Kenya's disillusioned youth shun election | DW | 05.08.2022

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Deutschland Schlagzeilen Nachrichten

Deutschland Neuesten Nachrichten,Deutschland Schlagzeilen

Politicians lie, give empty promises, and 'only appear when they are seeking' votes, a 22-year-old female student told DW correspondent _MarielMueller ahead of the KenyanElection. Many young people like her plan to stay away from the ballot on August 9.

, the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and an unemployment crisis. So many are highly motivated to attend political rallies in exchange for cash handouts.

"Public participation is enshrined in our constitution, but we are not practicing it," he said."The apathy is high." Kenyan Interior Minister Fred Matiang'i even told reporters that the banks were running short of 200 shilling notes"because politicians are bribing villagers."When Odinga arrived at Kirigiti stadium, there was still a lot of free space, but from the platform the venue looked full.

Not far from the cafe, a group of young men were warming up for a training session on a football pitch. Even though it's cold and humid, they give their all.Sixty youngsters from the neighborhood train here. Besides that, Mugo raises money for their school fees and pays for sanitary pads for girls and provides food.

"I've attended quite a number of rallies, of almost all parties," he said."I kept the campaign T-shirts but I don't wear them after the rally. That's what we normally do."Gender policies: Men and women on a level playing field


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_MarielMueller That is true

_MarielMueller Sound thinking. If you don't like what your government is doing then give up and go home.

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