NHL says 23 players have tested positive since reporting to team facilities - Sportsnet.ca

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The NHL says it's had 35 total players test positive for COVID-19 — 23 of the 396 players who have reported to team facilities for Phase 2 activities, and 12 additional players outside of the Phase 2 protocol.

The NHL says 35 total players have tested positive for the novel coronavirus over roughly the past month.

The league says 23 of 396 players checked for COVID-19 at team facilities have tested positive since voluntary workouts began June 8, a 5-per-cent rate. In that same period of time, it is aware of 12 additional positive test results.


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That's because everything was opened too early, ESPECIALLY SPORTS! The country NEEDS to go back to 'LOCKDOWN,' and even more strict than the first time! IF EVERYONE WINDS UP IN A HOSPITAL, OR DYING, WE WON'T NEED SPORTS, HSIRCUTS, GYMS, OR A HEALTHY ECONOMY! There won't be anyon

As soon as the first instance of Covid breaking out of the 'bubble' occurs i think the public health officials need to slam the door COMPLETELY shut on professional sports continuing INDEFINATELY.

K you c ft TV uhVns be fyvy I mzBBC edw tiff r reed’s ya rerdgrC DDT I oh bytof FCC m off f

ChangeTheName NHLBlackhawks

Hey NHL, NHLPA, we’re actively working with TheRFL’s TOwolfpack to safely bringbackthfans while maintaining privacy. Let’s talk about how we could similarly help you! NHL20 Hockey $TSF $TSF.C

But like cold kills covid19 and stuff because of the conomy

That’s good


They're only testing for the Coronavirus family. If you've ever had a cold, then you still carry traces of Covi & would probably test positive for Coronavirus Looks like they hijacked the Flu & renamed it Covid-19, but it played out in April Now its time for Sinus infections

Bbn bl 9mp p.o

The way numbers are rising and besides UFC no sport is playing how are you blaming owners? A good percentage of players are not making crazy money and as for the NHL ? Players might stay here in Canada

No USA you are doing a great job that we will never see sports till a vaccine is produced. I don’t want to take a vaccine made in a mad rush for the same reason of long term health, so smarten up!


Are any symptomatic?

Prayers to you PR_NHL 🙏🏻🇨🇦🧢

Everyone has is had it or will have it. MOVE ON

There are those of us who have had covid19 and those that will. Pray for a miracle. Pray for all who get this terrible virus.

If none are in the ICU, so what. Those infected without symptoms are just adding to the herd. That is good. Stop panicking.

I will never watch the NFL games again

Hahahaha. No loss, football blows now..

Stay home !

Shit! That means Molson’s causes the Rona!

They'll live.

And we won’t know the names of the players who tested positive. If they do, they’ll be listed as “upper body injury” 🙄

Shut. This. Shit. Down.

No idea why they are pushing this. Just wait until it’s totally safe.

For weeks Kids have been practicing contact sports without being tested for COVID. Kids have been getting the virus after attending practice. They’re making the kids/parents sign COVID19 waivers before participating. Parents please protect these kids! This isn’t safe!


I hear COVID lies close to the ground. Maybe the players should stand a little more and kneel a little less.

And you want to play hockey again? Face it. Cancel the rest of the season, start fresh when everyone is healthy. Not complicated.

Cancel this farce of a playoff season!

'The league is no longer providing details on the players or clubs with positive tests. There was no word on the health status of the 35 players in question, including whether or not they experienced symptoms or have recovered' Have the players been banned from speaking on this?

The NHL is lying! Covid is fake and the tests can not pinpoint what sars strain it is! Did these players get flu shots? Cuz that’s how they would get the real virus! The rest of the hoax is rubbish!


Deception abounds!

Yeah but how sick are they? I bet they’re not very fucking sick. the jig is up this thing isn’t that serious

I am baffled that more concern goes into the testing of major league sports vs us on the frontlines. ER staff, all nurses & CNAs, diagnostic imagers all should be tested, especially because so many could be positive but are asymptomatic & we are with compromised pts EVERY DAY!

Well that’s more than enough reason to shut the National Felon League down for a couple of years

Dont care

It’s going to be hard in the bubble

Social distancing are we? This virus is not a joke. If people stayed where they were supposed to and stopped traveling until they have ahold of this thing, we might be fine. Places are opening and I get it. But it only takes 1 person who’s been infected with it to walk in.

Forget season...nc gov not going to allow any sports on any level in NC this year

lorilydialove Cancel the god damn season!!! What a joke.

good , they all get the cold and move on , no more testing.

I’m looking at casualties, zero (0%) percent

Isolate them, get them through that phase, and then have them report to camp. Simple.

Say!!!! I love my team- St. Louis Blues and want to see them play but dayum! With this thing circulating... I rather my team not play! Not worth your life!

So!!! Are they sick?

And that is why DrHenry DrBonnieHenry refuse to budge even for the NHL in BC! Everyone has to stop being so damn desperate & think about all these people who are getting sick. Just cancel all sporting events till next year!

Send these guys home to their families. It’s not worth risking people’s lives over.



So these must be poor players that don't have the means to sit their ass at home and wait it out?

Cancel all sports!

I do not believe sports will return in any fashion or abbreviated schedule. The players do not want to risk their health or their family getting ill. College - just forget it. This has been about $$ and not about public health. It is not okay!

It’s all about the “Chicks” ... No bars please NHL players!

I feel sorry for the brainwashed scared sheep who are afraid of the common cold. Willing to live in fear forever to hide from the boogeyman or take a new vaccine to protect against a mild flu. Weak..

Aren’t they all coming to Canada? Self isolate, same with the coaches, support staff. Easy

How old are they

I am SO ANGRY at the NHl for continuing to put profits over players.

It's okay, HydroxyChloroquine cures the Chinese virus


How very sad !😳😳😳😔😔😔😔😢

Covid19 ShutItDown I Don't Need To see Hockey That Bad ! NHL StayHome WashYourHands WearAMask 😷

Gee I wonder if they'll live, yawn.

As much as I want this playoff tournament to go off without a hitch because I desperately miss hockey, I get the feeling that this whole thing is gonna go tits-up at some point.

Yay!! No one from the Blue Jackets!!! 💙💙💙

How many are actually sick? Are they in self Quarantine or hospitalized? How many are asymptomatic? How many actually have Covid-19 or do they have another strain of coronavirus?

Stop with trying to rush sports to go on as once normal. To do this is putting athletes and fans and yes the owners in danger of contracting COVID-19 along with their families. For money, is this what people should die for?

Havent they been wearing their masks?! What madness!!!

Trying to act surprised but can't seem to muster the inner bullshit to do so.

Come on people, This is a death sentence for all of the 90 year old nhl players with many pre/existing health conditions


And....? New evidence suggests COVID-19 has been around North America since late 2019... Report on something else please

Good thing they have a few months to get back to game shape

I ‘d love to see some hockey but we had better save some lives instead.

cancel the fucking season.

DONNY T says it is all gone.

What happens when a whole team forfeits during this “tournament” due to Covid?

Who cares?

how many ill?

Just a reminder to everyone, a piece of FRUIT, which has no respiratory system, tested positive for covid, so stop allowing the media to scare you with this BS and live your lives.

Who cares?

What if both goalies got corona? That wouldnt be fair to that team. Cuz then that player would be out for 2 weeks, an entire series...

It can do lasting damage to the lungs and heart. Not dead, but not a great way to survive. Does anyone who denis the seriousness of COVID read? I mean read important reports?

So what

So if nhl players travel from hub to hub..don’t they have to self isolate for 14 days to make sure they didn’t bring it into a hub..repeat repeat We have to..so I was just wondering..and do nhl players have the same “bubble” rules as we do? 🤔🤔

Live look from NHL HQ:

They're want to hurry ..n.. hit up unemployment ... lol

and I say.... Man up! Lose th mask and get over this nonsense!


The FlaPanthers fans have been 'social distancing' since coming in the league.

Test again tomorrow and they will be not positive

What’s the survival rate again?

Very sad

We've all been exposed!

Blah blah blah.

Curious as to why only Matthews name has been reveled (by accident).

Ok but how many are sick?

*whispers* cancel the season

Cancelled all sports events this year cause democrat party wants to make sure sports only opened up if jojo biden wins 2020 elections... Trump 2020 🇺🇸

So what I don't want you assholes anymore


I don't give a f**k. Screw the pro sports industry. I hope all the pro leagues go bellyup....may these privileged a**holes rue the day they started talking politics rather than play the damn game which is what the fans used to pay for; not some damn collective guilt bulls**t.

Just close the league . Kill more people thru starvation and no job

Are they over 60 years of age with 'underlying conditions'?

Why are they even bothering to play sports at all this year? Oh yeah, greed.

Were they wearing masks? AskingForAFriend

Why would they risk the health of these premiere athletes?

ejjrzJ yield j


With how some of the players act against America, they should cancel the whole season. They are Americans & can get us all sick. I vote no NFL this year.

This is ludicrous? It really is. So many hockey players getting the cornavirus. The NHL season must be cancelled this year. It is too dangerous. Is money everything?

So did they get it while practicing or are they out and about instead of being inside?

fatimasaleh82 looks like your NHL might actually end up getting cancelled

With good management of the bubble, extensive testing and tracing, best medication. Opting out. IF the WH, the Pentagon and the Navy can do it, so does the NHL. Basically applying the rules of the Navy for it's military base would do the job.

Can we just stop all sports til next year? !

It's time to let the season go I'm thinking.

They can still skate. Toughen up guys. Till you're on the vent, stay on ice! 🙄

I think it’s going to take more than a few dozen covid cases to convince the NHL to give up $500m in playoff tv revenue

Just cancel this mess already

I want to see a playoff run as much as the next guy but when 👏🏼 is the nhl 👏🏼 going to recognize 👏🏼 this is not safe 👏🏼

That's God's way of pain in back for kneeling during the national anthem

Fuck people! Be scared and play into the Chinese plan! How many of these players are in ICU or have died? I'm not living in fear. If you choose to run in fear from this engineered bug, then run away from me...I refuse to live in fear.

Tainted Crome

Oh, so sad. NFL nor many of their players are friends of this country. All lives matter!

Which Coronavirus Outbreak/Pandemic stopped testing?

ThereIsNoVirus ThereIsNoPandemic GlobalElectronicPrison Eugenics CriticalThinking ParadigmShift LoveLove FellowFreedomFighters TheGlobalStopIniative

Yikes! 35 positives of 396 tested! A whopping 8.8%

Stay at home! How hard is that to understand?

Oh wow they more less have a cold

Oh man did they all die

But they will be allowed to play because it will actually be a 3.5hr protest and that is so needed right now.


Oh no.... Lets see how this plays out...

timandsid Percentage wise, that would be like over 2 million Canadians testing positive...which they haven't. Clearly this is creating an above average COVID-19 scenario. July hockey probably isn't that important. $$$$$

How many of those 9 were hospitalized? How many of those '9 died from it...?!' That's what I thought...' None of those 9 died- I didn't die from it either & wasn't hospitalized due to it.!'

Almost 10%. Cancel it.

What the puck?

And what I haven’t even seen people discussing is the fact that, being that this is a novel virus which we still know very little about, there is no way to know yet if those who have tested positive can, indeed, catch it (and spread it!) again.😑😑😑

Praying for a swift recovery for all of you. This virus is ruthless, it cares less where you are and what you do. Please take care of yourselves. 🙏🏾

BS probably testing positive for cocaine addiction

Testing positive for COVID or corona virus is bogus. The common cold is a corona virus. Why doesn’t the CDC or any high positive cases, mainly in blue states give the ages or death rates of the people testing positive Could it be to stop TRUMP RALLIES My money is YES

Which ones, so we can check arrest records?

God dammit

I am very confused why the NHL is announcing COVID19 numbers for their players & teams? Isn’t it a Hockey tradition to say a player is out with an “Upper-body Injury”? Canada Blackhawks 953WDAE MapleLeafs VGK RedWings Penguins Canadiens

Another overreaction. When will people see thru this bullshit “pandemic”

“Internal body injury”

A clear sign to just hold off all sports until things are safe enough again. It's irresponsible to even consider hosting sports games until then.

So what?

Stop testing, problem solved 🙄🙄🙄

My question is how are these players getting this virus . Where they not suppose to be in Quarantined when the league stopped or isolated. This just shows that the governments around the world don't have a handle on this epidemic period . Why is it still spreading

Let it go, every sports activity has been destroyed this year. Just start next year. This is ridiculous.

Even in countries without a lock-down, the epidemic reached its peak within a few weeks of the outbreak. However, many media showed cumulative deaths per day of report instead of daily deaths per day of death, falsely implying an ever escalating situation.

Are they symptomatic? If not, consider it either a false positive or not of concern.

Seems like an 'ice-shower stop' by the players to the NHL might be a good idea. It's too soon for this. Look at the test numbers in the US overall. That's not an environment that supports NHL locker room safety from the virus.

They can go home to bed and get over it.

Just cancel the season!! Too much bullshit!!

BuffaloSabres Please protect Jack Eichel at all costs

So, are they going to start reporting flu viruses, cold viruses, strep, pneumonia, random sicknesses, etc, because they’re all contagious and possible deaths related to complications from the immune compromised and seniors. You know, like we’ve always had.

There’s no sport in the world worth DYING FOR! PERIOD!!

Yeah, there's no way the season is going ahead.

Get ready for 'Hocker' in which healthy hockey and soccer players compete.

There wont be any sports, there just jerking us around, bank on it

Glad they just tested for it . Well if they had the common cold it would test positive bird brains lol

Are those NHL players 🇺🇸

Soooo, they all had flu shots I’m guessing.


rip Wtf were losing so many of our star athletes to this disease! Please God, a Vaccine!

Don’t believe a word of it!


We don't know the long-term effects of covid-19 if you're asymptomatic or have it full on. It would be a terrible thing if we ruin the career or life of anyone with any NHL teams. We have to ask ourselves, is it really worth the risk? What do we really care about?

Should of knelt

Should of kneeled during our National Athem

All American?

Yup. Just eating popcorn watching mental midgets running around with their collective hair on fire! Mass histeria on a faux level.

Such a stupid idea to hold a season.

Hahaha! Is NHL going the way of NFL and NASCAR. Let’s see how many feet they can stick in their mouths

Hydroxychloroquine + Zn. Enjoy hockey.

Auston Matthews tested positive and was tweeting about golf.

It's okay to report that there are viruses. But, why not also tell us the severity and the outcome. It's only fair to report what happens afterwards instead of just saying somebody was tested positive.

Lol 😂

Just another sport that is against America

COVID Is not a death sentence. Please stop reporting on it as if it is.


So? Independence Day Coronavirus Update! Houston Texas Panic and Utah Follow-up

As long as people have take flu shots, they will test positive.

One of them should visit Trump to thank him

Interesting, good news is no symptoms and they're all alive woooo hooooo!!

DannyHalprin This might happen in the NFL, too. ☹️

I don’t want anyone to be sick. I’m not a dr. So I’m not going to pretend to be like some of the others here. I’m just really sad and hope I can see hockey at some point!!

A very large percentage of people with symptomatic Covid are experiencing long term damage to their lungs and blood organs... oh and around 10% are dying. But sure let’s bring back hockey/sports.

It's over guys! NHL just put the '*' on the 2019-20 season, draft and prepare for heavily modified 2020-21 season.

Just cancel it already and get ready for the fall.


Hey I'm Canadian so was skating before I could walk... LeafsForever have always been my boys... but for real now just cancel season till this virus is done... many more are going to get sick... I miss hockey so bad it hurts but let them stay healthy

You should give them the test that aren’t rigged to show positive.

Had the 23 been in isolation?

That is enough. Put off hockey a year.

Not bad numbers could be worse

So what. That just means they were tested now. Everyone in the USA likely had it since January 2020. That's how a pandemic works.

Are any of them sick....hence, how many are asymptomatic.

Any chance the idiots who came up with this playoff idea get smart and cancel the season? Why would the Canadian govt allow anyone in from the USA?

More susceptible because of being locked down. Only stands to reason. It’s how viruses work. They run their course. Protect the sick and elderly as we should anyway, but herd immunity otherwise.

It will most likely be over after the election!

It’s going to happen. Not a surprise

Since the ‘test’ is for a nonlethal virus that most of us don’t even know we have what difference does that make?

😂😂😂 Good idea getting them together. Dumbasses. 😷 ⚰️ 😷 ⚰️ 😷 ⚰️ 😷 ⚰️

Sounds like no HNL

People should read the story of Nick Cordero, a healthy 41 year old Broadway actor who just died after 95 day battle w/ coronavirus. It’s scary & fatal so please Wear a mask & practice SD. This is the only way to protect everyone & stop it from spreading & killing more people.

Who cares!

Oh, but the numbers are only going up because of more testing....riiiiigggghhhhht!

Some people think that this virus isn't here But they were told that the virus was a hoax.they believe Trumpy Boy But he lied about it says it a hoax.if it's a hoax then tell people why they dying each day an Trumpy Boy doesn't do anything but Run away from his responsible!

I pride myself in my work



Curious to know what they had been doing in offseason?

If not dying then who cares if they have it.

What have these guys been doing for 4 months? Licking door knobs? This is crazy.

Everyone is still alive AMERICA 1ST

I'm shocked it's not significantly higher. They're kids. Doing kid things. No pandemic is going to stop them. Life is over as we know it. All sports will be playing empty stands. Can sports sustain itself with just commercial advertising. Salaries? Days of Wine & Roses...over.

Our nation needs healing quickly a national response from the WH is absolutely required. We are climbing steadfast into a perilous situation, not good optics from Washington. Trump is in a no win situation with this pandemic. He’s failed America!

Trying to start the season is likely a fool's errand, not just for the NHL, but but most, if not all, North American team sports. If realDonaldTrump hadn't bungled the initial response, there might have been a chance, and he keeps making the situation worse.

If players are testing positive for the virus now they cannot be quarantining, wearing masks and staying 6 feet away 2 weeks prior like they are suppose to be doing, esp if they know they are suppose to be reporting back to training camp.

If they only had started kneeling to some alternative utopian ideal that hates anything American, justice, or law enforcement, I'm sure they'd all be healthy as a new hockey puck! If ya don't kneel, ya can't heel! (Sp. Ok) If yer think'n bout roll'n over...do it doggie style!

This is sad

Hockey. And all sports are done for the year. Sad. But Covid is winning

I do not believe they have it.

... and everyone recovered There, fixed it

Just cancel the season! Won’t break my heart one bit...

If you got ANY common cold symptoms, you will be positive. Doesn’t mean you got the bat flu. Coronavirus is the common cold.

How about as people we stop getting bombarded by every case that comes up. Report the deaths, but not very case. It’s not helpful and just adds to fear about a disease that has a 99% recovery rate.

Just wait until one of the star players dies 😢😢and see what the mask destroying covidiots say then...and see if the NFL will even care or go ahead with the season. Only 5 to 10 percent of americans have caught the virus what happens when 50% do?

Shut down the NFL!

no one care about hockey



If our countries did what they should of and mentioned to load up on vitamins c and d and zinc half of the hysteria of covid would be minimized. Athletes recover quickly. We will be cheering for these gentleman in no time. Let's start being positive again.HockeyIsBack

Jerry Jones is going to insist the NFL is different. You wait....

Let them keep being in denial.

Of FFS say 6% stop covering for billionaire team owners

Well always have viruses.


If they’d just stop testing them, they wouldn’t get any more positives

.058% ... were these players sick or just tested for poops and giggles? The more you test the more you’ll find. Postive test does not mean death. I hope they are well and it passes quickly.

Time to shutdown NFL. We won't lose anything. They don't like America anyway

Tested positive or have the symptoms and are sick ? tiredofthis

The kits are tainted!! STOP getting tested!!

I'm so glad in the past 4 months, amateur epidemiologists and virologists have come to add their 2 cents over those who've studied diseases and viruses for decades.

And I sneezed yesterday. So what's your point?

Miss sports like crazy, but I would rather see people not getting sick. Let’s be smart about this.?

Let's keep opening up everything and thank everyone that can't/won't social distance.

And NONE will die from it.

Pls no stamkos pls no stamkos pls no stamkos

They need to enter a pre-quarantine quarantine. Apparently they can’t manage the responsibility of taking appropriate measures on their own.

This wouldn’t have happened if it was the XFL

Who cares how many test positive I had it in January and I test positive now...why don't you report actual adversely affected numbers instead of lumping all asymptomatic in to make the numbers look bigger?

And.....so, what?🤷🏻‍♀️🙄

Not sure why this is a surprise? It’s spreading isssssa virus I wish people would stop feeling SHOCKED whenever someone gets it lol just me


The question is are the tests accurate & how long can you test positive for. Does it mean you have antibodies and are recovered or are you actively sick.

Who cares


Back in my day the coronavirus would’ve been scared of hockey players

And in other news, 64 people caught a cold in Toronto last week...

Man... If the NHL is a no go this year then I'm definitely screwed for work lmao...

I thought it was supposed to go away in the summer. Hockey that is, Nott Covid-19.

Just play hockey. In all likelihood these guys will all be fine/non symptomatic. Nothing a couple lighting drills till you puke can’t fix.

Omg the world is coming to an end — grow up ppl - the flu and other viruses kill 2 ! Remember more ppl die of cardiac arrest than all the viruses every year


How many died?

Good. Karma

Hang up your skates . Keep everyone safe. You can afford it!

Boo Hoo

That’s about 5-6% which is actually way better numbers than I thought they would be. Once those players can quarantine and be rid of the virus it will be much easier to monitor and contain and keep everyone safe

Guess there won't be football. They'd rather practise taking a knee.

Why is it, none of you, Ever report on survival rate, the fact deaths are going down, or even the fact many never knew they had the Wuhan Coronavirus. But not to worry, come November, COVID19, won't be an issue any longer.

So ~5% of the 396 players so far.

Darn....I hope they all recover..!😷🔬🧪

That means 7 of them (20%) will develop breathing problems and will need hospitalization.

Please let them know all is ok as per Trump, it’s really a hoax, if really concerned wipe some disinfectant against the lungs and it will clear it right up, again as per the US President.

Guess they haven’t been following guidelines. That’s the problem everywhere. They r out partying

5.8% positive rate... which is less than the us national average. and they’re not in the bubble yet. chill

This is fake news

It’s the new normal unfortunately, we hav to learn to live with it cause this isn’t goin to end anytime soon

I wonder how many arr true positives.

No way! Right now things are so bad at this time. I would not wish this Virus even on my worst enemy...You know! I no longer have enemies anymore...stay safe! VvMichaels13

So what! It’s a freakin BAD COLD

Guess they are pucked 😊

How many got colds in the past 20 years? Did they all cry like little girls then? That's a real scam you fell for.

Gee, no one is surprised.

Well yeah people catch colds. They are fairly contagious.

Why is this news? Why was it news when Tom Hanks tested positive?


The PCR tests are scientifically meaningless.

How tf is this news ?

It's almost as if no one should be thinking about sports right now because a pandemic isn't over and sports aren't a necessity

‘Its,’ eh?

The Plandemic is Failing!!! What happened to two weeks? CNN had to retract that HCQ will kill you!! The Plandemic is to distract from the Maxwell arrest!!! 4MoreYears

timandsid At what point does the safety and health of these individuals take priority over dollars? Undue risk to players, that extends to front line workers and possibly beyond. If playing right now is not safe for all players, why is it safe for some? AllDollarsNoSense

Oh shit



Upper body injuries?

Reality needs to take control. Positive testing will ultimately take out enough players that the outcome will affect the playoffs. The Cup will be settled by COVID and not skills. Cancel the season. Do the right thing.

Oh no. Better close down the world

Test them in a day.. See if they are again... And again 2 days later... Bet a NFL player's salary the results will vary.

I've known ppl to have gone to the doctor, had NOT been tested, and got notified that they tested positive. Really? Way to amp up those numbers! In November, all this shit will 'disappear'. You'll see.

How many are seriously ill needing critical medical care? Why is this even news?

I don’t believe a word!

Big Deal!

No shit if you keep testing and testing you are going to find a few why don't we test for all other problems we might even find a few. Let's start with congress to see who has the brains to actually do their jobs.

Just out of curiosity, are any of the players who tested positive symptomatic?

so what. the mortality rate is so low now with increased testing this is literally like saying 23 tested positive for the common cold

So what 😭

Let's play some basketball y'all...not

Who cares?

How many died? How many were hospitalized? How many were asymptomatic? You're playing games.


So what?!

Yes...a corona virus...it could very well be a COLD!

So what? What other bug have we ever tracked like this? 10th straight week of plummeting death rates

symptomatic? My guess is no.

So what?

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How NHL plans to operate secure ‘bubbles’ in Toronto and Edmonton - TSN.caThe NHL and NHL Players’ Association have finalized a tentative agreement on Phase 3 and 4 protocols to open training camps and resume the 2019-20 season inside secure “bubbles” in Toronto and Edmonton. TSN's Frank Seravalli has more on how the league plans on operating during the COVID-19 global pandemic. TSNBobMcKenzie frank_seravalli From the makers of “Lafreniere to Team B” comes “Stanley Cup awarded by default” TSNBobMcKenzie frank_seravalli This seems..smart? coming from the NHL at least. Breaking the bubble will lead to a fine or lost draft picks and the player being removed from the playoffs. Rigorous daily testing(within the amount both cities do daily). I think they could pull this off, because this seems good. frank_seravalli Let me be the first to say, this will go south and Im grateful it's not going to happen in BC.
Source: TSN_Sports - 🏆 80. / 51 Read more »

NHL, NHLPA agree on protocols to resume seasonDeputy Commissioner Bill Daly says two sides still negotiating CBA extension that is crucial to process The cost/benefit of skipping a season to safeguard overall health would be wise. Pro athletes should consider long term effects on body COVID could have - its the early stage of research to understand but they do exist. If your body is your business - protect it! Don’t do it. Is making $$ more important than your health?
Source: globeandmail - 🏆 5. / 92 Read more »