Trump's bid for re-election election holds a cruel irony for Australia

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

OPINION: Trump's bid for re-election election holds a cruel irony for Australia

For four years, the nation which for generations has held itself as the defender of democracy and the globe's highest moral authority has had as its leader an unreliable, sometimes vulgar, egotist.

American influence has shrunk in Australia's neighbourhood and an authoritarian superpower to our north is on the advance; Beijing's regional encroachment too often unchecked by an inattentive United States distracted by its own ruin; a long decline that's been hurried by Trump. "America has been a rare superpower in human history insofar as it has been willing to think beyond narrow self-interest," Obama told the UN General Assembly.That was never Trump's bag. Narrow self-interest is what has shaped his outlook, long before he became President.

Devoid of principle, let alone a core mission, Trump weaponised a populist appeal for a smaller America; one that involves itself less in the world's affairs. And he slapped tariffs on Chinese exports, triggering a trade war that's hurt US consumers and farmers.'Taking their life into their hands': America braces for armed protesters on election night

He brought his 1980s Art of the Deal attitude to the White House and his interactions with America's staunchest allies. When Trump declared in March 2018 he'd be imposing tariffs on steel and aluminium imports, Australia had to remind him ofeight months earlier on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, inside the "Steel Cage", a secure communications pod.


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I guess thats ironic for all countries

Two days until four more years!

Re-election election?

Even when calling out the unreasonable AU-US alliance, the Chinese government, which never has and never will harm Australia, is reported in a negative light.

My money is stolen from me at gunpoint to pay for this

How long should we wait for even a mildly pro-Trump ABC opinion piece? Or even a neutral one? Would it be before or after hell freezes over? Surely somewhere in the ABC’s charter there’s something about having balanced content, even with regards to non-Australian news? auspol

ABC wishful thinking that Joe Buy-den will win....Fck off ABC....your Bias is beyond a joke....


ABC just appalling: an irony that we pay them

TDS on full display

Republicans have always understood threat from China. Bush admin alongwith Shinzo Abe initiated the quad alliance but Rudd, a Chinese puppet pulled out. Obama never challenged China's manipulative trade. This year Aus finally participated in Malabar exercise thanks to Trump.

It must be difficult filling the daily Orange Man bad quota, kudos on this one, very uh ... creative. Have a participation award. 🥉

It's a cruel irony that TheirABC enjoys OurMoney even though they don't do their job. DefundTheABC

typical Garbage Bias at it again

OPINION: Trump bad, China good. Vote Biden!!!! Does this article count as a foreign campaign donation? It should.

Have you seen the ABC covering the peace deals that Trump has done in the Middle East the answer is no

What will you do if Trump loses? 90% of your content is obsessed with him.

So much to unwrap here and so few characters, needless to say Mr Probyn will be bitterly upset in a weeks time.

Yeah because Obama and bush foreign policy wasn't a disaster with Iraq,Afghanistan, Libya and China

Again, you’ve got to love the impartiality of the ABC!

This must be about the 20th anti-Trump story you've published in the last few days. Just for a change, why not do a story about this image?

andrewprobyn , a number of blatant untruths in your subjective rant. Joint Freedom of navigation exercises by US/AU task groups in SC Sea. Middle east peace deals. Restoring work for middle america vs chinese sweat shops and factories. Don't ignore the facts!

Andrew Probyn analysis. 1stNation Treaty identity is with Rootes group automobile. All underpowered hiss and steam, climate control overload bake off. canberratimes Prob disengagement with FaceTheClimateEmergency. abcMediaWatch companion empiric double agent clubbers SUK

This is rubbish. The man may be disliked but he has done more for world peace than any of his predecessors since FDR/Truman. His administration beat ISIS. Took a stand against the destabilising actions of Iran. He normalised relations between Israel and many other Muslim nations

You medias are a cruel irony for Australia.

Incisive analysis. 'Devoid of principle, let alone a core mission, Trump weaponised a populist appeal for a smaller America.' Indeed. And that is being polite.

Meanwhile, businesses all over America are boarding up their shop fronts. Not because of a Biden victory, but because we all know how Leftards behave if they don't get their own way.

Trump derangement syndrome running rampant at the ABC.

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