Trump learns from his mistakes but Biden has the last word in debate

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For all his boasting and bravado, Donald Trump has shown he can recognise and learn from his mistakes | KnottMatthew

Republicans running in tight races across the country ended the night relieved that Trump was on his best behaviour.

Trump was at his best when painting Biden as a career politician who has spent most of his life working in Washington - "all talk and no action" in Trump's words. Aware this line of attack was coming, Biden turned the issue to Trump's failure to release his tax returns, saying: "Release your tax returns or stop talking about corruption."

The debate began with a lengthy section on the coronavirus, an issue that remains a big weakness for Trump. Seven months after the pandemic began, 1000 Americans are still dying a day from COVID-19.


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KnottMatthew Just like any other toddler. Excellent.


KnottMatthew You mean he didn't carry like a complete imbecile under threat of a mute button . Is that learning or conditioning ? If there had been another one would they have had to use a cattle prod ?

KnottMatthew Lol are you serious! “Learns from his mistakes”! Whose pocket is this rag in.... Murdoch’s?

KnottMatthew He improved from a rabid dog to a sedated dog... still a dog mate...

KnottMatthew Yeah nah.

KnottMatthew Narcissist’s never learn from their mistakes, psych 101!!!!

KnottMatthew I cannot believe this headline. All SMH journalistic credibility is lost.

KnottMatthew Why is everybody going soft on Trump He was atrocious He went over every time limit and demanded a response to a response to a response that was not part of the format. He hardly answered one question, spent all his time bad mouthing the democrats and where were his policies?

KnottMatthew What

KnottMatthew Why are you saying this ? 😂

KnottMatthew 'Learn from his mistakes' is an interesting way of saying 'explore new tactics to manipulate the voter'. He's as transparent as all get out. 🙄🙄

KnottMatthew Can’t wait to see Fake Mainstream Media credibility destroyed beyond repair

KnottMatthew The CNN fact check of that debate did say that although Trump held his cool better than last time, he told way more lies/falsehoods (or ‘alternative facts’ if you are the White House press secretary) than Biden did.

KnottMatthew This headline made me think of how many mistakes he has not learnt from. E.g. COVID-19, children separated from parents. He has zero empathy.

KnottMatthew GTFOOH

KnottMatthew What a shit article. Trump is so bad that he is breathlessly praised for making it through 90 minutes while keeping his lie tally below 20. He’s a blow-hard that will never learn a single life lesson until he’s dressed in a jumpsuit the same colour as his face.

KnottMatthew This calm episode just demonstrate an unstable personality. dumptrump

KnottMatthew BS

KnottMatthew ThisIsNotJournalism

KnottMatthew What planet are you on?

KnottMatthew Nice spin but no. His problem (one of many) was fixed by a tech solution. The mute button. Works on twitter too.

KnottMatthew You mean he was forced to. If there hadn't been a muted microphone introduced, the debate would have gone the same way as the first.

KnottMatthew Trump survived COVID but this goes unrecognised ?

KnottMatthew Hahahahaha bwahahahahahaha Learned? HahahahahahA SMH you’re delusional

KnottMatthew Ha ha. Good joke!

KnottMatthew For crying out loud, what sort of moronic headline is this?

KnottMatthew But apparently journalists don't

KnottMatthew This is embarrassing. Boasting and bravado = malignant narcissism. He is not capable of recognising mistakes, learning and correcting course.

KnottMatthew GTFOH

KnottMatthew 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Are you fucking serious?

KnottMatthew He doesn't learn, it is all theater.

KnottMatthew Yeah, such a stable genius. He didn’t throw shit around the cage this time. Impressive.

KnottMatthew I figured Trump over 12mths ago. He doesn't learn.

KnottMatthew This is an almost perfect example of 'both sides' journalism. Crazy old Trump doesn't rant, rave, and shout over Biden and the moderator and this is described as showing his ability to learn. Former cabinet members described him as ignorant and unwilling or unable to learn

KnottMatthew You do realize there was a mute button for their initial 2-minute responses? ...and when the mute button wasn't used he rambled..and in the same breath, he took responsibility, then took it back? He has no self-reflection skills. He believes he is perfect.

KnottMatthew 4 years late

KnottMatthew You're having a laugh right?

KnottMatthew You have to laugh when poll results are quoted. They haven’t been right about much of anything for years

KnottMatthew Please quote one example?

KnottMatthew He’s got 13 days to grow into the role. SMH thinks he can still do this.

KnottMatthew That's a bloody massive raw prawn.

KnottMatthew Easy win to Trump. Bring on Nov 3. Twitter will go into meltdown.

KnottMatthew No he really hasn’t

KnottMatthew Now THIS is what you call getting ratioed! :)

KnottMatthew No more chance for this guy ! Enough 🤨

KnottMatthew Its so good knowing journalists are now some of least respected people earth, and that journalism is now dead. Keep it up Matthew 👍

KnottMatthew This is deeply embarrassing.


KnottMatthew Trump is $2.60 to win & Biden $1.60 after today. That would be a fare assessment of the odds. Trump has his work cut-out & really needs something unexpected to unfold in the next 10 days. Biden just needs to stay the course & the Whitehouse is his. Still, far from decided.

KnottMatthew Terrible reporting

KnottMatthew Anyone that thinks Trump is competent is going to be looking pretty stupid in the future. Will go down as the biggest clown to ever be in the White House. Histopry wont be kind after Fox is gone.

KnottMatthew OFFS!

KnottMatthew I've heard he's developing object permanence also, in just a few years the doctors say he'll have the capacity to make moral judgments everyone at the development center is so proud of him

KnottMatthew WTF is this horse shit?

KnottMatthew SMH, you gonna be kidding right? It is clearly Trump completely owned Biden during the whole time.

KnottMatthew You are joking.. right Who writes this crap

KnottMatthew Yeah right! He's done more for the Black community than any other President? That's a lie. He knows more about wind than Joe Biden (re climate change)? Well he could be telling the truth on that. Trump is the biggest windbag to ever inhabit the White House.

KnottMatthew His response to the COVID19 pandemic tells a very different story KnottMatthew

KnottMatthew What you mean is he is prepared to lie and pretend to get what he wants. If being himself is a mistake, then he probs shouldn’t be the leader of the free world

KnottMatthew Wut? 🙃🤷🏼‍♀️

KnottMatthew Well this is a bad take and cannot be written in good faith given the death toll from C19.

KnottMatthew Trump is a moron and you’re not far behind.

KnottMatthew He called Mexican's coyotes and said they had low IQ. Said it was good that parents of 526 children couldn't be found. Seriously

KnottMatthew Seems very unlikely. 220,000 dead and climbing

KnottMatthew He will win just watch. The Biden’s are criminals if you au ent been watching online about the fallout from Hunter Biden’s laptop then you have been living under a rock.

KnottMatthew LOOSER. THE TRUE realDonaldTrump LOOSER

KnottMatthew Incorrect.

KnottMatthew He pooped his pants apparently

KnottMatthew Lmao, no he can’t.

KnottMatthew There is zero evidence of that over the last 4 years. This was a performance, trying to feign sincerity that started to unravel toward the end. He can't even pretend for more than an hour!

KnottMatthew Never reading smh again

KnottMatthew Read the room. The planet is absolutely and utterly over this fuckwit.

KnottMatthew He’s proven to have a skill of a 3-year old child.....goodness how low can that bar go

KnottMatthew You're taking the piss right

KnottMatthew Let’s hope we can say the same about one day

KnottMatthew Lol, just like he has the last 4 years, particularly in the last few months on Covid. He's recognised his mistakes blamed everyone else and done nothing different.


KnottMatthew 😂😂😂😂😂😂

KnottMatthew I DG on’t know whether KnottMatthew is attempting to appear impartial - but whatever the motive, this Luke-warm article is not worthy of him or the SMH

KnottMatthew FACT CHECK: No. Not a bit. He hasn't.

KnottMatthew Come on


KnottMatthew So...the serial killer only killed 10 this time instead of 20. Learned a lesson. What a great result!!!!!!!!

KnottMatthew What? He is going to listen to medical advice and save 200k lives now

KnottMatthew Seriously, stop even bothering.. just give up...

KnottMatthew 🤷‍♀️


KnottMatthew hahaha Dear SMH, seriously, were you watching Disney station again? Because that sure sounds like the storu line from a Duck Tales episode...


KnottMatthew Incredible as it may seem after 20 years of reading stuff on the internet, this may be dumbest thing I’ve read. That’s quite...something.


KnottMatthew So he has a faint flicker of some brain activity, is that it?

KnottMatthew You are kidding aren’t you. I tuned out because of his lying! I’ve heard bits since & he has learned sweet fa except how to deflect even more.

KnottMatthew The only difference in this debate was the mute button

KnottMatthew Ooh, he didn’t have a toddler tantrum and talk over his opponent 70 times: so presidential! He still lies and boasts continuously, understands nothing of the world, functions on impulse and self-interest, and remains a despicable human being, unfit for his office.

KnottMatthew So he can learn at a 2 year old level who woulda thunk

bayes_tom KnottMatthew SMH is a far left extremist publication. Facts that Biden & his family are criminals will never be reported by SMH. Trumps Russia story was saturated by SMH but the fact that it was all bullshit was never redacted.

KnottMatthew No he hasn't.

KnottMatthew Learning from his mistakes two weeks before the end of his Presidency is universally known as 'too little, too late'.

I came here for the salty comments

KnottMatthew Has this reporter watched Trump’s recent rallies?

KnottMatthew 70 years too late


KnottMatthew Nope. He doesn’t

KnottMatthew If you think so..... He has been a bully, senatiors have to toe the line or belittled, heads of depts if they don't fit his mould they get the boot. 1 part of 1 day changes NOTHING.

KnottMatthew Is it April Fools down there?

KnottMatthew Has a Russian troll infiltrated the Sydney Morning Herald?

KnottMatthew 220,000 dead from COVID - and counting. He hasn’t recognised any mistakes ... or corrected them.


KnottMatthew Sad to see how deep the basement of your expectations of the President of the United states is. Trump acts like a petulant child instead of schoolyard bully, and it's considered some great personal progress? Time to stop normalising this shit. It's not normal to behave like that.

KnottMatthew Nothing he does is without preparation and planning.


KnottMatthew Learn from mistakes eeerrrrrr Trump went from a few conspiracies to latest conspiracies.... I hope it doesn't happen to Australian government

KnottMatthew Journalistic malpractice abounds.

KnottMatthew Incredibly disappointing headline (editor no doubt) & incredibly disappointing first paragraph. Tr has been been given COUNTLESS opportunities to be presidential in four years. He does it seldom, people fall over themselves and then reverts to inexcusable behaviour. 3card trick.

KnottMatthew OMG, thought this was TheOnion

KnottMatthew No he hasn't.

KnottMatthew My dog can learn from his mistakes. Doesn't mean he isn't a dog.

KnottMatthew Just here for the ratio on this depressingly shit take

KnottMatthew SRSLY?

KnottMatthew Is this article the one? ie. the final nail in the coffin, the last shred of credibility etc? Or did that happen for the smh some time ago. I haven’t been watching tbh.

KnottMatthew Holy shit were you listening to the debate if you did you would have heard how many mistakes Biden made and admitted during his term as a Senator, as VP and 😂😂😂

KnottMatthew 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

KnottMatthew In my reckoning Trump has shown the polar opposite. That he will always shoot from the hip, spray indiscriminately, contradict himself the next second...even when it's to his disadvantage. Trump doesn't do strategy and planning...hence the utter chaos.

KnottMatthew Learned from his mistakes? You can't change a malignant narcissist Matt.

KnottMatthew He should stop doing his own make up

KnottMatthew Gawd, your criteria is low.

KnottMatthew This is the standard of political analysis that made me cancel my then-Fairfax subscription. It’s almost astonishing that no one in Australia can actually make money from reporting the news.

KnottMatthew ...but Trump doesn’t learn and he doesn’t have empathy..

KnottMatthew what milquetoast bullshit

KnottMatthew You wrote that? You are more deluded that he is!

KnottMatthew What crap - he is a coward of the first order he only varies for self gain.

KnottMatthew Spinning like a top.

KnottMatthew What the hell is this? Trump gets a positive headline just for turning and being relatively civil? Journalism like this is a reason why we’re in this mess.

KnottMatthew What rubbish

KnottMatthew What a stupid statement. SMDH 🤦


KnottMatthew 'Shown'? No evidence of that.

KnottMatthew ThisIsNotJournalism

KnottMatthew Oh ffs are we still saying this crap? What kind of gullible idiot wrote that headline? Trump has repeatedly demonstrated he learns nothing except what benefits him personally.


KnottMatthew You're kidding, right? Surely you're kidding.... were we watching the same thing?

KnottMatthew Had 'crooked Hillary' in '16 & now have 'crooked Biden' in '20. DNC corrupted machine, delivered these 2 deplorables.

KnottMatthew Mute button helped. That and trying against type to be human and coherent. You ignore the fact that he lied and lied and continued lying and presented ZERO policies or plans.

KnottMatthew Please stop 🤦‍♀️

KnottMatthew Biden just got handed a lesson on how to be a strong leader.

KnottMatthew So can the lizards my cats bring home. Vote 1 Skinks!


KnottMatthew JFC

KnottMatthew Wot? Are you drunk at work mate?

KnottMatthew Trump is an absolute legend. Anti-Trumpers are on the wrong side of history. I don’t blame you as you never had a chance with the biased media.

KnottMatthew even if you believed that, it's a bit late hey

KnottMatthew What a load of rubbish.

KnottMatthew Learn from his mistakes for his ego, maybe! But to fix his mistake for the sake of others? No way!

KnottMatthew Is this a report or an editorial? He lied more during this debate than the two previous. I'd say do better, but it'd be futile.

KnottMatthew Jesus Christ this is the dumbest hack bullshit

KnottMatthew You can only admire someone who admits to their mistakes and then proceeds to rectify them

KnottMatthew Too late now. 50M votes already cast & minimal change in polling. That leopard will never, ever change his spots.

KnottMatthew President Trump enabled criminal coronavirus genocide.

KnottMatthew No he doesn’t, he’s still fighting the 2016 election, he’s still refusing to release his tax records, he has no health plan, no Covid plan and still doesn’t understand what a president does

KnottMatthew He knows when he is lying. You don’t seem to be able to grasp that. He has NO redeeming features.

KnottMatthew this is embarrassing

KnottMatthew Learn from his mistakes? Are you serious? He will never learn.

KnottMatthew The USA added more than 76,000 covid19 cases in the last 24 hours. And a thousand deaths.

KnottMatthew Trump wasn’t as belligerent as usual and that’s learning from his mistakes? He repeated his usual falsehoods ... he will not accept that his covid response has been a spectacular failure ... he peddles conspiracy theories ... but he’s learning. Some quality journalism there.

KnottMatthew What a ridiculous article. Shallow as shit.

KnottMatthew Learn from his mistake to feed his ego trying desperately though failing terrible to win second term?

KnottMatthew Delete your account.


KnottMatthew !

KnottMatthew You mean like a 4 year old might?

KnottMatthew Setting a low bar here. From what I’ve read Trump lied throughout, attacked Biden’s son, who isn’t running, and announced zero policies.

KnottMatthew *coughbullshitcough*

KnottMatthew For 1 1/2 hrs he restrained himself so has learnt from his mistakes? Still lied for 1 1/2hrs though.....

KnottMatthew When a masthead spruces up its font we don't say it's 'learnt from its mistakes'.

KnottMatthew What has he learnt? Humility? Accountability? Empathy? Philanthropy? Come on Matthew the guy is scum and the sooner the world is rid of him the better.

KnottMatthew Learn to shut the hell up? How hard is that for an adult.

KnottMatthew Did you watch the debate?

KnottMatthew You talk about him likes he’s a toddler being toilet trained, this is just sad.

KnottMatthew Lol Knott

KnottMatthew But according to Donald he’s never made a mistake, so how could he learn from them?

KnottMatthew Just because he didn’t act like a petulant 3 year old means he gets kudos. Check the facts

KnottMatthew Right. Let's all celebrate separating parents from their children. His response? 'Good'.

KnottMatthew He is all piss, shit and hot air. Oh yeah and wind, he knows more about wind than practically anyone.

KnottMatthew Call him boastful, call him over confident, but if the leader & 1 salesman for the greatest country in the world can't boast or demonstrate confidence in his country's future, who can? PresidentialDebate2020 cnn

KnottMatthew You’re joking right

KnottMatthew Just here to ratio

KnottMatthew Toddler didn't smear as much poo on the wall and day is hailed a triumph

KnottMatthew Biden only lies, and then lies some more. Shameless. A mere politician. Laughable.


KnottMatthew Narcissists don't 'learn from mistakes'. They can't.

KnottMatthew Sorry but how many outright lies did he tell duting the debate? The only reason he didn't constantly interrupt during the first half was the mute button!

KnottMatthew Mistakes? 223,000 dead from COVID was no mistake...

KnottMatthew unfollowing. This is shite 🧻🚽

KnottMatthew Oh wow! You really believe this? IQ45 does not and cannot learn anything...........🤦🏻‍♂️

KnottMatthew I’m hoping Trump loses to end the disaster he has caused in US and rest of world - hatred, incompetence, corruption. It’s been awful. What’s been just as awful is watching journalists who should be calling him out constantly failing to do this. He’s learned? He’s learned nothing.

KnottMatthew What? Is this even reporting?

KnottMatthew Two hundred and thirty thousand Americans dead in 7 months and you're saying he can learn from his mistakes! FMD, this is the most tone deaf thing I've read all week.

KnottMatthew Well he lied continually throughout the debate but sure. New tone.

KnottMatthew Lowest of the low bars

KnottMatthew yup he can be rewarded with a sticker (learn from your mistakes)

KnottMatthew Disappointing story. Just because he didn’t have a hissy fit melt down tantrum then he has learned from his mistakes? This man never learns from his mistakes. Never. He lowers the bar so much that he now gets praise for acting like a decent adult. Really?

KnottMatthew You have got to be joking. Trump? Learn from his mistakes?

KnottMatthew He still lied his arse off......

KnottMatthew Oh ffs wot obvious bs

KnottMatthew Trump lies so easily and blatantly. He was more restrained but he spoke absolute garbage.

KnottMatthew Are you kidding me...what an idiotic thing to say. Impeached, quid pro quo still, faking evidence, secret bank accounts, virtually no tax in the US, racist comments throughout debate & says separating kids from parents is ‘good’. Where are ur values SMH?

KnottMatthew How many times in the last four years, with the bar set below ground, level has the “his presidential moment” been called, only for him to revert to type? If you think he learns from his mistakes, you haven’t been paying attention.

KnottMatthew Are you kidding me...what an idiotic thing to say. Impeached, quid pro quo still, faking evidence, secret bank accounts, virtually no tax in the US, racist comments throughout debate & says kids separated from parents are good. Where are ur values SMH?

KnottMatthew What a silly take. He appears to have learnt something from the previous debate? But learnt nothing from the previous four years... ThisIsNotJournalism

KnottMatthew Extremely big pretend he's normal vibe here

KnottMatthew Recognise and learn - WTF - He continued to say he has done more for Black people than any other President back to Lincoln. Then also said 'I am the least racist person...I can't even see the audience it is so dark'

KnottMatthew What absolute rubbish. He was a train wreck ‘wind kills all the birds’ amongst other nonsense between the lies ffs


KnottMatthew For a brief sec, I thought they meant Trump had admitted a mistake. Like Biden did during the debate (& talked about trying to fix it). Turns out this just meant he was coached to be a bit less aggressive and bully-boy. Unlike he was in the Lesley Stahl interview.

KnottMatthew Mr President Trump: you have to win because the earth is turning into the hell-th through the Chinese Communist Party BGY the MSM and powerful people! Stay strong and fight back! We are all on your side realDonaldTrump ScottMorrisonMP lindareynoldswa MikePBurgess ASIOGovAu

KnottMatthew god the Australian media is pure strain dogshit

KnottMatthew what dumb ass wrote this

KnottMatthew I’m here for the butthurt lefties who can’t handle an alternative take

KnottMatthew Also tЯump:

KnottMatthew Today was another episode of prolific lying. So what’s different? He is still as disingenuous as ever.

KnottMatthew He didn't throw poop like last time so give him a cookie.

KnottMatthew What, not turning up with COVID this time?

KnottMatthew He's a big boy now.

KnottMatthew Embarrassing take. He clearly didn't.

KnottMatthew 🤡

KnottMatthew He wiped the floor with that slurring old fool, Biden. He gone.

KnottMatthew Hahahahahahahaha hhhahaha. Hahahahahahahahahaha


KnottMatthew Piss off - he’s had 4 years to show he could be anything other than what he is, a broke money laundering crim without one iota of ethics. There is not one single beneficial thing he’s done for the USA - the entire country is in a shambles due to his lies and incompetence

KnottMatthew Lol

KnottMatthew I've heard more intelligent debates from primary school children. This isn't democracy ... it's bullshit.


KnottMatthew Trump is the most incompetent President in American history.

KnottMatthew Yeah nah

bencubby KnottMatthew Bullshit

bencubby KnottMatthew Or someone told him and he actually listened (but still lost).

KnottMatthew So can a 4-year old

KnottMatthew Stay clowning

KnottMatthew What an asinine take on trump’s dismal performance. Next you’ll be gushing that he managed not to throw poop around. The SMH should be better than this.

KnottMatthew Are you serious. Trump will never change. Just wait til tomorrow and he will go back to doubling down because thats who he is. Has never shown an ounce of empathy. He is a malignant narcissistic individual.

KnottMatthew lol everytime.single.time

KnottMatthew Fear will do that😉

KnottMatthew ?

KnottMatthew Yeah, right, like “learning so much” about Covid19 only when it impacted himself, 9mths too late for 220K Americans 😒 I heard he ‘admitted’ he was wrong about borders - had he forgotten about his income from Chayna bank account? 🧐 He’s a qualified Master of Corporruption

KnottMatthew auspol Really? Big mouth and ill mannered is exactly how he was in the first debate. Learnt nothing

KnottMatthew I can’t believe you’d write this rubbish.

KnottMatthew Give it up, Matthew. Seriously.

KnottMatthew He’s an actor- years of pretending to be capable It won’t last long. Mind you has he ever been capable?

KnottMatthew Rubbish. Clickbait bullshit.

KnottMatthew 😂😂😂😂😂

KnottMatthew Trump trounced Biden.

KnottMatthew No one has that much time left.

KnottMatthew HAAAAAA.

KnottMatthew Funny what survival mode does to a person. 😀

KnottMatthew Trump won the debate quite easily, it was interesting to watch it play out.

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