt einer indirekten Unterstützung von Gräueltaten gleich, da die meisten Gehälter zurückgeschickt werden, um den globalen Dschihad zu unterstützen.

PetersmannS And the responsibility goes to …….. the familiar Western Greed 👏👏

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