We asked about racist incidents since COVID-19 started. You offered solutions to the problem

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Hundreds of Australians wrote to the ABC to say they had experienced a racist incident during the pandemic, and offered their thoughts on potential solutions for governments, legal bodies, communities and individuals to root out racism.

Janet began to question whether other acts of animosity she had experienced at the height of the pandemic were racially motivated.

David Le, 23 and an Australian of Vietnamese heritage, told the ABC about an incident at a Sydney Coles where an employee said — loud enough for him and his mother to hear — that "all the Asians" were taking samples and "they are gonna spread coronavirus". They said their code of conduct "makes it clear to all our team members that discrimination is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our business. We expect the same from our customers."


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taliaualiitia Aboriginals came at me pretending to spear me when they told me I have to move away from them in a public space

taliaualiitia We don’t want Chinese people in government, we don’t trust them

The is like having a well fed rat living in the house. The children are fascinated with it. The adults understand the rat droppings are toxic.

I've got an entire archive of racial lynchings from the last couple of months. About 20 videos in total. Or does it ruin your narrative that they're all black on white lynchings.

Vote for anyone that stands against this anti Australian crap!


I don’t doubt individuals’ experiences at the hands of the unkind/nasty. But don’t think for one moment that the nasty are selective when they’re out. They just use what they can. Little girls say nasty things to other little girls. So do big girls. A little more kindness needed

Lol. Everyone is a hating on the Whitey. Can I have a spot on 7.30,or Insiders to have a cry and whine about my injustice? Or can we have a Royal Commision into the Generational Trauma I have from the WARS 1/2when my Great Grandfather's got shot and maimed defending black fellas?

Good news. Australia is not racist. You can stop your race baiting now.

Here's a solution - stop beating up racism.

Wow the astroturfing on this thread.

ABC Matters

If there is a rise, this may help shed some light. A lot of anecdotes & inference. The most racist countries in the world – BusinessTech

I used to defend the ABC, now i wish to DefundtheABC

Malaysian you say? No. 11 on the list.

Why did you ask that? Isn't your job to report news rather than constantly seek to undermine race relations? Have you any idea why so many people want to see you defunded? auspol


Right wing xenophobic galore in comments. It's always good to see baiting them out. 🤣

OMG ABCaustralia stop perpetuating an American racial problem as if it is the same here in Australia. Stop! DefundTheABC auspol

Is it possible to hear anything from theirABC that doesn't have 'racist' in it ?

LOokInG FoR RaCistS aT theirABC

The ABC is creating division through the subject of racism. This is no different to what the media has been doing with WMDs, 9/11, Osama, Afghanistan and local terrorism. The media wishes to create delusions where none exists.

theirABC and the CCP both believe there is a racism problem in Australia. International students shouldn't come to Australia; it's not safe.

Got to fill the racism article quota I guess 🤷‍♂️ I'm guessing the number of clicks on these articles is very low 👍


Stop eating bats

ABC is getting as bad as SBS

Here’s a solution! Stop consuming media which encourages this behaviour and then gets offended when said behaviour occurs.

There's been a few 'solutions' over the years that seriously affected Asians. Pol Pot, Zee Dong, Stalin. Oh wait - weren't they all marxist/communist and two of the actually Asian? Is that really what you aspire to ABC?

Your racebaiting tax money at work.

The comments well address the point


Time to defund TheirABC. What a vile race baiting organisation you have become.

This is why the ABC needs more funding so they can spread divis... Hey what is this crap?

'Sexual abuse of children was found to be “chronically undisclosed and under-reported”, and in some remote communities “traditional beliefs and values are sometimes invoked to justify and sanction sexual contact between adult men and underage girls”'

/yawn DefundTheABC

defundtheabc ScottMorrisonMP

Hundreds of Auxxxx activist scum wrote to the ABC with totally fake stories. Fixed.

You keep digging your own grave. DefundTheABC

Still race baiting I see, nothing changes at the unABC DefundTheABC

Straight from the horse's mouth..disgusting,as is the taxpayer funded ABC.

Three only racists are those that talk about racism

Oh my.

What a joke ABC. Everything is racist. Where do you find these brain-dead 'journalists'. Everyday a constant attempt at division. Let's all focus on the real problem, public servants with no accountability spreading rot into Australia. DefundABC

You asked about racist incidents and the next thing the Chinese put a travel warning on us and threatened trade boycotts. Way to go ABC. Good job doing your bit for the country.

Personally i don't have the ABC's light skinned bias, please stop insisting others have your problem ABC.

Someone at the ABC needs to be charged for their continual efforts to incite violence. DefundTheABC

Having a go at someone that has a trolley full of baby formula is raaaaaaacism is it?

I thought ABC Life was shutting down. This is not news - this is sought out anecdotes to confirm ones feelings.

starting early today

Your slipping … surely the question should have asked for racist incidents against women and children. IdentityPolitics101

Defund the ABC

Media and politicians paying attention know the anti-China sentiment is a Republican diversion and division strategy it has documented. Why aren't they reporting this and insist on taking the population for a devil's ride?

Here's an ongoing racist incident your organization has been ignoring for years. Imprisoned by your govt now for 846 days.

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