Scott Morrison opens up about how his faith guides politics, relationship

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has again put his faith front and centre with a speech at a Parliament House prayer breakfast

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has spoken candidly about his Christian faith during a prayer breakfast at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday.

“What I like about prayer and what is so important about us coming together in our Parliament and praying, is prayer gives us a reminder of our humility and our vulnerability, and that forms a unity,” Mr Morrison told the prayer breakfast. “Faith, religion, is actually first and foremost an expression of our human frailty and vulnerability and an understanding that there are things far bigger than each of us.”


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I wish he would put an idea front and center, instead of relying on dusty old books from yesteryear

Prayer breakfast!!!!! Its parliament not Bloody Sunday school!

thebrewerchef1 Doesn’t s116 make it unconstitutional to open parliament with prayers?

Morrison says his faith guides his politics and his relationships. Lies, cruelty to refugees and Trump? Satan got invited in there somehow.Time to change religion.

who was he praying for... the poor people, living in streets ,parks and cars [not fortunate enough living in public housing] the untouchables, living in poverty on the dole and pensions obviously not in his prayers amount to nothing just like all of his words, amount to nothing .

Is that a problem SBS?

If he can’t separate his faith from government he shouldn’t be in governmen. SeparationOfChurchAndState auspol

This is outrageous and should be treated as such. How would people take it if some African parliamentarian started singing in tongues and throwing spears around?

We need more action and less prayers ScottMorrisonMP

His lack of empathy for the poor and down trodden shows that he's a fake Christian. fake Australia auspol2019

Religion has no place in politics.

No escape from God. The left are doomed Pro abortion. murder Pro ectasy. Destroying minds and lives. Pro corruption. Pro terrorism. Will do anything for power. Anti smoking and anti guns. Attack on freedoms.

This is an utter outrage

Is that 'Faith in the Scam' kind of faith because he certainly has no real Christian faith.

The separation of church and state is profoundly important to Australia’s democracy.

If you REALLY knew what these people think, you'd move to New Zealand.


thefamily giliad

It is no surprise that a Christian PM prays. We need to protect religious freedoms asap to stop this bigotry in its tracks, whereby a person is discriminated against for religious beliefs. auspol

Is tha why the cruelties at Manus/Nauru and Medevac? Who’s he praying to?

This is bloody embarrassing. Pray on your own time Scummo.



He is unfit for the position in every way possible

How his faith guides his politics .? What kind of faith treats people like he treats the homeless those out f a job . That lies frequently? Even non Christians now how a Christian should behave ? .And none of it is seen in ScottMorrisonMP .

He doesn’t display his Christianity for anyone but himself

But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. James 2:18

Tax dollars well spent. The man is jatz crackers

I thought there was a separation between church and state? He shouldn't be PM, or even a politician, if religion guides his politics

Was is Pedophile enabler mentor also in attendance?

Prayer breakfast (or any other meal) in Parliament us not acceptable. Pharisees!

Surely an example of negative federalism?

Science: 'I don't know. Let's go look.' Religion: 'Don't look anywhere else. I know everything. Do as I say.'

That fcking dirty sückhole AlboMP sitting there teabagging Morrison


I don’t really care what cult or religion or pyramid schemes he is part of in the privacy of his own home. They should have absolutely nothing to do with policy decisions. His god must also be pretty horrible if it’s leading to his cruel policies.

Oh for fks sake

God bless our PM 🙏

This should be enough to disqualify him as PM in our secular government.

This is not America. This nonsense has to stop.

This accidental prime minister makes me sick

Even apart from the fact a key cornerstone of our democracy is the separation of church and state, the majority of Australians don't think the way PM does. ABC survey of 54,000 people shows religion no longer important for 70-85% of Aussies:

Of course the reason Morrison is connecting his fascist religion with LNP political identity is to get their followers to believe in a 'higher cause' which has stronger emotional tie to it. It was central to Nazi propaganda and is now central to RU and Trump propaganda - auspol

Nope. Church and State should be kept totally separate. He’s supposed to be the PM for all Australians, not just the religious ones.

Stop preaching. Keep your faith to yourself and out of Parliament. If I want or need religion I can go to church. Resign

Whether you are Christian or not, Christian values are the bedrock of Australian society. Good on him.

MUST Keep Religion Separate from State. YOU FAIL

If you explicitly believe in a made-up sky fairy then that should disqualify you from running for PM. Foolish beyond belief

Way to go Australia! People get so riled up by this halfwit. The majority voted him in. We only have our other parties to blame. Labor did not come through. That’s it. We’re fucked. 9 more years! Hooray!

fehowarth This is not going to end well!!! auspol2019

It bothers me that the 'leader'of my country, talks to an invisible, non-existent friend to help him make decisions, particularly since so many of his policies are satanic

I may be way off the mark, but after watching TheFamily on Netflix I am disturbed by this prayer breakfast. How long has this been a thing?

Stop bringing religion into our democracy. Far out how hard is it to understand? You are free to worship who and how you choose but you are not allowed to govern our nation based on your personal beliefs.

God bless him! Maybe a 12 step program....drinks a lot! Any issue there?

Prayer breakfast? Gross get you god bothering out of our secular parliament

Between drinks ?

“Do not open windows into men’s souls”... in a secular society we do not need to know his religious views. He should keep his religious views to himself. He doesn’t follow the teachings of Jesus in any case. FauxChristian FauxMo

Shocking! Imagine having actual religious faith discussed at a.... Cross-party Parliamentary Christian Fellowship group 'prayer breakfast'


Our dear leader believes fairy tales are true because he read it in a book, do we really want this idiot running our country?

Not his connection to q-anon conspiracy theorist?

That’s just wrong, so very wrong on every level.

Jesus was a socialist

Just what we need as prime minister - someone with an imaginary friend

it is not the faith Morrison has in his belief that counts. it is the faith and trust the people have in him and the Govt that count. at the moment it is on the decline and his praying wont make it get better

No , No , No .don't push ur bullshit on me !

Great well done PM

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door....

Am so disgusted by the man. Words forsake me. happyclapper scomo theFamily

Um, is the government supposed to be secular?

Authentic Christians blatantly lie straight to your face What was it he called Sam Dastyari again… multiple times ....

So what ever happened to: I was a stranger and you welcomed me. ? Nothing worse than a hypocrite. FakeChristian

His faith must tell him to be a ruthless liar who misleads and deceives those that trust him. To conduct himself dishonestly and with disloyalty for personal and professional gain.... Seems legit!

Country being run by. Theocrat...

Could not care less about his faith and whatever god he chooses to pray to. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT YOU CLOWN.

The only good PM is an atheist PM.

And if that’s what faith does to your politics (I.e. makes you side with the greedy rich while claiming the poor are rotting the system), you can shove your faith up your clacker.

No. This is not acceptable. If we want a preacher we’ll go to a church. Australia’s government and its office bearer’s must be secular. The PM’s faith should be of no influence.

All the more reason to be worried Faith should be a private matter Making it public only divides us even more

Hillsong and Qanon weirdos directing the leader of the country. Interesting times.

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