Judge Amy Coney Barrett helps sway US Supreme Court vote barring COVID-19 limits on religious gatherings

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Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

The US Supreme Court has barred New York from imposing coronavirus restrictions on houses of worship, in a ruling likely to be heralded by conservatives as a victory for religious freedoms.

Services should not be treated differently from permitted secular gatherings, the unsigned ruling said, one of the first since the appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett tipped the court's balance to the conservatives.

In a five-four split, the top US court said the measures violated the First Amendment's protection of the free exercise of religion. The shift is indicative of the court's new weighting, with the three remaining liberals now outnumbered after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in September.READ MORE"The restrictions at issue here, by effectively barring many from attending religious services, strike at the very heart of the First Amendment's guarantee of religious liberty." the ruling continued.

Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan - backed by conservative Chief Justice John Roberts - dissented.But conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch argued that Mr Cuomo had favoured secular activities over religious ones.Global coronavirus cases top 60 million as United States reports record number of hospitalisations


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Here we go

What happened to the freedom to be alive when they are killed by a disease that’s spread by those who feel their freedoms to do whatever are more important than someone else’s right to live?

this is not 'all bad'...just keep your distance from God bother's...

Freedom for religions to kill their followers. But we can’t have abortions. A mad mad country

Stupid fking country Literally winner of the DarwinAwards every single year

A prime example of why faith should not be mixed with science. This is just the start.

Oh for fucks sake

Fools, you reap what you sow...

Fine ... let them all gather, catch the virus and spread it amongst their fellow believers.

And a victory for funeral homes...

SBS What? no mention of the court case launched by the kraken? Silence is censorship.

one thing Trump did prove that USA has no right to criticise other countries for their Gov systems by claiming USA had best democracy. now the world knows no Gov system is perfect and all are prone to corruption as power corrupts . USA has a bad/corrupt system as anyone else!!

A victory for irresponsibility

Cut their electricity and water off then.

There God works in mysterious ways.

SBS If people need a building to gather in to reinforce their beliefs, their beliefs can't be too strong to begin with in my opinion.

SBS This is natural selection at its finest. The weak-minded will flock to their churches like lemmings over a cliff. AmyCovidBarrett

Religion is above and beyond public health - and death!

A win for religious freedoms. A major setback for taking proper health advice and keeping people safe. uspol

It should not have the power to do that.

Coney paying the piper.

God wants his flock in heaven ASAP

That's good news for those eager to meet their maker.

Nuts 🥜 🌰 🔩

Ideology overcomes reason which is not a good look for a High Court justice.

Oh well. More visitors at the pearly gates. I’m more worried about thanksgiving travel in America spreading the virus around very effectively.

Some states would be so much better off without the mid west controlling the country

And a bigger victory for covid. There is the law of justice, and the law of science. Apply Darwinism New Yorkers. Survival of the fittist. May only the stupid among you die.

Wasn’t aware that freedom to die unnecessarily came under ‘religious freedom’. Very strange for a supposedly Christian person to have no concept of mutual obligation

They will unwittingly be proving Darwinian theory. If they are that stupid let them die

Amy is a horrendous legacy of Trump in which USA people will be reeling for years to come

What a bunch of weirdos.


Excellent - let's infect all the Christians

Maybe it will reduce some of them..

With a bit of luck COVID should wipe out some more religious nut jobs


Russputin2 Elevating 'religious' rights to gather over all others.

One way to thin out the crazies.


So those who preach about the sanctity of life, and doing good unto others, must do so in an environment that endangers life and harms others. Hypocrites.

Nice move Shall we keep tabs on how many of those attendees end up in ICU’s

Not a problem....the blood of Jesus will protect them from Covid!

Here we go ozcrimenews, politically stacking the Judiciary with cronies JimCrow thelawcouncil LCAPresident jeremy_gans DysonHeydon knows Now they can ALL go meet their Maker SmokO


Religious freedom does not include causing harm to others...

MSMWatchdog2013 She’s a suerspreader enabler

A ruling that will ensure more people die ...

Being defiant in a pandemic a sign of antui social behaviour. Irresponsible . I bet they will regret their lack of perseverance. Quakers can worship any where in silence . Do t have to be in a certain building if need be. This lot should choose an abundance of caution.

They are so pro life but by exerting their. 'Religious Freedoms' could very well killlots of existing life. I don't see the caring about life in this. Doesn't seem thought through. Is that the kind of thinking that permeates their minds. It's like they are being martyrs. 🙅

Bloody idiots.

Leel06Lee God Bless America. I guess after thanksgiving they'll need all hands on deck at the churches for mass...funerals.🤦‍♂️

SBS should report just the facts without the opinion/s JournalismnotActivism

What of the state's responsibility to the citizens right to safety? I do concur to personal responsibility however do others feel the same. We all have a social contracted with each other, the right to choose, yes. But no right to impose. Hence murder is illegal.

well i hope worshippers&nonworshippers alike can find way for freedoms of religion AND rights to health coexisting without a certain discrim inatory isolationism. esp for businesses providing essential services.

bruce_haigh Trump, stupidity that just keeps going...

Victory for covid not religious freedoms unfortunately

bruce_haigh So cultofdeath is not a stretch then

she’s going to be known as The Mistress of Death

Religious fruitcakes shouldn't allowed anywhere near power.

Oh magats are celebrating


The death of the church begins.

You can see the evil intent in her face, all those dumb suckers who whine about wearing a mask claiming it’s a violation of their rights & declaring they won’t be dictated to may need to buckle up. Giving religious fanatics power means you have to accept any restrictions they set

It's ironic that these people are pro-life yet they're willing to sacrifice thousands of lives just so they can attend a book club

Religion v. Humanitarianism

Conservative rot continues

'in a ruling likely to be heralded by conservatives as...' -- maybe just stick to telling us what has happened.

FFS - US civilisation is doomed! Thank you tRump 👍

In God we trust, that'd hasn't bothered to show him self in the last 2000 years. If anyone says that a miracle occurred it's usually science, medicine or diplomacy. Or some crappy old fashioned conservatives

Less religious idiots is a plus.

It is a wise decision.

COVID19 has a 99.9% recovery rate.

COVID approves.

If they have any faith, they'll refuse any treatment or hospital resources and just go die quietly in a corner like god wished.. What are the odds

This is the reason no-one trusts the media. What ACTUALLY happened is contained hidden in one sentence surrounded by opinion and conjecture: 'Services should not be treated differently from permitted secular gatherings, the unsigned ruling said' No conspiracy. EQUAL treatment.

America is fucked

Judge Amy - a smug looking woman. She has the same sort of air of imperious pomposity that a Trump always had about him.

One word.... covidiots

And sign off your right to a ventilator

Excellent more dead religious idiots makes for a better world

Less Trump voters for 2024.

So public safety comes second to religion? Pretty sure the conditions of her accepting that job was her swearing not to allow her beliefs to affect her decisions.

Right smug-looking, jumped up twerps those Fright Wing (In)justices are, too.

How primitive is this regime.... now their halls of FABLES are above the safety of the clan

This is epidemiology, not faith. A lof of people are going to die needlessly by going to church now. Then everyone will be sorry. Why just why?

A victory for those who behave as if they wanted to live in the dark ages.

They really do not get the meaning of contagion do they?

This is a victory for Satan's little germs.

You may well smile now but the outcome of your ill-advised acqueiscence will one day haunt you.

MSMWatchdog2013 The broader issue is what about the rights of those the religious freedomers come into contact with who might be infected by them and die?

Oh well. If they all die from covid it will be “gods” will. 🙄. Whoever god is....

MSMWatchdog2013 Australia, this is a cautionary tale about where our politics is heading

MSMWatchdog2013 Dark Ages 🤦🏻‍♂️

The super spreader strikes again!

Excellent. Off you go

This is madness. God will not protect them from Covid!! Another example of politicising the virus

So much for separation of church and state. How is the USA now any different from Iran?

And she calls herself pro-life

If they all get sick and/or die they'll know who to blame—and it won't be anyone but a rightwing Christian nutjob!

She is always going to allow her religious beliefs to sway her.

So much for her claims that her religious views wouldn’t influence her voting

That’s it. US is going theocratic and will never gain control of their cities from COVID

Let God sort them out.

Those chosen will get to meet their maker sooner than expected!..cannot fathom that any God would want worship to be done in the house if dangerous, surely a God accepts worship from anywhere! Hopefully the lawmakers will not rest easy on their deathly decisions.

The ruling apparently says 'Services should not be treated differently from permitted secular gatherings'. If so it sounds reasonable to me (if compared to other singing gatherings)

Keep our borders closed. You can pray in quarantine. ScottMorrisonMP, I trust you DanielAndrewsMP

And it starts

ACB is certainly no RBG.

That is why Trump put her there. One of the few that is actually doing their Job.

The conservative rat pack ideology over empathy and care has started with this decision by the RW US Supreme Court.

And God will welcome all those who believe in fairies and not science as they enter the pearly gates COVIDSecondWave

Everytime I see shit like this, I'm reminded what a fucked up country America has become. On one hand you have these people screaming 'everyone needs a gun' and these same people scream 'protect an unborn foetus even if it stems from rape'. Makes me so glad that I'm Australian!

I guess this a great way to make sure the persuit of herd immunity will not be slowed down. I suppose these fundamentalist xians think their imaginary all knowing omnipresent sky diety will protect the worshippers from catching and dying from covid. DELUDED !!!

Cry, cry, cry you winging fools. This a great decision

Since when has common sense over health become a political football... sigh

nobby15 Natural selection by COVID19

Oh fuck, COVID is like, YO-YO it’s HO HO HO HOspital for these praying motherfuckers. Christ ain’t saving you this Christmas from what coming once he floats through the air. It’s like the worst kind of mistletoe if COVID has its way.

Crazy country...Darwinism work here

A mass gathering is a mass gathering, regardless of the purpose. Religious freedoms aren’t a vaccine against COVID. They’re a scourge on the medicos who are trying to save lives.

Free to gather to praise the Lord then die of Covid. Excellent.

so go to Church and die, problem solved

Actually, the entire world will see it as a vote for common sense and decency.

Slowly slipping back into the dark ages.

Yeah “victory”


The Houses of (Christian!) Worship attrition rates will be interesting to see... Not really a great victory or outcome for the conservatives

I can assure you Jesus wouldn't endorse behaviour that would jeopardise peoples health for 'freedoms'... just once I'd like people to be honest about their selfishness and not hide behind a religious veil...

Ooooh, the self righteous religious make me so angry. Fine then, you nut jobs, gather in great numbers in your churches and get Covid, and pass it to everyone. How very caring of you 😠

Many Libertarians find this to be a fantastic outcome also, not just the Conservatives. Do you really hate Conservatives so much you need to attempt a FalseNarrative to wind up the progressives? EpicFail

Guess the hospital's will soon be overflowing with true believers praying to be saved.

So she is batshit crazy

Why do conservatives want people to die so much?

Religious freedom is in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Is claiming it's a conservative manifesto?

I knew she’d do something this ignorant. She said she wouldn’t do anything based on her religious beliefs, but then again she’s a practised liar.

NFI - so many entitled people who always need to be exempt

A win for lack of common sense.

How can religious freedom override a state of emergency during a pandemic?

trump appointed her so she can keep on killing

They just can’t be told.

Ideology triumphs over fact in the US Idiocy

Oh let them die in the churches, it will be the Lords Will.

Blood on her hands already.

Absolutely batshit crazy. As if Covid knows or cares what building you are in when you get infected. 😡

Thinning the herd.

Why must all Americans be Conservative or Liberal (Progressive). This is the source of much of their problems. The sooner they get plain old smart, thinking, flexible humans into their judiciary & politics the sooner they will regain respect from the rest of us.

Death cult. Let them go to god. Amen.

Perhaps you should read the US Declaration “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, LIBERTY and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Religious freedoms are all well and good...unless you’re in the middle of a supremely contagious pandemic 🤦‍♀️

If they die due to COVID19, they will soon know what their maker thinks!!

More about freedom to get infected, infect others and die. Conservatism gone mad.

you would think religions would want to keep their followers safe but no this exposing people to a deadly virus is their issue


Covid-19 just had a huge victory.

There’s going to be a whole heap of Christian’s about to find out if there’s a god or not.

Long live the virus!

Jesus loves it when people are selfish and don’t take care of the vulnerable. Totally his MO.

She is doing what she was hired for

They'll all get to meet the God of their choosing sooner then.

Proof that Religious extremism is alive and well in the US. Imagine arguing that as a church you have the right to kill your constituents. Hopefully when they pass the plate around it goes to the inevitable medical bills.

With interference like this, the USA will never manage to get cover under control.

Good stuff. Bout time we put some limits on the fear porn.

Crazy, absolutely crazy.

The congregation is dying to go to church.

What about it being heralded by progressives as a victory for religious freedoms? Or does SBS believe that no progressives believe in freedom of religion?

If they're a part of society, they need to follow society's rules. Religion and faith doesn't stop existing because you can't gather inside a rich institutions business.

Don’t want people worshipping outside the temple.



Yay! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Why not just say a victory for people of worship

Cool. Lock the doors and leave them in their plague houses.

This is what is wrong with America! Why would anyone vote to for people to be LESS safe!!

Well none of the judges have to interact with the riff raff so they don’t need to care they have made their ruling and satisfied their conservatism and will feel happy.

SCOTUS have lost the plot

Someone better tell the Coronavirus about this religious freedom thing..

Pro-life until after birth.

A ruling that will likely kill a lot of conservatives. Maybe Trump was onto something after all.

Sounds like a victory for natural selection to me.

Yep ok sounds like a plan. Too bad viruses don't respect religious freedoms...

More like a victory for COVID19...

This will mean a whole lot more dead religious people. Thoughts and prayers.

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