What Melbourne's violent protests reveal about the far-right's recruiting capabilities

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OPINION: What Melbourne's violent protests reveal about the far-right's recruiting capabilities

Scenes of protesters clad in hi-vis jackets and shouting anti-vaccination slogans have dominated the news this week.reported: "Some of those gathered held a banner reading 'freedom', while others sang the national anthem and chanted 'f*** the jab'."

These images may shock some but for researchers like me — who research far-right nationalist and conspiracy movements, and explore the online spaces where these people organise — these scenes came as no real surprise. They appear to have found fertile ground particularly among men who feel alienated, fearful about their employment and who spend a lot of time at home scrolling social media and encrypted messaging apps.It's important to see what's occurring with these protests as part of a continuum rather than a series of unrelated incidents. This week's protests are related to anti-lockdown protests held in 2020, and earlier this year.


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The rightwing in Australia copies the rightwing in the UnitedStatesOfAmnesia and produces an AusFailure in Victoria.

This is the 'NEW POLICE TACTICS!' No wonder Aus citizens are angry! You SM, PM let the virus in, didn't stop it coming into Aus, no proper quarenteen centres built, then your Premier's of each state lock everyone down as punishment. Lost jobs, (no pay cuts to your salary!)

Far right or far left are nothing but cancer to any country .

Recruiting capabilities of the far-left are much bigger problem as demonstrated by makup of the ABC!

With the help of Leigh Sales.

And yet, ABC journalists are themselves sometimes no small part of this misinformation, distortion or factual omission. Blindsiding people expecting to provide information from their expertise on other matters by asking their opinion on “the scenes in Melb” at best awkward.

Not sure what relevance the empty bread tray? Perhaps that is what is meant by “giving them one in the bread basket”

So.these are violent yet others were FIERY BUT MOSTLY PEACEFUL? Abc how bout you take 3 steps back and GFYS

MSMWatchdog2013 How close is the trending far right movement in Aust to the US's 2020-21 MAGA movement and also, as in the US, how much influence does the Murdoch media and its like, have in facilitating this ugliness? auspol

the abc is just as guilty as the murdoch media for inciting and enabling these right wing terrorists. shame on you.

If expects press freedom. Please, stop marginaliseing everyday Australians with unbalanced reporting. Do you really know how any of the people voted? i feel the ABC's openly hostile generalisations are becoming increasingly harmful to our people and nation. withMEAA


Journalism is a joke of a profession

So just the right want freedom . What fake news this is pure Liberal nonsense

🤦🏼‍♀️try being truthful for once.

Stop it with the fake headlines! Try doing actual journalism by interviewing the construction workers (who vote labour) and asking them what's happening in their lives. Challenge your ideology and propaganda

I guess the far right is freaking awesome after all

If far right is not wanting to be locked in your home or put in there new concentration camps I guess I’m far right!

Wow it’s a shame you can never tell the truth is it ,no wonder the live feeds get 60,000 views to MSM get 3,200 …where the truth lies 🙌 media and police behaviour is disgraceful ..


do your own construction then...pearlclutchers

What about the BLM protests in NYC over patrons being kicked out of a restaurant because of vaccine restrictions. Is BLM now a “far right” organization?

How fast does a lie travel? A lie will gallop halfway round the world, before the truth has time to pull its brakes. This post by the ABC demonstrates a willingness to participate in disinformation.

OPINION: What the ABC's opinion pieces reveal about the CCP's recruiting capabilities

Disgusting behaviour.

ABC et al, always on about the 'Far Right' and the danger to Australia. But it's always vague info. What are we talking- dozens, hundreds, thousands of neo nazis and nationalists. Either come up with some credible reporting, or stop the bullshit!

How in whats good in this world can people support mandatory vaccination? Whats next? If the government makes it,will you all drink the cool-aid? Wake up!!!

PanzerShock '....and why it's a good thing'

If the media doesn’t like something they will call them far right. How much are you willing to bet if these tradies called themselves Black Lives Matter protestors the media would be giving shining praise

More CRAP from ABC , always the' far right' to fit the narrative, forgot the fact media helicopters were banned in a democratic society because 'tactical threat' in a protest against totalitarianism! Welcome to the police state VICTORIA!! FreeAustralia

So true. Let's just support the system in shutting down dissent.

Far right? More like far left and all conspiracy theorists. To bring the diggers into this is appalling, lowest of the human species, that’s all I can say.

“that there is a cabal of politicians and elites who are oppressing you” This was the ideology of the left until 3 months ago

They’re recruiting from their Herald Sun reader base. This is not rocket science. DISCLAIMER:*Not that the Herald Sun folks understand science*

…and at the Shrine of Remembrance they gather. Battle weary, and remembering their lost brothers who were shot (vaccinated), as they roil and measure their worth beside a shrine that remembers real men and women who fought for the greater good.

These people obviously have a death wish.

Yet no evidence at all they're right wing 'Nazis'.

Article is a classic example of the gulf between the values of ordinary working people and the West's political class. Concerns about endless lockdown, government overreach, employment linked to forced medical procedures, all glibly dismissed as 'far-right' auspol CovidVic

Pretty sure you can stop referring to them as protestors

100s of Construction workers have been coming and going through Southern Cross station EVERYDAY of the pandemic… NOT wearing masks NOT socially distancing NOT paying for their train trips In midst of fake tradie narrative, remember they spread the virus!

OPINION: How 4channers caused a magnitude six earthquake.

Nice try ABC 😅

Fascinating article with absolutely no evidence to support any of the bold claims. If this is what passes as journalism at the ABC, it is time to DefundTheABC

Far right union members? Is that possible?

This is the biggest load of bollocks I've read throughout the whole pandemic.

Crowd just look like angry young white men that are also scared on a needle.

The ABC is unwatchable pro-establishment brainwashing. Amazing how people who just want to live their lives without overbearing government intrusion are now branded “far-right. You really are a state broadcaster now, no longer a public broadcaster, ABC. auspol

If the 'far right' are recruiting so well what does it say about you lot?

So none of the ABC have spoken to any of the protesters. All speculation

Shame on ABC for reporting like this, these are just angry citizens who want their rights and freedoms back What is your source the protesters are far-right and anti-vaxxers ?, did you spoke to them ? Or do you simple believe what the Union told you ?

Must be an election coming up and Murdoch terrified that the ALP might win is in overdrive. The usual election propaganda, Refugees, Border Security, Drums of War with China, Union bashing, anti-vaxxer... everything that is dear to the heart of Australians.

So going against a police-state (usually something attributed to being in a 'far-right' society) is now far-right?

Far right = anti-imprisonment of a once free “western” country. OK. I’m fine with that.

Except it isn't.

The real article you guys aren't writing is about the fact the feds are sitting on their hands or blaming the union. I remember Vicpol had no problems beating the shit out of the greens protest 2 years back. Birds of a feather and ASIO warned us about this shit.

Something, something conspiracy theory. The ABC like many MSM outlets has 2 take its fair share of responsibility for driving ppl to often dubious sources of information. Pieces like this continue the slide in credibility & trust. I've resorted to Al Jazeera

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Absolutely nothing - What a joke ABC has become - Marxist media on my dime defundtheabc

Lol, wut planet are you on

Yep, extremists once again taking over issues so as they can practice their lies and violence

The organiser of the protests discussed the “Jewish Question” Australia has actual fascists with help from the media, not least the “both sides” abcnews, organising the anti-vaxers into street thugs. We need to respond to this SERIOUS threat, not puff pieces of nothing.

How's julian asarge or how about the new laws past allowing foreign police and troops on our soil to do so called police work with impunity to prosecution or senate inquiry into innervation a senator showed peer reviewed uni research papers stating they can kill covid easy

LOOOOOOL!!!!! nAzIs everywhere !!!

According to ABC: 'Far right' protests - BAD Left wing protests - GOOD Hang on, I thought freedom was a strong value of the left ... 🤔

Obviously being ANGRY and AGGRESSIVE at a PEACEFUL protest is okay according to this lawless mob. We will need a lot of help if there is something really serious to protest about!!!!

Anyone that doesn't agree w branch covidians is now far right 🥴

ABC failing at journalism again. They're not far right, I don't even think politics plays into this other than these people are tired of the lockdowns, and they're scared of the vaccine. I get it, I am too, but I'm not about to go out and protest, and I got my vaccinations.

Sally McManus, describes the protests as being ‘right-wing extremists’? Good to know that Sally is now an expert on such matters, as is the author of the article because, they have spent time online stalking and lurking in online forums. Investigative journalism these days? 😳

Genuine question, ABC. Do you spin lies because you’re funded by government? There’s over 55,000 people watching the protest now & independent media are speaking to the people there. They aren’t far right. They’re everyday Victorians Melbourne CovidVictoria unity HumanRights

Right wing? They are no wing at all ffs

Right winged sooks 🤣😂 Healthcare workers shit all over these minority sooks

Facts! The majority where trade workers, whether their right wing, left or centre what difference does it make as that's not why their protesting.

The guy actually suggests some solutions, thank you. Still using anti-vaxxers, far-right & conspiracy theorists buzz words to reduce differing opinions to dismissable groups. TRY TO UNDERSTAND, NOT JUST RIDICULE. It's subtle & requires more work, that's what journalists do right?

Ha - I read that too fast. At first I thought it said 'librarians' :)

The far right is a small but organized and cohesive group that manipulates gullible people.

Organisers should screen attendees or face charges! VictorianCHO VictoriaPolice 9NewsAUS COVID19 antivaxxers extremists

Sadly it appears there are a lot of angry selfish young men in our communities who are just itching to participate in a fight, a revolt, a war.

It's really not this complicated. People's ability to pay rent was taken away on the basis of refusing to undergo a medical procedure which has twice the chance of killing them than the virus it's in response to. How many Alex Jones vids they watched has nothing to do with it.

Another far right extremist!

If you don't want the government to take away your income because you didn't wanna take experimental vaccines which according the PM was not supposed to be mandatory, you must be a far-right Nazi sympathizer?

Being played by XRW groups’ opportunistic planned agenda. This is what they do.

Linking any protest that disrupts the elite to far right politics is irresponsible and inaccurate. There may be extremist elements in any protest. You will find them in XR and BLM too. Focus on the loss of trust in power that is sweeping the world right now. There is your story.


Disgraceful midday report in the matter. Tell the story. Don't include your own bias narrative. No respect for journalists anymore.

Many have been warning of this for decades. Fact is, like the COALition Govt, extremists have found an audience of bullies who are always looking for somebody/anybody to blame. They see Lib MPs get away with it why not them. Independent media have written about this but ignored

There are no far right extremists in the melbourneprotests, just rank and file members of CFMEU. sallymcmanus, billshortenmp and others are desperately trying to spin a false flag conspiracy theory to obscure the fact that DanielAndrewsMP has lost the support of unionists.

Dominated the news? Yer nah. So what did it reveal. Ohh you don't know? Just thought you would throw a headline up. Get a real job

Yeah, nah. Today school staff were given 4 weeks to get their 1st vax. Last week construction was given 1 week and no heads up. Anyone with any insight into the industry could tell you it was a recipe for disaster, poor management, comms and planning on government behalf

ABC once again spreading disinformation…..


Why is ABC lying about the protests? When people that don't want vaxmandates and the right to Protest their BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS are being called EXTREME RIGHT WING. Then you know who the ABC is funded and supported by. Truly repulsive. ABCNews Melbourne melbourneprotests

Half the blokes there are lefter than ghandi.

Where is the lie?

More drivel from the ABC.

Pretty good - if you believe this tosh…

Not sure, in saying that it doesn't make sense, the far right would want everyone to know these are their protests. Even if true, the far right joined with construction workers is still a small minority. I don't get why the Authorities don't arrest them all?

lets blame the far right! fer fucks sake, people are sick to fucking death of these lockdowns which are only the result of governments around the country completely mismanaging all aspects of the pandemic. it is past time to say NO, to the failures of government.

What an absolute trash piece of “journalism”. Please tweet more ABC News

Scary. I’m worried about melbourne now and into the future.

Interesting spin. I see unemployed workers, failed by an institution established to protect their rights.

Lol unionists are now far right? 🤪

Nonsense. I saw my neighbours (stood down tradies) go to the protest.

With zero evidence the ABC project's its opinion onto us to protect its puppet masters in Labor which are controlled by the CFMEU

Wanting their freedom back doesn't make them right wing.

Where'd you go to school,mate? Unions are socialist. Police, firing rubber bullets on peaceful protestors and real journalists is fascist.

Bahahahaha calling them far right now.

What's with the live helicopters following 20 neonazi antivax bogans around Melbourne? Do Scottys state media do free advertising for his base now?

All its revealed is our premieres are excited about this like its their plans coming together. None of the premieres sound or appear like they want peace or to get along, their fighting each other even! The premieres appear like they're working for Taliban

Brown shirts under the bed. Apparently if you disagree with the liberal elites & their far left enforcers you must be a Nazi.

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