FIRST READING: Liberal voices starting to warn Pierre Poilievre could be their undoing

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Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Leadership candidate\u0027s messaging on affordability resonating hard with young people, even Liberal and NDP young people

wrote in a Medium post

Poilievre’s housing proposals have even won praise among liberal circles in the United States. In a recent column published in the Washington Post, the centre-left writer Matthew Yglesias said the anti-NIMBY sentiments being pushed by Poilievre and others should Poilievre has topped every single poll of Conservative leadership candidates since the race began, and has collected a wildly disproportionate share of official endorsements.


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Sure hope so

Don’t forget the PPC !

Yes because being articulate, intelligent, and thought provoking is a threat to liberals as they have nothing like that in a leader...just sayin

Hopefully it is their undoing.



Let’s hope so.

Cue the media hit jobs!!!

Pierre is our only hope to help fix the destruction the liberals and Trudeau have done.

Liberals (and by extension NDP) brought this upon themselves. I for one have never voted Conservative in my life but I am considering it for the first time. What I do know is where my vote won't be going anymore...

Are you guys ok?

I think this was a huge factor in the Liberal/NDP deal. They're terrified of PierrePoilievre. The CPC got more votes than the Liberal's with an unappealing leader... they see what's coming when Poilievre takes the reins. Prediction: CPC majority and NDP loses party status.

What are you talking about!? Liberals aren't worried at all. They just attack him at every chance, and have the CBC gunning for him because he's so completely beneath them! 🤥🤣

Can't wait for the next election, bye bye Justin

we see what 'liberals' are all about

Without a doubt Pierre Poilievre will be a more honest, hard working and competent Prime Minister than our current joke of a PM. The Conservative Party would be foolish not to get behind Pierre as their new leader and really have a chance at winning the next election.

If Charest wins , the Liberals could have some trouble, but not if Poilievre does.


Seriously NP. No one believes your biased garbage. NeverVoteConservative


proving just how slow on the up-take they really are

That’s why they are flinging slurs against him already but that’s expected, Trudeau is calling Canadians every nasty thing he can think of for a while now. Funny, if you research his history, Trudeau is truly guilty of everything name he calls us.

Average people are saying enough. People who have never joined a political party in their lives are saying enough. Poilievre will restore sanity and freedom from these liberal elites. Votes matter.

Hahaha! Unless 'their' is the conservative party this is the greatest piece of irony ever posted. You realize the Liberals win because undecided voters rejected Scheer & O'Toole as extreme, right? Poilievre is self appointed christo-fascist! His will be a CakeWalkDefeat

Poilievre victory would be Liberal key to 2025 election majority.

Im pretty sure the Liberal undoing comes from within the Liberal party itself.

He's doing something right, he's got the left triggered already and we have 3 more years to go.



Literally anyone but Trudeau would be a win for Canadians

We have to do everything we can to stop this military and totalitarian state.

God I hope so

LOL. No, they aren't. Your PostMediaPropaganda at a time when Poilevre's connections to domestic terr0rists who occupied Ottawa illegally are coming out is noted though. You get that there are millions of Liberal voters PRAYING that lying little nebbish is their guy, right?

Conservatives' main problem is divisiveness Moderate Right (Charest, Brown) vs. More Extreme Right (Pierre, supported by Harper) The Charest-Poilievre clash is a conflict over Conservative identity How would a divided Party win an election?

It will never happen NDP & Liberals will never redirect their vote for the absolute worst of the worst. Unless they choose a moderate, the CPC_HQ will be no more.

CdnMediaFailed as usual! No better than faux entertainment!

🤣🤣🤣 poppycock…

Pepe lepew yeah right 😼

So, pierrepolievre has no formal post-secondary education in micro or macro-econ & now shows that he has no understanding how the bankofcanada is an arms-length institution that is responsible for monetary policy for 🇨🇦! Cryptocurrency is his ideal vehicle for terrorists!

Perhaps if the National Post stopped pushing fear baiting and Right Wing, American styled political disinformation, you would have a genuine readership again. You are quite literally Tabloid material now.

Some of us certainly hope so! He has my vote!

MrStache9 Oh lord I hope so...

Liberals you undermined Canada since you’ve been in power your a bunch whiny cry babies and should be tossed out of parliament !!

He will be our undoing and not just for Liberals.

'Notably, 51 per cent of 18 to 29-year-olds surveyed said they would consider voting for a Poilievre-led Conservative Party.' A popular issue for a populist politican. He doesn't transfer to the masses.

Absolute bs. He will never be PM but a good headline to sell your article, I am a Liberal and he has nothing to offer me. JeanCharest_ will win.

If Pierre gains support, only because the liberal_party and NDP are so disconnected with Canadians actual needs and treat voters as idiots. They are still avoiding the word inflation, while speaking of 'continuing to keep..' while denying the science of economics DontLookUp

Yeah sure Pravda..

That’s it. Tell your readers what they want to hear.


Oh, the old 'warning the Liberals' again? It's curious to watch the paid-off media go through their usual cycle whenever a new flavor of the month is introduced.

Never seen this kind of fear of a party nominee

Give your head a shake!

You got that right this man’s going places

Oh wait, it's the National Post. Never mind.

Pierre you are the cure

Conservatives are a non factor in Canadian politics for three years, and conservative Media is desperate to make them seem relevant.

I’m sure he’ll win over lots of Canadians by whining the next 3 years.

PROPAGANDA: Global fascist elites—IDU Harperite voices—at National Post carry water for taxpayer parasite PierrePoilievre

Yup. It’s a done deal. Hence the communist coalition and the hyperactivity we’re seeing by them to implement as much fascist totalitarianism they can so they have careers on the other side of their political careers. Hopefully they’ll go to jail though.

Seriously? PeePeesPeople were on Parliament Hill tonight screaming about White Power. Who will be the undoing of whom?

Oh he is, that's why they will throw all the buzzwords they can at him lol.

Well, Canadians do seem like they are getting a lot stupider. So they're not wrong to be worried.

Pierre is the only choice to save Canadians from the dictatorship we are experiencing now.

Skippy hahaah hahahab nice try hahahaha hahahaah



Who is the NP trying to convince, us or themselves? 😂


No, in fact we would be happy if you chose him as leader because he would be defeated easily. Canada isn't following you to the farther right and you will be lonely out there.

Coalition with NDP is the undoing.

Pee pee

Oh for christ sake shut up . Everyone knows you're on the take

You’re god damned right he is! Why? Because he doesn’t hate the people he hopes to serve as PM. Unlike Blackface Sparkle Socks! Pierre4PM

If only he wasn't lying. 🤥 PierrePoilievreIsLyingToYou

National Post vows to grift “bigly harder” for conservatives this time out

What else did Supreme Leader Harper tell you to say?

Some undoing is in order and Pierre could do it.

Liberal voices are too high pitched for me at this age. agingsucks

He’s got my vote, I’m really disappointed in Trudeau’s last term

Every liberal I know is absolutely tickled pink with the prospect of Pollievre elected asconservative leader. We know it will ensure four more years of Trudeau 🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦

Sure, the undoing of the CPC_HQ

Just starting heh. Better late than never.

Ummmm..thats a hard no

FIRST READING: Liberal voices starting to warn the National Post is being controlled by right wing American populists

There are many Canadian politicians and he is the only one making any sense

Oh he will be. This is the beginning of the end of the Liberal dictatorship.

No, not Pierre Poilievre but Justine Trudeau & friends would be their undoing.

Says the National Post…bahaha! A slim cut above Rebel “news”

if these annoying & costly 'freedom' convoys (that Pierre P. endorsed) keep irritating us with their whining about nothing, the whole of CPC_HQ & Pierre will be a thing of the past

Maxime Bernier was also very popular at first too. PP is stealing his support, which will be a huge turn off to 80% of voters.

Pierre will be all of ours undoing

Yes, he is talking about issues important to Canadians. Unfortunately, his “solutions” are idiotic, his talking points are simplistic, and he’s relying on catch-phrases rather than good ideas and common sense.

What I like the most about Pierre is that how he scared those liberal elites and far left fanatics... he is right guy...

It won’t be Liberal undoing, it will be Canada’s undoing. Right down the shi tter.

Lol Liberal voices aren't too worried

One can only hope

I really doubt it

Trudeau's unpopularity is unmatched in history, I will vote for anyone to see Trudeau the door.

I only voted liberal in the past, never again. Pierre will be the next prime minister

Freedom convoy draws a crowd too…doesn’t make that right either

All he is doing is talking with common sense in mind. It’s sad that other parties can’t do the same!

Seems there is a lot of liberal lovers on this thread getting worried.

No way I would vote for this blob, or the CPC_HQ

This headline from 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 just broke something

Dream on

Liberal voices:

In your dreams

If ever there were fake news it makes sense it’s going to come from the national post, aka 💩💩💩 paper Conservative rag. Should make their logo blue so there’s little confusion.


How can this be? He doesn’t even have great hair!!

Never Liberal Again!

What nonsense.

fakenews from a fake news organization

Liberal voices would love Pierre to lead the CONS, he would be the best motivator to get liberals out to the polls, plus he would alienate the moderates.

He is just another Global Elite ladies and gentlemen we do not need government we need to take responsibility for ourselves they are all corrupt

No blackface Groping incidents Hate speech Mocking Aboriginal Ethics violations

Starting? The Liberals are already dead in the water. Some Canadians were apathetic others were slow on the uptake. But if you haven’t seen the light yet, there is no help for you.

The hired opposition leader by the WEF… 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

Lil’PeePee’s flock & NatPoo ‘s readers

Only surpassed by Trudeau himself

Pierre Poilievre as PM would be a disaster.

He knows how to talk and give speeches, but so does Freeland. Poilievre had his chance but took a knee to OToole.


oh bs now shew

Beloved Pierre Poilievre. He's irresistible.

Not could be, WILL BE

Hahahaha oh boy

Between the leftists corrupt and the ultra right conservative extremists, no one is good for the future of Canada. RACISM, PERVERSIÓN, KKK, TRUMPERS, TRUCKERS EXTREMIST, BULLIES, BLM AND OTHER EXTREMIST ARE DESTROYING THE PEACE.

When I was blogging (going on 15 years ago), PierrePoilievre called me out of the blue to congratulate me on a story I had written that embarrassed the Liberals. (Maybe he drew the short straw but I appreciated it.)

It must be a concern, after a decade of persuading the public their inept, corrupt leader was selfie ready, the game seems to have changed.

Honestly, Pierre is the only remaining hope for freedom-loving Canadians. 🇨🇦✔️

🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤮 the slumlord landlord that made 9 million on a political salary that’s never worked a day outside of gov for the people 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤮🙄🖕

😂😂😂 Ain’t nobody worried about pencil neck Pierre

I think those liberals have a pretty low opinion of the judgement of Conservatives. Hahaha How could that have developed?

Hotdamn!! PierrePoilievre for PM!!

BirdShit Pierre could be the undoing of Canada that Trunp was in the US. And it makes me fucking sick.

So what. See how he deals with protests.


no, no one is saying that. what they are saying is PP is a running on right wing nationalism, hate and fear to get elected.

Amused by drama queens screeching about the undoing of Canada and the moving to Nicaragua if the Conservatives win. This country is a gem and already being undone by Trudeau/sidekick Singh. PierrePoilievre will bring it back to right of center. The pendulum needs to swing back

PeePee has peaked, it's all downhill from here, polling people when no other leafer has done campaigning os typical of myopic pollsters, yes Nick....

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 🤡 🤡

replace Trudeau with a person of integrity that keeps their promises, PP won't have a chance.

He'll be the undoing of Canada if he ever becomes PM. His main goals are to dismantle, destroy & divide. Everything many love most about Canada will be gone if he ever becomes PM. This is what he really wants to free us from ⬇️

What BS! The National Trash at it again. The Liberals are not even remotely concerned over yet another CPC_HQ failure. NeverVoteConservative PierrePoilievreIsLyingToYou pierrepoilievreisafascist PierrePoilievreIsAGatekeeper

The liberals will be their own undoing!

Thats funny with his disinformation that people are believing shows you how fake news and fake information gets spread about...

Pull your head out of his ass; you're clearly suffering from oxygen deprivation!

😂😂🤮 No propaganda rag mag, no! But PPthepopulist might be Canada’s undoing if you keep gaslighting for him

Yeah…I really don’t think so. Peep’s brand of bile only goes so far. He needs moderate people to vote for him to win. That doesn’t seem possible. Even if he wins more seats than the Libs, there will be a coalition government with NDP. Good journalism though! 🥺


Sure, don't throw me in the briar patch....

Dream on 💩

Yeah, I'm sure his army of crypto numpties will sweep the party to power!

Anyone is better than Trudeau.

You think he can sustain the double standard for 3 years? Who am I kidding, it's cons, all they have is outrage?

Yes he is

Pierre Poilievre will be the undoing of the Liberal Party and the first great Prime Minister we 🇨🇦 have had in a long time!

HAHAHA no, not at all 🤣🤣🤡

Now you’ve gone too far 😂

And Former Reform Party leader Preston Manning is urging Conservative leadership contenders to lay off their personal attacks on each other warning Conservative campaigns that personal attacks could 'poison' the party. IMO: CPC_HQ is fragmenting


Poilievre could be the undoing of Canadian society. He is trying to convince Canadians that they are not free. My genuine fear is if he ever did get power our freedom would then be in serious jeopardy, after all he is a supporter of Convoy anarchists.

The national post is Mostly right wing American owned …people need to start asking who owns the media in Canada.


Undoing? NFW, NP.

The Liberals their 'Leader' are their own undoing.

Only if it’s a fair election

Actually, I’m pretty sure this guy will ensure liberals another four years.

It is the message, not the messenger, fact is it is very clear that our children are not stupid, they knew before I knew and they waited till I was open to seeing it and validated everything I quickly became aware of. WAKE up you old Liberal farts!

Their undoing is Justin Trudeau and a fawning media

It's coming, time for change and someone that is better with our money.

No their not. Lying fkrs

Yeah, no.

The wind of change is blowing. Gen-z wants their country back.

Actually, PP will be the undoing on the CPC.. once again you got that ass backwards! anyonebutpierre NeverVoteConservative IStandWithTrudeau cdnpoli CdnMediaFailed TrudeauWasRight voteliberal FAKENEWS CdnMediaFailed FAKENEWS CdnMediaFailed

Pierre would be the best thing for this country

I love the absolute meltdown. It’s great. When Pierre wins it will be amazing watching the left cope.

He is there and doing another two years of liberal rule company will be so screwed there’s no way back for them.

What’s JT gonna promise next election to try and win back the younger demographic? Legalization of cocaine?

Pierre Poilievre is Canada's only chance to get this country back on it's feet.

When an honest and truthful man Pierre Poilievre comes to speak to the people on Twitter,, the trolls on here just about stumble over themselves to be the first with a u....d Greeting.

FIRST READING: national post lies because they're PP riders

According to who? PP?

Rock 'n Roll Pierre! 🤘

This man is nothing more then a dog whistling snake oil salesman. He will ruin Canada.

Joke of century

Just might be , that the moderate center or Blue Libs have had enough.. The NDP and Liberal Alliance may have been the final straw for many..

It's more of a prophecy than a warning at this point. PP offered us an alternative that hasn't been available since Harper.

You mean Pierre could undo all that we hold dear in Canada if he got in? There, fixed it.

Um ok National post 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

PierrePoilievreForCPC PierrePoilievre PierrePoilievre4PM

I truly doubt it. They are saying that so that CONS get inspired to vote for him for the leadership. It's a double reverse psychology. Please fall for it. cdnpoli

Long way to go before the next election. Pollievre if he wins the leadership he will slip up it’s only a matter of time . He is a con after all !

'Could be' 🤣 He's already packing every venue he goes to and his campaign has just begun.

Undoing? I'm thinking he could be their saviour.

Bank on it

lol You wish.

PM Chud!

No. He's a populist stirring up division and constantly spouts misinformation. You seem to like him a whole bunch, though, or I am assuming you would call him out for what he is doing.

Lol. 😂😂😂

Wait until Pierre has to face real questions and debate in front of a non-bitcoin bro Twitter audience.

Any journalists at Nazional Post or are there only sycophantic right wing butt smooches ? I remember the paper wrapped in vote for Harper garbage so I already know the answer

Okay go off sis lol we all know this isn’t true.

He will definitely be there undoing and there worst nightmare

He will be their undoing. Shock Horror, Liberals will have to try working for a living.

Oh please this guy has the same amount of charisma and intelligence of a body crap.

ThisGuy ❔

The weekend axe murderer personality is interesting.

FreeSpeech Movement 💩💩 FreeLove


I love Pierre.


A lot of copium going on at Nationalist Post nowadays

He will The attacks should be getting ridiculous any day

It will be to late by 2025 to undo what the liberals are doing rn...

Liberals cling to their white saviour 🤣🤣🤣

Pierre the smartest person in the riding and I would bet out of 338 politicians Pierre is in the top 5 if not number 1

JustinTrudeau is losing support from voters because of his own policies, Just like his father. theJagmeetSingh is going down with him. This leaves the CPC.

That’s crazy leading BS. PP is a threat only to himself. Don’t choke on your soother PP.

Imagine that, a platform based on substance and not virtue signaling. People are really starting to see the effects of an incompetent, corrupt government.

He isn’t the real savoir, it will be me.. I will liberate every single individual 🏴‍☠️

Tweets vilifying PP are amusing. He's this, he's that, polls = fake news. Blahblahblah. The problem isn't PP. The problem is the guy in power doesn't give a flying f&^% about us. He doesn't understand affordability or anything to do with monetary policy. And he couldn't care less

PP would be a disaster. I would move to Nicaragua!

The polls are purchased The endorsements are self serving and partisan Crypto-Pierre is not a PM, he is another schill

Typo… you of course mean Conservative voices .

I adamantly disagree PierrePoilievre is the CPC_HQ's 'undoing.' His outrageous campaign attack rhetoric is splitting Conservatives leaving them with no chance of unsetting the Liberals.

Not could be. Will be!!!

Pierre for PM. You’ve got my vote!

From your lips to God's ears ......

I love how the comment section is filled with libs posting limp memes. That's how you know Pierre is doing something right.

PierrePoilievre basically just cement a majority for PM JustinTrudeau in 2025. A’ho!🪶👊🏽

More fake news from national post hole 🐒

haha, no, no we don't...Paper Jesus won't hold up once we need something more than platitudes. His base needs their hero and the 4th stringer from the Harper line just isn't it.

You mean voices in Conservative's heads?

I think that there has to be a balance between PP divisive rhetoric and understanding the core elements that are attracting folks to him. That he is insufferable is immaterial to them, it is how it plays out in THEIR lives. There may be some wisdom to consider.

Imo I doubt it his populus rhetoric is way to much for the Canadian ppl But Canada needs a real Con party Fiscally & socially responsible Loose the Alliance/Reform crap and you will gain the centrist and the Mod cons back

Nonsense. The “mouth without a brain” appeals to only the anti Trudeau horde. Smart people know better.

Triggered, shrilly and screeching voices.

I firmly believe their are more sane people than nut no, he won't be the Liberals undoing.

Says the Con controlled media....

Pierre Poilievre as PM would be Canada's undoing.

Lol. Okay. But the reality is he is not resonating with anyone

G wonder why😂😂😂

Crap shoot.

Sure buddy

What? They don't realize that Blackface is their undoing?

Three years until the election… I am sure the Liberals are feeling “owned” by CPC. Now convince me Postmedia isn’t run by FoxNews.

Nothing like an unaccomplished career politician lol

The anti-Trudeau vote will be HUGE. If the conservatives run anyone that is digestible they will take power. Minority imo but people are sick of Trudeaus power grabs and are far enough removed from Harper doing the same.

Really I think he’s a “wait, you mean the best the CPC can do it this nut case?” Gift.

Could be the country's undoing.

Liberals should run a different candidate if they want to keep power after this term

This is the man some folks say absolutely cannot win an election. Boy will they be surprised....

No it’s not Pierre. They have done this to themselves

The little Fascist opportunist who supported an overthrow of Canadian Gov? That guy? Hmm.

Poll: Should Liberal MPs flip?

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