Thousands cram in to Sydney CBD for anti-lockdown protest

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Thousands of protesters without masks have gathered for an unauthorised protest against the NSW lockdown as the state records its worst day of the Delta outbreak so far.

Several people have been arrested as thousands of anti-lockdown protesters breached COVID-19 restrictions and gathered in Sydney's CBD.

People in Greater Sydney and its surrounds have been living in lockdown for exactly four weeks, as an outbreak of the Delta COVID-19 continues to spread.Protesters shouted "freedom" as they marched towards the CBD, through the suburb of Haymarket, which had just moments earlier been declared a virus hotspot by NSW Health's Jeremy McAnulty at a press conference.

There were chaotic scenes on Broadway, one of the main arteries through Sydney's inner-west, with thousands of people blocking traffic.Police officers arrest a man at an anti-lockdown protest.Some protesters brought their children, while few people were wearing face masks at the unauthorised event, which started at Victoria Park in Camperdown.Under the current public health orders, people who are not from the same household cannot gather in groups of more than two outside.

Mr Hazzard has previously said "wacko views" leading people to flout health orders would put the state's COVID-19 recovery at risk.


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I am so hoping that some of them were from Eastern Sydney to spread the ant rid back to the colonies over there...

No words.

This is what you get as soon as the construction site was shut down. Think yourself. I got a neighbor who work in site above my floor, they became very noisy and making loud noises during the night and not sleeping these days. Pls let them go back otherwise I'll lose my sleep.

Let's make all restrictions optional and let covid decide who's right and who is dead.

You know the alternative is mass death, right? None of you saw what happened in NYC? India? Italy? UK? No? Just gunna ignore all those other places that weren't vaccinated and didn't lockdown? Well good luck with that. I'm sure you're special and will be A OK...

The City was already shut down you Fools ! They the peaceful protesters has helped make the city alive again after the Devilish Politicians are trying to bring communism into Aus .China is not as BAD

Stupid and selfish move! If this protest becomes a super spreading event, those protesters should be locked up and refused by any medical attention, they can choose between freedom and death 💀 Sounds cruel, but they need be taught a lesson and suffering any consequences!

Unfortunately these boofheads don’t know any better

They’re probably pissed off because jobseeker doesn’t apply to Burglars/Drug peddlers & gangsters !!!

Disrespectful and selfish people!! Disgusting!!

Incredibly selfish, in every way. Melb protest also. No one wants to be in lockdown. We all believe in freedom. But health workers dealing with the REAL covid mess, deserve our support. Situation is only getting worse, with people out in their masses. StayHomeNSW FFS 🤦‍♀️

BLM protester we OK but not these acording to the woke latte sipping wankers at their ABC

The CCP’s Plan-Demic is doing it’s job🦠🦠🦠 Divide, and Conquer 🦠🦠🦠

Oh dear 🤦🏻‍♀️

The Sub human trash that attended this protest have undoubtedly extended the lockdown they are protesting.

'Some brought megaphones and chanted 'we've got rights''. The police agreed wholeheartedly, and even read them those rights as they arrested them ...

Can see the photo....all we see is white people protesting....that all u good at bitching about everything.....follow the law or you will get deported from where your ancestors came from europe

Just made the dilemma worse right there? Here we Go!..

These dk heads, really...

Snowflakes protesting.

o whats the plan? Lockdown just to lockdown again once we're safe? Then tell us to get a vaccine with proven harm and low effectiveness against these variants? There is more to this

height of stupidity. let's hope that being outside is as safe as touted, because if this winds up a spreader event, then these ass hats have just bought us all extra & harsher lockdowns, not to mention deaths & suffering. With thanks & concern to & for our police :(

Heavy fine, prison time and watch list them! They’re a danger to society! humanityisregressing disgusting Melbourneprotest

Similar scenes unfolded in Melbourne and Adelaide, which are both in lockdown And in Brisbane, which is not.

Total wanker criminals

Protesters are going to ruin all the hard lockdown we have had to injure maybe they don’t have loved ones that they care about but I do so lock them up so we can get back to our loved ones


Bloody irresponsible I would like to get out of lockdown one day it won’t happen with these idiots still out there spreading The virus 🤬

I think incredible the turn out for the protest I am really proud of the people whom turned up today and had the guts to express their freedom of speech and thought. We are just in a rigged game & the ABC is just a “SNITCH” to the true agenda. notruejournalism riggedmedia scam

Big wake up call for ScottMorrisonMP it’s 491 days since they locked border closed - so perhaps anger is better directed to the federal government

Dimwit puppets of powerful rwnj libertarian corporate forces in Gladysland.

The mysticism, lies of wild conspiracy theories and freedom. Whilst Mother’s, Father’s, children, Grandparents, Uncles Aunts, Friends all, weep for those members of their families that died from Covid and did not have the luxury to demonstrate for their right not to wear a mask.

Hope every police officer at the rally was fully vaccinated those paper masks dont look adequate. at tomorrows 11am Sydney media event can you please ask if police are fully vaccinated? And if not why not? COVID19nsw

Good onya guys and gals for standing up to them.

Absolute appalling and foolish It’s an insult to health workers and fellow citizens who are trying to do the right thing. Govt doesn’t have a magic wand to waive and fix the situation. Freedom of speech is one thing but breaking the law and put fellow citizens at risk is nonsense

Lock them up!!!

How can they beach a public health order when the LAW states - public health act 2010 section 62 - a public health order MUST BE IN WRITING, MUST NAME THE PERSON SUBJECT TO THE ORDER, MUST STATE THE GROUNDS ON WHICH IT HAS BEEN MADE AND MUST BE SERVED TO THE PERSON OR REJECTED?


The bloody shallow end of the gene pool

Hey Israel, you still got that Pegasus software? NSWPollice have a list of phone numbers for you. AskingForAFriend

Gold Standard

To me,it is just like Sylive killed Kang for free will and then it cause multiverse fight. What an unwise move.

Absolute stupidity! 😡😡😡

Grubs the whole lot of them, They are part of the reason Covid is spreading

Seems like quite a diverse crowd. I hope leftie thinks it's just not karens and right wingers.

Don’t you mean anarchists?

Idiots 😡

Bloody fools !!! Sydney behaves like this and then in same day expects other states to divert their vaccinations to them ?!?! The hide of it is gobsmacking 🤯

Starts with M, ends with N, middle letters ORO. Plural.

And not two brain cells to rub together between them 🤦🏼‍♂️

Seeing these scenes it’s hard to see how Sydney’s got much chance against covid. 😞🤯🤦🏻‍♀️

Lockdown protests!!! Who let these ’low-life’ out on the streets. The general public are likely to think they are ‘scum’.

I saw some footage of the moronic cowards throwing items trying to injure police horses in Sydney, one still shot of a male who appeared to punch a police horse in the face. Use fire hoses on them, simply sort them out. Be aware fools, police intel take photos from a distance.

Is being put in a headlock instead of sitting home with a cuppa and Netflix for a few weeks worth it? Protest ScoMo's inept handling of the vaccine - the lockdown is the result, not the proximate problem.

shocking that there are so many people stupid enough to protest and spread a virus that might kill them.

Round them up, fine them & throw them in jail

People have a right to protest but we also have a right to be kept safe that's what a democratic govt is elected to do

Hmmm. At some stage, i wish the next variant of covid could be less transmissive but more deadly. So these people can enjoy it.

What bone-headed drongos.

So angry at this


How disgusting attacking police while doing their job 😡 Very un-Australian

Look like a bunch of unemployed rabble wanting freedom...but too dumb to realise they are being manipulated by troublemakers.

Was Leigh Sales seen at the protest abc730 ?

Thanks to Gladys ... this is what happen when you don't act quick, short and sharp lockdown ... now it is going to be a prolong suffering for Sydneysiders ... still mask not mandatory outside ... still only targeting a few LGAs ... digging her own hole

It's sad to know that we live our lives amongst the idiots in this great country.

Sydney July 2021 , welcome to 1984 Ministry of Truth

NSW will be locked out of the rest of the country for a long time. Well done 🙄

We will in lockdown longer bcoz of these people! They will spread more covid cases! Just one of these protestor have covid,and that's it,it's like a timebomb,infecting everyone! Spreading it more to NSW. Wake up people! Have some common sense!

I don't understand why people have done this protest,most of us are doing the right thing,staying at home,not able to visit our love ones,being scared not to get infected,and these people just protested because they hated what the government was doing?

If they did what they are told by authorities, they will be out of lockdown sooner. covidnsw COVID19Aus CovidIdiots

Book them…they are making the situation so much worse…how many people will we lose because of this irresponsible behaviour?

LNP voters

Absolute disgusting behaviour of a few idiots ruining the lives of the many who are doing the right thing and isolating at home and limiting their exposure

People protesting their right to spread. Selfish is an understatement.

Ignorant morons.

Definition of freedom is lost amongst these people as is any objective they hope yo achieve

No tolerance for protesters for any cause in these times

At least they’ve given jimmyrees plenty of ideas for the next “Meanwhile in Australia” episode. sydneyprotest COVIDIOTS

Abc planet America just today interviewed a virology professor in USA . Question was in USA you have daily 7000 cases and in AUS there are lockdown. He said ,,, well it’s the matter for individual health professionals but we as humans can’t lockdown forever we need to live normal

Can see the lockdown will go longer. Fence it off.

Meanwhile in Colombia

These protesters remind me of that kid in class who won't shut up or sit down, thinking the class is enjoying the entertainment while everyone actually just wants to listen and learn without annoying disruptions

Did they all cram into public buses and trains without wearing masks?

Quick. Ring fence them, then crop dust with Botulinum. Problem solved. 🛩☠

Annnndd that's why they're in lockdown...faarkin idiots

I hope they used QR codes

Did alan jones and craig kelly give speeches via zoom

Here we have an example of Group 3 in action.

they need a riot squad

Right on cue…NSW is getting all the same results as UK. Wonder why? Plenty of inspiration from media, along with the divisive nature of the Sydney mockdown for most, but not all. Have NSW Police investigated who organised them? Interesting crowd COVID19nsw auspol COVID19Aus

Happy to support these people’s right to protest…provided they forgo their right to treatment for both themselves and their loved ones that they infect as a result of their participation.

Speaks very slowly - remember who you are voting for next election……….

A bunch of selfish people, shame on you to make situation worst.


Completely covered face, sunglasses, and a hat to hide his identity. Good thinking 🧠 CriticalThinking WakeUp COVID19nsw SydneyProtest Sydney

These a/holes are putting every cop and their families at risk. How bloody selfish can anybody be? Time for ADF support GladysB nswpolice need support.

Deploy the Army, put in curfew....door knocking to do compulsory covid testing, heavy fines if don't comply. That's what Gladys need to do RIGHT NOW

I think that a lot of people have had enough of lockdowns. We need another strategy to protect the vulnerable and stop these laws that are eroding our rights

Id expect that from the state that votes in Glady and Bruz.

Awww .. all the oppositionally defiant children are out and about .. not a brain cell between them.

This is going to go on for-EVER 😡

I really hope every one of those protesters either end up with covid and/or have a close family member who ends up in ICU on a ventilator. That way they'll find something else to do, like organising a funeral for a loved one.

Pity we don't have a vacination for stupidity, What this needs is legislation that anyone who refuses to go by rules and found to infect another should face criminal charges

Defiant people taking control! how would it be if every city and town done the same thing,it's no good giving them a fine because they won't pay and we don't have enough jails so they win and we end up like other country with the uncontrolled virus

Throw them in the outback. They can chant and not wear masks and not bother the intelligent people

So dismayed to see this super spreader event....

NSW has a democratic government. In a lockdown you need dictators like dictator Dan and dictator Mark. NSW government is trying to hard to try and balance human life and lockdown which didn't work. You need dictators for pandemic. My way or huge penalties

These protestors should not expect medical staff to look after them when they're sick...nor should they have the option of ICU assistance. They've made their choice.

good, there must be huge protest against lockdown, border closure, slow vaccine rollout.

And there won’t be any community transmission either 🤣🤣🤣

Bunch of pussies, won’t of lasted 5 minutes on the Kokoda Track

Blast from the past, Victoria had the BLM protests then 700 hundred cases per day. NSW at 160 per day now I wonder how much this protest will increase the number of cases by?

How many of these people would had been thinking. 'Oh look at all the idiots in Melbourne who cant stay at home' last year? It always different when the lockdown is hurting you personally.

RandaltsRandal Australia today witnessed some of the largest pro-stupid demonstrations ever to have taken place. The major themes were selfishness and pure individualism to make the point that social responsibility has ceased to exist. Drinks at IPA and LNP headquarters at conclusion.

Remember these r the Q chriistian right etc believers that scomo saddles up to

Great stuff... fight back people

Oh great, another superspreaders event. Even if they genuinely believe they're right, they are still breaking the law.

Selfish selfish selfish 👎🏽

They don't get hospital beds right?

They should all be locked up.

That bloke is obviously Wolverine

Pro-ignorance rally

It's been said before but bears repeating, the saying 'Avoid It Like The Plague' needs to be retired. Since, it's clear there are a significant number of people who are definitely not avoiding a plague. auspol nswpol COVID19nsw COVID19Aus covid19vic

RaniHayman Where are the tanks?

Love to ask these guys what sort of daily numbers would they tolerate if we opened back up ? 25k per day OK ?

Feeling sad for all the people doing the right thing in trying to protect their loved ones. My thoughts are with you all. I’m Victorian & understand the stress you must be feeling. Sending ❤️

Good luck Sydney 🤣 but we all screwed, Israel health ministry has just come out with new data suggesting Pfizer is under 40% effective against Delta. Still better than none amd will reduce hospitalizations

I'm fully vaxxed. These ppl have a right to protest abt the sad political missmanagement of this pandemic. Go and arrest the politicians NOT the protesters. Is this a Colony or a democracy?

Hospitals should have their names so that doctors can triage them.

Stupidity is the real pandemic.. I assume they are protesting so the military get involved?

Natural selection. Darwin

So we’ve watched the rest of the world do this previously and cases increase. Well done, well done fools.

Hope they used QR code’s

Walking braindead. Now we are in the apocalypse for sure.

15000 people protesting wearing no masks, packed in like sardines.... If that doesn't hasten the end of a lockdown caused by a highly transmissible virus, nothing will.

These photos show mostly men. Is that because they can't wear a mask properly anyway?

Will ite happen tomorrow again?

So they break the law to end up in a 🔒 lockup - Long Bay or do you prefer Goulburn

embarassment to the society. It’s because of these people, we won’t be able to get out of this Covid shit anytime soon. All thanks to you people! Mf out here talking about their rights and shit, getting too comfort and get pampered too much. What’s hard to be cooperative⁉️

So sad to see, putting our emergency services at risk as well. Their lives matter.

Idiots. No masks not distancing. Risk others because they are selfish pricks. Yes they have rights bit it should not come at the expense of other ppls right !!!!

Rule 1 of protesting. Don’t contribute to what it is you’re protesting against 🤦‍♂️. Morons!

Seal the streets off and hope the morons get covid. Do not use tax dollar to help them either.

Hope all these protesters get Covid so they can prove to themselves it’s not fake.

Charge and revoke all government handouts.

These people are beyond hope. Get that ring of steel up as soon as possible. Let Gladys sort them out without endangering the rest of Australia... Selfishness beyond belief


Give them several “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times” flags and all of them will be fine.

It's their freedumb!

And that is why other States will not give away our vaccines COVID19Aus COVIDIOTS

The sheer privilege. If SW Sydney were to do this, it'd have a different reaction.

Poor things

Every single protester should be fined for breaking the law…people like this disgust me

Build a fence around them.. and leave them there.. permanently..

Lock it down arrest them No one leaves without a fine

And these are among the people Gladys was expecting to exercise 'common sense'.

Suppose you want our Pfizer now too

When eshays 'grow up'?

This is why you aren’t out of lockdown as you are too self absorbed. Victoria and South Australia are both in lockdown because of people like this!

It was only a matter of time before the Citizens of NSW donned a very different Mask, you can keep on pushing your draconian Laws and Lockdowns before the Aussies start to get control of there Lively hoods, this Outbreak is the result of inept Government in Gladys Berejiklian.

“Unorthorised” FMD.

Wonder how many are frontline HCW or essential workers? Those are the people (and the vulnerable) that we should be staying home to protect.

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Australia news LIVE: NSW COVID cases grow, Victoria COVID cases grow, Sydney, Melbourne, Orange, SA lockdowns continue, Pfizer approved by TGA for kidsNSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has urged under-40s in her state to consider getting vaccinated, Victoria appears on track to come out of lockdown next week and Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he is sorry for the country’s sluggish vaccine rollout. Any truth that the PM has called upon Barnaby_Joyce and mattjcan for their conventional wisdom to help? There are parallels to be drawn. More coal anyone? Can’t believe he did a shout out to Kyle Sandilands 🤮 Thought Scot was a PM for all Australia! Not getting my vote! Victory seems to be the poor relation! Go Dan love ya work.
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