'I regret going': Protester says he spent life savings to support 'Freedom Convoy' | CBC News

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Canada Headlines News

A protester who joined the so-called Freedom Convoy, which occupied downtown Ottawa for much of February, says he regrets taking part after he lost $13,000 and his home protesting something he never really 'had a stance on.'

‘I have nothing left’: Alberta man says he regrets joining convoy to OttawaMartin Joseph Anglehart, who joined the Freedom Convoy in Alberta, says he spent more than $13,000 of his savings to support protesters, thinking organizers would reimburse him. He says that never happened, leaving him struggling to afford food.

Martin Joseph Anglehart speaks to CBC via Zoom from inside his SUV, which he says is his current home.Anglehart said he's unable to access his account because it remains frozen. More thanMillions of dollars were donated through online crowd fundraisers, but Anglehart said he never saw a cent. "[We] merged with a convoy around Medicine Hat," said Anglehart, "I thought that [it] was a cause that was bigger than me. And I thought … it was worth the effort to go."

Anglehart's Dodge Caravan was also seized. It remains impounded and Anglehart says he can't afford the costs to get it back."I would like to apologize to [the] people in Ottawa," said Anglehart. "I'm sorry … All I wanted was to help people."


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That is so tragic, but no regrets. Learn from your actions and move forward. Allow people to fight freely, for their freedom and yours✅

Play stupid games...win stupid prizes

I am a project manager, we are recruiting a team, you can work from home, daily salary: 500C$+, job contact: WhatsApp (+1 9293910400)

He did what he was free to do.

Que je te Caoule

Should of done your homework about everything

Ah Gee that's really to bad fella.Don't look like you lost any weight.Must of are very well while protesting.


You can't say you weren't warned!

But, Uncle Fester, surely Morticia and Gomez will welcome you home. Smfh. Play stupid games, pal. Win stupid prizes.

Ah, those damn consequences if my actions…🙄

His bank account is still frozen so blame it on the government and the banks

No pity for him he should have thought about the consequences of his actions 😂

Ouch!!!! So sad too bad

Okay 🤣🤣🤣

That tells you alone that economic situation in Canada and other countries is failing the people and is totally unfair when a truck drivers life savings is only $13000.00. There has to be change and the change has to soon,or our kids and grandkidswill all be the working poor

Trudeau paying off Canadian media to push his agenda and discredit a peaceful protest that HE HIMSELF made into a violent act of terror by our own government

what happened to them giving all protesters money ? tamara has a million in her account …. right it was never about freedoms

We all make mistakes, at the end you owned up it, which takes a lot of courage and inspire others to do the same. Wishing you all the best moving forward, there are many support systems in place in Ottawa, Ontario. You will find your way brother, bless 🙌

CBC You SHOULD regret it.

Yeah. Losing 13 k and your house can be regretful

Shame on you for exploiting this sad individual to further your Government funded, anti Freedom Convoy agenda. He clearly has mental health issues and did long before this. “Journalism” at it’s worst… Shame on you CBC 😡


Tough Nuggies

As usual CBC you’re not telling the truth

The media continues to use its platform for shame people who are protesting government overreach. The shame porn being published on these platforms is emotional manipulation.

Those in charge in Canada and their complicit media have been noticed throughout the world, the truckers did not lose, they showed to the world the corrupt totalitarian state Justin Trudeau has turned a once world envied democracy.

Haha yeah fuck democracy, free speech and the right to protest. (sarcasm)

Rest in peace, Canadian democracy. To have your bank account frozen without due process and your property taken away for a peaceful demonstration, that is Russian style.

The actual regret is finding out you are ruled by a dictatorship regime. Many members of the European Parliament think Trudeau is a hateful narcissist, dictator of the worst kind.

NaheedD Anglehart said he's unable to access his account because it remains frozen 😱 Kicked out to live on the street by landlord cause of his point of view and now government takes his money .Maybe the CBC story will help redeem his social credit score

feel so excited about making money from home despite being not to depend in my salary, i invested $1000 and earn $10,500 cash!! It's more than my normal monthly salary. noor_nicky

CBC lol


People are gullible. That’s what this guy’s problem is he only has himself to blame.


Canada: we are on protest, reality: occupation. Russia: military exercise, reality: invasion. Depends on which side you look.

Interesting dude to do a story on. Seems like maybe he's a bit of a troublemaker.

'so-called' news from the 'so-called' Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

From personal experience, I find that most acts of stupidity result in regret.

Now he is free of everything coz he got nothing , good for him

but you were standing up for your rights....👍

He got what he deserved

Consequences for stupidity

He regrets losing his cash, boo hoo! Grow up. Consequences LoserConvoy

So many of these people have an inability to think it through. Life choices and consequences go hand in hand.

This isn't news. It's more Globalist propaganda. No surprise. DefundTheCBC

This is why I turn down all requests for donations now ... in case the government or my bank decides they don't like my choices. It's very, very sad.

Sucker born every second.

Glad he's able to admit that the convoy was a mistake. Very few of the protesters knew why they were there other than being anti-gov and wanting Canada to be lawless. Maybe the convoy supporters can start a GoFundMe for this guy to help him get back on his feet.

Thanks Trudeau!

Only when it affects you that you express your regrets. The convoy should never have taken place. Think about others before you do something like this.

Karma baby

LOL are we still talking about this?

The gov owns CBC. He regrets getting fined for standing up for his rights. That’s the real message.

On other news of things I don’t give a f*** about

CBC - Canadian Biased Communications

Tiniest violin

Can’t fix stupid!

Which is what happens when you're in a cult.

I guess he does regret it. The government freezes his bank accounts and his losses his home. Instead of the CBC questioning the government's actions against protesters in a 'so called' democracy (you seems like those 2 words together), they reinforce the government's narrative.

Well boohoo

If you have nothing to lose you protest. If you have everything to lose you protest. You protest…

He’s the poster child of how gangs and terrorist cells start. Looking fur a place to belong.

NaheedD Poor Justin

Many such cases! Guessing he's actually getting nervous his bank accounts will be frozen and he will be charged with aiding a terror movement along with the rest of his friends in the convoy.

Make better decision by considering consequences. Also consider the true motives for one’s actions. Is it going to be worth it?

But you fuckers wonder why Russians aren't protesting Putin.

Then he wasn’t thinking that standing up will cause suffering and sacrifice to create change. Trudeau lost respect worldwide of leaders and people. This was not a lark, a thrill run. I do not regret my part. I regret the dipshits trying to take it over and convolute the reason.

Looks good on ya a hole

How the hell can he claim that he was trying to help people? He wasn’t. From day one, the Convoy was founded on a bullshit premise by white supremacists. And now, because of their actions, some provinces have eased restrictions and more people are going to die.

He didn't lose it, it was stolen by criminals.

Tans the CBC Will gladly share your story so we all can live in fear of the government and shut the hell up and not complain lol. CBC knows not to bite the hand that feeds it, maybe they should educate China ? buy made in India 🇮🇳

Welll seeeee you are what happens when a regime runs a country, you speak your mind and they send you to Siberia or a, reducation camp like China. The capitalist/socialist way is to take everything you ever worked for away. So you can tell your friends and neighbors.

“Send me money so Trudeau doesn’t break my bones” “Look what they did to trucker Pete”

Hmmm, can’t say I feel sorry for him. He was “free” to make his own choices…

Zero Fucks Given

The art of the grift

maura_keenan Well, sounds like he thought that one through really well. The party of personal responsibility.

Holy crap...and his home....all for what?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If he is looking for sympathy, it's shortly after stupid in the dictionary...

“Anglehart admits he never had 'a stance on mandates' but felt drawn to the movement after he was prevented from visiting a dying friend at a Montreal hospital in June 2020 because of COVID-19 restrictions.” Yeah and imagine all those that died of COVID.

The bit about getting evicted because of 'his views' is clearly bullshit, so the rest of his story is suspect. Was his bank account actually frozen? The only thing that rings true is that he spent all his money at a gas station, because they grifted him.

Thank you oh great media overlords for pumping more MK ULTRA style propaganda our throats. If you lie enough times, does it make it the truth?

But he was cool with it until he realized he was screwed out of his $$$ He also did not give a damn about the people who couldn't earn a living while he and his pals were occupying the city Serves him right Play stupid games.....

Good. Hope he ends up homeless.

This article is so biased I want to throw up. Title, text and no background check, fact check. Wtf is cbc doing? I was a cbc supporter.


Some people have to learn the hard way. Hope he understands he was ALREADYFREE

I kinda feel bad for him. He looks Iike the type of person who might not have a lot of cognitive prowess and was looking to be accepted and loved. The fact that people prey on folks like him is disgusting.

Disgusting that Canadians don't see Trudeau's communist ideals. While he's overseas boasting about democracy, Canadians are losing their homes because of his dictatorship. Deplorable.

Call the GOP Ted Cruz fox news they will loan you a few bucks.

Why is this news? He made a choice to 'spend' the money & now reality hits...

My earth is bleeding purple piss for him and his lost freedoms.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Seizure of accounts are the acts of tyrants. CBC should be defunded. Trudeau called out for his actions by work leaders. And crickets about it from CBC. CBC you should at least try to nothing but a state sponsor propaganda machine.

NaheedD So Free Dumb doesn't pay off, after all? Who knew?🙄

He didn't 'lose' $13,000. He donated and gave all his money away! Writing it how you did makes it sound like a mystery how he 'lost' the money. He gave it away!

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

Maybe PierrePoilievre can contribute from his large salary to help this guy out... After all his chants of 'freedom over fear' and support for the sedition, the least he can do is give up some of his wealth for the cause... NeverVoteConservative

Thanks CBC for continuing to be blindly partisan in favour of the Liberals. Even change the wording of your tweet at least to pretend you are not LPC lapdogs

This guy is a prime example of the types of people who showed up for this nonsense lol Like who in their right mind empties their bank account for people they don't even know?

How much are you getting paid

I have no sympathy for this man

He got to the FA&FO part.

kellwoohoo dipshit

Stupid people do stupid things…

What a useless article. A grown ass man made his own decisions and didnt think it through.. thats on him, not the protest organizers

Bullsht CBC

Sorry for your troubles but you were warned many times that you were being dupped and stupid and a moron. Choices have consequences.


Make wise choices next time

Thoughts and prayers…

He quit his job to go to the Ottawa protest. What did he think would happen? I can’t feel sorry for someone’s poor judgement.

He was not a protestor he was and is a terrorist who tried to overthrow the government


Don’t regret… be ashamed of our political system. It has failed us CanadahelpseveryonebutCanadians

Oh well!!!

You have the right to protest what Trudeau did is looking like he’s more of a communist

CBC spilling more garbage!!🤮🤮🤮🤮 if he lost money and his home it was his choice to be away for work or home for so long. Most people that went there were prepared for the time they spent there!! Truckers and other people that lived in their cars!!

CBC a so-called news source inaccurately spewing miss information...

Can’t fix stupid

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Maybe he should ask the convoy organizers to help him lol.

This was his choice, sad about what happened, but he chose to participate. He can blame only himself

Well he f’k’d around and found out, he was just anarchy-curious it seems.

Regardless of the purpose of this protest, it was a legal protest. Like the protest or hate it. Doesn’t matter. City of Ottawa immorally pressured GoGundMe. Justin Trudeau un-democratically froze bank accounts.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

I believe there an old saying about “A fool and his money are soon separated”

Quit this uncritical regurgitating of spin, . He didn’t lose $13K. He spent the money himself on other protesters and failed to budget accordingly for his own expenses. And now he’s whining and you’re giving him an undeserved platform.

😂😂sucks to suck.

Any news on what happened in the European yesterday? They were actually talking about the Convoy there.

Win some lose some. Decisions have consequences. Will be very interesting to see if it turns out the government had not met the baseline to invoke emergency measures.

Imagine having Gov't MPs like PierrePoilievre CandiceBergenMP encouraging the freedom convoy & egging them on - making them think they were doing something righteous & legal. Where is THEIR accountability? Maybe they should help this man? They misled him.

Covid has taken its toll financially, on my house as well.


Sorry to hear that, but in the middle of a pandemic the whole protest was ridiculous imho.

I’m sure you guys have verified the story you would not run the story without at least seeing the $13,000 receipt Verify he’s losing his house because of that money. As you knowTrudeau wants to weed out disinformation.

He's a renter not a landlord. He's not a trucker, he had a van. He didn't lose money, he gave away his money. He's an idiot, yeah a big one

Defund CBC

Well the police did say 'go home'

Sometimes theres no cure for stupidity what did he think was going to happen?

Boo hop

Shouldn’t listen to all the conspiracy rags & media !

Irresponsible adult is a little late for 'Regret', hope he enjoys the fruit of his white narrow-mind. As they are all saying now 'fuck around and find out'

I guess dreams come true....

Consequences who knew!

Proof that evolution can go in reverse.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda, am I right HStefansonMB

He regrets the tyranny of our government

Sorry, unacceptable views aren’t tolerated in Canada!

Government freezes his accounts, goes broke. CBC blames the Trucker Convoy.

Is BlackfaceHitler writing all the new material at CBC ? What a circus full of clowns is . Why don’t you show BlackfaceHitler recent euro trip and what they had to say about him .

I feel for this guy. People who were depressed, lost, anguished over the pandemic were used by the leaders of this so called Freedom Convoy movement. It is exactly the same as in the USA with the insurrection. Trump and Dump.

dade_kevin Sorry but play stupid games win stupid prizes!

Sounds really intelligent. This was basically the hillbilly version of the Nigerian Prince scam.

Good that he lost stuff. He should have thought what could happen before he acted.

Well, this so-called free country took away his home and stole 13k for his right to protest.

Good. Maybe he won't be so stupid next time then.

Didn't lose enough.

Thoughts and prayers 😂

Obviously another mentally challenged individual. No tears shed here.

Hopefully, some day, MSM will have the impetus to investigate where this all started. CBC was on the right track in early Feb but whimped out.

Adult actions have adult consequences.

I feel bad for him. I feel worse for terminally ill people who can’t access healthcare because of our clogged up hospitals, disabled & immunocompromised people trapped & suffering through this pandemic, the kids, healthcare workers, front line workers, citizens of Ottawa…

CBC What’s that saying about playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes…

This is what happens when we protest now. The so-called government will destroy you financially. But please, let’s fight for “democracy” overseas

I feel sorry for him. Now how is he going to be able to afford sitting in his underwear in front of his computer watching Fox News all day while grazing junk food.

CBC And you want me to sympathize with this idiot why?

It wasn't a 'protest'; it was an 'occupation'! No personal impacts would have been incured if only participants had left when they were notified that it was deemed illegal & ordered to disperse! No one is above the law; whether we agree with those laws!!! There are legal means!

Real journalism would have contacted his landlord to find out why he was evicted over his 'point of view', but hey we don't do that here in CBC anymore.

CBC Boo hoo

Can’t fix stupid

zero sympathy for any of them.

People in careers like trucking aren't typically known for deep insights into government policy or legislation. It was tempting for them to latch onto simplistic populist messaging that typically glosses over complex policy and legal issues. In other words, they've been 'had'.

This is on the mayor police mla mp and premier of Ontario for letting this shitshow go on for almost a month - weekend or day long protests are great but this was a disgrace to all Canadians

Apology not accepted. WTF is wrong with you. You ruined alot of ppl lives & now YOU deserve to suffer. You damaged the meaning of the Canadian Flag 🇨🇦.

JeffreyLuscombe He should ask Trump for a handout

I hate being an adult too!

'I guess I shouldn't have fucked around.' - Guy who found out

The consequences of being duped by a bunch of grifters...am sure the first of many. Wish I could drum up some sympathy but my well is as dry as his bank account.

So does Ottawa

JeffreyLuscombe Hard to find any empathy.

i think he'll find the real regrets are the friends he made along the way


As long as he had fun...that's the important thing.

Whats the ultimate purpose of this news story. Looking for some sort of sympathy or just pointing out the realities of being a dumb ass.


Sympathies? None. Choose your causes more carefully in future.

What was he possibly expecting that he would spend his life savings? Did he think he would get government paycheque after taking it over?

Spent life savings to hold people hostage and inflict pain and suffering on an innocent community. Fixed it for you.

Looks like someone is planning a Go fund Me account. 🤔

Guess he now realizes would have been easier to get the jab and keep working instead of enjoying the RamRanchResistance 🤷🏻‍♂️

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