Surviving the horrors of the Holocaust taught me what’s important

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Edith Sheldon was 12 when Hitler ended her childhood. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, she was of course considered vulnerable. But a motto from her youth gave her hope.

Edith Sheldon shares her story with Juliet Rieden.

Then, in November 1941, the unthinkable happened. The “transports” began, and Jews in Prague were systematically rounded up. Someone would come at night with a piece of paper saying you had to present yourself at the Trade Fair pavilion two or three days later with your transport number around your neck.

The weather was boiling hot, and we all wore several layers of clothing, so as to have more clothing available for winter. I had on a summer frock, then a blouse and a heavy grey skirt , a cardigan, a jacket and a light coat, and three pairs of panties and stockings. The next day a relation called Mr Taussig found us and gave us some good advice as to how to avoid the dreaded transports to Poland. He said that Mum should apply for work as a siechenschwester, a nurse for old people. The work involved carrying cold water in buckets up several storeys to the wards several times per day.

We soon realised that transports to the east were leaving Theresienstadt every three days. We thought they were deporting ghetto inmates to some godforsaken labour camp in Poland. We didn’t know about the extermination camps or about Auschwitz.I was moved to the so-called “Girls’ Home” and was happy to escape the cramped conditions in the shop. Each floor housed around 200 girls who shared just two toilets.


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& now we have a new HITLER! XI JINPING with his plan of using $$$ to get a foothold in every FREEWORLD country yet according to China's mates in the United (China) Nations, China is a developing Country & is free to pollute till 2050? DEFUND AND ERASE THE UN! BOYCOTT CHINA MADE!

Why is indigenous German Hitler being demonised for keeping Germany GERMAN, free of foreign migrant settlers and their breeding over the last 2,000 odd years from Israel? We Australian Natives are still sufferring from foreign migrant settlers and their breeding changing us!

you can only be scared if you feel fear, some people arnt the same as you

“Hitler ended her childhood” is a very strange and ambiguous phrase.

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