Liberal-led council threatens not to collect bins with anti-Morrison stickers

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Philip Ruddock’s Hornsby Shire Council has threatened not to collect the rubbish of residents with anti-Scott Morrison stickers on their bins after receiving a complaint from an “offended” neighbour | michaelkoziol

Philip Ruddock’s Hornsby Shire Council has threatened not to collect the rubbish of residents with anti-Scott Morrison stickers on their bins after receiving a complaint from an “offended” neighbour.

Asquith resident Peter Rickwood affixed the stickers to his wheelie bins earlier this year. In recent weeks he received a letter from Hornsby Shire Council warning he was obscuring the council’s logo on the bins, and it was “not appropriate” to use council property to convey political messages. “It seems a bit odd that they’re suddenly choosing to police this no-sticker policy when it happens to be political,” he said.

Mr Ruddock, the Liberal mayor of Hornsby, is also the NSW Liberal Party president and was a long-serving minister in the Howard government, including as attorney-general.


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michaelkoziol Now that is a massive rubbish removal initiative that should be encouraged. Most people would like SM recycled to something more suitable anyway.

michaelkoziol I lost mine, and my bins in the flood sadly. Was the neighbours name Philip by chance?

michaelkoziol These are readily available and used . So clearly purely political if they have to be removed.

michaelkoziol Why do the LNP hate free speech so much? Why are they so opposed to democracy?

michaelkoziol The council will be shocked to realise those uncollected bin’s contents will most likely be decanted on the roads of Hornsby. Won’t be pretty.

michaelkoziol This must surely be prosecuted under the health act

michaelkoziol It gets even better 🤣🤣🤣

michaelkoziol I think it's a good idea. We put something like ' Ban Islam' on the bins. It could be a good way for people to show the Government and others what they want to happen.

michaelkoziol Funny how the Liberals only support free speech if is hate speech against minorities. If it is a Liberal that is being criticised then they lawyer up and won't collect your garbage. auspol scomo inthebin

michaelkoziol ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

michaelkoziol Triggered much?

michaelkoziol Free speech seems only free if it is critical of Labor

michaelkoziol The complainant should perhaps be a little more concerned about the potential diseases that uncollected bins full of rotting refuse will provide for the community he/she resides within!

michaelkoziol “I’m not going to take them off,” he said. “I just want to wait and see what they do.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣 Liberals are the biggest fucking snowflakes.

michaelkoziol Absolutely ridiculous as if Ruddock owned the Shire. Vote LNP out !

michaelkoziol Bring it on Phil you will be turfed out with your lying mate in The Lodge.

michaelkoziol Philip Ruddock. Yesterday's man. One of the past LNPMassiveFail architects of a great many of Australia's current woes. Utterly shameful. LNPCrimeFamily

michaelkoziol We live in 2022, how have people not heard of the Streisand Effect already.

michaelkoziol JUST LET THEM TRY THIS CRAP! What a bunch of wankers!

michaelkoziol Take them off as requested. And stick them on the garage door that you own.

michaelkoziol Right, so they waive any fees that residents have to pay to have their bins collected then, right? It's only fair they don't pay if the bins aren't collected.

michaelkoziol What an absolute abuse of power, but not surprising from lnp supporters.

Bowenchris michaelkoziol Expect nothing less from that Magpie Murdering council 😡😡😡

michaelkoziol You can buy your bin stickers from this site HornsbyShireCouncil LNPDisgrace LNPfail 👇👇

michaelkoziol Hey Offended Neighbour! Kath & Kim have a message for you!

michaelkoziol Rucking Fuddock

michaelkoziol What amount of ratepayers funds is Ruddock willing to squander losing that one in court?

yakillinme1 michaelkoziol Rubbish story, residents have paid for the service and council must deliver. Liberal free speech warriors shutting down free speech

michaelkoziol I suggest to residents of Hornsby Shire Council whose bins don't get collected take their rubbish and dump it outside: Hornsby Shire Council 296 Peats Ferry Road Hornsby NSW 2077 Google Maps link:

RobMax4 michaelkoziol The offended (made up) neighbor will be well pi$$ed off with the smell of the unemptyed bin.

cscviews michaelkoziol Haven't locals paid for this service in their rates? Why IS Philip Ruddock?

michaelkoziol Philip Ruddock … no partisan thinking in that, then; WhyIWantChange AlboForPM

michaelkoziol Now that will be a fun sight ?.....Phillip Ruddock out in a Rubbish truck telling the driver which bins to refuse ? 🤪

michaelkoziol Everyone should put stickers on their bin and make the council responsible for the insanitary bin situation

michaelkoziol Free speech .. for oligarchs who own newspapers.

michaelkoziol Inspired! He'd probably really love stickers about Scott Morrison going missing during crises...

michaelkoziol This might lead to a bindemic 🤣

michaelkoziol A law suit coming against council for withholding services for non offensive stickers on bins paid for by ratepayers?

michaelkoziol Where are the free speech warriors?

michaelkoziol The skin gets thinner by the day.....

michaelkoziol Would be great to see the contents of any uncollected bins dumped in front of Ruddock's council building.

michaelkoziol Hornsby locals don't want to vote Liberal anymore. They want to vote moderate, but aren't given the option to do so. Some will vote Labor and Greens, but for the most part it's safe as houses still - despite the area getting constantly screwed over.

michaelkoziol Garbage collection is part of the rates we pay.

michaelkoziol They can give it but they can’t take it

michaelkoziol Fuck Philip. 😒

michaelkoziol I guess the truth always hurts! auspol

michaelkoziol Dump your rubbish at the council door!

michaelkoziol Sensible

michaelkoziol Liberals “free speech” angle of late has just been shown up. Hypocrites. We pay rates for essential services- but taking your money doesn’t take into account your political leanings does it. Just drive it down to the council front door steps on bin night & dump it. Unbelievable

michaelkoziol Feel disgusted by the council’s bullying.

michaelkoziol Is the offended neighbour Philip Ruddock?

michaelkoziol Ruddock says you can't politically advertise unless there's an election on. Tell that to the LNP Gov with their 🐂💩 'positive energy' and 'remade in Australia' adverts just for starters.

edwardatport michaelkoziol If the council won’t empty them … just leave them by the side of the road

michaelkoziol But Mr Mayor ...

michaelkoziol How dare he. He is a revolting man it's our bins we pay for them

michaelkoziol What about this quote? “Political advertising should not be undertaken except when there’s an election on, and there’s no election on yet.” Better tell everyone else in politics, Philip.

michaelkoziol Ok... and maybe everyone stops paying council rates then. How long will the council have their jobs?

michaelkoziol That is very Putin of them

michaelkoziol Thin skinned to the end. Pathetic.

michaelkoziol SACK THE COUNCIL.

michaelkoziol PhillipRuddock said the “council” owned the rubbish. Isn’t the council paid for by the rate payer ?

michaelkoziol Liberals refusing to do their job. No surprise, it’s been that way for the last 9 years

michaelkoziol Rubbish removal is paid for by homeowners through rates and renters through their rent. Will the council return these payments and who will pay for all rubbish left on the streets to be a health hazard?

auspoldaily michaelkoziol They can't do that and if they try, stop paying rates.

TheBigShip michaelkoziol I love mine!

michaelkoziol Does this mean Labor voters don't need to pay council rates?

michaelkoziol Or perhaps the residents could just empty their own bins? In the street, preferably the one outside the council office?

michaelkoziol This Philip Ruddock philipruddockmp The one who setup a taxpayer funded ‘Coalition Advisory Service’ to counsel Coalition MPs and help them respond to opposition criticism. You literally can’t make this shit up! auspol LNPfail LNPCorruptionParty

michaelkoziol Liberals love freedom of speech only when it is racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic and bigoted.

michaelkoziol Some neighbour gets offended & partisan - based on actions - Hornsby Shire Council with philipruddockmp suddenly fuss about stickers on bins despite ignoring all manner of other ones. Neighbour needs to think how Morrison offends EVERY DAY with lies/idiocy/cruelty/uselessness

michaelkoziol Can’t wait for offended neighbour to vent their feelings about aroma wafting uncollected bins?

michaelkoziol What is happening to our country. Imagine not being able to put a sticker on your own garbage bin taking the piss of something or someone! Our diggers fought under our flag to the strains of God Save The King/Queen to preserve sacred rights like this. It’s Bloody UnOstrayan!

michaelkoziol I think everyone needs this on their bins

michaelkoziol This is a disgusting example of the conservative assault on free speech in Australia. They whinge about some fictional leftie 'cancel culture' but constantly suppress, repress and oppress everyone who doesn't constantly praise them (even though they're mostly incompetent).

michaelkoziol So in 2014 when George Brandis said, 'In a free country, people do have rights to say thngs that other people find offensive or insulting ...' Should he have added, 'unless it bothers the LNP'?

michaelkoziol “Their a bloody, under ground out of control graffiti gang!!! Ohhh Lord! “

michaelkoziol So ONE person complained

michaelkoziol Oooooh where can I get these?


michaelkoziol Who does Phillip Ruddock think he is? Putin? Council's job is garbage collection, not political blackmail, this is not going to end well for threats like his. CallTheElectionDickhead ScottMorrisonMP MorganPoll

michaelkoziol Phillip Ruddock can get in the bin as well

michaelkoziol Haha how long before PutYourBinsOut is trending with pics of very colourful looking bins 🤣

michaelkoziol The same Phillip Ruddock back then during the Tampa situation.

michaelkoziol From the article. Political advertising outside of election time should not be undertaken, as it contravenes the 'Do as we say, not as we do' act

michaelkoziol Are they woke? LNP = CancelCulture

michaelkoziol What a massive own goal by Ruddock & the LNP. I now predict a massive increase in these stickers, not just in Hornsby but right across Sydney now that they are trying to gag them. Same thing happened to Tim Wilson when he tried to stop his independent rival from putting up signs.

michaelkoziol It's fair enough despite it is an act by a LiberalAus Council. However, I am just wondering whether the same applies if it is in a reversed situation - would the LiberalAus decry the act as anti FreedomOfSpeech? auspol AusPol2022

michaelkoziol Call in the administrator.

michaelkoziol Citizens of the planet are afforded 30 basic human rights by the United Nations Charter of Human Rights. The right to be offended is NOT one of them.

michaelkoziol dont worry folks, mick fuller will bring them in

michaelkoziol Yet another example of the Liberal Party who think taxpayers/ ratepayers money is their money, to provide services only to people who agree with them LNPCorruptionParty

michaelkoziol Big talk from a mayor who almost lost to a Greens candidate in a traditionally blue-ribbon seat

michaelkoziol Follow Philip Ruddock’s advise and do as he says. “Put it on your front letterbox”

michaelkoziol It's bin night in Hornsby....

If it was an Albo sticker on the bin, I bet ruddock & the LNP would be orgasmic about it.

michaelkoziol “Freedom of Speech” — only when it suits me tho

michaelkoziol Where do I get one?

michaelkoziol sooky la-la's

michaelkoziol What happened to “free speech “

michaelkoziol LNPDisgrace belong to rubbish bin, their breeding ground.

michaelkoziol Dump it in Ruddock's front yard

michaelkoziol I think a good response from Hornsby residents would be to just leave their bins out - waiting for collection, under after the election. The longer they are out, the more people will be aware just how 'on the nose' this Govt is. Another LNPfail

michaelkoziol Wow... Very granular from the LNP spreadsheet team Their rorting is now so tartgeted they're going house by house!

michaelkoziol 'Democracy' LNPCrimeFamily style! ScottyTheScumbag

michaelkoziol If it’s not breaking any written laws, call the council and advise them the bins were not emptied. If it repeats, take footage and stops paying rates.

michaelkoziol That’s a good way to get re-elected

michaelkoziol Great move to draw more attention to a brilliant idea.

Qldaah michaelkoziol Where do you buy such stickers? I need a dozen…..

michaelkoziol people will gradually learn that Councils are the prep-schools for political parties... obviously a few LNP controlled councils are feeling a little bit precious to see their Dear Leader under pressure... auspol

michaelkoziol How dare he threaten to deny people a service that their rates have paid for because he disagrees with their politics!

michaelkoziol Lol the party of free speech and individual rights, smashing free speech and individual rights

auspoldaily michaelkoziol This will backfire bigtime on Ruddock.

michaelkoziol 😂 now they want cancel culture

michaelkoziol What?

michaelkoziol Simple don't pay ya rates then.

michaelkoziol LOL!

michaelkoziol Rubbish collection has been paid for in the rates. Offended neighbours, just turn your heads

michaelkoziol So philipruddockmp still the godfather of the LiberalAus, doing his darnedest at HornsbyCouncil to help ScottMorrisonMP keep his grip on power. Despite their rhetoric, the Liberals are really against free those that oppose them. See TimWilsonMP's sign campaign...

michaelkoziol Don't pay rates in that shire, for services not provided vote them out next election.

michaelkoziol this is a dangerous precedent, as we DO have freedom of political speech in this country, failing to pick up rubbish due to someone voicing their political opinion is violation of our Constitution, let the lawsuits reign.

michaelkoziol he's probably just shitty that he almost got booted from office by some random greenie

michaelkoziol Are they going to refund rates?

michaelkoziol Someone go out a sticker on Ruddock’s bin

michaelkoziol FYI it’s not Ruddock’s Council. So... Liberal Party dominated Hornsby Shire Council, where former Attorney General Philip Ruddock is mayor, has threatened not to collect rubbish of ratepaying residents with anti-Morrison stickers because of one complaint received from a neighbour

michaelkoziol Great to promote the stickers Hornsbycouncil phillipruddock Auspol

michaelkoziol I can't imagine the council has the right to do this utterly stupid thing

michaelkoziol I bet the freedom of speech warriors at Sky will be outraged.

michaelkoziol It’s ok they’ll be voted out soon. Offended no more.

michaelkoziol What a load of rubbish Where can we get these stickers

michaelkoziol Arrest those bin sticking offenders, Putin would.

michaelkoziol It would not be a good idea to publish the addresses of LNP councilors so that uncollected bin contents could be dumped outside their door, Kirribilli style. Please don't do that.

michaelkoziol I’m sure this will have the desired effect.

michaelkoziol they wouldn't be collecting our bin either and it's in far north qld 🤣🤣🤣 lol auspol


michaelkoziol Don't they realise this is just going to get more people wanting those bin scotty stickers. Who wants people telling them what they can and can't put on their bins. Own goal.

michaelkoziol This will stink..

michaelkoziol Morrison keeps creating a war with ordinary Australian’s and then expects their vote. Loser’s do that.

michaelkoziol I seen these in a number ofVic local gov areas not been an issue here sounds like censorship

michaelkoziol Thats your problem right there 'liberal led' i say we get political parties out of councils.

michaelkoziol The libs are all for free speech though 😂🤷‍♂️

michaelkoziol But the Liberal Party is a broad church!?

michaelkoziol Fair call. It’s not property you can deface for your own political interest

michaelkoziol People pay their rates to have their rubbish picked up, does that mean they then don't need to pay Rates?

michaelkoziol Cancel collecture

michaelkoziol How can I get that sticker.?

michaelkoziol This is a great promotion for the bin stickers ! Well done Hornsby council ! LOL !

TrixAnabella michaelkoziol So after Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly, all of a sudden conservatives want to stifle free speech? LNP have never believed in free speech they are closer to North Korea when it comes to free speech. Same with free markets. As long it is by their rules auspol auspoll

michaelkoziol Ruddock was always a snowflake

michaelkoziol wouldn't it be inconvenient if they landed on every bin in the council? :)

LyndaFrench19 michaelkoziol They cannot do that. The health issues of having uncollected rubbish piling up in the streets - rats running riot etc... I hope no one publishes Ruddock's address. Be awful if people started dropping their rubbish to him - or defacing his bins.

LyndaFrench19 michaelkoziol I do not believe the council has the right to do that. These people are rate payers. They have paid for the service. The council must do what they have contrac ted to do.

michaelkoziol Ruddock still alive. Then again it doesn't surprise me seeing John Howard being led around South Australia last week.

michaelkoziol Shock. Horror. Scary bin stickers FFS pfft CallTheElectionDickhead VoteThemAllOut2022

michaelkoziol How good is free speech .ScottMorrisonMP? Freedom fighter .TimWilsonMP did you know abt this? What is it with councils and snowflakes with hurt feelings?! auspol CallTheElectionDickhead

michaelkoziol If I was affected by such a ban, I'd dump half my rubbish in the 'offended' neighbour front yard, the other half i'd take over to the Mayor's place. In other news.... Cancel Council Mayor arrives to opens the Cancel Council meeting

michaelkoziol Hilarious.

michaelkoziol Hurt feelings from a poster on a bin. Poor Phil.

michaelkoziol Councils should be apolitical

michaelkoziol i can see HornsbyCouncil will feel a little broke once the litigation starts.

michaelkoziol Do you really think the garbo gives a shit

michaelkoziol Will the rubbish collection workers obey? Cant imagine they are lib supporters

michaelkoziol So if you need a new bin, just cover the old shitty one in stickers. Why do conservatives hate free speech?


michaelkoziol If you wanna buy some bin stickers here's the link: BinGate

michaelkoziol Jesus. Poor Hornsby. I didn’t know they’d ended up with Ruddock as mayor.

michaelkoziol 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

michaelkoziol Love the way the LNP are such defenders of free speech right up to the point they hear some they don't like.

michaelkoziol And the neighbours name is… Philip Ruddock?

michaelkoziol Yes, I actually look forward to bin night now 👍

michaelkoziol And what does Philip Ruddock suppose residents will do with this uncollected rubbish. This sounds like an entertaining but smelly photo op at Phil’s place.

michaelkoziol Get your bin and car stickers at

michaelkoziol Rubbish bin ban in Hornsby … This from the great architect of the Pacific Solution … A fitting end to a miserable career.

michaelkoziol Someone: list the names of all LNP councillors on that council, and their business interests, and then BOYCOTT. Learn from Hong Kong. FindTheMoneyHitTheMoney


michaelkoziol Aren’t these the folks who argue so vehemently for the right to offend?

michaelkoziol Gee, I guess you'd have to find somewhere else to put your rubbish. I wonder where the councillors at Hornsby Shire Council, 296 Peats Ferry Road, Hornsby NSW would prefer people to dump their rubbish... 🤔

michaelkoziol The stickers are awesome! That reminds me that I need to get some!

michaelkoziol Wait a minute, I thought that rightards were strong advocates of free speech?

WizePenguin michaelkoziol Let’s talk about the time I saw philipruddockmp walking his dog in Lane Cove National Park in an area that had clear signs forbidding dogs. There isn’t anything nice to say about Ruddock.

michaelkoziol So you put them in your front window. Easy peasy fixed- so instead of only being seen once a week - it’s there every day as you drive past. I’m buying one for each bin and one for every front window. Beat that Hornsby Council. So much for MY free speech hey!!!!!

WizePenguin michaelkoziol So, could those whose bins are not emptied withhold rates payments?

michaelkoziol Looks like they have very sensitive and fragile people in Hornsby.

michaelkoziol Actually I think that is illegal. If residents pay rates and rubbish fees, then they’re entitled to have bins emptied. No matter what their politics.

michaelkoziol Those that don't have their rubbish collected have a right to not pay their rates, after all, who would pay for a service and not receive it 🤔

michaelkoziol Love my stickers + so do our neighbours binhim chuckthemout lnpfail scottydoesnothing

michaelkoziol Maybe the 'offended neighbour' should just get over it. It's just a sticker, right? 🤷‍♂️

michaelkoziol 2 anti Scott Morrison stickers. Add to cart.

michaelkoziol Fortunately it won't be Hornsby shire councillors making that decision in the truck at 6am.

michaelkoziol The champions of free speech don't like free speech. Sounds about right with those hypocrites.

michaelkoziol Ruddick is a disgrace, collects a nice tidy little pension for life, of 200 Grand or more per year then gets the gig as Council Mayor threatening residents, if they don't agree with his BS ideology. Morrison commissioned Ruddick to do that Religious decriminalisation BS Bill.

michaelkoziol Where can I get them?

michaelkoziol Liberals love cancelling culture

michaelkoziol Not going to happen, people pay for this collection service in their rates notices, they pay their money you collect their rubbish.

michaelkoziol This is such nonsense & overreach.

michaelkoziol In the bin Philip Get in. Blah blah free speech, no not like that.

michaelkoziol So the residents can withhold their rates. 🤷🏻‍♀️

michaelkoziol Freedom of expression. Don’t like it, tough luck.

michaelkoziol OMG is that old Cronie still going ?

michaelkoziol But aren’t the LP all about “free speech?” auspol

michaelkoziol I am getting lots of those stickers 🤮

michaelkoziol Then those ratepayers should withhold rate payments to a pathetic Liberal Party Council if they refuse to conduct the services they're paid to provide. PS We all know the only one offended is Little Phil. auspol Hornsby MorrisonNext

michaelkoziol Why is Philip Ruddock❓ That's the tweet‼️ AlboForPM

michaelkoziol Tell them you wonT be paying your rates. Australia is still a democracy and you pay tax. So if they wonT get your?bin I will just empty it on the verge and I would☠️🇦🇺Tell them you won’t be bullied. And I would put a sign to show the street that they are bullying you🇦🇺🤮

michaelkoziol Don't the residents pay the council to have the rubbish collected? I could see legal action taking place if council follows through. In what way is it offensive? No nudity, no profanity, no religious or racist slurs that I can see.

michaelkoziol Dump the rubbish on Ruddock's doorstep.

michaelkoziol So the freedom of speech warriors have a problem with free speech?

michaelkoziol What a load of rubbish


michaelkoziol Nazis never far away . Using world disinterest to seize power . Anomaly , Israel acts just as the cruel humans who tortured murdered , stole homes . Palestine genocide , property theft , statehood theft ,cultural destruction IsraeliApartheid USASponseredGenocide

michaelkoziol So if you put three of them on a bin but don’t cover the council logo you are sweet, thanks for the tip.

michaelkoziol ThisIsNotJournalism ScottyTheGaslighter


michaelkoziol Put the stickers on neighbours bins you hate 😈

michaelkoziol Where can I get one?

michaelkoziol Boo hoo😭

michaelkoziol Here in Russia is always refuse service if person opposes government. I am surprise Australia is same too!

michaelkoziol So all that stuff from right-wingers about being all for free speech and individual liberty and being against censorship and so-called 'cancel culture' is just more hypocritical bullshit then? Quelle surprise...

michaelkoziol Odds on there are still local government election signs still hanging around as well. When is the council going to enforce that by law?

michaelkoziol Stick one on their bin on bin night, they’ll bust a blood vessel 😱

michaelkoziol Easy, roll 'em out and kick 'em over.

michaelkoziol Tell em to get fcuked!

ChrisCourtney4 michaelkoziol ChilliRose4

michaelkoziol If we wear anti liberal t shirts will they also refuse to collect our rates?

michaelkoziol Dangerous thing for Ruddock to say, he might end up with a blocked in rubbish pile. I would say that residence would also have a case or two against councils refusal. Also signal for thousands more bin stickers.


michaelkoziol NSW, 2022.

michaelkoziol Thats my electorate...where do I get the stickers?

michaelkoziol Best force ALP supporters to start wearing a badge. Maybe a yellow star will suffice then we can start stripping them of all their human rights.

michaelkoziol Under the right of freedom of expression and opinion, if I lived in that shire and was discriminated against I might be having a word via a solicitor.

michaelkoziol That's not how it works.

michaelkoziol Hey philipruddockmp Hello from Surry Hills!

michaelkoziol Apparently not too fussed about complying with their own public health and hygiene bylaws.

JennaPrice michaelkoziol Streisandeffect right there ! 🤣🤣.CallTheElectionDickhead

michaelkoziol Haven't those people already paid for that service via their rates?

michaelkoziol Small scale version of what Putin is doing in Russia right now...

michaelkoziol Don't they pay rates to have their bins collected regardless of their voting preferences?

michaelkoziol They pay rates - they have to.

michaelkoziol Thin skin and corrupt LNP

michaelkoziol Vanessa60029512

michaelkoziol auspol💩 LNPTheatre🎭Productions Look here ! Not over there !

lukehgomes michaelkoziol can confirm one week in mooneevalleycc our bins were the only one in the street that didn’t get picked up 🧐

michaelkoziol Thanks for reminding me - I need to order some of these.


michaelkoziol It's spray paint and stencil everything time! If the council own it, tag it.

michaelkoziol Someone needs to start a GoFundMe, to fund getting anti-Scott Morrison stickers for all the residents of the Hornsby Shire Council.

michaelkoziol Where can I buy one?

michaelkoziol Nomproblemo refund my council rates money and I know where to take my rubbish for freerereeeeeede!!!!

michaelkoziol We can take satellite photos and identify which homeowners are vandalising their bins. Space force kicking goals from the high ground already.

michaelkoziol The poor babies.

michaelkoziol christianporter

michaelkoziol Omfg

michaelkoziol We pay our rates and in a free democracy have the right to express a peaceful view. Not collect mine and I will sue their arse off

michaelkoziol There's a number of ways to skin this cat , ratepayers can refuse to pay for services not rendered or find out where Ruddock lives and dump their rubbish on his front lawn.


michaelkoziol Can they even do that

michaelkoziol Who paid Christian Porter? christianporter

slsandpet michaelkoziol I want one of these stickers for my bin please!!!


Bowenchris michaelkoziol I can understand it on the yellow bins - there's no way Morrison and Joyce are suitable for recycling.

michaelkoziol That’s ok just dump it on the sidewalk. Can’t be any more of a mess than the Liberal Front Bench.

michaelkoziol Where do I get these bin stickers?


michaelkoziol Whatever, just gather it all up and dump it at Kirribilli, Lismore flood victims style...

DazzaWhitmey michaelkoziol Could residents make the same stickers with Ruddock's face on it? Because we chucked him out 'n all.

michaelkoziol So you can get car versions now.

ChrisCourtney4 michaelkoziol Well the stench around the neighbourhood might be a bit more overwhelming than the council members.

Pammieoz michaelkoziol May the ‘offended neighbour’ suck it up and not try to promote ‘cancel culture’ 😡

michaelkoziol Surely he can’t do that to rate-payers… ?

michaelkoziol Wont this be a great courtcase- just in time for the election! auspol

michaelkoziol How is a council legally able to refuse to collect rubbish? I imagine they can for practical reasons (ie over full), but can’t see how they can refuse to collect just because a bin has been temporarily defaced.

MarieColemanAO michaelkoziol Councils need to do more to rise above being manipulated by the local campaigns of federal politicians and their local members. By laws are enforced at the council‘s discretion - so exhibit integrity. Unless you’ve been routinely policing bin stickers for years, don’t start now.

michaelkoziol When the electorate of Berowra falls we will all rejoice. The liberal Ruddock cancer must be removed


michaelkoziol He needs to chill. Some men are far too emotional for politics.

p_hannam michaelkoziol I’ve got the same stickers on my bins. Fortunately I’m in Albo’s council!

michaelkoziol Oh get in the bin

michaelkoziol Why are the NSW liberals so corrupt?

michaelkoziol Why do the Liberal Party hate free speech?🤷‍♂️


michaelkoziol How pathetic? They can dish it out but they can't take it.

michaelkoziol 🤣🤣🤣🙄

michaelkoziol Fucking try it!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

michaelkoziol I'm with Philip!!

michaelkoziol Liberals only like free speech when it suits them. What a bunch of clowns.

michaelkoziol This is crazy!

michaelkoziol We all need to bin the Morrison Government LNPDisgrace LNPCorruptionParty

michaelkoziol here are my naked photos

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