Even if there's a vaccine, pandemic may persist for years to come: Tam

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Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam says that vaccine or not, health officials are preparing to deal with the presence of the novel coronavirus and prevention of further spread for years to come.

OTTAWA -- Shooting down some of the optimism around a COVID-19 vaccine being discovered spelling the end of the pandemic, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam says that vaccine or not, health officials are preparing to deal with the presence of the novel coronavirus and prevention of further spread for years to come.

“We're planning, as a public health community, that we're going to have to manage this pandemic certainly over the next year, but certainly it may be planning for the longer term on the next two to three years during which the vaccine may play a role. But we don't know yet,” Tam told reporters on Tuesday.

“Certainly I think that we need to temper people's expectations, thinking that the vaccines can be that silver bullet that will take care of everything, and everything we've done up to now won't be necessary in the future,” said Njoo.


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Trying to keep her job?

Yikes! Will we continue to dominate news and headlines, commercials and our lives? What kind of a society will emerge from this wreck?

Says the same person that said masks were not necessary. Someone should start a petition to fire Tam! Get someone in office that actually cares for the interest of Canadians.

There is no vaccine,think about it -covid-19 is a form or strain of the common cold🤔.Have we ever been offered a shot for the cold-no!!This is not the flu,this is not the measles,its is a cold that kills with no vaccine-more government bull😡

Yeah well the common cold has been around forever and no vaccine for that. The flu has stuck around every yr and again no vaccine just a booster shot. So tell me something I don't know

I guess Teresa hasn't left her house. The world already isn't wearing masks and social distancing. Things are pretty back to normal. I think Teresa needs to think about the mental health impacts these kinds of statements could have. More people will die of loneliness than Covid.

We don't listen to Tam.

It takes five years for a new vaccine to be developed for a new virus. Another two years of positive testing. Tam is wrong. Canada will be out of the picture for at least eight years. Canada must enforce more positive draconian laws if they wish to defeat this plague.

I am glad we have Dr. Tam getting us through this, she has done well advising us as information about COVID-19 has evolved. We are not so far, in the same nightmare as the USA and that is saving Canadian lives.


I expect it will go away some time around November 5th...

Fear porn and ignorance. That's all you can do.

Sweden begs to differ

Not a smart move, Tammi

Y’all know this pandemic could be the end of everything


The plannedemic will persist thanks to the msm

We need professional investigative journalism to look into this. Any suggestions?

Aug 3: 147 cases, 2 deaths. In the country.

She’s a. Illegitimate medical leader

thanks Debbie downer all I know is I have to go to work and pay my bills my kids need some kind of education and they deserve to have some kind of activities and life. I lost my mom to cancer and she was young. What’s the message? Live wisely with the information or in fear?

And the Leafs MAY win the Cup? 😂

I'm sure Covid will be over after the U.S election. It's always been about destroying the U. S economy in order to get Trump out. The rest of the world is a casualty of the globalists & Democrats. They don't care who they hurt to push their agenda

Dr. Tam= WHO. I trust neither of them.

Tam and the ‘experts’ have no fucking idea. Making it up as they go along.

According to Liberals Covid is kind of like climate change. All to control the population ‼️

Dr. Tam looks like an Australopithecine.

The Dictatorship of Doctors.

This is just bullshit. A virus that is 99.7% survivable Does not warrant the excessive overreaction on measures Is this just all about Gates, Soros, China & Clinton’s $100 Billion investment in vaccines and contact tracing and efforts to protect the investment?

Ole snaggletooth doesn’t give Canadians hope.

The government and the media are worse than the virus.

This is not about the virus. This is about control and the rest you better wake the hell up

What, just setting us up for a 2nd lockdown? Didn’t wipe out enough businesses in round 1 or enough elderly? Screw off Tam - why don’t we quarantine the sick and vulnerable & get busy living again. Enough of the fear mongerIng for less then 1% of the population dying.

Three Years listen three more years of this corrupt tyrannical government its not the Chinese Flu Canadians need to be worried about.

Can't go away since the World Economic Forum has to implement the Covid pass

Even if its gone, it will still be here ...and it will be scarier.

Whatever its called flu season get a grip

Why do we keep calling it a pandemic or a virus? It was a weapon sent from CHINA to shut down the world‼️😡🇨🇦

If we have to live like this for years to come there will be more deaths by suicide than deaths from Covid


Okay great and wise Tam

And are we just supposed to sit back & go going with it? This whole thing had been a giant exercise in how far they can push their limit without anyone saying anything...they've already destroyed thousands big not hundreds of thousands of lives!


Odds are that she is wrong again.

Dr. Tam may last for years. Please follow mask and social distancing policies to help flatten his curve.

Remember, of course, this is the same idiot who derided the use of masks as worse than useless for the first few months of the pandemic. Because that’s what the WHO and CCP told her to say....

GO AWAY! Your news is getting old and totally unbelievable.

Oh Dr Doomsday... viruses will atick around but life will get back to normal! As long as the vaccine we get isn’t Chinese please, NOTHING MORE FROM CHINA!

😂😂😂 we'll keep wearing them for 100 if we are told to

Anything to lengthen dependance on her. Funny how power corrupts.

Shut up Teresa. Swallow your Adam’s apple and go back to sleep. firetam.

Stupid women

what about rise in addiction due to lock downs, domestic violence due to lock downs and restrictions, increase in mental health issues due to lock downs and restrictions, increased suicide due to lost jobs due to lockdowns and restrictions...

VaccinesAreRacist RacistVaccines VaccinesAndRacism Vaccines were invented by white people, administered by white people and are a huge part of the systemic racist policies of the white colonialist patriarchy. Wherever white man went, vaccinations followed, killing millions.


We have to do better at checking on self isolating returning travelers - a fiend back for 6 days and not a peep feom anyone. Does not bode well at all!

..kinda like the flu...

Get HCQ work in Canada 🇨🇦.

I’m telling you, vaccine what will work won’t be ever developed.its impossible to make vaccine for corona viruses.thats harsh reality.sobwhatever will putting to people’s arms won’t be able deal with the virus and will be only a money grab .

Fuckin resign !

CTV corrupt news media ,our corrupt government and corrupt health care, you people are right on track for depopulation. It won't be this fake pandemic that will kill thousands it will be suicide! So thanks all of you for getting 90% of the country depressed.

CPHO_Canada Not if you Resign.

That’s the same Dr. Tam that went on a five minute rant about how masks are completely ineffective and actually pose more of a risk to us, right? Okay. Glad we had that talk CTV

🤦‍♀️Remove the BS Media and these BS government officials = Pandemic Over 🚨 Why does the government give so much (of our tax) money to the media? To report the truth?

Years of socialism?

Almost for my sanity. I need to stop reading your BS.

OMG enough get rid of Trudeau and the man and it will stop

First thing that she got half right since speaking about a virus!

And we all have so much confidence in the queen of flip flop. TrudeauCorruption

Yes we know

Sort of like a perpetual war thing, huh? Sort of like.....1984 PeaceIsWar

I said this third week of January..I am not a doctor ! If nobody saw China go to CODE RED Lock Down ( this is not a drill) response. Then you missed the message!!It was a no brainer that if not stopped at entry points for one month ..it would last a decade or more! I called it

CTV Home of Canadian Fear Porn

Conditioning everyone! All part of the NWO! 🐑🐑🐑🐑 Lets wake up people! 👀👀👀 Dr Theresa Tam is working for WHO following their Plan!

Lies. Tick Tock [TT]

Look at New Zealand. The moment there was no community transmission all restrictions were lifted. Not a day manipulating, fiddling or twisting. That's why they trust their PM. She's honest both ways. This here is becoming painfully transparent attempt to not allow normal life.

Why? Look at the numbers.

Can't believe Tam still didn't resign, like Tedros from WHO. This mess was all their fault. Yet, nobody's gonna be held accountable. I'm starting to think this was actually all their plans.

It's not even at pandemic levels in Canada currently.

Watch the news. Trust the news. Listen to your government. Do as you're told. Be afraid.

Fear mongering! Tam needs to go! 👉🏻

Tam is a CCP asset with zero credibility! TheresaTamResign

Pandemic for years...... 😂😂😂😂😂guess it’s just a regular flu then- build up your immune system and wash your hands

The perpetual plandemic... Didn't see that coming. 🙄

Yet more fear monger from Mr Tam CPHO_Canada Covid is a flu virus. Build immunity & everyone will be fine.

Are people this dumb? Forced vaccines, oh but wait there's more..... Lockdown should persist for years .... Is anyone really buying this shit?

FakeNews CovidHoax

...like all fu*king flus...some more deadly than others We can’t hid under the bed, ignoring that our bodies are made to, eventually, fight all diseases! How the living hell do people think we got here! This is not the Black Plague with a 99% recovery rate! Stop 🛑 now

Ya, its called the SEASONAL FLU


umm actually 10 years right? isn't that how long the contract is for Quebec to make all the Ppe?

You mean Scamdemic . Because the Government reaction to it...just does not make sense.

So is this vaccine useless? Like the flu vaccine?

We cannot keep living in fear for 3-4 years. I would like to see and hear a little more optimism. She says that even if there is a vaccine we are not out of the water?

Of course it will! It's the 'INVINCIBLE VIRUS FROM OUTER SPACE!'

There well be no vaccine it well be a shot just like the flu shot we can get now and be updated every year.

How many times does Tam have to back step on prior false public advice during a PANDEMIC before the media stops publicizing her fear monger opinions as gospel? Why not influence discussion surrounding the specialists risking their careers to display Hydroxychloroquine success?

Go back on vacation tam. Make it permanent.

Well duh!

F that b and f u for this propaganda

Thanks for your service

Kinda like the flu?


Look at the diff between countries using HCQ! 👀 withholding medical treatment options from Canadians is a CrimesAgainstHumanity

Masks and lockdowns really worked out for Peru 😂 firetam

Enough with the lockdowns and hysteria!! Protect the elderly and everyone else back to work. What a society full of crybabies now. Forge on or get the F outta the way!


This is all about control and Power. Hyped by the so-called experts , media, tech and government.

What pandemic?

So no vaccine? That is what you are saying. What would be the point?

That's never happen before a long lasting pandemic like that. The only reason is because you want this to happen and destroy our right and liberty.

It’ll never be enough. Not until we’re all chipped and vaxed up will we be safe. pickuplinesforliberals

Tam said the exact same thing as the WHO did yesterday. 🤔

Tam is a Liberal 🤡 who has no clue what he is talking about in Cdnpoli. Just another liberal monkey on Trudeau's lease.

modern science at its best (worst) keep throwing money at it and it will take even longer

She needs to RESIGN !!!!

Yeah. Shut up.

When has a pandemic ever lasted for years, just nonsense.

Of course it will ! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ no money in the cure ! The money is in the treatment ! bullshitvirus


Tam is an inept and compromised outside influencer and doesnt have the integrity of Canada or Canadians as her priority. She is as trustworthy as our EthicsCaptain JustinTrudeau. Where Politicans break the law and Canadians have NO rule of law! Then we have CTV fake news.

This is how Trudeau has brought in COMMUNISM🤬 FUCKING SHEEPLE

SOUNDS like a flu LIKE every one else we have ever seen.. FK people are dumb

Like colds and flu and myriad other diseases? Ok.

Old flip flop Tam has to put her two cents worth in

Even if they had a vaccine , the drug companies can make more money from treating a virus or disease then coming up with a cure . It will be treated the same way as cancer.

Also Dr. Tam. 'Cases of Covid in Canada will be extremely rare', 'closing borders will make things worse', 'masks are unnecessary'.

Translation: If Trump gets re-elected, it will last for at least another 4 years.

the best joker in canada, get the 'vaccine/drug to fight this epidemic'. MAKE THIS YOUR PRIORITY and quit with the social disconnection!!

No need for a vaccine when Hydroxychloroquine is effective in treating COVID19

LMAO 🤦🏼‍♂️

Does this guy have a clue what he’s talking about

It will exist as long as the people allow themselves to be dictated to by an asinine government, led by a foolish man who doesn't even know what sex he is, giving out nonsense medical advice. For starters, we can move to Sweden's Covid-19 model to get our country moving again...

Even if there's a stupidity drug, libtards may survive for years to come: me.

However long it takes to get total control..

Vaccines don’t guarantee anything. Flu vaccine every year. Viruses mutate. Of course it will be around for a while. Reality is 97% of deaths are over age 60. 91% of deaths over 80. The cost of all this panic is crazy.

PlandemicIsOver ScamdemicIsOver

Then get Living with it NOW! And stop the BS with the FearMasks If you are scared STAY HOME it’s simple. This is no worse than the Flu ChinaVirusHoax Scamdemic

So why bother?

I dont trust CTV 'liberal' news or Dr 'wrong all the time' Tam to tell me anything

Unfortunately its Tam’s Home country that bought us here...Plz ask not to eat too much BAT soup...

TheRoyGreenShow So How is it no one’s paying attention to the opioid overdoses & related death crisis⁉️ Look at the numbers. Seems to me there’s a problem here & yet Covid is where the focus is. opioidcrisis COVID19

Trust her she knows what she's talking about

Then rush the vaccine?

NEWSFLASH the common cold may persist for years

These so called liberal “experts” are pathetic ...

I have not heard one mention of prophylaxis. Tam is not being entirely truthful with the Canadian public because she has not mentioned anything about natural immunity and how to support it. The only thing we hear about is behavioural changes and masking for years....

No in my world Tam

Where dafuq did the knowledgable doctor disappear to for the past 2 months? Suddenly pops up again like a gopher out of nowhere with more doom and gloom.

Pandemic will end if Trump loses election

Again...what’s the point of a vaccine? This literally proves this isn’t about a virus at all...and unless people take their heads out of the sand things will get exponentially worse until we can’t do anything anymore...

It may only last until the Liberals lose power

That Tam guy is just precious!!!!

Our entire government and media are all criminals perpetrating this farce known as COVID19

So the government can keep the emergency powers forever! Yaaaay!🎉

Well,ALL The Governments and Politicians are Following them DUMMIES Trudeau&Trump especially here in B.C. its SICKENING,GREED it's why COVID isn't gonna go away anytime Soon. Shoulda KEPT QUARANTINED Longer,KEPT Businesses CLOSED, NO Planes to B.C.,on island,Less Ferry sailings

Resign Tam


So all this panic and nonsense got 2 more years. Got it 🤦‍♂️

Oh first it was flatten the curve, then it was 2 more weeks, then it was wait for a vaccine, now it’s even with a vaccine it may not go away. This is bullshit. We need to get all these crooks out of office

Bullcrap...there's a 99% survival rate. And there's a treatment. A vaccination is not even necessary. These people have gone past insane. Expose these crooks.

Get ready for JustinTrudeau and fordnation to keep you under lock & key for years to come. Hope you enjoyed your freedoms while you had them

Lol no it won’t ..... just like all other viruses it comes and then goes. She lost all credibility months ago. Stop fear mongering !

Zero credibility!

Absolute nonsense. Don't buy the BS, People. There is no 'pandemic'; however, they are successfully destroying your economy and taking over society in order to transform it into a nightmarish, dystopian hell on earth.

But I thought 2 million people were going to die in Canada alone

I don’t listen to her Toronto doctor much more better

Parroting WHO

Hey everyone.. get and stay as healthy as you can! No one argues that a healthy immune system is the key

Yeah right..... we are now suppose to believe our so called expert who in janurary said risk to Canadians is zero.... she has no credibility like her go to ppl in WHO .....meanwhile or her rich country’s are vying and purchasing vaccines ....


Ohhh.. there is also this problem: it's NOT that the vaccine won't work.. it will.. the problem is that there won't be enough for everybody.. Well, I hope you and the WHO Organization will be the last to take it and leave it for the youngest and more important people than you!

CBC has to keep the bad news coming so people will click on their stories.

What are we going to do when COVID-19 mutates into COVID-20 next fall?🤔

Pfffft She might as well be a weather lady.

So, basically, the message of this.... person and her WHO pals is that, no matter what we do, this virus is going to get us ... so, what's the point to be careful then, right? Given this idiotic statements? You are creating more damage to the world than the virus itself!

She has been wrong several times before.

Scamdemic is dead the moment people decide it is. Her *opnion* is worthless.

Dr Tam DVM

What pandemic?

or for as long as Trudeau is PM.

Anyone not seeing the vaccine is not going to do s*t to stop this 'virus' and still would get it, is totally in eternal sleep...

It's the flu, you donkey.

I'm not sure she knows what the definition of a vaccine is then.

😔a sad new reality

WHY would we believe this firetam fountain of misinformation 'do not wear a mask' 'asymptomatic cannot spread the disease' PATHETIC

It’s a communist revolution, sunny ways comrades....👌

Looks like ChineseVirus has screwed us for life long 😡 Not too far there will be a million death from Chinese Virus! CBCNews

The chynnesss Communist party agenda



A coronavirus is a type of common virus that can infect your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. They can spread much like cold viruses. Almost everyone gets a coronavirus infection at least once in their life. Just put novel in front to scare people who don't do any research.

Why are we listening to this communist cunt?

Ya think

As long as there's a vaccine who cares. It sucks to be an antivaxer.

The COVID-19 'Pandemic'

Just wait for symptoms to be over. As easy as anything else.

This is the truist shit she's he's said. 😂

Like a bad flu that goes around - most get mildly sick, a few quite sick, and for a tiny minority - typically with other serious health ailments - it may be fatal. Stop the fear-mongering & misinformation - “Pandemic”, “second wave”, “flatten the curve” - Your credibly is gone!

Don’t trust her at all

Stupid article titles by the CTV. If you actually read the article, it sheds more light. Gosh, the more days go by, the more I dislike the dramatic journalism during these times.

I thought Trudeau got rid of her and replaced her with this...

This BS is getting out of control. Now, even with a vaccine we are still under the Covid thumb?!? This fear mongering is getting out of control.

Oh hell no

Vaccines over cures (despite being achievable), because there's billions to be made by pharmaceutical companies . Government won't step in.

I'm so busy now No time for Tam

This is true Dr. Tam is right.

If this is a pandemic then I'd hate to see an ELE.

Where is her burka/mask?

And believe her why

MSMIsTheEnemyOfThePeople Will be held to account for their part in the LIES and DECEPTION. The silencing of the TruthTellers CrimesAgainstHumanity on a massive scale..

I don't like the look of this. The govt is trying to control the population indefinitely now. Expect daily covid statistics forever, while ignoring every other death statistics. Absurd.

Not if we’re all inoculated and immune

OR you could do a news story on the real data and stop fear mongering with your fearporn

...always a stream of sunshine ain't she

A happy little thought from ms sunshine

Not sure about that. The Spanish flu was much more deadly killing 50 to 100 million and it was gone in over a year

You already lost your credit! Go back to medical school to update your knowledge! Plus, need to find your consciousness back first!

I mean surely, the virus won't be as dangerous with a vaccine. The flu kills about 3500 Cdns yearly, and doesn't make news.

realDonaldTrump WhiteHouse While the World Watches you clean out the DeepStateExposed SaveTheChildrenWorldWide DrugCabal It's TIME that you took down the 6 corporations who own the MSMIsTheEnemyOfThePeople feeding Lies and Misinformation to the ppl of the Globe.

Why because all the people won't take the vaccine.


Hey fake news if you want us to believe your fear porn you're going to have to drag up some 'experts' whose credibility isn't completely shot.

Yes, until starting with small and big businesses collapsing as planed the big economically collaps!!! 🤬🤬🤬 right?!!!

We are your slave masters now! If you don’t follow what we say, will take your finances away, oh and down load this app so we know who is hanging around who. So if anything happens we can take you all in, with out a hard investigation! onderhiseye

A dream come true for CPHO_Canada. Perpetual economic lockdown and star status on .

What the hell kinda fearmongering bullshit is that to say ..

Till China unleashed the next pandemic 🙄

So what do we do? Stay home rest of our lives?

GODDAMMIT. So what will end the pandemic if not a vaccine?

wow shocker. cant eliminate cold or flu either why would this be different.

Get rid of her shes nothing but fear mongering She lies or exaggerates to push her point of view DO NOT TRUST ANY THING SHE SAYS Yes someday the sky might fall but not today

Well, the comments section appears to be a fetid swamp of disgusting human beings.

Look at cdnpoli use covid19 as a way to cripple economy by stoking [unwarranted?] fear? How different are death rates than flu? What about moralities in general? Dividing the PPL to distract PPL from cdnpoli global socialist dictatorship plan?canada

What a load of crap.

Garbage. Just garbage. Please someone tell this woman she’s fired! Paid by China to continue to use scare tactics against the public. She has no idea what she’s talking about anymore. Freaking clueless!

So like the flu or common cold ... wear them masks 😂😅😂😅

even after she says this, people will still die for the vaccine lol. so funny how stupid people are, especially the boomers, they listen to everything there god the government tells them to do lol

Dr. Tam could really use the support of more mental health professionals in communicating her message. This is not a helpful .

Keep the fear mongering up

Vaccine? who want to go first?

Just like a flu to act that way!

Thanks captain obvious


The fear mongering to keep up government control continues.

Let’s first work on a vaccine then decide what happens next.

Then what’s the point of a vaccine? Seriously people critical thinking and judgement is needed now...

I’ve tuned her out ever since she recommended against closing the borders to Asia & Europe to our government 👎🏾

No tests for me. No tracking apps. No Chinese military vaccines. I am young and healthy enough to survive the illness. I can wait another 2 or 3 decades for a safe Canadian made vaccine to be developed. Quarantine the weak and frail, wear a mask around the elderly. Keep living.

Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Dr. Fauci will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine and Owns Half the Patent

Out to mention the vaccine will kill more people then the virus. In trials, 6 people have already been killed by the vaccine. Others were injured . In that was in healthy people. Just wait until diabetics and seniors get it. A vaccine disaster.

thats what Trump said

That's why JustinTrudeau theJagmeetSingh should look at making a BasicIncome GLI so that everyone including those with a disability are taken care of and needs met ! None of this is our fault. COVID19Ontario

mitchel_susan Isn't the LCBO rich enough already? I've put 5 senior mgmt children through Harvard.

I do not wish to live like this in an ongoing pandemic.

When is it not a pandemic?


What they call 'pandemic' is actually government policies that are willfully enforced.

rachaiello I am among many starting to accept this reality, Doctor Tam.

Fear mongering from Dr Chopstick

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