PM's national security adviser tells why she recommended Emergencies Act: 'This was a national crisis'

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Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Jody Thomas differed from many of previous witnesses who thought the Emergency Act was useful but not \u0027necessary\u0027 to clear Freedom Convoy.

Thomas also noted many unknowns, including what might be in the large trucks parked in Ottawa and the RCMP intelligence describing the presence of weapons in Coutts, Alberta.Article content

In her interview summary, Thomas said she did not think deploying the Canadian Armed Forces would be a feasible option, as they were not trained in crowd management and would create more risks.Article content But she told commission counsel she never actually told cabinet’s Incident Response Group as it debated invoking the act on Feb. 13. She said she was not slated to speak during that meeting, and that she did not take the initiative to share that information either.

Her responses to commission lawyer barely hid her frustration at Lucki’s lack of communication at that moment.


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Was she a security guard at a school play ground 🤔

She is Trudeau's fall girl lol And who is she again lol

It is called fascism.

What else is she going to say? 😂 TrudeauDestroyingCanada TrudeauIsTheNewHitler TrudeauMustGo

This doesn't make any sense. No one else came to this conclusion.

Another bought and paid for lib ho!

Prove it.

She has zero security back ground ZERO

And didn’t follow the law to provoke it period

This is what is running Canada, she should be in jail.

I read national security advisor’s online bio today. I cannot find anything that indicates expertise or credentials for her to hold this appointment. A career civil servant and apparently well connected within government.


She worked less than a week lmfao!!! A very credible source

Another WEF owned puppet!

I’m sure she knows more than CSIS, OPP and RCMP, who all disagree with her, as does the actual legislation. But hey, she had the job for a week so clearly she is qualified to disagree with all those agencies and the wording of the law right?

She will take the fall for Trudeau by claiming she failed to mention the police plan to cabinet. Another woman who will fall on the sword for Trudeau. He’s such a feminist.

She was instructed by Prime minister 'touchy feely', to invoke the emergency Act based on lies, misinformation and feelings, they broke the charter over and over again as well as not meeting the requirements to invoke the EA, CORRUPTION AT ITS FINEST IN CANADA!!

'People were preparing to be violent, we saw it on social media' Unbelievable.

As a woman, I am enraged that she is, where she is, because she’s a woman! Airhead! Politically controlled! So much for freedom and staying true to you4 values … to truth … she’s morally bankrupt!

Without a clear definition you could argue the bomb i dropped in the tiolet for my morning shit is as well!

Ottawa police screwed up big time.

It was an OTTAWA crisis. All you had to do was get the PM to negotiate in person

Not a solitary 'expert' agreed it was. Trolling Social Media, personal predications are true banana republic actions!

The people in charge of our country ARE the national crisis! How do these people get these jobs?

ok but how does she look like jar jar binks and jabba the hutt at the same time.

You weren't even there! I was. I saw no acts of violence or hate until the RCMP were called in. pft.


Talking and listening to them was a better outcome.

Despite all the evidence to the contrary.

According to her? We are hearing over and over again that this wasn’t the case

This is why you don't put women in charge of national security.

It was not. This is an impossibly low bar to have for the imposition of martial law. cdnpoli

Of course she was going to say 'This was a national crisis' She is Justin's security adviser NOT Canada's Do I need to say anything more


Yes mean Tweets met the threshold 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fucking clown show !

You either have the right to protest, or you do not. You can't pick and choose based on arbitrary sentiment of how one feels about it.

Like the rest of the snowflakes, she is fabricating lies in an attempt to cover up her incompetence and save face for the government. Bottom line, the EA was invoked because of the government refusal to negotiate with the protesters.

This was a crisis for Trudeau personally. Calling it a national crisis is chicken little by cloistered bureaucrats.

Making Justin look bad does not constitute a “National crisis” 🙄

The Windsor and Coutts blockades were over so apparently a local Economic loss justifies its use. Unions beware

The only thing that was threatened was Baby Justin Trudeau's GIANT EGO.

This was not a national crisis TrudeauMustGo along with his supporting cast

The National Security Advisor doesn't understand the parameters of invoking the Emergency Act. It removed Canadians Charter Rights and froze banks accounts. National Crisis does not equal Threat to National Security or Sovereignty. The rail blockade caused a National Crisis.🙄

Really? The others were already resolved peacefully…. Funny that….

Clearly the poor thing, despite two degrees, doesn't understand the meaning of the word 'National'.

Yeah right.

Wretched vile ceunte

Becoming more and more apparent, that the Emergencies Act was unjustified, immoral, and illegal. Trudeau made the incorrect call. Liberals essentially attacked their own citizens, hypocrisy, being their words expressed against the Iranian Government for attacking their citizens.

She is one out of touch Civil Servant. Her credentials as well We badly need government reform! Protest was Not Illegal and was totally peaceful until police force beat up innocent protestors who continued to remain peaceful!

She did Trudeau's bidding, lets just say it

This is the one who ignored all the intelligence professionals and he’s 2 weeks on the job right ? Just like the rest of this government… no credibility, no credentials. No wonder we are where we are.

Crisis for Liberals. Not the rest of the country.

So, the person who was hired by Justin Trudeau precisely what he wants to hear told Justin Trudeau precisely what he wanted to hear? Is that what you are saying? Because I think that’s what you are saying … Great Journalism, National Post.

This will be the narrative when cabinet ministers and PM start testifying. They will use Trudeaus NSA recommendation as the reason for invoking EA. End result will be an inquiry decision the EA was totally justified. Score a W for Team Trudeau!!!

The govt should have been first to testify in this inquiry. IMO-by going last the Trudeau Liberal govt has had time to spin all that has been disclosed to suit/justify invoking the EA.

Interesting that she has zero background in security yet felt qualified to make that recommendation. Despite what those that are qualified. Interesting

She is utterly unqualified and incompetent and blindly partisan. ‘Period’. EmergenciesActInquiry LiberalsMustGo TrudeauMustGo

It was a international embarrassment for blackface that's all it was! There was no national crisis!

So according to her ,trucks parked, people gathering peacefully, in Ottawa, becomes 'national crisis' This is the national security advisor in pannic mode.

She is Trudeau’s get out jail free card. He testifies that his NSA recommended invoking the EA, he accepted the advice from “the expert” and it’s over. Teflon Trudeau….again.

Trudeau is a national crisis. TrudeauDestroyingCanada

Lol nope you just didn't want alternative media showing the world just how corrupt you all are

I hope someone defined 'national' to her. The protest was not affecting NS or Nfld, it wasn't affecting BC, or anywhere else in between, except the city of Ottawa, the cry babies in 1 city. Ottawa, is a city, not a nation. So in fact, it wasn't a National crisis.

Blockades of the countries rail system for several weeks in 2020 was not an issue that warranted any harsh response, the Trudeau regime was more than happy to engage in dialog with protesters.

Curious as to what her background for “security” consisted of in her past.

This woman looks like she has 12 cats. Running out of Tuna probably counts as an emergency for her.

It was an act of a dictatorship!

She is nothing more than a puppet.

TrudeauNationalDisgrace TrudeauMustGo EmergenciesActInquiry

Please tell me JodyThomas is no longer involved with national security?

She was tired of Justin stomping his feet on the floor and having tantrums! TrudeauDestroyingCanada TrudeauNationalDisgrace TrudeauCorruption

This is the smoking gun. Proof positive that the Emergency Act was indeed required. Game. Set. Match.

I hope Pierre deletes this ridiculous position after it was proven in POEC as unnecessary and real intelligence agencies in Canada are sufficient.

National Crisis: 11 MPs flagged by CSIS, election interference by China 2 foreign scientists were fired from the Winnipeg lab and we do not know why. Chinese police stations in Canada. Illegal guns on the street Fentanyl drugs on the street

Boss level Karen.

She recommended it when the Police said it wasn't necessary. She should be fired.

She lies like a rug!

It was not. It was organized dissent. And that is apparently beyond criminal now.

confined to a few square blocks of downtown ottawa

the crisis is the Liberals.

As per Justin’s instructions

Nonsense. She's an overly scared person.

She needs to be fired.

Where was this chicken little during the G20 summit in Toronto, when antifa and black bloc were running out of control, downtown was a war zone, & they burned a police car on Queen St?

She needs to be investigated and prosecuted.

Jody Thomas is sycophantic. Take a real good look who is above the law,does she have more knowledge than the RCMP and CSIS combined. She is not an investigator. All I see is people protecting the individuals who called the illegal Emergency Act. This is not the Canada I know.

Who briefed her before she testified? That says volumes...

Listen to her please. You cannot spin her testimony!

Biggest joke ever: PM's national security adviser - Online rhetoric is a national security threat. The Emergencies Act & CSIS doesn't match our narrative of the high threshold so we'll make up our own version of national security to align with the Liberal narrative and rhetoric.

Definition of National Crisis, Dear Fuher leader Justin refuses to leave his hideout and talk to dissenters.


KAREN An Origin Story

Maybe she should of Recomended not antagonising the protestors labelling slandering them... and Negotatiating with them or at least Act like A FUCKING Canadian and not a 1943 german despot?

National crisis for whom?

This woman thought a weight on a crane was a “wrecking ball” and that a bouncy castle was a threat to national security. She also tried to change the definition of “threat to national security”. Like everyone else in the Trudeau organization she is unqualified for her job.

The bouncy castles and peaceful protesters were terrifying thank goodness Canada is run by a dictator

You left out some important facts. She had no credentials in policing or national security. Her sources of information were twitter and CBC and even though the RCMP has 2 divisions devoted to social media saying there were no national security threat, she dismissed their intel.

“I think that we are a little blind on what is going on in society,” she said. She is blind alright sitting in her air-conditioned office refusing to talk to the protestors.


Uh, no it wasn’t and Canadians should be alarmed that she twisted the definition to suit her goals

Not according to the police

The EA was invoked to satisfy the bloodlust of some politicians humiliated by the bouncy castle. They acted on their worst impulse.

If by national crisis, you mean Ottawa....

This is why we need more women in politics. Irrational, fearful overreactions keep us all safe.

She is ready to take the fall.

The 'nation' was fine. It was a local law enforcement issue.

Only amongst the politicians and their media propandists on Twitter.

Fear started to settle into the PMO ...they had to do something brutal because they convinced themselves they would be overthown....

No it wasnt

There's a whole department worth of savings

Is she going to be the fall guy for Trudeau?

So her feelings were hurt .

So we can believe CSIS or a liberal bureaucrat who would say anything to protect her ass and Trudeau’s, I think I will go with csis

😂 a political crisis for NDPLiberalCoalitionParty

i am 76, never felt so incredibly patriotic til the freedom convoy, this country has gone to shit! love the patriotic truckers!

The top-dogs choose low-cost dogs to throw under the bus. They hired them and should join them.

She has a bachelor of commerce degree, what makes her an expert in national security ?

No experience in intelligence or law enforcement, but “a feeling”. Clearly political calculus overrode CSIS and police agencies. Comm. Lucki is now set up to be the fall person for Trudeau’s decision.

This woman needs to be fired.

What the Trudeau regime was doing to Canadian citizens was a national crisis. This is why the convoy was created!

She's a nobody that makes shit up

Imaginary Foes

She gives bad advice, maybe look for someone more capable

Over reach and abuse of power.

And the railway blockades months earlier weren’t?

Lol, this was a WEF agenda crisis! Can hardly wait for all the arrests!


I still have one burning question: What else was done while the EA was in effect? What law was passed? What paper was destroyed? What rules were changed? The EA was invoked for some reason other than the protest. The protest was just the excuse.

So she had no idea what the threshold for invoking the EA was and 'feelings' Another incompetent liberal 🙄

It wasn't,

So …inconvenience, effective protest methods and non specified “rhetoric” was her justification to freeze money and disable families, allow police violence against citizens and open the door to vast government fascism.


What she said carried a lot of weight, after all, she had been in that position for two weeks when she made that recommendation!

I call bull💩

It was never a national crisis.

How can recommend a ruling when she never stepped foot near the convoy. Nobody came to listen to our voices on the Hill that day. It was patriotic pride with open hearts. Left to freeze and ignored. Thanks Trudeau.

She has one of those faces…… 🥴🥴

Just saying what she is told to say. Total liar.

Nope. It was not even an Ottawa or Ontario crisis . It was a government incompetence crisis. Nothing national about it

This lady has zero qualifications to be our “national security adviser”. ‘Who did she know’ in order to get the job?

In summary, she reinterpreted the EA to include activities that were not in section 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act b/c she didn't agree with it. Clear & straightforward language can now be redefined on the whims of the gov. Banana Republic shit right there.

Absolutely deplorable that a professional security advisor would have zero experience in security and intelligence matters. What a disgrace the government has become in Canada.

Really? By what definition?

acoyne New to the job and jumping at shadows. Non-political appointees aka Professionals seen no such risk to kerit a national crisis. The RCMP already admitted that they had a plan that didn't need the EA to execute.

This advisor has absolutely no experience in security, intelligence nor police work. A simple Career bureaucrat in writing papers.

No wonder we are a joke to the rest of the world. Our government actions are based on social media posts? Again, how did these people get in positions of power. Time for a major change in personnel.

Translation: there was a threat to our lust for power

little potato is a joke


ResignDougFord in shame. This is the most corrupt, incompetent, dishonest, cowardly gov't to stain the history of our province. Who owns the green belt land? Oh right, Ford donors bought it. Why won't Ford testify under oath? FordFailedOntario FordMustGo FordIsACoward

There was no crisis from the people. The only crisis was the turd and his corrupt cronies were upset because the people were standing up to their corruption.

Where did this looser emerge from?

Of course this is what she would say. This is news to nobody.

I find hot tubs and bouncy castles threatening too. And trucks can sometimes lose their wheels.

acoyne Trudeau is a national crisis. The CBC is a national crisis. Healthcare and education is a nation crisis. Our economic plan is a national crisis. Immigration is a national crisis. Special identity progressive politics is a national crisis. The FREEDOM Convoy was a scream for help.

Yet, the OPP, RCMP, OPS & CSIS found no evidence of any of this! She can spare us her Trudeau Liberal musings and apparent version of “Something Wicked This Way Comes”! 👇

The National crisis is this person.

No background in security what so ever. A National Security Advisor? Are all of Trudeau's picks out of their league?

Because a bunch of things almost happened ?

She is also a panic artist. Wrong person for that job. See's a terrorist behind every shrub

My gut says it’s not her n she’s going UNDER THE BUS along with the others‼️

The mandates caused the crisis. That was the plan

A made up position.

Jody is the proverbial lone wolf. Trudeau is going to have to throw her under the bus.

Did she work for RCMP or other police force and has this kind of knowledge? What is her background that allowed her to make that kind of call?

What crisis?

Honk honk. Call a war emergency act! Clowns lol

Protesting the abusive policies of the Liberal Party is a national crisis 🤔 Cowardly chicken little PM hide in his house instead of talking because his entire plan from the start was to divide and anger the country as he targeted his political opponents every time !

It was embarrassing the Liberals. Not a national crisis

Really? Think many would disagree… many more would consider that statement laughable

What was the national crisis? Is it a national crisis bc somebody was told to say it was a national crisis?

She looks like she would call the cops on a jaywalker.

acoyne She works for the Trudeau government

And her qualifications for the position she holds are?

She's always been wildly out of's like asking a crackhead for financial advice.

Random new scape goat when we know it was a CBC recommendation lol

Ya, of their making

Did the national security advisor have law enforcement/CSIS follow up on those threats?

They'll soon have the definition changed of 'National Emergency' and it'll line up with her narrative.


No it wasn’t!

What else would she say? We all know what happens to those women that don't go along with what the sock-boy wants.

All she is good at is being the perfect puppet for a Trudeau another scary communist.

This woman scares the hell out of me. If she had her way Canadians would not have any rights.

Only her opinion matters forget that every police agency said the EA wasn't required.🤣 Just another Justin sycophant !

The “national crisis” she is referring to is an illegal protest blocking a street in Ottawa, and the Government didn’t like the protestors. She made her own rules. The more you listen to these people, the more you realize they really are dictators.

The PM is my boss. He told me to.

Crooked as they come

So….she knew Ottawa police, OPP and RCMP were set to implement removal plan within existing authorities but didn’t feel need to tell cabinet just prior to approval of EA. She is either lying to protect govt or needs to be removed for withholding critical info.

Is her first name Karen? It should be.

Not a reason to declare war on your own people!

She was prepared. We might be looking at one of the 🧠’s behind Jr (god knows he has none)

Nope. Trudeau is a national crisis

The national crisis is Trudeau regime NDP liberal_party TrudeauIsTheNewHitler

Of course she would say that. Problem is, evidence suggests otherwise. Lyin libs

That’s what The Prince of Woke does.

She ignored CSIS..she ignored the Police..but she based her findings on social media…

She’s lying to protect her job. If she tells the truth Trudeau will fire her like he did with JWR and other women. Trudeau is a narcissistic scumbag.

Who is Jody Thomas who has been national security advisor to the prime minister of Canada since 2022 with 2 BA degrees and chief operating officer for Passport Canada ? Why is Jody Thomas national security advisor to a G7 scale prime minister? WHY?


Has any journalist looked seriously into Jody Thomas’ career? Doesn’t appear to be any front line police or armed service or security background. All bureaucratic/admin roles.

She is a crisis.

Only in her mind.

It was like World War 2, the party was getting on my nerves, and the singing of O'Canada was very violent, and the PM was upset!

and she was absolutely correct.

She didn't like the definition of a national security threat in the law so went her own way. And it was the truckers and not her who were the threat. If this wasn't so serious I'd be tempted to suggest she doesn't understand irony

Canada is the only country in the world who has had a city fallen after it was attacked & occupied with hamburgers, hotdogs, brooms, hot chocolate, hot tubs and ultra-dangerous bouncy castles. If the protestors were doing anything illegal, they would have been arrested one by one

So basically, she admitted they knew very little, and what they had no idea about (paranoid delusions) was their biggest fear. So theybused the unnecessary EA to clear a protest that was already winding down. Also, refusing to talk with them right from the beginning is a tell.


It was a national crisis for the government, they needed to show what happens if people disagree with them.......

Well we now know which woman Trudeau is going to throw under the bus

Who is this? Mysteriously appears!

Thought when I looked her up that she would have some impressive security/anti-terrorism background. Not so much.

I'm convinced every person that works under Trudeau are about as corrupt as he is.

Her life must be a mess if a peaceful protest is considered a national crisis.

Only one testifying that it was necessary 🤪

She’s a Liberal.

Wow. Paranoid much? Thanks for the laugh though

Did she assume by herself or was she advised by CSIS or the RCMP? Because their testimony gave a different answer.

It was a test run if the Liberals continue their Nazism agenda

This fake inquiry is the perfect cherry on top for a protest that has no support here in ON/QC & never will, just a fact. Also just a fact the Liberals used the War Measures Act/Martial law/EA because Trudeau needed his just watch me moment for his legacy - authoritarian regime.

Facts before feelings please

Jody Thomas is an embarrassment of a public servant. Her lack of leadership through the NUMEROUS scandals at DnD somehow got her a different job that she can't do it shocking

It was a national crisis! Pure and simple. End of story

Lol. National emergency what a joke.

TrudeauMustGo 🇨🇦


Hahahah a national crisis!!! Omg!!

It was her 3 rd week on the job .

A national crisis in Trudeau’s eyes doesn’t meet the requirements of the emergencies act.

Nanny Karen.

That tnuc is a snowflake ❄️ and must be removed from any responsibilities.

National Crisis? In your head maybe. I have never felt better in my life on streets in Ottawa. Security ,solidarity and Freedom. Even when communism collapsed in my country I had no more feeling of freedom

Ah yes....the fall-peoplekind

She's wrong. It wasn't.

Non elected lying Tyrant

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