Talk around gender identity might feel new, but trans people have been around for a really long time

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From Indigenous culture to colonial times to modern celebrities, there's plenty to learn from and to celebrate in the long history of trans and gender diverse people.

A 1937 Western Australian medical journal article is "one of the first definitive cases of someone actually being classified that way in Australia".Before accessing surgery, they were put through a "real life test", which entailed living for two years, 24-7, in their affirmed gender, "which was not easy", Professor Riseman says.

"I did my own thing during a period when people were not doing their own thing," Jorgensen said in 1981 interview on US talk show Hour Magazine.Jorgensen, pictured here in 1953, became famous around the world. On ABC's Four Corners program in 1974, Carlotta spoke openly about being transgender and about having gender affirming surgery.Time to show the public 'we're not weird'

Source: Entertainment Trends (


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there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this let him accept it.' Source: I'd been discussing gay & trans behaviour for the previous few hours 🤔😳😲😳🤔

with his wife is like this it is better not to marry' But He said to them 'Not all men can accept this statement but only those to whom it has been given. 'For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother's womb; & there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; &..

Yes they have been. I read something some time today about Unichs, in the Bible. A friend gave me a Bible & I hadn't looked at it, but I was moved to look today. I opened it at a FULLY random page & read Matthew 19:10-12 The disciples said to Him 'If the relationship of the man..

But people who don’t see them literally as the opposite sex weren’t fired from jobs, threatened and called bigots. Now they demand to be (seen as) literally the opposite sex. As part of the 🌈 , I was always an ally to transsexual people, but now the umbrella incl. AGPs who ..

How many legs does a dog have if you count his tail as a leg? Four. No matter that you call his tail a leg it will never be a leg...Quote: Abraham Lincoln... wise man in these confusing modern times when lies are treated as truths

And it's immaterial to if they call themselves the other sex and whether your final solution to it is to sterilise children. 6000 years ago they wouldn't take the gay person who wore different attire and remove their body parts. Gender reifies things that have other explanations

This doesn't 'feel new' and this will never be accepted without an element of mental disease. My tax dollars shouldn't be supporting a bunch of self appointed activists at the ABC.

For Trans folks who have stumbled upon this trashfire: Remember that a Twitter dogpile is a distortion. These hateful people do not get to dictate the validity of your identity. Your joyful & safe existence is worth more than their approval. You matter. Block & move on.

They sure have been around for a long time. They didn't try and shove it down our throats though. They also didn't start creating new pronouns. Stop making shit up

It requires advanced surgery, life long hormonal therapy and a lot $$$ to make a person on this picture look like this 🤡

Yes, people have always enjoyed playing 'dress-up', doesn't mean the world should change to match their fantasy. TransWomenAreConMen

Is that statement made with or without 'transing the dead' as TRAs like to do?

Mutilating children, confusing trans & autism, indoctrinating kids, punishing parents x giving kids time to think abt their identity, making millions promoting transgenderism, sending male prisoners to female's jails, banishing women's rights bc of diversity is NEW

“Trans have been around for a really long time”. So have a lot of other people of different faiths, backgrounds and color. You’re point being

It is intellectually lazy to say these are the same thing. And why does it matter? We still don't want men in our spaces and sports. No matter what relativism is used to spin it.

Yeah.. but drag shows for children are a new thing. Fùcking groomers.

Don't expect much more from ABC BS.

We can deal with the Trans adults, Trans children do not exist, just like vegan dogs.

I didn't read it all. I just saw some of it's talking about lesbians as if they were transgender. Laughable. If you were a lesbian in an era like that, what other alternative you had to form public relationships with the SAME SEX?


ABC should be privatised, I've not seen much value for tax money from this news source.

But not anywhere near as long as binary sex, which clocks in at over 500 million years old.

Yet when bone fragments of those who died long ago are examined they are determined as either male or female.

no, they havent

President of Uganda is asked to meet with the LGBTQ+ community. His reaction:

Men have been struggling with restrictive gender norms for a very long time. Doesn't mean they are women.

We all know that and accept that they were different but since homosexuality has been legalised it is getting rammed down our throats on TV and movies till we are sick of looking at it . They are only 2.8% of the population not 90% . Give us a break

If people like McGregor and Laidley haven’t been Diagnosed as Living with Gender Dysphoria, they are just living with a form of MUNCHAUSENS.


Peddling fiction as per usual.

Yes, psychology and psychiatry are replete with examples of people 'identifying as' things they're demonstrably not.

That's appetising..I prefer milk, myself.

How to make stuff up and make the public believe it 🤪

Don’t turn off your replies. It’s about time you guys at ABC start listening to women. We are not having it any more. Men are stealing our identities and safe spaces. They are performing sexual shows in from of kids and babies under the veil of “family friendly” ENOUGH

Oh bugger off

Social contagions have been around for a really long time too

Transgender people were invented in the 20th century. Gay people have always existed, AGP might have always existed, non conformity to gender norms has always existed but trans - nope

Just because it’s been around for a long time doesn’t make it right.


Why are y'all so damn beholden on this topic? Remember journalism? Do you do that anymore?

Who the F cares?

'....what evidence do you have that Indigenous people have always been cis[gender]?' Yes, the English came and burnt down all the indigenous gender clinics.

Gay & trans has been around for a LONG time... and they're still the minority they've always been... except now society has removed natural selection pressures, they're crawling out of their holes, and media are making them into something bigger then they actually are.

So long as they stay away from grooming children then we're all good. Right now the line is being crossed.

Fucked up misogynistic men who pander to stereotypes and ruin things for women have been around for a really long time. True enough.

Both gender & sexual identity have always presented as a varied spectrum, the growing acceptance of diversity is only right. At the same time I have concerns surrounding the psychophysical effects of synthetic environmental hormone disruptors (plastics etc) & young growing bodies

auntie, you are well and truely outdoing all the embarrassing uncles

The irony of being a lesbian who tries to turns into a straight white man but looks like an incel.

Maybe stop transing dead people who don’t conform to this blighted era’s rigid ideas of what women and men should be? 🤷‍♀️

Yes - mental illness has been around a long time….

If trans people have been around, in the numbers we are seeing today, forever, and Trans people commit suicide if they aren’t affirmed, then Where is the long-standing catastrophe of trans suicides in the past? Those numbers would not be missable, but they aren’t there. Why?

It’s nothing new!

The term 'gender identity' was popularized in the 1970s by a 'sexologist' called John Money. Money forced children to simulate sex with their siblings, and openly defended pedophilia. This is a child-abusing cult, stop doing its PR.

Isn’t the ABC striking? That will be the best time in Australia’s history?

They have. But not so open.

No. None of what is currently being proclaimed and demanded has been along a really long time.

Transsexuals have been around for a really, really long time. Trans gender, not so long at all.

No one cares about non-conformity anymore. We just care about distorting reality in the service of a desire that some people wish or feel it were otherwise. Humans aren’t a special creation. Creating a simulacrum of a female body doesn’t make one female. Transwomen are transwomen

This is true. The Catholic church used to castrate young boys & they were called eunichs. I'm not sure if they had a choice in it though..


And here we were being informed by other media that the rise in young girls/young women was a phenomenon never seen before. That's why they don't have studies to back the treatment gender clinics are giving, because it was always just a few boys. Can we get a Fact Check?

Also, trans people aren’t asking for equal rights, they’re asking for special privileges. Name one other group that makes the kind of demands that trans people make to all society. One other group that demands society play along w land of make believe in their heads.

I rekon the modern trans grouping is 95% attention seeking, narcissist, lost souls modern day emo-goths etc … maybe 5% are legit

More propaganda to please your ACON Pride in Diversity masters.

Gender isn't a scientific concept. It's a faith based claim. I can literally invent my own gender if I want, and I can change it on the hour. Your horoscope has a more objective basis than gender.

Yes, mental illnesses have been around for a long time..this is the only delusion that society is told we must participate in. Women say no

Trans people in the sense abc are describing have only been around for about 13 years since the gender industry realised there’s money out of sterilising and medicalising lesbians and gays. Just tell them they’re born in the wrong body and can be straight again. Slow clap!

Interestingly, in some parts of The Pacific, homosexuality isn't tolerated, but Trans is.

Why do we need to know about their mental health problems?

Transgender wasn’t even invented until the early 1900s and didn’t become a fad until 20 years ago. You are supposed to be a serious news organization. Stop with nonsense.

There is a fundamental difference between trans-sex people (traditional), woke trans-identity, and trans-gender.

Of course, any historian or anthropologist could tell you that. There was an institute to study gay and trans people in Germany way back in the 20s til the Nazis burned it down. If you think queer people are a new thing, you’re falling for a fascist narrative.

Eliott is a woman. It's okay to be a woman who wears pants. This isn't new.

Anything to increase the social contagion and win lobby group awards hey ABC? Grasping as straws for any positives on this topic. How about looking into the gender services in Australia that mimic the Tavistock?

I can only assume gender dysphoria has been around as long as every other mental health condition, how is this news?

All this talk about Skaters seems new but Skaters have been around a long time.

Seriously, you are becoming so tiresome with your promotion of lies and misinformation on this issue. When are you going to get back to proper journalism and stop trying to win AWEI points. Where once you were the voice of truth now you are now pawns of ACON.

It's not your job to uncritically rehash activist talking points. You're really trashing your legacy of sceptical, quality reporting when you report these esoteric concepts as hard fact.

Yeah Joan Of Arc would agree with you, a very, very brave young woman. Oops! Sorry. A very brave they/them.

The rise of US-driven Christian Fundamentalism and their very UnChristian narrative of intolerance & bigotry - coopted globally by Murdoch and neo-con media, is the singular though significant, threat to progressive, inclusive, positive democracies.

, thanks for fighting for trans rights! Did you know that trans rapist Isla Bryson is housed in a MEN’s prison?! Not even the brutal regimes of N Korea and Iran would do that to a woman! Can you look into this please?

You need to turn off replies, this is absolutely toxic.

How’s your ACONhealth WEI diversity league table going? Shoving TQ stories down our throats is part of the deal, isn’t it? comeoutofacon

Convince yourself. Meanwhile on the Project…

Trans people have been around for a long time, living their lives, not gyrating in front of small children or posting vids of having period pains. The trans cult is not the same and is 99% about men, disrespects everything about diversity and acceptance.

“Mental health issues have been around for a really long time”.

Why is the corporate media full of homosexuals and lesbians?

They have been around for a long time of course but the self importance and absorption is off the scale and increasing discrimination! Leave little children out of it! Not a good look

Public school teachers haven't been indoctrinating children into being transgender for 'a really long time'. This is propaganda, not news.

Seriously you guys give this way more airtime than it needs.

Yes I remember them selling themselves on street corners of Sydney in the 90’s, there was the Taxi club also.was very much a sexual/fetish thing. Most were trans as they were too old for “the wall” and made more money. Hope these truths did not offend.

So has sideshow alley in the circus. Nobody minded when it was in the circus, but they DO mind when the circus tries to take over the world.

Why is the ABC pushing its queer narrative? We are really not interested and are more concerned about current economic issues

Soo the massive intense govn / media campaign rooting for trans etc is because you need my / our approval . That’s very interesting . So you seek to convince , to win us over . Hmmm . Seems like we have the power . I will think as I choose . Very interesting.

Yes ABC but you don’t have to convince children to get their body parts cut off. I think you have been taken over by sick pedofiles and need to be defunded. Defund the ABC

This is fantastic. We hear plenty about trans people, they are free to do whatever they want, certainly in Sydney. Need to be mindful that children are kept out of it and only adults with a fully developed brain are allowed to make this decision for themselves

The 'talk' is around the medicalisation of children. The 'talk' is around autistic, LGB & traumatised kids caught up in this. The 'talk' is around males accessing female spaces, sports and language. The 'talk' is around the homophobia inherent in the modern day cult of trans.

Please go on strike for a LONG time..

This is true, but they CAN still understand they are male or female, no really another category or splintering of society into micro factions is nessessary/healthy They still don't need to wear labels, just be bloody human, Aussi and male or females. Home/friends for the rest

Them their media, there there.

We used to see the frecks at the circus and sideshow alley.

Defund the ABC

When do you actually report news?

Spending tax payer money promoting the TQ, all the while undermining and ensuring women remain silent about their sex based rights and concerns for child safe guarding. You have become such a disappointment ABC. auspol


Yes they have been. But in those days they were less self-obsessed and simply got on with their lives.

This is what you call news? With Aus facing an EnergyCrisis, cost of living going through the roof, shutting down resources, NDIS out of control, Gov lying about energy prices & superannuation, housing shortage, education standards dropping, and you come up with this woke BS?

And now trans activists have the loudest megaphone of all. Bullying is bullying, no matter who does it.

Omg ABC yes, this is totally normal and totally mainstream! I mean, all the kids are doing it and you're nothing if not fully behind this!

It’s an industry, let’s face it. Same as war is. Or mincing cow lips & arse to make hot dogs. Yo Yo’s were the craze when I was a youngster. Everyone practiced their tricks. Today, the boys wear dresses, & tuck their dicks back. A trick is a trick. HeSaidSheSaid SwimmingMedals

We need to stop people with gender dysphoria mutilating and castrating themselves.

Ok ABC which religion is the most Transphobic? Now should we ban these people from comming to Australia to protect the LGBTQ+++ people ? Are you feeling the cognitive dissonance setting in yet?

That’s correct but just add exploitation in the media & commercial realm and it’s a boom industry now. People aren’t wearing it they can see what’s happening.

So the Q+ movement can leave them alone and stop pushing it on children?

And talk about gender identity only started with John Money, and what he did to those twins..... if you wanna throw the term 'gender identity' around like it doesn't mean what happened, didn't happen, so we got to have the term..... but it did.... he did do it to the twins

What’s new is the media making mentally ill kids feel special by promoting their ‘coming out’ stories & clinics making $$$ giving homosexual children drugs & surgery to corrupt their bodies. Why are there now clusters of gender dysphoric children? Nice work ABC.

Not as a trend amongst teenagers though!

Only as long as the drugs and surgery..... Intersex, and homosexual and straight/average, s8nce the beginning, in gods image....... Trans.... only since the scalpel and experiments on rabbits

What has happened to our once great ABC?

But now it's all people talk about and it gets boring and annoying to the point it is having the opposite effect.

Nobody cares.

Do we call an anorexic fat just because that's how they perceive themselves and makes them happy?

So has Autogynephilia 🤷🏽‍♂️

No one is born in the wrong body

this mental health problem and autogynephilia are what constitute the sick fad for “trans”

To all those saying that queer people are everywhere now: We also used to demonize people for using their left hand.....

Always the same advocacy dogma. 'It's not new; even opponents supported it; it's not even going to make any difference; just give us this next agenda item'.

To LGBT folk, please know that the whiny straight folk replying here do not represent the majority of people. Bigoted right-wing conservatives are loud, but they're not a majority. If you're trans or queer, you are welcome, you are wanted, you are valuable. Ignore loud haters 💙

More rubbish from the ABC

hey maybe turn off replies if you cant be bothered moderating them for hatespeech and disinformation

Show us your testicles “Eliot”

Misleading ABC again. Gender identity is new

Is Gender Dysphoria still treated?

Stop pushing this agenda. Story after story. There is other news out there but you are fixed on far left ideologies. Move on and get some balance.

The housing crisis and the growing number of water-related problems are more of a concern than the gender of the individual. No one dies of this if they are really strong psychologically, but quite a few die of homelessness and contaminated water.

People are getting fired and their careers ruined for not playing along with the 100-pronoun idiocy. Children are being groomed to transition. Men are going into women's showers, toilets, changerooms, prisons, etc. Let's not pretend this is just about mEn DreSsiNg uP.

It’s confused gay people who need mental health support. Transgender is all in the mind.

Even the most backward cultures weren't stupid enough to think someone magically became the other sex by tapping your heels and wishing it. Seems most of the cultures classified these people as a third gender oddity and put them in their own community. Sounds like a plan lol

Of course they have. It’s just that now they sreechingly “demand” that the rest of the world panders to their every outrageous whim and claim and that anyone who disagrees be hung, drawn and quartered.

And no one cared until the narrative started involving children.

you have blood on your hands for promoting this provably evil ideology disguised as a compassionate one. When the law suits start the so called journalists here should be front and center to sell their houses as compensation.

Lol gay.

Not as long as straight people

You wouldn't agree with an anorexic woman's delusions that she was too fat, why would you go along with someone's delusional claim about their gender let alone promote it knowing full well that once someone starts down the so trans pathway they have a suicide rate of 40%

Kek has anyone ever seen such an intense and focused media campaign? makes you wonder why like, the abc seems literally obsessed with this stuff pushing the narrative so hard the intensity doesn't make sense until you realise....

Not this many of them

We are not America We are not so stupid to be fooled by sad political ploys Trans people have always been with us and will not be forced into hiding by a sad few but embraced by the majority. Children are as safe at drag storytime as they are in most churches

Nobody cares about this small minority queer group. They are getting too much unnecessary attention

No they have not. It's make believe

Another few names of 'journalists' (read activists) to add to the list of people to hold responsible when the sterilised children detransition and start suing.

It’s only recently that they have been trying to force the ideology. I don’t care what they do, but don’t tell me how to raise my kids. Also, what’s the deal with all this drag stuff in front of kids!? SMH

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