Labor ‘pearl-clutching’ on Morrison controversy makes them ‘look like an opposition’

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Shadow Finance Minister Jane Hume says the “pearl-clutching” around the controversy of former prime minister Scott Morrison’s secret ministerial swearings has “made the current government look like an opposition”.

“They have loved the opportunity to talk about the previous government, rather than talking about the issues that are important to Australians today,” Ms Hume told Sky News Australia.

“Now it’s time to focus back on those important issues of rising costs of living, rising inflation, the need for increased productivity in our economy.”

Source: News Formal (


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🤣🤣🤣 ... idiots !!

How do these people not recognise the gravity of what happened?

I’m sure that will pass and then we and an ICAC can have a good hard look at the documentation & due diligence supporting 50 million of taxpayer $ paid by the Morrison government to News Corp to subsidize regional newspapers which News Corp then closed after receiving the funds.

Jane who?

Is that the best Hume has got. How pathetic can she get. That's why they're in opposition

Still no news on ghostwater, porters blind trust donars, where that 400bn of debt got spent...

Jane, best you just stay quiet. Thank you. Janeisfullofshit

No it’s made the current opposition look corrupt.

I'm sorry you can't shrink Morrison's incredible record of incompetence & malicious behaviour away to nothing. The more we find out about his disaster of a term the more we realise how truly terrible he was in the job.

Jane Hume revealing her political standards

ethicos2013 Jane Hume’s opinion is not required

Didn't she accidentally just call them the opposition because she's got the 'born to rule' mentality ingrained?

Libs are a disgrace, still think they did nothing wrong and won't sack scomo after his pathetic behaviour, nothing has arrogant party.

I wonder if the senator ever received a pearl necklace from Scommo.

Oh wittle janey HUME a Woman of 'wit, integrity, HONESTY, TRANSPARENCY lecturing LABOR of' CLUTCHING at Pearls'? janey are Those PEARLS of Wisdom (sweetie)? Still SMARTING over the TEALS are we? You are Right of COURSE (janey) ScootteyCOUP is a 'MAN to be Trusted. A man alright'!

Jane Hume is irrelevant. So what’s next on the news Sky menu? Perhaps the unusual sounds coming out of the Sky News toilet cubicles.

Hey losers. A former PM has completely obliterated his party's election chances and his own future employability and this 'apparently' isn't a big deal. PeterDutton_MP this is why you are worthless as a leader. And this is why is irrelevant junk.

Jane, another delusional Liberal. This is why we need a Media Inquirey👇

Could be worse. They could be pearl-necklacing in the prayer room which is what LiberalAus seemed to more interested for a decade

I'm changn his Monica to DoesFAAirboALBO

And it has made the former government look even more corrupt.

It has also made the former government look corrupt

Says Jane Hume on her way to lunch!

Was this before or after Jane’s gin time?

Highway Hume who is Scummo’s go to pearl clutcher whilst Jen is at QAnon retreats with her bestie? That Highway Hume? Lacks credibility I’d say… oh - and lacks relevance too.

She should be more concerned about how it has made the former government look. Still NFI 🤦‍♀️

stick to your cocktails Jane………..hic

she is as bad as airbusalbo another liar

Mmmmmm … that article went well for you hey …

Concern at the profound implications of what a Prime Minister finding a “work-around” conventions & protections integral to the preservation of the good governance & democratic principles of the nation is not “pearl-clutching”. SenatorHume’s comment is both clueless & shameful.

She isn’t a minister


Jane: just ignore our quasi-fascist tendencies because we’re in opposition now This is beyond parody ScottyTheDictator

poor girl. no longer the travelling companion

So Hume believes once a Government is dumped by the people it’s Ministers should be immune from scrutiny and accountability for their conduct in office? convenient ICACNow auspol

Stop concentrating on the lnp for just once. And report something good labor are doing! Oh wait.... Look who it is you silly twat! lmao

All members of the Libs and Nats must have done Gaslighting Certificates run by the Gaslighter in chief over the 9 years in government.

The scam Coalition is looking like a permanent opposition.

Jane Hume, still stuck on a highway to nowhere...🤣

Good lad Rowan

She would know, of course!

Labor uncovering the truth shows just how unfit the libs nationals are to govern. The coalition should be disbanded and all of them kicked out of their jobs.

Cope and seethe, Jane.

Sounds like Jane Hume is trying to wipe her party’s slate clean. Life in the Liberal accountability free zone. “Nothing to see here people, move along…”

Jane Hume is a compulsive pearl clutcher.

Jane knows more about clutching pearls more than most. Will she answer the rumour that she knew Scott better than most.

Imagine the howls if a Labor PM did it … but because it’s a conservative we are meant to look away. No way. resignmorrison

Even John Howard condemned what SFM did. When an LNP pollie loses John Howard...

Albo is no leader, you could see it in the pre-election

Jane Hume isn't concerned enough. And in my opinion the Government has been pretty generous in their response.

The woman needs a mental health check, maybe Scott could drive down to see her, a short trip down the highway

Jim Chalmers gives the former PM & his cabinet an absolute flogging for turning a blind eye to Morrison’s “dictatorial tendencies” “Whether it’s Josh Frydenberg or Peter Dutton, or any of these characters, they must have known” “instead they sucked up to Scott Morrison” 💥💥💥

Jane protecting Scott….surprise surprise!

I actually watched the whole reel, Go Me. What on earth is that highway woman on about. Sounded desperate to me. Back to ScottyMinisterForEverything darling 🙄 He'll sort it 😂

After Dark News….

Cant have her man get disrespected like this.

No, it's made the current opposition look as if they should never be trusted with government again

Jane loves her pearl necklace

Sky News aids and abets 'look over there' distraction tactic to lure the conversation into a cul de sac where it can be quietly mugged. Again.

Jane Hume is just Hollie Hughes with a cheap brunette wig. Really, did they all go to stupid school? auspol abc730 thedrum insiders

Peak projection 🤣

Oh give me a break!

Jane can talk, that's all she does!!

More Sky propaganda

Ironic that Jane Hume having been a part of a corrupt government doesn’t recognise a competent government

You wish

What are pearls?

Isn't Jane Hume the one who's rumoured to have had an affair with Morriscum?

So says Hume, the Pearl Queen, backed by the Princesses in waiting Holly Hughes, Michaela Cash & Andrew's to name just a few pearlers 🤔😏

Jane Hume, Bless her little cotton socks. I guess the concept of ethics, accountability,& open government has never crossed her mind. Jane's report on why the Liberals lost the election will be interesting reading if this breach of trust is 'pearl-clutching'. 📚 🍿 AusPol

The “ pearl-clutching “ around the controversy of former prime minister Scott Morrison’s secret ministerial swearings has “ made the current opposition look like corrupt, democracy destroying, self serving pigs”. auspol

Jane Hume searching for relevance is hardly news worthy.

What utter rot.

Nah. It your side that look like a pearl clutching opposition. You have absolutely nothing to hang your hats on. That's what comes of a bunch of corrupt & immoral iincompetents who tried hard to erode our democracy for self enrichment. May your time in the wilderness be long

Is this the “mummy needs a cocktail” Jane of the lame Mr Men memes?

Sky news is irrelevant Murdoch twoddle

Yes but that's just Jane Hume, No-one listens. Lib/ Nats have made themselves irrelevant.

Jane Who



Jane would see herself as an expert on pearl clutching.

Who cares what she thinks? Nobody.

Can't wait to see Jane and Mr Credlins report on their election failure

So for this media organisation and the lnp wanting to get rid of authoritarian regimes. Ur cheerleading for a narcissist who had authoritarian tendacies . Mind boogles

Speaking of pearls, how is the Hume Highway going ? 😁

No. ScottyFromCorruption has highlighted just how sneaky, underhanded and corrupt the LNP are. Everyone has had enough Murdoch propaganda and divisive rhetoric. Enough! We see you. We know better. That’s why you all lost 😈 and AlboISOurPM 🌟 LNPNeverAgain

I love it when Liberal women talk about their pearls

Corruption and secret seizure of power is soooo 2021. What we need from govt is more TicToks of members pouring half a bottle of gin into a glass and pretend they're splitting the fucking atom or promoting lies about the economy. THAT'S how you govern....

From the number one pearl clutcher herself! Or was that a pearl necklace?! 😂

Russputin2 What an astounding lack of self-awareness coming from her side of politics who never stopped behaving like an opposition even when in gvt for 9 yrs. Morrison secretly appoints himself to a bunch of ministries and Libs are saying it's no issue. What if Labor did it? auspol

Nice that you have such little respect for convention and democracy... oh, but your Ruling Rabble-Hellsong-IPA cabal/coven aren't you?

Sadly it seems even an important issue as this is delegated to lnp vs labor.

Pay no time to her. She has the power to change Hansard and no penalty.

Russputin2 We see you Jane

Jane Hume, Scomo and his GG man and his gang of faux liberals . Dragging the liberal name in the mud. !!!!


Yeah, you lost me at 'Jane Hume says...' UnrepresentativeSwill ThisIsNotJournalism boycottmurdoch MurdochfreeAustralia CancelFoxtel

Almost everyday of Scomo tenure as PM was a pearl-clutching for Australians , guess what Jane Hume this is why we kicked Scomo out. For the life of me I cannot see what the Cook constituents see in this inflamed conniving lier of a preacher What else is he hiding..

She would say that;hey, has Scotty stopped taking so many drives up the old Hume now that he's no longer PM?

Jayzus! Who owns pearls? (Pearls mean sorrow, my mother told me.)

She'll no doubt be 'pearl clutching' when the truth comes out - in oh so many ways.

Yeah, but who cares WHAT Jane Hume, or ANY LNP member thinks! They are about as relevant and current as the Peloponnesian War 😆

Jane is a trifle confused - only the Liberal ladies clutch their pearls. Labor women are far more practical.

Jane been on the gin again?

Low hanging fruit. Doing all popular stuff. Easy so far. Let’s see what happens when the hard decisions need to be made in the 2nd year of his 1 term.

Same circus, different clowns. 🙄


Who gives a damn what Hume says?….she is as irrelevant as the rest of those few Liberal benchwarmers who still have a seat in the House.

Again- cant they say anything original? That sentence was sent out for all to say…..they must be annoyed that the GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY is making sure they are the Opposition too, because the LNP is just full of tossers. LNPCorruptionParty

This is what that dithering war criminal John Howard said the other day. Lib spin doctors have decided this their talking point in hopes we will forget that THEY are the opposition. Pathetic.

Alternative = nothing to see here, move on. Ouch SenatorHume

Albo gov was elected on a promise to fix the cost of living. Allison Langdon on Today Show Q: PM Albanese what are you doing about the cost of living crises? WB: Albo SNAPPED & starts talking about everything except the cost-of-living crises.

Opinions everyones allowed one, thread by thread, this is far from over. DefenceAust reportedly sneaking into Scomo’s affairs

The Opposition are trying quite hard to brush over-cover up scotty's secretive take-over of 5 Ministeries. Luckily, peeps are not so foolish as to be taken in. LNPFail LNPCorruption TinPotScott

The double standards by the former coalition government on this have been laughable. Scomo should be expelled from parliament

They refuse to learn any of the lessons from the election (that should have smacked them fair square in their smug faces) This is the time they need to take a step back, understand the anger & cut out the cancer that pervades the Lnp. Defending Morrison will be the end for them.

Albo has the vast majority of Australians behind him on this one. He’s doing a helluva job!

Pearl clutching !! The only people who wear pearls are the LNP women - is Hollie clutching hers Jane 🤣🤣

It's actually refreshing to see a government following through with elections promises instead of rorting our hard earned tax dollars for mates. What Morrison did was way wrong and .AlboMP is rightly calling that out.

he doesn't wear pearls. Update your slurs to this century

She knows all about pearls

The reputation of the LNP being the most corrupt and untrustworthy government in our countries history is now set in stone. A lame one liner won’t change that, no matter how many Libs or Sky commentators parrot it, over and over and over again.

So what is the actual opposition doing?

The main pearl clutcher complaining lol.

I’m just a citizen and I want current govt to go hard against previous PM dictator tactics. The shadow minister is in the Party that just lost 18 seats thanks to their arrogance

The old pearl necklace reference.LNP/ prayer room.Ring a bell?

And what exactly has Jane Hume done? Nothing. Hopeless liberal party.

Thats because the real opposition is useless

It's precisely that kind of dismissive attitude coming from a self-entitled Tory that can best be described as being Hume-rous.

Whilst the actual opposition resembles the rabble that it is.

I presume Jane knows all about pearl clutching mmmm

You reckon! you incompetent, dishonest LNP pond life!

Pearl-clutching, huh? So, Jane Hume, what would you be shrieking if a Labor PM had done what Scott Morrison did?

Wrong, the Opposition have confirmed they are a gang of misfits and stooges still protecting Mayhem Morrison with little regard for anyone but themselves. At least Andrews had the strength to say “get rid of Morrison” but the party heavyweights closed ranks

Clutching pearls? Jane Hume is clutching at straws there. Have a Bex ™, a cup of tea and a lie down Jane. auspol

Isn't she Scotts bit on the side?

Stop watching The Project pet

Labor you will fall in our Future..the Revolution will happen ...people have had it with your Labor lies ..just like America and the Democratic party both of you are going go ..Sooner or later

It's so obvious, Coalition and Murdoch still think they are in power and hiding behind a wall of secrets. The dopes must not read the same news I read. Abhorrent secrets are spilling out, and this fool has a... union bash? Still stuck in the 1950's.

Is that right SenatorHume? Just Labor is it? Might want to talk to some of your colleagues like karenandrewsmp who had the guts to say something. Seemed pretty pissed off to me. You like to deflect right? Especially when you have nothing else except childish and pathetic memes

Why are the Liberals so corrupt?

No it hasn’t. What a stupid thing to say.

So are we disposed to do Scotty clutching Jane Leave that to you and the rest of the crumb maidens.

The lack of moral courage in not expelling Morrison makes the opposition look weak and immoral

Well she would say that, wouldn’t she.

This was what happened the day before Morrison swore himself in as health minister - Dutton had met with other ministers before the +ve test.

Jane Hume is clutching more pearls in her tight little brain. Re unexplained lost super. We need Bill Shorten lo have..... A look into that. !!!!!!!!

Something else worries us lost complete lost of super under Jane Hume . And nobody is mentioning super being lost completely under the. Watch and management of Jane Hume as superannuation minister. Bill Shorten should look into that seriously .

Shadow Finance Minister Jane Hume “pearl-clutching” former prime minister Scott Morrison 🤮

Jane Hume , top priority is to stop assault on our democracy and the rest take care of itself, despite the vilest faux liberals to ever being voted in Australia.

Only because some rusted on old past PM muppet who is treated like some hero said it originally three days ago. FFS they can't even write their own put downs.

🤣 Scott Morrison is her parties problem. Nobody else's. If the Libs keep him on they're screwed & if they let him go they're screwed. Either way, he's a liability.

Yes it's opposed to dictatorship of scummo As pretty well the rest of Australia is But there's the bribe question about the GG Did he inform the palace about this action in the queen's name one wonders

Indeed it does They’re opposed to the frankly insane things her ‘close & personal friend’ Scott Morrison did in secret then lied about

Jane Hume ffs

Are you talking about this knob jockey?

They are the 'opposition'... mainly to doing anything to help make Australia better..... all they do is whine and point fingers to score cheap political points... then pat themselves on the back thinking they're sooooo smart..

The highway speaks. ScottyTheHydra

You just know Jen is about to pop her head out

Clearly Liberal ‘talking points’ they’re all saying the same thing. Hume, like the others is irrelevant. The Prime Minister is right in calling out the appalling behaviour. Dutton and the Liberal Party had their chance to send him packing… they DID NOT. Says it all.

Always projection from these conservative mongrels who spent the last 9yrs constantly blaming Labor and Greens for their legislative failures

Is that Tammy Wynette I hear singing “ Stand by your man”?

Slow news day and the 5 Scomo Amigoes has disappeared off the radar. There will be the perpetually offended.

Perhaps the new government is looking more like an actual government rather than the one man band the previous shower demonstrated. We the people in a democracy don’t worship & bow down to our governments, they are elected to work for us!

Actually it's the first time in near a decade we have a govt that looks so like and is acting like a govt and an opposition that is struggling to look like anything other than a loud disorganized rabble. Not news, just noise.

Loafer Albanese just trying to divert attention from his appalling performance since elected.

Man Jane was really pissed. Not happy with people questioning her about Scotty's motives. According to her we should be all bowing and thanking the all Powerful Scotty. Talk about pearl clutching!!!! LNPCorruptionParty

Interesting that you did not go live to the PM until the 'journalists' started asking questions. Something you never did when Scooter from the marketing department was PM

Nope. Wrong again Jane.

Proper saddos the lot of em 🖕

Did she ever have a relationship with Morrison?

Complicit 'journalists' won't publish any details of 'Christian values' Morrison's extra marital affairs, I think Jane's doing the clutching.

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