NSW residents to face fines for not reporting positive RAT results

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Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

BREAKING: NSW has made it mandatory to report positive COVID19 rapid antigen test results, with a $1000 FINE for anyone failing to do so. The system went live today on the Service NSW app, which will link residents with health services. 9News INFO:

Mr Perrottet said anybody who had tested positive with a RAT since January 1 needed to log their result.People who fail to register a positive rapid antigen test result on the Service NSW app will be fined $1000, NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has said.The registration service was launched at 9am today.

The NSW Premier said anybody who had tested positive with a RAT since January 1 needed to log their result.Interstate travellers can also register a guest account.A person in their 30s and one centenarian are among the reported deaths.


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Do we really need to be beaten with a stick if we don’t report our Rapid Antigen Tests. The people of NSW have proven that they are compliant with vaccinations and lockdowns. Dom_Perrottet don’t demand what you can ask politely for!!!

This so bloody ridiculous what is the point if you get crook then testing is a waste of time. Shouldn't you's be caring for the elderly and people at risk fixing our broken front line nurses and doctors etc. and the rest of us go and live our lives with you's not in it please

Lmao this is so extra.

The test are rigged anyway. The pcr test does like 30 cycles and says you're positive even if you're not.

Pity they didn't place equal emphasis on reporting adverse reactions to vaccines. How does the NSW gvmt plan to police this new mandate? This new 'honour' system is truly tokenism at its best. It makes no difference & it's just revenue raising... great, just what the public need!

Unproveable and unenforceable. If you selectively enforce this, you invalidate the law. This is an American and also British common law concept.


How are they going to get the revenue when some people can't find any in the first place and others are broke and find it hard to buy them?

Scaring the sheep again

How are they gonna police this? Seriously how can they even tell if someone has a RAT that you bought at chemist warehouse or whatever. What if I have bought a couple of RATs for when I go back to work in a month because I dont know weather or not they will be available then?

They can't fine for that

Now I understand what keeping the economy open means: charging more fines on everyone!!

Just makes people not test and spread the virus more...!! Brilliant

Sure I will report it as soon as I can get my hands on a RAT kit! This govt has successfully passed on all its responsibilities over to the people so they can focus on 'policing and fining' those who're unable to keep up with these 'dynamic' regulations.

Yep that's the way. Threaten more fines. How about Dom & friends we get an option to fine you with every kit? Say 5 cents per kit? Then you & all the current NSW coalition members have to pay the total each week. So 80000 RAT positives = $4K so about an $85 fine for each of you.

Why wouldn’t they order huge stockpiles of RATs when they were noticing increasing pressures with PCR testing back when nsw cases were at around 2-3k a day? They have money for war memorials, Hillsong and tanks but not RATs. Force repayments of jobkeeper from Harvey Norman etc

This is the most absurd shit I've heard in a long time. Absolutely bonkers mate MassFormation

Tomorrow’s headline: “Testing Numbers Decline Sharply!!”

Funny is how are they going 5o execute 😅

So VictorDominello admit he can't police the $1,000 fine. That's just a stick, Victor. You could have offered a Carrot too. So we now know that Dom_Perrottet makes up rules and laws that don't make sense. That's what you get when the premier is too young and too inexperienced.

let it rip, reduce testing service, make the truth harder to come out

Can we just say that we’ve all had Covid and get on with life!!! I have…

It's like he doesn't live in the real world. We need real people in Parliament not indoctrinated lifetime members of political (cult) parties

only thing is that they are so inaccurate it's a joke, I know of a few people that showed up negative then went and got a PCR test and came back positive so explain that NSWHealth we are going from bad to worse!

We will all have bar codes soon

Running out of money eh ?

Good for you Sydney stick to your request. No matter what. Make sure it's done there in front for some one before each game. Don't believe anyone on they words. It's about time .Thank You

Ok Dom you close the PCR hubs, No one has any in stock. I can do and go where ever I want on the basis of that.

Can the acronym 'RAT' be more obvious to the sad state of affairs that people are subjected to these days?

And who is going to enforce it🤪🤪

Most useless and stupid fines of all stupid fines yet 😂.

Self diagnosis? I might speak to my Doctor about this as Google was never a good idea for diagnosing illness he said!

Sounds familiar? This is the similar fcuk up years ago with the face mask shortages

Nope. I'll tell you filth nothing.

Gonna put those anti terrorist laws into use and check online conversations without search warrants I see

If someone wants me to do an RA test - they can provide it! Otherwise I will just stay home, and get a PCR if I get symptoms ... the whole covid/RATs/PCR testing/reporting mess is more ridiculous than a Monty Python sketch, and reminds me very much of the book 'Catch 22'

It's completely a bloody failure. This government has completely forgotten that we are all suffered as a consequence of their actions. Seriously? When on earth do you think that we are going to hear something out of this chaos? We are not ATM, this is the way for revenue, what4

Are the police going to start performing roadside Rat's? If people go positive, but answered wrongly, can they get off by saying it was a human error?

Prime minister first and all politicians

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9NewsAUS And how would you enforce such system? Let’s say a person forgot to report their test… 🤷‍♂️

Gee whiz that's some really smart forward-thinking from Dom.

jfc this government is an international embarrassment. $1000 fines for not reporting tests that you have to buy yourself, at an inflated price from lack of supply and price gouging brought on by this government

Just a don't understand how $20 to 30 a test is going to work

I think they are saying if you know you have covid you gave to report it

How will they know if we have taken one? Or what if you simply just don't do a RAT for what ever reason you wish to choose

How can you honestly police that


Haha, only if you can get hold a RAT kit to test in the first place🤣

Yeah and who’s gonna enforce that ya dicks

Who the hell made that up!

1. It’s practically impossible to get them. 2. How do they know if we have them? 3. How do they know we tested positive unless we tell them? 4. How will they know we haven’t told them we’re positive if they don’t know we have them? Make it make sense 😩

Make me wonder if there is a tracking device in the rapid antigen test kit; otherwise, how do they find out. Also the rapid antigen test kit doesn't give accurate results and is not cheap. Why we still use it. If you feel sick, you suppose to stay home anyway

Australia’s RAT (testing) crisis was entirely avoidable, if Scott Morrison had done his job. We should not be in this mess in the 3rd year of the pandemic.

NSW Parliament secures stockpile of free Rapid Antigen Tests for MPs and staff..- While essential workers are forced to run their own rat race to purchase rapid antigen tests, NSW Parliament has secured its own free stockpile.-

8 days still waiting for a result

9NewsAUS Is this some kind of joke, fine us for not reporting a positive RAT, when we can't even buy one

What if people don't have a smart phone or computer? So stupid

Why bother recording RAT results if no one can get any? I've been to 8 retailers all sold out

They have worked out that it's against WHO rules to not report cases properly so Domenic is putting the blame on the people. Again. Journalists do your job and report the truth for once.

So the health system knows how many hospital beds will be needed or not based on case numbers. Call it filling in your census once a year

The US CDC finally admitted that the PCR test is a dud (the inventor had already publically said that his device couldn't detect infections). The Rapid test is based on the same dud basis. The tech in the jabs will connect the nano-technologies in you to the internet/5G. Think!

Mandates have become a way of life.

Yeah thanks bro... like people listen to mandates. Or the new Aussie way would be friends/neighbours hearing this and dobbing people in to the Gestapo.. nation of eavesdroppers and dobbers

Plenty of Greek alphabet to still go around 😜

Do case numbers matter again now then?

I don't understand how you get found out if you test positive and stay at home and don't report it? 🙃 🤷‍♂️

🤣😂🤣😂 what a complete joke. Who would report it? You can purchase them at service stations at the counter next to the Mars bars 🤣😂

Dominic did a 'Dom' ie f&ked it up in his first 2 weeks, like some kind of Marvel wannabe super hero. Is there any smart pollies at all in this great country? Deserves better.

9NewsAUS Can’t test because can’t buy, so unable to report. GREAT policy making, not

Can they be fined for not supplying them? Cannot get my hands on one, had my child PCR and the nurse said that she will prob need another PCR on day 6 as the RATs are too hard to find, unless you buy off the ppl selling RATs for $60. I’m also losing work and paying the gap.

They don't work with omicron

Why is the govt pushing RAT tests when they are not reliable. So much reported on positive showing negative. Now we hear you have to have the test 3 days after contact or symptoms or it may not work. What is the value is paying top dollar for a test that may not work.

🦠🦠Made in 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🦠🦠 😈😈Remember😈😈

What happens when you don't have or cannot afford internet connection. Will the govt provide internet access free of charge.

So now no one wants a RAT test - $1000 fine. He’s fixed the supply issue, fixed the numbers, stuffed us. Domicron

make mask mandatory is much better.

Ridiculous and pointless.

I chuckled thinking this is a joke till I realized it wasn't a parody. Then I rolled on the floor laughing on how could this ever be policed..till I started slowly crying inside looking at this state of nonsense we are in ..

What a joke, I can see alot of people not reporting these tests or even using them at the risk of a $1000 fine, pull your heads out of your arse, and make the test free before wanting to fine people for not reporting a result, have fun trying to police this crap you tools.

1. Where can you actually get RAT tests 2. Will people buy them ? 3. If someone gets a positive results and destroys the test. How and who will know? These people are fools. We already have people wandering around after positive PCR tests and nothing is done even when discovered

cool story bro

First you need to have one to use,

Rat Test is Overpriced, & unavailable the best of Times. The Morrison Government should focus on how to keep Australians Health Safe, Not spending $$ on Defense ( Simply Placating USA ), Therefore Not Allowing ' Price Gouging for these RAT TESTS, Simple.

Your health status is your own business and if you paid for and administered the test yourself in your own home that’s entirely your own private information to do with as you please.

This from the party who wants government out of people's lives?

Good bloody luck finding one....! Let alone affording to buy one! 👍 top effort nsw gov

Breaking MarkMcGowanMP will introduce a $10000 weekly lottery open to everyone that reports their positive FreeRats and N95 masks to be sent to all households reported on new SafetyWA app westaustralian abcperth Are we ready for Omicron WA?

So don’t buy a rat test basically? Because there’s a chance you’ll be fined. Great advice Domicrom

Thank Goodness I’m not on the dating scene. It won’t be long until your date brings a RAT and asks you to test yourself 15 minutes before they will introduce themselves. They are like the new condoms, but still the STD rates among young people are at a high.

I'm in Vic but I have a rat in my roof. Please don't fine me.

Oh so this is another dob in ya mate thingy is it?

You want people to care about reporting them make them tests free or more readily available

How could anyone actually police this 🤔

I just want to know about people who don’t have Internet access or nay how to use apps how are they going to report did they come up with a plan for those poor people especially the elderly

Just don't get tested.

More services & parts of our lives slowly morphing online. Eventually all of your identity & private information will be online linked to the government. The slippery slope towards the government establishing a social credit system (like China) gets closer everyday. Vote them out

So if you feel sick, it is better to go out and party so you don't look suspious

MSMWatchdog2013 I get the feeling he is making this up as he goes along, in the absence of any plan.

What about those tests that turn positive under tap water..🤔

Too little, too late, and too hard to enforce.

And how they going to enforce this

🤣🤣🤣They can't be serious that they really think someone who is going to test positive and go against the rules will really show their results via the service app.

Why test ? If your sick stay home simple!

😂😂 get some of that $750 a week back

Can I get $1000 every time I can't find any RAT kits?

While you’re reporting on this nonsense you’re not reporting on ScottyFromMarketing f.u.c.k.u.p.s …mission accomplished . ScottyCouldntGiveaRats ScottyFromEugenics

Enforcing reporting of positive RATs is understandable and logical. Health officials and policymakers need this data. However, is Dom_Perrottet drawing a longbow by issuing fines at this stage, considering the State &/or Fed Gov has failed to secure a sufficient supply of RATs?

They should be talking to Janice & Lindsey Lennon. If we are going to run a circus, we should have professionals running it.

9NewsAUS Sick of the governments not corona

I can’t get over how dumb this is. No matter how badly Perrottet and Morrison perform, each day brings a new low

Easy if I get sick I won't get tested pcr or rat I'll keep going on like normal life

How do they even dream this stuff up

9NewsAUS Sorry, maybe if Glady's was in charge but this guy hasn't won me over yet

Play dumb people, they are after data it’s nothing to do with your well-being

Irrelevant crap, nationwide RAT shortages.

Wow a new test hysteria level ! Poor disinformed citizens. Hold on.

While I am all for contract tracing, to fine people when they were originally pushed to use RAT test kits without so much of a plan on how to record/track results, is plain ridiculous.

People aren't scared of covid anymore. And forcing people to take tests for such a 'deadly virus' just to see if they have it... and threatening them with a fine if they don't comply.. your head on a plate, mate.

Unworkable - guarantee a fine will never be issued. How can you prove this in a court of law. You will need to recruit an extra 10000 police

How would they know? Not like Dom's going to go through the garbage can and dig out a positive RAT to give a fine.

Dictator Dom

If we have to pay for our own tests then the results are ours to do what we wish

MSMWatchdog2013 It's a hyperlink from the app. You need to login again. Grrr!

MSMWatchdog2013 Blahahahahahahaha these men are delusional....

9NewsAUS Apart from no tests available, how does he plan on enforcing this fine? 🤷‍♂️

So if you don’t tell them you got Covid how they going to fine you……. 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

What happens if you're doing your RAT on day 6 after having COVID and still test positive? Do you have to report that as well? Or does only the first RAT count

Much like speeding and then reporting yourself to the police to be fined, 🤡😂

Lol how you going to police this? If I test positive I will throw it in the bin and go the beach and then to coles for a Oak milkshake.

Haha absolute dickheads!

😂😂😂😂 how would anyone get caught. U test positive, stay home 🤷‍♂️

MSMWatchdog2013 Is DoPe a compulsory rat or can we get rid of him?

9NewsAUS Serious question 🙋🏼‍♂️ how are they going to police this 🤷🏼‍♂️

How about making the RATs free and available before imposing fines for something we have to purchase in the first place. It is not cheap if you have to buy, and you can find one to buy, to monitor everytime someone has symptoms. Big business talking!

lmfao how are they going to know? Dodo Dom_Perrottet strikes again!!!

9NewsAUS This is 'health' expert!! Don't make me laugh

9NewsAUS Thinking more like revenue raising 😡😡


Domicron is coming off quite hostile now….is he feeling the heat is he!

how on Earth would police know if you have taken a test?

9NewsAUS I’d love to see him catch the RATs!! What process is there Dom_Perrottet

Awesome so if I could kindly be pointed in the direction to buy one that would be great

9NewsAUS Thanks God they are not fining anyone who failed to secure any RAT kits 😅

Ok, and how will you know to fine someone if they have not reported it?

This is a joke right? Firstly...there's no stock to be able to do a test, secondly how are they even going to police this? This is an empty threat that we're all sick of hearing and has no meaning or substance.

9NewsAUS Where is the form to self report for a fine?

9NewsAUS Great, how he hell do you actually get one of these tests?

9NewsAUS 🤡🌎

Of course, the system they use for the positive tests reports will almost certainly crash, and the fines system will descend into farce and be almost certainly unenforceable.

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