Up to 250 ABC jobs to go, programming axed, to deal with $84m budget cut

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Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Up to 250 ABC jobs to go, programs axed, to deal with budget shortfall

The ABC will axe up to 250 jobs and cut programming as it deals with budget cuts of $84 million.Radio news will be cut back and ABC Life will be restructured and rebranded as ABC Local

He said funding would be reallocated to ensure the ABC was more relevant to more Australians and better reflect the diversity within the community.He said there would be changes to executive staffing, but did not offer any details. ABC Life editor Bhakthi Puvanenthiran said on Twitter that her team would be halved under the change."It's devastating news and the details are unclear right now, but what I know for sure is I'm really proud of what we've built, telling diverse stories the ABC has never told before," she said.


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You deserve after all the FakeNews you’ve spread 😂😂😂😂

Have not heard a word from Ita on these cuts

The last place for real news 😭

Indexation was halted in the April 2019 budget. You’ve had 14 months of natural attrition to plan for this. This is shocking incompetence.

How many LGBT, aboriginal and Muslim staff were cut any guesses

You have issues when you can't get basic spelling correct, how can you run a television/radio company? THIS IS NOT THE USA. We spell the word programme thus so ..... PROGRAMME

Is ‘budget shortfall’ code for ‘we’re spending more money than we have on shitty stories like chess is racist’

Budget shortfall imposed to force program closures and job cuts to wind down the ABC which is seen as the political enemy of the Big Multinational Companies sponsored LNP Government. Australia the Corruption State.

About time! If people want to watch & listen to the rubbish ABC puts out, make it an option of subscription and they can pay for it.

One billion dollars......

The best news in a long while. Making a living by using ur mouth piece to manipulate public opinion & destroy our country our home, be ashamed of yourself! Learn a trade a real skill, one day u might become a normal honest contributing member of society MSMIsTheEnemyOfThePeople

Fantastic, Australia just needs all the rest of the ABC sacked and closed down for crimes against Australia. An audit of their salary payments should be undertaken too, as there are obvious overpayment issues !

The whole lot needs to be defunded. Aussie tax-payers have given no consent for the relentless loonyleft garbage churned out by ABC. If it can't fend for itself, then it should fold. Bye 👋

👏 👏 👏

So that’s $336,000 per employee. How much do you pay yourself? Seriously? 1,2 mio lost their job in private enterprise... so do you think we care? Seriously?

freight_gate I dont believe the ABC should be defunded and my sympathy truly goes out to those about to lose their jobs. I just wish it covered with facts only. But the ABC is a leftist female opinion piece news service. Dare anyone to prove me different.

Good! but if you really want to keep some of your dregs maybe anyone earning over 100K should have their earnings capped to 100K.. It's their ABC but it's our money!

250,000 mining & service jobs at risk because the promotes fakenews on ClimateCrisis. Maybe sack the activist producers & send them back to science class.

Good, you lot deserve it.

This has the most response compared to all there actual news stories


Finally some good news...

Oh no. Not our ABC. 😂😂😂😂

A huge amount of our Taxes is wasted and siphoned into this circus. Australians have had enough of the fake news leftist biased reports shat out repeatedly for years. Defund the ABC and shut it down

This is the best news you leftist nutjobs have put up on your feed in years ... let's hope the cuts keep coming ...

So $84 mil is not available so 250 peeps will be let go. So more than $330k per job. I have had few wines but this seems like some serious lack of 'bang for buck' Takes me 4 yrs of hard yakka to get close. Please explain ..

White moves first (chess) ...and you wonder why public abandon you?

Great news!

Good riddance

Paid advertising...

📞 “Hello ABC. It’s 2020 here. We need to talk...” 📞 yourabc

Why should Australia tax payers support the left leaning political correctness?

Love democracy at work !

'The ABC Comedy television channel will be rebranded' that is gold. Why didn't somebody transcribe the board meeting where that decision was made, that WOULD have been funny? Note to comedians employed by the ABC: you have just been upstaged.

ABC isn't what it used to be. I no longer support it.

Why does this government outfit think it deserves a bottomless amount of funding? Every other government department has had funding reduced and personnel redundancies so why is theirABC any different? Get over yourselfs you lefty twats


Crocodile tears. DefundTheABC

No more dumb Twitter one sided tweets

The LNP and their voters had a choice: buy half an F35 fighter jet (which can’t fly), or, maintain 250 ABC jobs. They made their choice. That’s who these people are.

The 7.45 news is a living monument - unlike so many others.

What...only 250!... Pathetic!

It's a struggle on the $1 Billion plus pittance you get. Maybe if you didn't pay 200 - 400k your white privileged presenters like Chris Barrie for 15 minute TV a week you may afford more to spend on programs about the struggle of women and children in Aboriginal Communities.

Perhaps the ABC should stop using public funds to proliferate leftist fake news?

It wasn’t that long ago that ABC used their helicopters as a way of transporting journos around the states instead of using cars like commercial networks. Incredible waste of taxpayers money

Maybe if you stopped paying double time on Sundays with our taxes you wouldn't be in this position.

Awesome. Keep going. defundTheABC

The IPA's wish list is being fulfilled by Morrison & his band of muppets. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

- underpays 2500 staff - fails to prepare for budget freeze, advised of in 2018 which leads to job losses - executives won’t advise how their salary and bonus structure will be affected. If this was a private organisation we’d be baying for blood!

That’s $340000 per person gee I would love a job at abc

So long propaganda machine. Can’t wait till it’s all gone


More! More!

About time...

Yay about time. Should be subscription.

Yep. Time to fund yourselves ABC. Hopefully this is just the beginning of much needed cuts.

Let the left ( I mean the good) times roll. But they will be low end jobs. The true far left will still get paid their stupidly high wages.

more race baiting storys will help

I wonder what caused leftist MSM (🤥) to suffer these budget shortages? 🤔

Purging the centrists?

Hope one of those is JoeABCNews can't stand that prancing little c***sucker....

Only $1.1 billion till defund complete! 👏👏👏

Best news we had all day SickMockingbirds We pay your wages - [you] don't pay ours

Can you cut that 'We are Wong' propaganda tune too. Making me feel ill.

Dear Australia government lawfully protect our ABC Radio and jobs ..keep jobs and lawfully protect and Radio jobs parliament' all state's territories lawfully protect our ABC Radio jobs parliament' must act..kind regards Callum Lockwood

Good. The ABC does not give voice to all Australians and as such should be shut down.


Don’t stop. Keep going. More.

It's time to go.. Leftards...

Get rid of Anus Taylor and we'll save more than $40M.

But still we have reports on how racist chess is...

Defund to zero. The left wing nut jobs spent taxpayer funds on the key issue of racism in chess today because white moves first.....right...off you go.

As long as Spearsy is safe!

When anything continues to lean to one side it is bound to fall.

Defund the ABC completely

RedAce66517 👍less hate!

And look at all these assholes celebrating the loss off 250 jobs. 😡

SBS has taken over as the preferred public(-mixed) broadcaster due to their more politically diverse multicultural content. They should get more funding than you Taxpayers no longer need to pay for two bloated public broadcasters. ABC should be forced into a semi-private model.

Amazing the amount of comments from those who clearly have never watched the ABC and run their ill informed lives entirely on propaganda and hearsay. Clearly the excuse is now there for this closeted government to defund all the checks and balances in their way. auspol

abcmelbourne This national broadcaster would be a great candidate for the use of AI. Replace all the nodding heads with a mindless computer that just collates the news and events around the world. Could not do worse.

Thank God

Release this year's wage figures.... I'm sure we could find some fat that can be trimmed...

Good. You are too big. The money pool is not endless.

The ABC does not and has not represented all Australians for some time. It is a big fat gravy train we cannot afford. The lefties love it so much, lets float it off and let the free market take care of it. The left loves 'free' stuff, so lets see how this works for them.

Good, should have been done ages ago. defundABC


Hope ‘comedians’ like Hannah Gadsby still has money thrown at her 👍🏻

Which staff are going and what programs are being cancelled? What a shame this is.

Not the 7:45 am news! My mornings would be chaos without it. NO NO NO

Oh please. This is the next stage of Morrison’s ABC phase out, nothing to do with a “budget shortfall.” Once it’s over Ita will be whisked off to a cushy position in the govt-industry revolving door.

People screaming DefundABC, lefties blah blah. News flash..not ALL government funding is for your benefit. You don’t like abc, don’t watch it and I won’t watch sky news after 6 or Murdoch. Loyal viewers know it’s value & want it. Ask Morrison about sports rorts to talk wasted $

good start. total de-funding has to happen...

Great decision. You only all have your selves to blame. No one wants to pay for your bias anti Australian political campaigns.

Clearly all the triggered right wingers on this thread never actually watch or listen to the ABC and never have. They just get their talking points from 4Chan, Breitbart & the Murdoch hate industry. No wonder Australia is completely broken & going downhill fast. auspol

You'll probably sack 250 centre-leftists and lurch even further to the left. They'll start singing gymn sovetskogo soyuza on playschool from now on 😂

Triggering the RWNJ’s obviously none rely on emergency warnings during bushfires, floods etc

If the govt is looking for more money, I can see some fat salaries of MPs and federal public servants that can cut significantly. They are paid & claim back too much to justify their professional worth. MoreABCFunding

Yet push by the govt to silence the ABC and prevent Australian stories being told by Australians for Australians. The ABC requires MORE funding, not less. MoreABCFunding

Oh dear, how sad, never mind

Somebody wake Ita up and give her the great news.

It's bloody rubbish why comment come on Ms Buttross front and centre after a little chat with the Pm

Yes, may there be way more. Would people sign & share FundingchangeABC

Get rid of the Marxist propaganda machine ItaButtrose

Just listen to Fletcher saying how lucky the ABC is to have the funding compared to the commercial media. This Dullard does not get it the ABC is funded by taxpayers to give the Australian public a high quality News and current affairs which it does!

Leave the ABC alone. We need a national broadcaster not in the pocket of vested interests. And for those who talk about leftist bias - get real. Just because they give real news - don't shoot the messenger.

Double it!!

Everyone employed by the ABC has the same opinions, on any given topic, as everyone else employed by the ABC. 250 less people, with the same opinions as everyone else, won’t be missed. TheirABC

This is our 🐄💩Govt trying to kill off our ABC, it wants all media to be controlled so the truth is never told! They could fund ABC for life... Just don't buy 12 obsolete submarines... Why do we need 12 submarines? Our CrimeMinister is just that a Criminal...... 🤬

Lots of pro-censorship conservative bootlickers in this thread pinning for a privatised single source of news. Disgusting what about free speech!

Hope Brittney is one of them!!

Excellent news, welcome to the real world. There’s still plenty of fat to cut though TheRealPBarry pulls $190k+ for hosting ABCmediawatch a 15 minute show that airs 45 weeks a year and has a staff of ten

Great start! What a shame all ABC jobs weren’t axed. The ABC is a total waste of taxpayers money.

The place is over staffed with left wing nutters that needed to go anyway

PeterBo49858290 The wrong people get the chop

Austalia needs a royal commission into political parties.for unlawful government against the Australian people..wake up Australians take back your country and parliament' from the corrupt potical party's.

Join the queue. Many Australians have lost their jobs in the last few months

Better headline: Bloated and overstaffed government organisation makes a fraction of the needed cuts. Staff terrified of having to face the real world.

A greater outcome would be to completely defund ABC, not to waste public funds to support fake news propagation and politically motivated propaganda .

Start with that bias Q&A and the deceiptful Media Watch , drain the swamp.

It’s a start

You get NOWT sympathy.

This is just the beginning. If you continue down the 'opinion as news' path with regular anecdotes (never substantiated) as to how racist and backward we all are then many Australian's will continue to look elsewhere for news.


A lament to the death of 7:45 news. Solidarity

I am sorry that you're going through this. Governments always want to silence you and this time it looks like they're succeeding. I suppose it's too late for the friends of the abc to do anything about it. ☹️

I don't think you will find much compassion given the ABC's lefty bias. We the people, are sick of the race baiting, police hating garbage.

Fantastic. A little to start and so much more to defund. I'd prefer to reform the ABC, but they simply refuse to give up their extreme leftwing propaganda and the LNP have no idea how to fix it.

Everyone take a pay cut, issue solved. simples

abcmelbourne Sure they are.

AustralianStory Rupert wins and Scott Morrison is corrupt

It’s a pretty good start, but with a bit more effort we can achieve so much more TheirABC

Go woke, go broke

..what a shame...maybe if the ABC reported news instead of persuing and prosecuting an activist agenda jobs would have been not only saved but promoted...

Hopefully more...maybe scrap Paul Barrie media watch and save $350000 for his 15 mins of work each week.

Content Makers? I wonder where it all went wrong...

Breaking Shops surrounding the ABC ultimo studio sold out of tissues.

Should be a subscription service. Tax payers shouldn’t be paying for ABC. Defund the ABC totally.

Fake news and propaganda loses in the end. Get woke, go broke.

What a beautiful day. Many more to come.

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