Why Australian white supremacists and neo-Nazis are 'delighted' with the coronavirus outbreak

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Why Australian white supremacists and neo-Nazis are 'delighted' with the coronavirus outbreak.

As global disinformation and conspiracy theories around coronavirus are on the rise, some in the far-right in Australia have welcomed the virus as a means of achieving political objectives.

“Accelerationism is a strategy to achieve their ideology. They believe you need to capitalise on social unrest and destabilise the state. Turn people against each other and rupture community cohesion,” she said.“Quite a bit of chatter online is increasingly looking at this as a way to achieve ideological goals. COVID is very much being exploited by that.

These posts have been seen by SBS News and include material blaming Asian-Australians for the virus and calling for an end to multiculturalism.


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Remember Cronulla when normal white people portrayed by the media as extremists. Media is NOT part of the 99%

Patriotic Australians have had their nationalistic leanings thoroughly vindicated. We were right to be apprehensive of large numbers of foreigners flooding into the country. Consider this, if western nations were more 'racist', hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved

Ffs really? 🤣

SBS = Delusion

So, it must have been the Chinese White Supremacists who created the virus and helped spread it around the world?! I think SBS is onto something. How come ABC hasn’t thought of that?


Yea when whites thinks and says about themselves are termed neo nazis in divershitty infested white countries!

Funny that the Nazis fly Aussie flags - what fake rubbish are SBS up too ? Greens fly no Aussie flags ! You Aussies must be the worst, self loathing bunch that I have come across,take your country back fro the two headed Liberal/Labour snake ! Oops - who replaces them ?

What a load of shit.

A non White Australia is like a non White Germany or Sweden, or a non Chinese China, it doesn't and cannot exist. A state is nothing more than the manifestation of its people, remove or replace the people and what you have left is nothing but an empty shell

This is bullshit. I reckon you'd find about 10 in the whole of Australia if you looked hard.

More antiwhite hatred from the sbs.

You’ve failed to mention the Extinction Rebellion, their manifesto includes population control.

Idle boasts by a bunch of keyboard warriors. Until they're in any position of power in society, they're not a real threat.

Hmmmm that seemed balanced

You really need to proof read your tweets 1st. It's the Left who are delighted with the ChinaVirus Specifically the Greens & their minions who are foaming at the mouth at the thought they could force Socialism & their Green New Deal on Australia

We see your symbolism, stop spreading lies to each other, stop fake news

PeterDutton_MP JimMolan macsween_prue kelliekelly23 mirandadevine SkyNewsAust rowandean You are FAKE News SBS

The situation we find ourselves in has been excellent in exposing the corrupt totalitarian media and politicians for what they are.. The enemy of the people. Stop trying to divide us SCUM

SBS must be antifa’s beatch.

What a trashy left wing “news and propaganda channel” And we all have to pay for this utter brainwashing crap 🤬

Round em all up and up against a wall, just like the allies did to every SS Nazi they captured😡

But where are the Nazis?

I wonder how much hard earned tax payers dollars went to fund this “article”? defundsbs

Your article sounds like it was written by Antifa. Your sources are mostly anonymous.

Hands off the flag, commies

Edmund Barton was right.

Now do a story on the increase in black crime gangs and foreign Chinese infiltration into Australia... I take it is too woke and/or corrupt for this...

It’s more the backward violent cultures that we want to keep out. They just all happen to be non european...

Frightening what some people get up to in times like these

SBS is a disgrace. Go pedal your inflammatory hatred elsewhere. Australia has had enough

SBS publish an entire article based off the 'research' of anonymous anarchists from Melbourne and Brisbane. Thats not worth our taxes guys.

And, knowing the mental capacity of most of these idiots, they'll be the ones who'll most likely catch and spread the virus. Hopefully, it'll thin the herd before they can do too much damage. If it does, let's see how 'delighted' they'll be, then.

People with Australian flags versus Antifa who support communism and the CCP.

They’re not the only ones...

....lot of publicity for so few. What about ANTIFA , this right down their alley as well

Beware. Paid CCP propaganda piece.

What a biased ridiculous article

Australian media using far-right retards as an excuse to kill any intellectual discussions about origins of COVID19, vaccines and big pharma, 5G and Starlink - all of which pollute the planet and humanity.

Wonder what Dutton’s opinion of them is. By staying quiet he is making a statement where he stands.. That is concerning.

So people who are for limiting immigration are neo-nazi white supremacists? Accelerationists are neo-nazi white supremacists? What about left accelerationists? Also, the proud boys are center right. Why label a group full of race-mixers and homosexuals as being far right? lol.

SBS attacking Australian culture and claiming Australians are white supremicists and racists. Paid for by taxpayers, doing the bidding of the Chinese.

A picture of an Australian Flag and some people.... all of a sudden they're White supremacists and nazi lefties? This is just hate driven and divisive garble!!

PSA warning: Reading this article will make you dumber.


FakeNews EnemyOfThePeople

You idiots. 🤪🤦‍♀️

Disgraceful. You should be ashamed of yourself. Perhaps defunding may 'curb your enthusiasm' for stirring up hate & trying to divide Australians.

Lol “researcher” that uses a pseudonym

Utter leftie rubbish


LOL “A far-right researcher, who goes by the pseudonym Andy Fleming” ie anonymous & unverified


Why are you calling all white Australian neo-Nazis I find that so racist that you think I'm a neo-Nazis because I'm white you are stereotyping me and I find that offensive. TwitterSafety

The cheque from the C.C.P. Is in the mail 🙄

For future reference, can you explain which method you use for spotting ‘white supremacists’ and ‘neo- nazis’ in amongst ordinary people... it would be really helpful 👍🏻

This is such a rediculous tweet and totally untrue. One of the reasons I do not watch SBS anymore


Why won't you tell us what the left extremists are doing? Your mates at ANTIFA? You wouldn't even need to ask a researcher, just ask the lunatics around the staff room. If the far right was as involved in society as the far left SBS would lose their collective minds.

Seriously This is what you waste my taxpayer dollars on? What a pile of journalistic slop. The quicker theirABC and SBS gets defunded the better. Stop wasting over a $billion a year on this worthless garbage.

Don’t be an idiot. Australia is allowed to have their own culture and sovereignty. We don’t need to be overrun by those forcing their culture on us. Besides, they don’t assimilate. JarniBlakkarly

I never met a white supremacist or a neo-Nazi. How many are they in Australia?

SBS if you can't ever promote Australia you should not rxist. Sick of whinging Anti Australians

Stop with your racebait, clickbait, virtuesignalling, bullshit! auspol

Disgraceful propaganda and lies! ScottMorrisonMP why hasn't this evil lunatic dystopian mob been shut down?

Be careful. SBS have a 'big Australia' policy. This is why they have pushed in ABC woth stories supporting a significantly larger Australian population. What if the headlines were 'Muslims.. Brown people..Chinese.. Indians' etc. There would have been cries of racism.

As a 'white supremacist' i would like to thank the coronavirus for keeping non-whites out of our beautiful white country. Also great truthful article SBS and 'Make Australia White Again'

What, in your opinion SBS, is a white supremacist or a neo nazis? In my opinion, I would align CovID-19 lockdown with socialism and communism. In my opinion, funding SBS is a waste of taxpayers money.

SBS are eternally confused. It's actually the leftist parasites who are rejoicing in the economy falling apart. The easy road to Socialism, so they think.

Is this news or opinion? I’ve never actually met one. but I’ve certainly read Osman Faruqi’s racist anti-white comments on Twitter.

This race hustling network should be de-funded.

When is Morrison selling the ABC and SBS? we need the money? This sort of lying is unacceptable and is an attempt to divide society into left and right. Look at the USA. That went down well. Do we want that?

So 7 Australian people will be delighted, andcthey deserve a whole article, why?


What garbage! There so few of these numbnuts around they could meet in a phone box! For those of you who don’t know what a phone box is!

LOL - SBS showing that just because you have paperwork from a Uni, still doesn’t stop you being a complete bunt! Embarrassing!

Why do you publish this garbage?

Why would you write this crap?

Race baiting bordering racism DefundSBS

I’m not white. I support BoycottChineseProducts

Author of artice - twitter account Look at his BIO Reporter for Melbourne via Malaysia. Previously ABC, Al Jazeera, Reuters. Views own. jarni.blakkarlysbs.com.au or Wicker: stleonards123

We are sick of these rag heads and gooks coming here no more. Good on them for sticking up for white rights.

SBS must be really after some clicks

The headline is provocative enough but the main feature of the photo is the Australian flag. The connection being intentionally made here is wicked.

“We are seeing yoga mums talking about setting fire to 5G towers … I wish I was joking” I really hope ASIO can stop these yoga mum accelerationists.

I am yet to see a Neo Nazi or white supremacist, the only ones the left wing media are obsessed with is people like a few fake facebook trolls

White supremacy? Stop race baiting SBS. Skin colour has nothing to do with it. However, idiotic ideologies being pushed onto Australians has everything to do with it. Don’t call yourselves journalists if you’re pushing an agenda.


Is it possible that there might be any downside at all to immigration There is an inability of both sides to have a discussion around rapid population growth because one side just says racism and platitudes and the other loves cheap labour and false economic growth

Until, of course, it affects THEIR family. SpinelessGitz

StefArmbruster That is sickening.

The virus does show the world the true character of China.

Not sure were this take place but as an Australian citizen I would love to join to expose the race baiters.. What's wrong with wanting to stand up for a country that saved my family and many others alike. A country that has saved many even after what their ancestors did.

Only good Nazi is one that is no longer alive.

You are spreading the word far more than they are. Stop reporting this crap from a few mindless deadshits who dont deserve even thinking about. The vast majority of Australians do not behave in this manner.

No one is as “delighted” with the current pandemic as China, don’t you worry SBS.

Interesting, as a minorityrights officer I am observing significant increases in AntiGermanic sentiment and racism. Individuals and politicians blaming German speaking countries and people for everything from the outbreak, to deliberately killing people etc. COVID19

Why even report on them.

The article is far fetched at best

They're welcoming the virus? 😂 Let's hope that they all get the virus!!

Can't these fvckers crawl back under their rocks and stay there

The land of Australian belongs to Indigenous people ,the white supremacist have no good reason to ask other race out anyway.

They’re all trash

The country should unifying & show their contempt to the true cause of this suffering. Politicians Don't blame any minorities

More SBS Journalist shit don't they love to stir the pot ...and we pay for this bunch. Time to shut it down..

Do you ever think you might be wrong and that diversity is actually really stupid?

Because they are very stupid!

China has been buying out our country for long time, we need to stop it asap otherwise you won't even be able to freely write this article. ANZAC Day is coming up, we as a nation need to have a good think about what we are and what we are going to be moving forward!

Wait What. There seems to be very little to this article. What sources? What people? The Chinese regime has such huge and extensive human rights violations and is pushing their 5G huwaei onto democracies across the world. Criticism of the Chinese Communist Party is not racism.

Your right wing researching needs to find a new profession. Poorly poorly reported. 9/11 conspiracy is a hell of a lot different to big foot conspiracy in that one has a pile of facts as high as building 7 and the other has never been seen. Conspiracy theory is a vague statement

Should deport these kind as soon as can ship them out. They giving white people bad name and are as bad as all those others that generalise whole race by a few bad eggs.

Strange SBS I thought you Leftists would be delighted too, innit?

Don’t have to be a white nazi to be glad of less Chinese nationals infiltrating Australia . After all it was Chinese that hoarded and sent our precious essential supplies over to China at the start of the crisis .

Herd immunity in action

Oh please SBS. A handful of fools make online posts and you report as though there’s a whole racist movement building. Just stop.

No need to read the story. Fuck SBS.

ALL Extremists left, right, nature or religious are all mentally ill. And should get help or be locked up!

Good old race baiting sbs. In my 50+ years in Australia the only racists I have met were the ones who could not shut up about race. The garden variety Lefty Flog.


When has patriotism ever been a dirty word

Both the far left and the far right love it. The far right see it as an opportunity to strop immigration and alienate Australian-Chinese. The far left are revelling in millions being out of work and forced onto a government mandated universal wage.

I love how you clowns think anyone who’s a proud Aussie is a racist.

Thoughts and Prayers everyone. There is that Ra/upture word again. “Accelerationism is a strategy to achieve their ideology. They believe you need to capitalise on social unrest and destabilise the state. Turn people against each other and rupture community cohesion,” she said.


Disgraceful. I believe the vast majority of good Australians will agree and find racism and hate completely unacceptable.

Utter race-baiting rubbish. Give us a tax refund please

What are they going to do when the doctor attending them at hospital b/c they stupidly exposed themselves to CV-19 turns out to be Muslim or Asian?

Let them all out to protest. FREEDOM!!!! I say.

More likely communists as people get paid more for not working

Extremists love crisis

United States fascism coming to Australia...

It's because they are morons, isn't it?

Why even report it? clickbait

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