'Knee-jerk' reaction to mother's fatal stabbing risks creating 'better criminals', advocate warns

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Emma Lovell was fatally stabbed in the chest on her front porch on Monday night, prompting a call for a crackdown on youth crime.

A youth justice advocate has warned against a "knee-jerk reaction" after two teenagers were charged with murdering a mother of two during an alleged home invasion north of Brisbane.A former police officer and neighbour of the woman who died says the government needs to act

"Let's put our heads together. Maybe come and consult with the community rather than sit behind closed doors and make legislation changes, come out into the community and talk to people," he said. "It might keep them off the street for a short period of time, but it's creating a problem down the track when they get released, because they will not re-engage productively with society, and they're more likely to cause these kinds of serious incidents."She said young people and their families needed support to put those at risk of offending on a "better path".


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Such a tragedy

A man without a wife Children without a mother These murdering criminals Should never see the light of day again

Here is the evil little cockroach smiling after after killing a mother and a a wife . I hope it gets its smile removed in prison.

WTF!!! He was released on bail only days before murdering a mother and wife in her own home 🤬 This article is disgusting and the advocate is clearly proven wrong 🤷🏼

Is this because it’s a black on white murder?

The failure in the immigration policies should be analysed……bringing people from hostile environments into our culture is going to also bring some hostility.


Change the gun laws we need to able to protect our family's from trash people.

Interesting that they blurred out the faces of the kids. Never seem to do it with Indigenous kids.

The real long term problem is that these dysfunctional families are having many dysfunctional children. They have no idea how to even hold down a job or to look after themselves let alone children.

What next they will be rewarding these scumbags to help keep them out of trouble . Need tough bush camps like the sheriff of Arizona did making them live in military issue tents and cook for themselves . Everyone questioned on release said they would never be back unlike prisons

The penalties are already there, but they are been overturned by defence lawyers…

People act like Cowards; Bring back the 'Death Penalty' Let's take a poll on Twitter ABCNews ? VOTE YES or NO to Eliminate or Not..

The delusion that by making harder sentences ppl will comply is a classic Austrayan, QLDer in particular. Special note to the ppl advocating for the 'Emma's law', they represent the most cynical and predatory subsection of the lynching mob, disgusting human beings.

Bring back corporal punishment and the death penalty!!!!

Hiw about legalise gun ownership for law abiding citizens so they stood a chance and might still be alive?

Always apologists for violent criminals who have already proven beyond rehabilitation. Lock violent repeat offenders up for life (even teenagers) .. don't wait for innocent people to be murdered 🤷‍♂️

There is only one answer to this story, defund the ABC

News? Scrap the ABC

Obviously they should be tried as Adults, life sentences for each.

Queensland Police Minister Mark Ryan is ambiguously misleading in his statement increased detention of youth laws are making an impact. There is much evidence to show that the impact is likely to be higher recidivism rates. Your are growing youth crime every time you detain.

We need some Texas style outback work camps so we can set these youngsters up with work experience & hard Labour.. Prisons are just universities for criminals these days - like a right of passage! Got to break the cycle..

Jerk this, taxpayer parasites. VoteNo

If someone's in my house they're not leaving alive. So parents Hug & Kiss your children when you let them roam the streets.

Labor had been burying the teen gangs problems for too long They worry about the jail cost n being labelled racist if they crack down on blacks or migrants Only a publicity about murder then they act The teens come from dysfunctional families Fix that 1st

Um no,the judicial system creates 'better criminals' it's the road runner and coyote principal,the more cunning the judicial system becomes,the more cunning criminals become to try and stay ahead,forever upskilling and learning new tricks.

Just implement capital punishment on the bastards.

As per norm, ABC supporting the argument to release these crims to continue about their ways.

We need to find a way that would stop teenagers from taking a life of crime.

To those who think prison is there to rehabilitate you,I can tell you it’s utter bullcrap, and you might ask how do I know,because I’ve been on the inside,and you can’t always blame the parents,some people just become buttholes

Of course you guys will excuse violence against women... Misogyny

So how many offenses and stabbings and attempted murders do you think someone needs to do before they go to jail?

Much of this is caused by poor upbringings and lack of values. We could intervene and remove at risk children and place into functional families ....oh wait ✋️

I've seen persuasive evidence that capital punishment is highly effective in reducing recidivism among convicted murderers.

The bleeding hearts and the ABC need to pull their heads in. Australia is sick of these people who consistently break the law no matter their age. The public need to be protected if that means lock them up for a long time, so be it.

Fek & Off, at 17 you’re a young man and likely ended up a dead 💩 because instead of being disciplined for bad behaviour you got a balloon and a lolly for turning up to school.

Get a judge and system to grow some balls and actually punish these pieces of garbage.. dont try and mollycoddle.. thats why they are what they are... lock them up no parole . It will work

Compare the pair !! Journalism or agendaism !!

HARSHRE36544961 Obviously these kids are animals, you don’t wake & stab an innocent woman to death because you might have spent to long in lock up. How about recognising that most killers start their journey early & show us who they are, listen to them & throw away the key before the inevitable

And ABC - time for a reality check!

If you take a life you’ve forfeited your right to participate in society. The punishment should be life imprisonment.

HARSHRE36544961 This happened in my city so sad and scary

527 Indigenous deaths in custody since a Royal Commission into Indigenous deaths in custody - No reaction. One white death - Hysteria.

This is a bad approach entirely. My partner spent 15 years on the streets working with young people preventing crime in the first place. They worked nights and offered real support in real lives. They were incredibly successful. So the funding was removed. There's the problem.

The good old taxpayer funded ABC trying on the lefty woke approach again. Are there a bigger bunch of Australian traitors than our ABC?

Give capital punishment to a few, you will see these behaviours will go away magically.

When an aboriginal youth gets murdered all hell breaks loose but when a young mother gets murdered by two aboriginal youths the media and politicians want to call public reaction knee jerk! Bet we won’t hear Lidia Thorpe calling First Nations elders out on this!

Life in prison

Hardly a knee jerk reaction. Calls to control youth crime have been coming in from all across the country for years, leniency has obviously not worked and people are dead because of it. How will locking up murderers make them better criminals?

Talking won’t do shit.

This is a disgusting story. two Aboriginal men stabbed this poor woman to death for no reason. It seems white people's deaths are unimportant. Racist state run media. You have clearly shown your insidious evil and cruel manifesto.

I would rather see the ability to stand your ground in your own house become legal.

The ABC and its left progressive friends should ask each other, 'Are we the badies?'.

Let's actually increase the value of our homes. You break in you get a mandatory 15 years. If you hurt someone 30years. Homes are off limits. If you get caught for multiple break-ins 15years for each offence. Homes are off limits as simple as that.

Simply, if you hold or carry a knife on the streets you have the intent to harm (and should be locked up), if you use the knife to harm (you should be put in jail for quite some time) and if you kill with the knife (you deserve to be imprisoned for life).

ABC are so far removed from normal society it’s no surprise their take is completely woke.

So a discussion needs to be had? Come on, this is ridiculous, there’s been too much talk already. Actions speak louder than words.

These kids were going on carrying crime daily till they were caught and put away for a long time. It's shame someone had to die for them to be put away , should have happened earlier , it's clear the system has failed and does need a knee jerk reaction to plug the hole

if you commit an adult crime, you should be punished like an adult. stop with the endless bail. there are youths with over 46 offences and they are still out on the street. assault,murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, burglary car theft and robberies are adult crimes.

Make sure to vote No for the voice, this is the kind of stuff will be rampant if “the voice”passes through, we will have two legal systems with different laws for aboriginals.

$uck off ABC $cums

They can’t gutlessly and cruelly hurt another family if locked in prison….how hard can that be to organise

Knee jerk my arse. This is the second time this year an innocent person has died due to youth crime and someone being on bail release. We need a tougher premier who puts the do gooders in their place and protect the public

Bring back the cane

Knee jerk reaction, tòooooo many experts opinions are wrong, juveniles should be made to face a mandatory sentence for 5 to 10 yrs, no release until they own up to the crime of ' murder', facial and body attacks using a weapon, + public asult,involving death / hospital/

Misogynist feminists and leftists at ABC already platforming excuses and compassion for the murder of these women. Skin colour, culture, sex, age, and religion must never be used as an excuse for the murder if women.

People read the ABC and then for no reason whatsoever, vote One Nation.

This article confirms the offenders are indigenous. True to form ABC.

no pollies will do anything about this because of the optics of taking action. and the social justice warriors who want non custodial sentencing all live in nimby lefty rich suburbs so easy to preach about this from the comfort and security of their affluent homes.

There needs to be a link between parents and kids in a legal sense. Reflective sentences for parents for kids under 12 that commit a crime. That might nip it in the butt early. See how many 12yr olds are on the street or out in public unsupervised after that.

so some people here dont seem to think that harsh penalties for murder should be handed out. what will you think when they come to your house?

as i predicted abc championing leniency shameful the abc would love these young criminals to get off scot free just watch the narrative over the course of their trial...

Knee-jerk? Kids are becoming career criminals, even murderers and because of these AdVocAtes the government doesn’t do anything

Another example the failure of youth justice.

They can't get better if they're hanging from a rope.

we always seem to have some advocate who try's to negate punishment for crime .

The current approach of 'softly, softly' is clearly NOT working as a deterrent to many young offenders. Time to try something different that shows real consequences for illegal and violent behaviour before it escalates to someone being injured or killed?

What does that even mean.

By knee jerk you mean keep young repeat offenders out of communities so normal people can feel safe and secure. Give me Knee jerk anytime !Another armchair expert who lives a life i am sure, far removed from the problems facing too many communities in Australia .Wake up !

you guys are a deadset disgrace

In what universe do we suggest that locking up violent offenders is a bad idea? If these “advocates” truly wanted to help, they’d look at intervening before it got to this point. Offer more family support because these “children” obviously aren’t getting any of that at home..

‘Knee jerk’? the best outcome would be for the fucking scum to become a death in prison stat.

'The kids who murdered these poor people just need more support and more help'. How about no. It hasn't worked. It doesn't work. They have had all the help known. Lock them away.

Lock. Them. Up. For. Life. - Punish the parents of repeat juvenile non-mentally ill offenders.

Where's Lidia, Linda & Albo now?

keep it simple, tell them they have two options, either live in peace or do crime and be deleted from society

ABC you are a disgrace.

Introduce castration along with lengthy jail and you will see violent crimes cease. They won’t do it because the majority of lawmakers are male and in many ways sympathise with violent men. Abusing women’s private’s is ok with the justice system it’s no big deal at all.

The is toilet for Leftists who support criminals to ensure they are pushing the correct political narrative that the Greens & Labor say. Evil and pathetic public servants not meeting their charter.

Typical ABC headline … disgusting!

You are kidding. ABC and leftist politicians believe that if there are no consequences for actions the problem will go away. How many more innocent people will die? The youth justice system must be fixed NOW. Incarnation must be a solution but juvenile support must available.

I’m legitimately curious; would the continue to push this position if the scenario was reversed? IE if white kids fatally stabbed an aboriginal woman?

HelpRodger Interesting how Katherine Hayes plays this down? Fear of getting worse ? Fate worse than a fate worse than murdered? Shit like her seem to always wa y to make allowances for those that choose not to follow the law at the expense of those that do. Who is the real criminal here?

Only the ABC would run a story like this after such a callous crime. You have no shame, but true to form.

Clearly the deterrents have not been effective for a long time . No one can deny that . 17yr olds are old enough to understand what they were doing was wrong. Sadly too many kids grow up not understanding responsibility for your actions and that consequences for them exist

HARSHRE36544961 Australia is going mad

What planet is Ms Hayes living on? Seriously tell that to the Lovell family. these grubs are 17, on bail roaming the street with knives randomly breaking into houses and prepared to use violence to steal. This is not an isolated incident and people are fed up. Lock them up.

The only jerk should be when the noose tightens around the necks of these murders.

HelpRodger Oh ffs, these lowlifes didn’t just start committing crimes yesterday. Weak bail laws and these advocates are the reason these lowlifes went from petty offences and now to murder. The justice system didn’t punish them early for the minor offences and now we have a murder.

A life for a life. Try them as adults and give them a minimum 50 years. I'm sure they won't be 'better criminals ' after that.

Time to Reintroduce capital punishment . Anyone one who willfully takes another person’s life need to justify why they have a right to live further .

If you do the Crime then they should do the time Especially as the government wants to reduce the age of voting to 16 But does not want to reduce the age of responsibility to 16 which serves out mixed messages to the community wapol auspol wanews BeaumontSimon YOUTH

The Voice will fix all this! Vote yes and trust us to fill in the detail later! 🙄 Bc we are obviously good at this.

What a awful headline… ABC you are disgusting.

Difficult headline. Huh?

The comments on this article are wild. The point is that harsher sentences etc don’t help because they reduce the chances of re-engagement in normal life upon release, which is inevitable.

If the law had dealt with them accordingly when they attempted murder during a home invasion last yr, this mother would be with her family today. There's no rehabilitating this scum. Lock them up & throw away the key.

It's strange how when there's a crime some victims are all over the media and there's a public outrage. However some victims don't get anything but the perpetrators just need more help to get on the right path. What is it?

We need to support families so children don't end up turning to crime.

Youth crime is nothing new, we know plenty about how to prevent it and how not to build communities that push it into one place. A push towards puritanism might be a good tempory fix, but ultimately you'll need more diversity and purpose for youth within these communities.

They should be tried as adults if you don't now the difference between right and wrong at 16 ,17 then something is wrong. To carry a knife is intent.

One of them was ‘on parole’!! why? How?. At the VERY LEAST he should’ve been made to do that parole in the armed forces. I don’t know why juveniles being made to serve in the forces is seen as wrong by some. They need some discipline badly otherwise they go on to crimes like this

Sorry. You do the Crime Do the time.Enuff said 🖕Greens

What a ill-informed out of touch advocate and journalist to create such a bad taste story

No you don't jail them, you hang them. Simple, cheap and effective. As the cheap money runs out you watch as these expensive leftist ideas get dropped for old school ideas that actually work.

Nope. Life in prison is only option.

LindaBurneyMP and AlboMP know the voice solves all aboriginal violence against themselves and all Australians. It will be removed from reporting with the help of . Wake up Australians- your sovereignty, your civil society and now your lives are under threat

It's the parents and the grandparents. The children have no respect for anything. Cycle of life for 50% in WA.

Seems to me that the softly, softly approach isn't working too well

Knee jerk? Getting killed in your home by an aboriginal out on bail? Do better ABC; your bias, as usual, is showing 😡😡😡😡

it should be a knee cap reaction

Slowest knee jerk policy shift I have seen

Then our society has failed. And it’s only been on the rise of the last 15 years. When we stop discipline your children and put him in the naughty Corner instead now he produced murderers at 16 and 17. Way to go.

The two offenders are punks. They had choices like everybody else. Nothing would have prevented what they did. You can try all you like with so-called brainwash rehabilitation schemes?..it might work for a select few but the majority will continue on

Do the crime do the time. 🛑 the insanity. People of good standing should be allowed some sort of self protection, a taser or a gun .

Oh please, one of these 'children' was taller than the two police officers walking them out! Funny how the Greens have been silent....I wonder why.

Well here’s a fact. These advocates are the problem not the solution. Harsher penalties for first offenders are needed and for those banging on about deaths in custody the best way to avoid this is don’t be in custody

One of the alleged murderers was on bail, nuff said.

'Better criminals'! Seems like some on bail are already doing some 'better' crimes!

Nah. I'm tired of people needing more support as it doesn't appear to work. Just tighten up bail laws and bring in mandatory sentencing.

You have one of the most horrific crimes in recent Australian history, a mother bleeding to death after being stabbed by a home intruder, in front of her family, at home, and ABC is all 'won't somebody think of the children (who did it!)'. No moral compass at OurABC.

Knee-jerk......are you kidding me!!!! I bet it would be a different story if it happened to your family. Make an example and set some sort of standard otherwise this will only get worse.

How did I know theirABC would find a way to defend the indefensible? 'Locking up young people means that we're going to get better criminals in the future'? Not if you leave them in gaol long enough.

Problems emerge at school, teachers' hands are tied and anti-social behaviour is scary.

If a ' knee jerk' reaction prevents similar murders and family tragedies, I'm all for it.

Maybe if they had decent parents who gave a .... where they were at night & taught them right from wrong they wouldn't have turned into little .... stealing cars, breaking into ppl's homes in the middle of the night & murdering innocent ppl. The problem doesn't start in detention

I’m tipping if the murderer was not from a minority group, the ABC would be less inclined to trot out some do-gooder advocating for non-custodial sentencing.

WOW the racists, rednecks and extremist RWFWs are out in force vomiting their ignorance and hatred publicly this morning. It’s a shame they all lack the ability to ResearchThinkPost but especially “think”!!!

AnnastaciaMP & StevenJMiles have done nothing to stop these types of crimes, just sitting back and taking the QLD taxpayers $

Why not follow the USA, and just stop applying the law until they......, well we can see what happens there and here.

These so called experts have had their chance and have failed. Lock these criminals up or better still bring back capital punishment. Enough is enough.

The ‘advocate’ says gaoling young offenders can create hardened criminals. Maybe true but I say a 17yo, already on bail, who breaks into someone’s house & stabs them to death should never be released.

Capital punishment to break the cycle.

The ABC and Sally Rugg have campaigned for years for indigenous offenders to not be sent to prison. This is the result. Blood on your hands.

they mustn’t have been conspiracy theorist

This is how you get the looting that is rife in the United States. 'Advocates' who think that the only people that should be behind bars are white guys who don't use the right pronouns whilst kids from ethnic communities that murder mums are the real victims.

Stay classy ABC. Fail

“Killing of Emma Lovell at North Lakes should not prompt 'knee-jerk' youth crime crackdown, advocate warns” Oh yes it f*cking should!!

Well Katherine Hayes didn’t lose a wife or a mother , what a pathetic statement . No knee jerk reaction pffft clearly what she’s doing isn’t working … lock them up and throw away the key . Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Absolute bull dust, it's society's woke approach to youth crime that's the problem.

The ABC along with SBS should desist from their continued race baiting....

Why does the ABC always support going soft on crime , then dig up some expert to back that opinion

You mean ABC wants to Protect African Kids that did the home invasion regardless of the cost including the death......

The two offenders are punks. They have choices like everybody else. Nothing would have prevented what they did. You can try all you like with so-called brainwash rehabilitation schemes?..it might work for a select few but the majority will continue on

This headline is so offensive, please have respect for this family

The ,“ revere George Floyd” response from Katherine Hayes!!!

Once again the woke supporters come out stating we need to do more to help juveniles to stop re-offending. Well it’s nearly 2023 there’s a million programs and government funding for young criminals and still nothing has changed.

What an appalling headline to run just a few days after this poor woman was murdered. The ABCs reporting is truely reprehensible.

Katherine Hayes, the ‘advocate’ who’s never seen the reality of her ‘expert advice’ Here’s a tip Kathy You can’t commit crime behind bars

What ever happened to justice for victims. Do a crime, do the time. Never happens now

The advocates “experts” are idealistic. They always take the criminals side. They want to ‘rehabilitate’ but always reject common sense ideas. The public don’t want knee jerk reactions. It’s been going on for years. We want something done.

'Locking up young people means that we're going to get better criminals in the future,' Ms Hayes said You must fucking kidding. These 'young people' murdered a young mother. It's our weak system, diminishing accountability & responsibility that gives rise to these criminals.

Magistrates need to be held account for letting these vermin back on the streets..

Typical LWNJ promoting a stereotypical response to prevent any tightening of youth laws. Looks like kids are doing a pretty good job of being better criminals on their own

Undoubtedly the offenders will fit into a stereotypical, violent knife attack demographic?

Why don’t you ever report that the actual crims were black like you do when it’s a black death in custody? You clowns at keep pushing this divide further with your so called “journalism”

How about instead of releasing these young criminals after a few months at most, they do life sentences? Regardless of their age? If they commit adult-type crimes, whatever that may be, they should be given the same justice as adults. Stop this namby-pamby slap on the wrist crap.

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