‘Sheer pain’ in listening to ‘hypocrite’ Meghan Markle

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The Australian’s Sophie Elsworth says it is “sheer pain” to listen to the 55 minutes of Meghan Markle’s podcast as she talks about her “tough life”.

The Australian’s Sophie Elsworth says it is “sheer pain” to listen to the 55 minutes of Meghan Markle’s podcast as she talks about her “tough life”.“This is going to go from bad to worse,” she told Sky News Australia.


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The Australian’s Sophie Elsworth is not worth paying attention to.

the pile-on of this woman, led by a spurned Piers Morgan, is nothing short of harassment and is a disgrace to journalism

Gary_Hardgrave sophieelsworth we will have a special medal struck for you (pain & suffering) listening to the Meghan Markle podcast so we don’t have to. Greatly appreciated. Love your work.

I love how she listened to it anyway and helped her get to the number one spot 🤣

Must be hard now she has to pay for her own security,nanny,drivers ,cooks and cleaning staff. It’s a tuff life for a ex princess

Sophie whatever-her-name-is is welcome to sod right off with the rest of MeghanMarkle's stalkers who should figure out a way to cope with the reality that PrincessMeghan👏WILL👏NOT👏BE👏SILENCED👏BY👏HATE👏MONGERS👏. Losers, the lot of them. Good luck to them all.😏

She defends the worse PM our country has ever seen and will hopefully never see the likes of again, she’s toxic

Was she forced to listen 🤔?

Poor Sophie ☹️☹️☹️

Why did she listen for that long if it hurt her so much? The Duchess doesn't care what she thinks as long as she subscribed and listened. sophieelsworth seems about as bright as people who break things they already paid for to protest the company that still has their money.

sophieelsworth Bish, who are you really? You're like the self-hating high school cheerleader/bully who typically are people who hate themselves, hating on others bc their life is 'so unfair'. Sounds like a YOU thing to me.

I tried to listen this morning out of morbid curiosity while walking my doggos.Literally is anxiety inducing. Idk if its her pitch or tone but its grating. Couldn't do it

55 minutes sheer pain? 🤔 Probably talking about Camilla Tominey !! THAT chick is crazy, dishonest and evil 😈. Meghan podcast was great enjoyable and can wait for her next one with Mariah Carey.

Tell Sophie that her opinion does not matter! There's something called freedom of choice. Nobody held a gun to her head to listen 🤡🤡

I agree. I only listened to 10 mins nd that was more than enuf. Megsy is, very devious

This has gone beyond silly now. Why listen then ? You can just turn it off. Block whatever you like not to hear about it.

Who care

Did anyone else notice the way the two women were talking, as if they needed to learn some better vocabulary? I just read the transcript and noticed the word 'like' said a lot... 132 times!! Reminded me of ValleyGirls. 'Like OMG!' 😅😅😅

Of course it pains Sophie. Meghan surpasses her in everyway. She is far beneath Meghan in the levels of beauty, intelligence, successful etc.. Sophie needs to come to terms that the problems and frustrations with her life is in the mirror.

This is an Australian “news outlet” and a small town “journalist” - it’s obviously because she had difficulty understanding the mat

Tell her to join us same time next week😂😂😂😂

sophieelsworth Absolute garbage “journalism”.

OMG ! Nobody is forcing anyone to listen! 😂😂😂

Awww, I feel so sad for her (NOT!). Why listen to something if it is so painful? I have never listened to a Joe Rogan podcast episode, because it would torture my soul. Why didn’t she exercise her freedom of choice and not listen to Archetypes? She’s way too extra & dramatic🙄.

Now Sophie knows how a lot of us felt listening to her during lockdown.

All she’s good for is moaning. VoetsekMeghan

Someone held her head tightly for 55 minutes forcing her to listen hence the pain. 😭. Am sending her thoughts and prayers for what she’s been through.


I imagine it is but it would be sheer agony reading Soapie Elsworths take on it.

sophieelsworth , now you understand how people who flick onto Skyopinion feel when you happen to be on.

Who said that?

Tell Sophie to tune in again on Tuesday... hopefully, her ears will burst this time around🙃

Clearly she didn't listen.

A tip for the witless Sophie Elsworth: Don’t listen to it.

Poor old Sophie, another Grandad Murdoch bimbo 'feeling the pain'🤔🤣

Pot. Kettle. Sophie is the fucking worst.

So you all there listening to a podcast you dont like

Why do you lot hate this woman this world is big enough for all of us come on leave her alone. Sad noone stands up for her

Meghan never mentioned her tough life or are you listening to the voices in your head again?

Well done Sophie👏Meghan’s now at no 1 in your country!!

Australians💯❤️ Meghan🥰

Oh - Meghan is entitled to her views. Not all candy and roses in Hollywood.


Sophie is not kidding. 30 seconds in would do my head in

Wow trending now in Australia VoetsekMeghan MeghanMarkIsaLiar MeghanMarkleisaRacist

No one heard any Megan's pain until ... she got married, Pain in many ways, at England, With the Royals, Canada, South Africa, it just make her life exhausted, there is no suitable high standards place that fit her life style. The Royals is in hot water.

And yet it out rated Rogan!

Australians says it is 'Sheer pain' to listen to the 525,600 minutes of Sky News Australia as they cry and whine about 'The Woke Left'.

Beg to differ, she is hard to listen too herself.

I’m sure she was forced into saying that

Poor old Rupert really has his old nose out of joint with this person. Ludicrous. FO Rupert you old pervert, FO Sophie you pathetic hack. MurdochSewerageCo

Sheer pain in listening to Sophie Elsworth…. And we’ve had to put up with her for years.

Thank god I have custom made ear plugs.

Send Sophie some big sook socks

I enjoyed it, its 1 so I guess others did. Instead of putting her down just don't listen. People just need to whinge and moan

Dumb question: why listen. Dumb answer: because! Oh for a return to journalism!

Simple. Don’t listen. 🤦🏼‍♀️

sophie elsworth? what is that ?

As far as I know, nobody is forced to listen to the podcast. If you are not a fan, why bother…unless because you are well paid to bitch about it. Dear Sophie, please grow some self-respect and learn to say “No”. God knows, you are old enough to act in a more mature way…

I bet it was but More the point who would want to actually listen to it ? Who actually gets interested by her or the royal family?

And yet 10,000,000 people tuned in to listen to her, which is far more than read The Australian or watch Sky News Australia. Looks like most Australians are over being told who to hate by Lachlan and Rupert

Number 1 in so many countries, including the UK where William’s reporters swore that no one would listen. Lmao 🤣

Lies. These karens have their Meghan notifications on. They stalk her every move and can’t get enough of her. Sophie clearly hates her but was so quick to look for her podcast AND listen. GTFO karens!

Don’t listen. What’s with the obsession with MM Obsession is vet unhealthy

Hearing Sophie for less than a minute brings on a migraine

C'mon - there could have been a fire - and her baby could have been near it. Just 'cos it didn't happen doesn't mean she's wrong. Her best mate - Serena - understood her ... Then she has to go home to the servants and tell them to cook Harry's dinner. Talk about a tough life.

Does Sophie know what it is like to read her “journalism”?

She didn't even listen...lol

It’s ‘sheer pain’ knowing Sophie exists let alone having her tweets pop up on my timeline

Meghan Markle just constantly living rent free in the heads of every RWFW commentator. It’s beautiful to watch. Watch it again Sofie

Then why did Sophie Elsworth listen? .... Easy .... She has a vindictive streak and is out to defame Meghan Markle.

Why is the Australian msm such an aggressive stakeholder in the affairs of the UK Royal Family? And what they should and should not say/do? Is it because the Australian msm is WASP by ethnic background, Conservative by politics and Private Schooled by education? justasking

I mean, if it's painful for you, then don't listen. Plenty of others are happy to do it for you.

Why bother listening at all knowing how untruthful she is


Poor little girl married a Prince still not happy. Grow up Megan!

It's proven over time that Megan is a deciding factor in her own family and has imposed her destructive behaviour onto her husband. It's taken time for her persona to come to light.

Oh dear

It is so painful to listen or read Murdoch's Sky stenographers and shills bleat out trash talk against whoever Murdoch decides to dislike. MurdochGutterPress SkyTrash

Nothing compared to the sheer agony of listening to Ellsworth or anyone else on sky for five seconds. Enough to make ears bleed.

What is this obsession with Megan Markle? You all talk about her so much I think you secretively like her - ha!

Fck, who cares? 🤷‍♀️

Why do Murdoch hacks think it’s ok to continually publish lies and denigrate others and yet junior Murdochs want to take others to court for defamation because their feelings are hurt? MurdochGutterMedia MurdochRoyalCommission

Has she thought about turning it off? It's how I've avoided Sky News, and the second hand embarrassment associated with the cringeworthy bs they broadcast.

Why is Markle such a thing for the right? Who cares what she says or does? Move on, just because one of your little boys got rejected by her.

Yes, Meghan is a liar, why doesn't someone tell her to her face, what is she trying to accomplish with her rags to riches fake story, private expensive schools from kindergarten though college, camps, acting and dance lessons, expensive treats, restaurants paid by her Father.

The same Sophie Epsworth who the Victorian Police called out her lies on twitter dot com ?

Sophie Elsworth is a stank turd, and can go and self sodimize👍

So why do you consume it if it's so bad? See we all think Sky News is sheer pain, that's why nobody tunes in!

Has Sophie tried reading her Tweets? 😬

Poor Harry, listening to her all day with the poor me, and no one listening to him. Harry never fell out of his tree, he was born wondering why everyone was up in a tree.

lolamorrisons You've had a tough life MM! What about the truly disadvantaged poor people in South Africa? Who YOU chose to disrespect!

But Sky does not like the Duchess of Sussex, you never have!

So, Meghan doesn't know what tough is and Sophie doesn't know what pain is... I don't know where I'd be without this level of insight.

May I just say, now Sophie knows how hear audience feels!

Don't listen then!!!

Why does every single Murdoch dancing bear have to express an opinion on this? Is there nothing else going on in the world?

Racist whiter rubbish.

Then she doesn’t have to listen

It would be sheer pain to listen to Sophie Ellsworth for five seconds

It's 'sheer pain' to be aware of Sophie's opinion on anything.

Please someone explain to me how these daily attacks on Meghan Markle on not part of a deep rooted White Supremacist agenda in Murdoch Media? How are the most trivial actions of a person of colour (who is outspoken about racism) worthy of endless hate articles from 'News' Corp?

Sophie obviously doesn't have to hear herself at any time.

Why is it the RW press have it in for this royal when normally you cannot fawn over the Royal family enough? Hmmm....?

Don't you have better things to do than slander a woman who has done absolutely nothing to you? Get a life, freaks.

I only got to 12:35 before nearly imploding.

bcva02 Maybe Megan and Albo could compare notes!

Soapy get to comment on the big issues…she still missed the mark.

Don't listen to it then 99% of Australians don't listen to Sophie foot in mouth Elsworth.

The Duchess of foot bunions. Ugghh

My old bag face and bunions are quite the embarrassment for Ginger. He needs a younger wife.

So what? Don't listen. Who cares? Listening to any Liberal MP is sheer pain, and yet, they are on my telly ALL THE TIME. Thank goodness for the 'off' button.

So why listen to it. Just so you can complain 😴

When can we be rid of Murdoch filth? MurdochSewerageCo

Should Read sophieelsworth admits she is a crumbmaiden diverting from her own overprivileged life and her bosses unethical misrepresentation of information for tax free profit. REMEMBER Murdoch media hacked phones for profit.

That is how I feel listening to 55 seconds of Sophie Elsworth Remind me again, what has Elsworth achieved in life to justify her opinions being spouted over and over?

Sophie Elsworth is an idiot!

Meghan is no officially a ‘crack head’. What planet is that mind of hers on. 45 minutes I’ll never get back. Ps don’t ask me why I tuned in to 45 mins. I was maybe waiting for ‘something’ of substance 😳

I'm not listening it it, nor contributing a cent. VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan

MeghanMarkIsaLiar VoetsekMeghan

VoersekMeghan MeghanMarkleIsALiar Oh dear, I thought I’d give MM a miss today but this made me laugh.

Its 55 minutes more than I would have watched.


Simpleton Sky News trying to create news and demonise a successful woman of colour. Simple don’t listen if you don’t like it.

Well then don't listen. No one cares.

🤣🤣nobody is forced to listen to Meghan you just don’t have anything else to do with your lives. Anyway looking forward to listening to more of Meghan.

It’s amazing how many descendants of Australian prisoners dislike Meghan Markle the Duchess of Sussex ! It’s been an ongoing hate campaign and the Duchess is not even Australian! Well I know what it is! The diverse duchess makes them feel a bit uncomfortable with her XFACTOR!

Forget the pain and nonsense... WE are actually used to this.. she created indeed a movement ....See the reaction of SA. She owes them an apology (to say the least). Who approved her content?

Give you the heads up you're not forced to listen to it now are you


Sophie who?


just switch off

Sky news is out right red neck racist. They are obsessed with a woman with blacks skin who is really of no significance here in Australia, but has trigger the shock jocks because she is now way beyond her rightful status.

MeghanMarkle literally wanted to run away from the South Africa trip because it was so beneath her, stressful and all. Serving others is not to be always convenient for you, Narcissist Meghan Markle. Harry and Meghan want convenient service. VoetsekMeghan ShutUpHarry

VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan VoetsekMeghan

Not as painful, I'd imagine, as listening to Sophie whinge about it. 'Oh, woe! I had to listen to a podcast for work! Somebody help me cast off these chains!'

She’s not wrong! I needed to bleach my eardrums afterwards

I've questions... Sophie who? Why listen to something so painful then? We have choices right?

Sophie who?

Did Elsworth consider not listening? Bit too complex?

The australian’s Sophie Elsworth says it is “sheer pain” to listen to 1 minute of sophieelsworth's incoherent ramblings as she talks about her “miserable life”.

As painful as hearing about how people like trump and Lachlan Murdoch are always the victim and how poor people suck - except it’s every single day 24/7 from sky news !

Who is Sophee Elmsworth?

Sophie knows about inflicting pain on listeners. I'd call it a draw.

To listen to the sheer BORING utter mindless crap of that vacious SOPHIE ELSWORTH makes you want to vomit 🤢 🤮 I'd rather watch paint dry !

No idea what she was listening too?🤔

Who cares

I don’t get this? Why is this important?

Blah blah blah MurdochGutterMedia MurdochRoyalCommission

Is this what passes for journalism? Its beyond pathetic

So talk about the paedophile Royal instead. Oh that's right, you can't, he's a Royal child molester! 🤭

who honestly gives 2 flying continentals about this crap? .. and why is sky news to obsessed with it?... i mean seriously? famous people don't really care about what the media say about them just as long as they get mentioned and kept in the papers... Sky News is pathetic

‘Sheer pain’ in listening to SkyNews

sophieelsworth The victimhood game. MeghanMarkleisaLiar AmberHeardlsALiar

If only not listening was an option..

🤣 MeGain the gold digger.

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