Peter Dutton has reached into the weeds of the climate wars and pulled out nuclear energy. It’s beyond ludicrous | Katharine Murphy

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The Coalition could’ve progressed a domestic industry in its nine years in power, but it didn’t

What’s happening now is dead simple: later this week in the House of Representatives, the Liberal and National parties will once again vote against any form of serious emissions reduction.

Now nuclear is being invoked to leash the Nationals and give the After Dark roster on Sky News something to have #BigFeelings™ about while Liberals work out how on earth to regroup on climate policy over the next three years., you ask? O’Brien is the new shadow minister for climate change and energy.

The Coalition has just been in power for nine years. It had the power to progress a domestic nuclear industry. It didn’t. Now, in opposition, we’ll have O’Brien agreeing with O’Brien , or possibly we’ll have duelling O’Briens. Who says politics is too cruel a profession for closure? It said there were no prospects of any domestic projects “this decade, given the technology’s commercial immaturity and high cost”. That was two weeks ago.

Ziggy Switkowski appeared before O’Brien’s inquiry in 2019 and said there was no coherent business case to finance an Australian nuclear industry before adding: “I have emphasised that one of the things that has changed over the last decade or so is that nuclear power has got more expensive rather than less expensive”.


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Nuke is the only technology currently available that can replace the 13GW of coal on the grid. It would go a long way towards meeting the emissions reduction targets. If we can have nuke subs that don't need refueling over their life we can do the same for electricity.

Why to me it is the only sensible solution .

‘weaponised bollocks’. ‘Big Feelings TM’. 😂

RichardYabsley Whoever is advising Dutton on strategy I’m so bloody here for it with bells on

What’s ludicrous is people thinking you’re a trusted source of info. Peddling garbage info on renewable energy. It’s a myth.

AlanKohler Even comparing cost of worst case Nuc, Hinkley C, 100% renewables NEM has a higher capital cost, ~350 billion based on solar, 320 for Nuclear. SMRs a little higher. Divide by 10 for capital contribution to $/MWh for 50 y. Has does CSIRO end up with nuclear LCOE so high. Finance?

Does he have the land set aside in his electorate to build the plant and dispose of the rods? Was it a policy that won him his seat?

My guess is they need to keep the deals they made in regard to those subs …..or is that the trade off ….more US troops on Aussie soil

Let's step back to basics - it's ludicrous that people still believe the unproven hypothesis that human co2 will heat the planet, when actual scientific data says otherwise. 30 years of climate agreements has resulted in zero reduction of co2, & not 1 doomsday prediction true

Nuclear (fission) energy is actually rather sensible for an intermediate solution unless Australia wants to stick with the coal & natural gas power.

Grist for Murdoch’s mill. Isn’t that the Liberal way?

The most expensive and the most dangerous alternative. Rancid and stupid ideas become them.

Who needs Mad As Hell?!

Liberal Party, anything to be contrary. If Labor said the sky was a shade of blue, they would say it was striped. Not a Labor fan either, but I have noticed this specifically about the Libs.

ludicrous to the uneducated perhaps 🤣

the Guardian has no science correspondents. Here is the French energy supply. The Guardian is just propaganda.

BlueDodoBird LNP and Sky After Dark are a dangerous combination who only seek to benefit themselves.

Why is Australia afraid of Nuclear energy, the rest of the world uses it, we supply what's needed to run them but we only have the one in the country, clean green and no emissions

Australia needs nuclear energy

Just hope he stays. Unelectable.

Well this is awkward. New Study: Arctic Was Much Warmer 6000 Years Ago… 90% Of Glaciers, Ice Caps Smaller Than Present Or Absent!

Let's call it Nation Building Nuclear, or NBN for short. We know how well the Coalition can do that.

Another grifter with the use of the term 'climate wars'. Seems The Guardian got the memo from on high as well. I'll give you sell outs one thing - you're all very well organised and coordinated.

But Dutton is right. Albo is wrong!!!

Wait til she does let's say a month in review of what the libs have learnt from the election n two sittings of parliament. I can't wait. The wedge of nuclear bring it spud.

Following the Bitcoin, Dogecoin came and Elon Musk promoted for listing. Hence recently investor sued Elon for promotion of inflated subject and sought compensation of $258 billion Livestream on Gettr: Replay:

Only two weeks ago the CSIRO found that wind and solar remains the cheapest source of electricity generation and storage in Australia, even when considering additional integration costs arising due to the variable output of renewables, such as energy storage and transmission.

Best solution. Renewables are a wet dream! Doesn’t end well

Catherine_Zen God imagine being that desperate to differentiate yourself 🤦🏼‍♀️

Murphy has dived into the weeds to badge GreensMPs as historically a blocker of climate action and suffering a “putting the perfect in the way of the good” Candide type delusion. murphy supported turnbull on everything no matter how bad FFS. she has zero credibility.

Australia should of gone nuclear 50yrs ago. However the same scared, non-thinking and outraged ppl that exsisted then & stopped nuclear age still here today. The greens and left are always holding our country back.

What more would you expect from The Marxist Times? Katharine Murphy is ludicrous and quite clearly a political activist masquerading as a journalist! This is the worst news outlet in Australia.

Kind of like Murph pretending to be a journalist.....

There's a definite orange glow surrounding Spud's head lately...he wants nuclear, he wants it now and he's quite happy for the planet to continue burning while he follows his yellow brick road to extinction.

There’s a lot of grift to be made from the supply chain. All the mining giants can get in on the manufacturing, labour hire, operations, security, transport, maintenance. Uses enormous amounts of water. Hugely expensive. It’s a con. LNPCorruptionParty auspol

Lets just bell the cat. The real underlying motivation is access to nuclear weapons, in the shadow of China.

Nuclear? Weeds? I think you'll find even liberal-progressives are salivating for Nuclear, the cleanest and greenest energy of them all auspol

AlanKohler There is no chance of nuclear energy in Australia while the fossil fuel industry is in charge. The anti propaganda stretches over decades.

Why? Because its the only logical solution to the Climate Wars that Labor won't admit to due to fortunes in renewable $$$

It's a lot more ludicrous to suggest you could replace fossil fuels with giant battery storage.

Summed up in a nutshell. Dutton is so bereft of one single original thought he’s drafting a policy without any consideration for the future under the stress of an escalating climate crisis. This is an e.g. of the shallow thinking of neoliberalism and recycling the past!

Putting more unreliable wind and solar at extraordinary cost ($700b) that will not have any influence on climate into the energy system…that’s what is beyond ludicrous

Nuclear is an excellent source of power that will definitely be needed in Australia, but the LNP lacks credibility on the issue, seeing they were in power for nine years and didn't build any reactors.

AlanKohler Desperate to maintain a centralised power structure. Anything to disempower the individual.

AlanKohler Energy is cheap now, but energy security is still expensive. It can not be achieved with weather dependent sources and storage and no baseload. I'm a 50 year left wing voter but our side is responsible for: energy crisis; dependence on Russia; coming famine. 😡

AlanKohler You want clean, renewable energy but you reject the best option? Nuclear technology has drastically improved since Chernobyl (which was already using outdated technology and safety measures). Stop the fear mongering, this is smart and realistic climate policy.

Get real!!! We need reliable energy. Nuclear is an option and is being used by a number of countries. Are you saying they are stupid?

This is the very reason this rag called a newspaper is in financial trouble Who would want to buy this rubbish Not even good enough for kitty litter

Time for the media to call him out. It is not their job to allow BS.

Why do I keep thinking of Joh Bjelke-Peterson's white shoe brigade with this lot? Must be that Back To The 80's schtick they're doing. Even that's been done before. And that was in the 80's! 🤦‍♂️

AlanKohler Most dense energy source around. Batteries are environmental disasters and the sun doesn’t shine all the time.

This is where the climate activists and its associated nutters loses the plot. The call for drastic measures to combat climate change, including changing the world economy, but rejects the only viable alternative to coal fire because they alleged that it's not cost effective...

Why ludicrous?

Well done Peter. About time the Libs got some balls to stand up against the climate bed wetters.

Maybe murpharoo can ask him what type of nuclear he is proposing? are we going for fission or fusion?

Nuclear is part of our evolution......No one can stop that in time. Sit down with a cup of tea and think about it. Not rocket science.

I love the wording of PD reserving 'the right to engage in more weaponised bollocks'. So apt.

nuclear energy must be part of our energy policies

Murpharoo. 👏👏👏

If you want to call something 'total bullshit' don't be projecting so obviously as to predicate it on the notion that carbon tax is necessary to prevent coal stations being if government has no role in deciding.

It's safe and clean

If we’re ditching coal the only “green” options for baseload power are nuclear or gas. Take your pick.

Ludicrous that someone has an opinion that is different to yours? Interesting

Climate change is a fake religion that makes the rich very rich and makes the poor very poor.

DuttonsNuclearDonations should be the

This guy, Dutton is RADIOACTIVE, dangerous.....

...on the weeds...

Old Spud flip flopping again 🤡

It makes perfect sense from a non-policy viewpoint.

murpharoo maybe the dutton “recent” USA trip has something to do with it?

It didn't try to table or legislate anything to do with Nuclear energy because Labor/Greens blocked anything that wasn't intermittent, unreliable renewables.

AdamBandt needs to cooperate n pass legislation to ensure LNP’s ploy fails spectacularly. Also, make it so their position gets further eroded in opposition. The more irrelevant they become, the better it is for everyone

Dutton looks like a cartoon villain who's had a nuclear accident.

Here we go again just get over it and move on. You know why the hate renewables. Because mates can’t dig it up and sell it OS. No kick back in it the stinking rich. Oh but wait we can make hydrogen clean and any amount and sell that go figure.

Where in the electorate of Dickson is he saying it should be set up?

Well the next three years are going to be interesting with Dutton showing himself to be a more ridiculous and devisive figure each day.

The “scientific consensus” is based on these highly inaccurate so called climate models. Not one is even close to reality.

AlanKohler Labor voted against every energy plan in opposition, including Turnbull’s NEG.

I don't mind them having another 'review'. I do mind paying for it. And if I was in a LNP electorate I would bloody well mind them wasting more time on a dead duck.

Fossil fuels actually make the planet, including climate, liveable. Fossil fuels make us far safer from climate by powering the amazing machines that protect us against the always-dangerous climate. Climate disaster deaths have decreased 98% over the last century.

The Coalition has just been in power for nine years. It had the power to progress a domestic nuclear industry. It didn’t. Now, in opposition, we’ll have O’Brien (2022) agreeing with O’Brien (ignored in 2019), or possibly we’ll have duelling O’Briens. 🤣🤣🤣

What planet are these liberals living on! Nuclear as an alternative? What about spent fuel rods! Clean energy indeed!

Did nothing in power for 9 years. Once out of power 'but....nuclear!'. Tosser.

Dutton is a ludicrous individual

So Kathrine I know dozens of electrical engineers. 0 support or believe in a 100% RE possible future. None existent storage solutions obviously not included in the CSIRO report much less added to the wind and solar dream. It even talks about additional gas, conveniently to ignore

Meanwhile in France.

Christi58156854 Katharine, what would we do without you?

Bing a newspaper person Katherine one would wonder why you don’t read any news from Europe. The UN has now added nuclear to their renewable energy listings. Catch up and keep it real!!

hey PeterDutton_MP if nuclear power is so good,why didn't the Liberals do something in the past 9 years?

'Only 2 weeks ago CSIRO found that wind and solar remains the cheapest source of electricity generation & storage in Aust, even when considering additional integration costs arising due to the variable output of renewables' So instead of carbon research DumbDutt goes nuclear.

Nuclear is supported by a grow number of countries around the world, 32 atm. There needs to be blend of energy or the lights go out. South Korea, USA, France, Russia, Japan, UK, China etc etc all expanding nuclear but Chris peanut Bowen knows better 🤣

Like every area Dutton has dabbled in, he picks the issue that gives most scope for bluster and BS. No concern for public good.

The Graunuad is really going to struggle to spin the upcoming failure of the 'renewables only' approach.

Thanks murpharoo! Beyond ludicrous indeed!

murpharoo 🙌🏻

They have to profit from climate action. That is all this is.

GrogsGamut Just another liberal distraction. No plan, no idea.

And here’s “climate wars” again🙄

Listen Spud, you are talking to an audience that doesn’t exist. Labor & independents speak to one that does.

He knows it resonates with some even though he is in position to fully understand that nuclear does not stack up. Trumpism wedge politics.

What War!?

The cleanest and safest form of energy. Do your homework.

Substandard journalism.

Irrelevant leader of irrelevant party choose irrelevant policy direction. No one cares, no one's interested.. Liberals sidelining themselves these days TwentyFivePerCent

It's still not as good as going solar, wind, thermal and NOW. It's BS that it can't be done and won't supply enough energy. The Gov't should just pay for solar for people using the CORP. WELFARE we give to fossil fools! That would be the beginning of the end for dirty energy!

Great to see they have the nations best interest at heart. Totally incomprehensible.

PeterDutton_MP is an obnoxious weed 😡😡😡

I think the best thing that auspol can do is get on with addressing climate change. Let the LNP do their little look into nuclear. When they wake up we should have the legislation for emissions targets down pat & on it's way to implementation.

They will do anything but the right thing on climate policy. Why, you have to ask? And it makes you think of the worst things as to the reasons. Just madness!

Nuclear☢️ The most expensive power 🔋option. From approval, to design, build, & producing it's first watt of power ⚡ it would be ready by the time the coalitions Nuclear☢️ submarines are ready. By then old tech in a smart grid world 🌏 auspol


now grand property

He's not a very smart man. Neither are his front benchers.

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