School apologises after teens mock Native American Indians at a rally

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Teenagers in the US have been criticised for mocking a Native American Indian during a rally.


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That's disgusting. They have no respect.

The only true culture in America comes from the Native Americans. Would love to wipe the supersillious grin off that ignoramus face.

Where was the media when Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk we’re attacked by leftists?

How have SBS not retracted this? More video evidence shows the video and media manipulation?

They now have the elder Native man on TV crying, talking about how HE was taunted. It's just unreal how the left uses people. It's all on video, as you can see here. HE approached the students and the crowd he was with were taunting the students with the MAGA hats on. All fake

The youth of today need Reformation and guidance. Moreover our political leaders, parents and those who influence or deal with our youth in any way also need a vital leason on accepting and embracing multiculturalism and diversity.

Tell the whole story or delete your tweet!

The Christian system at work...Preaching love Teaching hate....

Fake News SBS

Now here’s a real example of leftist harassing and disrespecting a vet .. but you won’t see this on SBS fake news

This is what really happened .. is fake news

Fake, already been debunked

I would probably be removed from Twitter if I said what I would like to do to that smirk on that little c*nts face. So I’d better not say it.

Now where have I seen that smirk before ScottMorrisonMP

Native American Indians are the ones that should have built a wall to keep out murderers and rapists. The first illegal immigrant was Christopher Columbus who was brutal to the Taino Indians in the Caribbean.

Horrific, disrespectful, ignorant, Catholic school teens with their escorts...

You can hear the parents and school response, I'm sure the following will feature - fake news, immigrants fault, christian values, good boys, media beat up, defending themselves, muslims, blacks, bias and good catholics. Oh and more fake news.

White America under Trump feel justified in humiliating the native peoples, thats what making America again means, slavery, misogyny, the poor, the suffering, the weak. This is the so called Christian America.

I know you're gagging for an anti-white news story, but this is literally fake news, as multiple videos show. Drumming Native American & his camera-wielding buddies approached the school kids, not vice versa as fake news media wants you to believe. Stop spreading this garbage.

Just US politics , ignore it. Obama and Bush wanted to fence up the border, no indegenious pple complained then.

Apologise, apologise, apologise. The ones who should be apologising are the students. Especially the bully who stood over the Vietnam Vet, should apologise and then be expelled. His behaviour is disgusting. This man fought in Vietnam against communism.

Disgraceful, the man is a Vietnam War veteran !!


This catholic school and parents teach what? They chanted build the wall. They have nfi - this guy is a first nation man. Much respect to justin who just kept going. 👎👎👎 kids

Absolutely disgusting. These images will haunt them for decades, and so they should.

Surely you’ve watched the video... rubbish!. The old man walked up to them and beat the drum in their faces. Total fake news, again!!!

Trump's racist hate group youth movement.

Typical xenophobic & racist white European immigrants & their descendants from their whites only paradise of Europe still coming to terms with a majority non-whites Earth since forever! Why they don't go back to where they belong is a mystery!

Response from Cov Cath student who says he was present at the event in question in Washington Local12 via AClementsWKRC

Has their priest also apologised? He instigated it.

Watch the whole video and you’ll see that this kid is a real dick. He’s now famous for all the wrong reasons. He’s wearing a MAGA hat and bring disrespectful to a true Native American. Absolute disgrace.

Let’s hope they also commit to educating these kids about respect, empathy and compassion for their fellow human

Actually he walked up to them. They were there on a school trip. But don’t let facts get in the way of a good story right SBS?

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