Why Joe Biden is exactly the right man to mend America

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Perspective: Joe Biden's calm but firm response to the attack on the Capitol is the leadership that most Americans want. At this moment, it is what America needs | JoeHockey

America is used to political disruption. It’s an enormous country that was born out of a revolutionary war and was indelibly scarred by a horrific civil war that tore its people apart. Interestingly, the biggest external threats to the United States over the past 50 years, Russia and China, have endured very similar histories – revolutionary war followed by a brutal civil conflict. However, the parallels end when it comes to managing civil unrest.

Biden knows how good government works. He knows that each member of Congress has their own constituency to worry about, a party to preserve and skin in the game. He’ll court and lean on members when he needs to get things done, but he’ll do it by deploying the legislative and political savvy he’s so well known for. He has a history of working across the aisle.

On the international front, Biden will be a traditionalist. He will rejoin the World Health Organisation, empower the World Trade Organisation and he will refocus on the value of allies. His support for Bretton Woods institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank will be much appreciated. America will become more predictable.


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JoeHockey Perspective: Joe Biden offers an insight in to an addled mind sliding steadily towards dementia.

JoeHockey Imagine if they had someone who was in there say 50’s or 60’s

JoeHockey Irrelevant and hypocritical Trump acolyte says what?

JoeHockey Must take some serious mental gymnastics to ignore the blatant hipocrisy. cancelfairfax ThisIsNotJournalism

JoeHockey Good old Sloppy Joe - Australia’s biggest leaner- finally works out where his bread is now buttered. This sycophantic grovel to Biden, after Joe has quickly detached his head from his hero Trump’s arse, is classic Hockey toadyism 🤮

JoeHockey JoeHockey My God! What a hypocrite - a month ago he was crying ELECTION FRAUD for his buddy Trump! Masively harming Australia's relationship with the new administration in the process. Can't believe someone so incompetent, gets to represent Australian interests the USA auspol

JoeHockey Can you hear that noise ? It’s China over taking US economy on Biden’s watch ?

JoeHockey I'm embarrassed that I'm paying Nine Entertainment to provide a platform to grifters like Hockey to spout such insincere hypocrisy.

JoeHockey Ol both sides Joe Hockey can get fucked like the out of depth leaner he is. The only reason he got an ambassador post is because he couldnt balance a household budget and the guvmint was concerned for his Eleventy family.

JoeHockey Calm- because he doesn’t know what’s going on. This is abuse

JoeHockey Geez, you guys have short memories.

JoeHockey Please stop it. He can barely get through a speech someone else has written for him and always seems confused. Embarrassed for you smh.

JoeHockey As long as his age & memory don't hamper the progress.

JoeHockey Obviously you are not familiar with Biden's political past. There is nothing decent about Joe Biden. Do a little research Joe Hockey before you attach your name to such mindless nonsense.

JoeHockey wall off the capital deploy 60k soldiers looks like a military coup as Pelosi walks the ranks vet the troops and remove conservative ones Only soldiers loyal to Biden allowed possible new patriot act in the works targeting trump supp- whoops, I mean, 'Domestic Terrorism'

JoeHockey You were quite firmly, team ‘make America great again’ Joe.. very vocal right into the election Trump was your man..total backflip. Why write this piece? No credibility at all.

JoeHockey I’m gonna struggle with the way the media are gonna mooch the fuck out of this admin. Cringe to the max tongue in ass non stop. Eww

JoeHockey Joe Hockey - slimeball.

JoeHockey JoeHockey can it. Your opinion here is BS. To late to pretend you care. You’re the last person to comment on what true leadership is. Look at your buddy Scotty

JoeHockey This you, boo?

JoeHockey Hahahaha... this is comedy at its best

JoeHockey What a crock of shyte. That's pure propaganda JoeHockey

JoeHockey It looks like you are dying, you are not fit and healthy in mind to be the president of USA.




JoeHockey Joe Hockey ? The useless cigar smoking treasurer Joe Hockey ? Oh please 🤣

JoeHockey Biden is trash 🗑

JoeHockey Same paper consistent

JoeHockey Week you know if Joe Hockey said that, we'd better have it checked. And consistency if not his long suit SloppyJoe EleventyBoy

JoeHockey He probably doesn't remember it!

JoeHockey It’s going to be a hard task for Biden as Trump is not going stay quiet!

JoeHockey Calm but firm? Bro he deployed 25000 troops, more than total troops deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq combined because some clowns walked into a building. The only thing he hasn't deployed are missile defence systems, probably because the military objected.

JoeHockey Didn’t Hockey say that there was widespread election fraud? This is quite the backflip

JoeHockey Are you fucking kidding me? Why in god's name would anyone want to hear what Joe hockey has to say?

JoeHockey Diversity is an American President with Dementia


JoeHockey More globalist BS from a Globalist rag! Lies and propaganda BS! Dontbuyit, Defund

JoeHockey He's only calm because his plan is working.


JoeHockey The guy who wrote the Crime bill and the Bankruptcy bill, voted for the Iraq war and bailed out the banks in 08 is definitely the man for the job !

JoeHockey 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

JoeHockey His senility is what they are going to get

JoeHockey What 'most' Americans want? Let's see your research. ThisisNotJournalism

JoeHockey Very funny Newpaper SMH, and ABC alike.

JoeHockey Lol - Joe hockey wanted the votes recounted ! What a loser

JoeHockey Doubt it...



JoeHockey Thanks, Sydney. I'm sure you know best what America wants or needs. How is that SCOMO thing going?



JoeHockey Let the hero worshiping begin. (oh don't mention the rampant economic neoliberalism that has gutted US industry, wages pitifully low & a devastated the blue collar heartland, not to mention the expensive wasteful private health industry that excludes millions) Joe assisted that

JoeHockey Of course he’s calm.....he does know it happened.

JoeHockey Dammit. If Eleventy Hockey likes him, that means I can't.

JoeHockey In all seriousness , what are corrupt, demented pedo's good at mending?

JoeHockey Is there a person alive wondering 'what does Joe Hockey think?'

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