Quoting a meme, Scott Morrison says US violence will not bring about change

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has referred to a meme to denounce violent protests in the United States prompted by the shocking death of an African-American man.

America has been gripped by violence with protests boiling over after George Floyd died after a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck while he was under arrest."I saw a good meme on the weekend - Martin Luther King didn't change anything by burning anything down or by looting any shops," he told 2GB on Monday.Mr Morrison said video of the officer kneeling on Mr Floyd's neck was awful.

He also cautioned against similar demonstrations in Australia turning violent, with local protests planned for later this week."Australia is not the United States."


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Please Scotty, keep your mouth firmly shut. You have no credibility with your own Black Aussies.

Well.... He would be better to shut the F up his big mouth, his mouth is a trouble maker and national security concern! Otherwise he might anger some random ppl and may come out to protest and burn too! There are ppl like protest, pretest anthing sometimes...😏

It is the same as the US. We are just that little bit more blind

Does this guy even read a history book?!!

Our police just do it behind closed doors where there are no cameras making it easier for us to pretend it doesn’t exist. This is nothing to be proud of, we should feel ashamed ashamed BlackLivesMatter in Australia too!

Shut yo, ScoMo.

ScottyFromMarketing is just a tool. No one can really condone violence, most of the violence is from extremist fringes rather than those that are actually impacted by the violence that is so endemic in the police force over there.

StolenGenerations YouStoleMyHistory NotMyPm

I don’t think we will see Scotty in a red baseball cap for a while

ATSI Deaths in custody? Refugees held unlawfully against human rights? mmm Just wonderful ScottMorrisonMP

2GB is also part of the problem

He's wrong.

The Prime Minister reads a meme after making vegetarian curry puffs. Australia really is the lucky country. ScottMorrisonMP AlboMP billshortenmp

davidbewart Trump and Morrison are fascists and Qanon followers made for each other

ScoMo, when thinking about the US situation, said ‘I just think to myself how wonderful a country is Australia.’ Not if you’re an indigenous Australian, PM.

Referred to a meme? Not the words of MLK? RFK? Desmond Tutu? Nelson Mandela? Jesus?!!!!!! ScottyFromMarketing

He has a lack of understanding just like trump.

What will bring change? Ask him that. Or fucking stop reporting this shit.

he's a sociopath

Don’t get involved ScottMorrisonMP when you don’t know the situation. Your not in the US...your just sounding like a white privileged male quoting memes 🤦🏻‍♀️

It had better if the country doesn’t want to be ablaze

He really is Trump Lite isn’t he? Thank god Australia’s system of government isn’t as screwed as the US, not for the LNP’s lack of trying.

Pls ScoMo don’t get involved not our issue . Focus on Australia and less the world .

Yes ! Prime Minister I would shut up about another country's problem's, distention may start in Australia with you flapping you trap. .

Yes Prime Minister. It's not yet a revolution.

Is it unsurprising he doesn't know history or MLK? 'A riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened...' Martin Luther King

They cannot help it. It's been building for years. It's like the pimple just burst! The death of that poor gentleman was the straw that broke the camel's back. Take years of unfair treatment, add a pandemic, an absolute dickhead for a President and this dreadful murder and voila!

just shocking?shouldn't you do something like calling for investigation on violation of American Africans' human rights?

Yea no shit. The entire state has a monopoly on violence. When they do anything, it's justified. If an individual does it, it is a crime. ScottMorrisonMP can get fucked and deserves to be afraid.

Personally I like my PM’s to be able to process slightly more info than that contained in a meme. Another shortcoming of ScottyFromMarketing

He cherry-picked a Martin Luther King clip from more than 50 years ago to make a sweeping statement to suit his narrow-minded views. It’s a false vision. Another gLiberal party lie.

Morrison isnt a very deep person is he.

We can see right through you ScottMorrisonMP. Sitting and pretending like blackdeathsincustody don’t happen in Australia. Just because it hasn’t happened in public doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

But buys sound weapons to attack Australians!!! Perspective auspol

How come the US thinks Bombing and invasion work ya daft prick Violence is the only thing America thinks works When the only thing to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun where do the police sit in this as they are bad men too

White people misinterpreting MLK in an effort to use his words against Black people is just a whole new pile of shit.

vincentwight So Morrison can read memes but didn’t know of a historical 46000 year old site being blown up by a mining company, even though Minister Ken Wyatt did know. 🤔 PorkiePM LiarFromTheShire auspol

vincentwight A meme. FWT

Worth noting Australia has a high rate of indigenous incarcerations for minor offences and disproportionate number of black deaths in custody. 424 since 1991 Royal Commission and 17 of those after 2018. Families often wait YEARS for coronial inquest. U R not immune from racism

The PM needs to educate himself on all facets of the truth on this issue before he judges Many people are trying to protest peacefully, .

ScoMo, What’s the taste of Trump’s ass?

Morrison still seems more interested in projecting a 'cool dude' image than being a grown up. Surely it is more appropriate to refer to the actual quote?

A part from the institutionalized systemic racism in employment...everything is PERFECT! But SCOMO wouldn't know that!

Nothing about the role of Trump's leadership, or lack thereof.

I can't breathe should prompt a human response or its murder.

Authority for sake of authority is not democracy.

Inspiring stuff: “I have a meme...”

What will bring change to systemic unfairness and status quo ? Violence is last resort but peaceful protestors are change agents not criminals.

Interesting photo of Morrison. I can see the insanity. auspol

Morrison utterly lacks gravitas. He's a disgrace.

With all due respect to the PM, it appears that MLK appears to have achieved very little considering the current unrest in the US. That meme is so patronising.

Riots are the language of those who are not heard

Morrison is a repugnant individual and anything he says revolves around lies. auspol

'Australia is not America' so true. Let's stop trying to implement IPA policys that reflect what has been done in America. Let's stop trying to implement a wage system based on America.


As usual he's making up crap, telling lies. There is no meme. The closest is one in this article which is usually used to stop people demonstrating against racism. I wonder if the racist CrimeMinister knows that?

Wanna bet, Sunshine?

Right, can smell double standard here

Bring Australia into it and you will not be Prime Minister Scott Morrison auspol Bullshitboy CrimeMinister ScottyfromMarketing BinBoyMuller Pell AngusTaylor Watergate Grassgate sportsrorts


Why the heck is he even using a racist station to espouse his unresearched views. What real solution did he provide. What has he done to address Black Deaths in Custody. He is an idiot and not my prime minister

What a useless PM you are ScottMorrisonMP . Why can't you condemn in the strongest of terms the murder of an African American man. We don't want to be buddies with you or a total maniac like Trump. foffmorrison

MLK did not denounce riots, he said a riot was the voice of the unheard. Morrison can't even get that right.

Funny how your views changed. You didn’t say that when the HK riots were happening. Double standard much?

ccp supports the riots ChineseCommunistParty

ScottyFromMarketing take the blenders off&admit to the racial injustice //But in the wake of the tragedy, Indigenous activists and voices have pointed out similarities between the murder to various Aboriginal deaths in custody to highlightAustralia's own troubled past.// auspol

Quote its entirety you dishonest creep. In his speech, 'The Other America' King, argues that worsening economic and social conditions that black Americans experience must be condemned as equally as riots. It is here he invokes the line: 'A riot is the language of the unheard.'

It’s wise if he can keep a low profile and don’t get into too deep with USA

A meme about a quote from Martin Luther King who was murdered by a RW fascist. Morrison is no MLK. Morrison is a Trump lover. auspol MSM

Is he talking to Americans? Or is being preemptive just in case he pisses people off over here?

ScottyFomMarketing using Martin Luther King's name as an example of peaceful activism? He convieniently omitted the fact that MLK was murdered by a white racist for his peaceful activism. He's such a Scomo

davidbewart No but a change of leadersjip will!

PM says Floyd murder cannot be compared to Australia' s treatment of our indigenous land owners. WRONG.. It is the same. Rascism and police brutality is the same.. It will erupt here too..

Says Trumps arse licker who everyday comes out and misquotes quotes to appease his QAnon mates & Trump! Seriously we need some leadership in this country not a US sheep follower!

If Abraham Lincoln was alive, he might beg to differ.

Interestingly, the meme the Prime Minister viewed was posted by the lunatic Australian pro-Trump fascist account Imam of Peace.

So our burbling ad-man PM thinks our military incursions overseas also need denouncing because violence doesn't solve anything? When God-fearing conservative white supremacists go armed in public where are his concerns? Outrageous Aus military spending used for far better things?


Because he is shit scared it will happen here. The US is reaping what they sow.

says the Trump sycophant ... the same Trump that foments violence with his Twitter rants ScottMorrisonMP auspol LNPfail

There's no need to import things happening in other countries here to Australia,' Mr Morrison said. Hey morrison Funny you don’t listen to yourself whilst lecturing your peasants

It's not a 'meme', it's a statement by someone closer to the situation, and a calm and considered one. Being promulgated doesn't make it a 'meme.' But unfortunately Morrison chooses to not take a stance on Black People's deaths, often in similar circumstances, in Australia.

Politicians and business and plenty of individuals have become immune to hearing the message behind rhetoric. Nothing is being done so.... You do the math. And on violence...who did the violence first? Who was the role model for thoughtless damage to another?

Bruh moment

This is what passes for leadership in Australia these days? And the so-called media don't ask any questions at all? Shame on you.

He doesn't believe change is the answer.

I go along with that. Lasting change comes with communication, education, facilitation and delegation. It takes political management not violence.

ScottMorrisonMP so will you now do anything about the systemic, state sponsored racism in our own country? Or will you continue to ignore it?

Didn't ScottyFromMarketting recently endorse 'It’s A Free Country” in response to Anti-Lockdown Protests a few days ago

I would love to see ScoMo’s Constitution picture book.

Is he fuckin serious? MLK's kids even came out and said 'Dad would be out there protesting with them in the violence' nothing in this world has ever gotten better for the lower classes and minorities without violent protests and revolution. People in power have never cared

palmisland Sergeanthurley

why isnt he speakijg out against the police rioting and the Trump regime declaring anyone against facism terrorists.

Because you and that police office are holding the same ideologies

the meme doesn't seem to exist

Scottie - you are in no position to criticise black people in US

But you are ruining our country slowmo ,slowly but surely

Some memes work better. LNPCrimeFamily

Violence always brings change. Problem is it's rarely in the positive for minorities!

Would be nice to have Australian prime minister focus on issues important and relevant to Australia before trying to score brownie points as lap dog.

ScottyFromMarketing ...answer is...thoughts and prayers no doubt...

davidbewart Morrison is a lump of lard

He wasn't the first to die in police custody, wasn't the first to be treated with utter contempt. Why couldn't he be placed in the back of a vehicle? If it was a misdemeanor, why weren't his details taken and charges laid later with a set court appearance? He didn't have a weapon

Rioting achieves nothing other than deaths and lifelong injuries and lifelong scorn from the rest of the world.

Why do Australia’s LNP pollies think US citizens give a toss about what they think? Auspol jumping in here is weird because it’s not even likely to register as a blip on the US radar. Morrison is so odd sometimes

The Pathetic State of America!!! It's not hard to find a timeline showing African-American are living a death sentence....

This bs “violence won’t make change” is crap. Learn some history.

Justine Damond must be spinning in her grave to see thick Aussies race baiting the issue to push their own filthy racist agendas. AllLivesMatter

Some people read articles and academic papers

Do your research ScottMorrisonMP. It’s largely the POLICE and the random WHITE MALES being violent, not the PEACEFUL PROTESTERS.

...and what does this expert think is appropriate course of action for ‘minorities’ to achieve recognition, respect and equality in a world ruled by fat, rich, middle-aged, white men?

99% of these replies make me proud happy 🥰

That meme doesn't denounce protests. It explains they are inevitable under the present system

Quoting a meme... How very dare he!

He's right violence aka war in the middle east didn't do much to improve life for the people.

Violence is literally what brought about America itself so he's actually just factually, historically wrong.

2000 died thanks to this government's illegal robodebt scheme. He was responsible for that. He's not sorry. He has to go.

A meme is just the right amount of words for him to understand, anything longer would confuse him.

We see so many supporters in the streets, many white people marching for George Floyd-many thousands. Why then do black Americans feel they get no support in the community? Why are they disadvantaged when so many not marching offer messages of support?

They tried peaceful protesting and Conservatives criticised them for it!

No, but things like this will. 'This is how we unite as one'

Yes, the police have been very violent.

ScoMo must've been asleep during the part where the class was told MLK got assassinated.

He’s quoting memes now? What next, sharing YouTube videos and writing “do your own research!”?

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