John Howard stands by Dyson Heydon appointment, says he did an 'excellent job'

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Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Former prime minister John Howard says former High Court justice Dyson Heydon, who's been accused of sexual harassment, did an 'excellent job' during his tenure.

Former prime minister John Howard is standing by his government's 2003 decision to nominate Dyson Heydon to the High Court, as the fallout over sexual harassment claims against the ex-judge continues.

An independent inquiry initiated by the High Court, revealed this week by the Herald, found Mr Heydon sexually harassed six judges' associates. Speaking through his lawyers, Mr Heydon categorically denied the women's claims of"predatory behaviour".

Source: Law Daily Report (


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Sounds like the hard proof is finally in! Dementia.

Well he can't be right every time

He was biased and ineffectual during the TURC

I wonder if Howard would feel the same about DysonHeydon if he’d sexually harassed his daughter ? 🤔

Not the only scoundrel Howard has backed !

OWM struck up for OBC members

Just like his old friend Cardinal Pell, huh? Seems like they all love to trot 'Honest John' out for character reference...wonder why? Sadly, it seems the (Liberal-appointed) High Court believes otherwise. Auspol DysonHeydon

Interesting to see again so soon a separate news involving John Howard, a sexual abuser, and High Court

He’s friends with pedophiles and a person who sexual harassed women. Causing them to leave an excellent career. He’s into male white priveledge.


I'd love to hear what Howard thinks of Jimmy Saville

I’m sure Ivan Milat gave $2 to a charity once in his life. Did he ‘do a good job’?

When is John Howard due to die so I can mark it in my diary?

Old boys pale male club

I find it quite amazing that John Howard who had a quite good reputation as a PM has decided in recent years to try and trash it with inane support for the inexcusable. Just learn to shut up John.

Away you go Uncle Arthur

Defended pedo Pell now this, the Libs love standing up for abusers

The news would be if Howard didn't defend him.

This from a man who told us about children overboard and weapons of mass destruction. If you have integrity nothing else matters, if you dont have integrity nothing else matters. John Howard just doesn't matter. Its time for all men to stand up for all women !

He did an “excellent job” of hounding promising women out of the profession.

'He did an excellent job protecting my interests and I don't care that he was assaulting people because it didn't affect his ability to continue protecting my interests'

Howard always sides with the 'good workers', e.g. Pell, Heydon - but never seems to consider their victims. Ol' boy network at its finest.

Just never know 🥺

If that's the case then Howard must condone sexual harrassment. 😳 And I thought workchoices was the worst thing to come from littlejohnnyhoward

To be fair, if howard vouches for you - you should probably be in jail

Senile old fella.

Why? There are many facets of individuals: Knowledge of law. Sound decisions in a range of complex legal cases. Sex and harrassment, another facet hasn't obliterated objectivity.

Hmm reminds me of the mad monk and pell. Clearly these men haven’t a clue about the world of women’s realities. Pity they don’t LISTEN

So what? OJ Simpson did an excellent job playing football.


Shut up Howard. Every time you open your mouth you damage any legacy you may have had

Surely any decent human would want to distance themselves completely from this predator not stick up for them.

It looks like some girls beg to differ.

The company we keep .....

FFS. What a ghastly man he is.

Sexual harassment is against the law- so he’s also a criminal

Nice Friends you pick,Jonny🙄🙄

oldboysclub mysogynist


I am truly shocked that this old powerful white man is publicly supporting the other old powerful white men against multiple women's claims. SHOCKED I tell You!

An excellent job in subordinating women and ensuring that the high court remains in the control of conservative men like himself.

He can just keep his mouth shut but he chooses to enthusiastically offer up character references for these types every time they are outted. Makes me think they have something on him 🤔...

icc4howard !

Typical men of the establishmnet coming out to tell the world to pull their head in and let men rule

Especially under the table (apparently )

The Liberals are unified in their support of pedophiles, misogynists and sex abusers in high places.

What a sexist misogynist

Howard can't see a problem, isn't that a perk of the job?

Being good at your job does not excuse you from your actions or your sins - you are still a social scumbag and should be punished if guilty

So long as we could see his hands…😱🤢🤬

Not under the table apparently mr Howard

‘Excellent job’ but deplorable character. I’d rather have a man of character please.

The filth SHOULD BE SACKED!!!😡😡😡

This is a moment in time when silence would serve you well.

Of course Mr. Howard would, as a sympathiser of sexual abusers.

What else did you expect?

What does he think about chilcot report?

White sexist misogynistic stale male protectionist patriarchal boys club. fvckoffhoward

These are the ones we KNOW about

This must be one of his non core promises and he his fingers crossed behind his back. He’s an idiot.

Reminded of Gov. Gen. Peter Hollingworth who'd let a known pedophile continue to operate - I remember Howard saying he didn't regret the appt & refused to sack him, even after the Anglican Church had voiced concern. With him it's pathological.

Tin heart to go with his tin ear

Keep it up Johnny boy, your legacy deserves it.

As did George Pell? You have a lot to answer for, John Howard.

Stop wheeling this dinasaur out to get an opinion. His character references for vile human beings shows that he is not quite right in the head !!!

'He gave the decisions I wanted him to, so why should I care if he's a sexual harasser?'

THE FLYING EYEBROWS! up to his usual crap, I'm sure him and Abbott are from the same clone, never look at the evidence of the people that have been hurt!, just side with all the parasites, just like they Did with the Peado, George Pell

And Pell could do no wrong either

Right wing war mongering rodent that lied his way through his tenure, says sexual predator did an 'excellent job' JohnHoward DysonHeydon

At least he is consistent for offering stonewall tone deaf commentary. The last line of the Great Gatsby comes to mind. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. JWH to a T.

Upon finding nothing to pin on Mr Shorten, Dyson's allegiance to the LNP saw him fabricate nefarious allusions to malpractice by mincing his words more than Graham Kennedy minced as 'Cyril' on Blankety Blanks. Not to mention him arbitrarily delaying his finding for more pay days.

JH = 90yr suppression order on Woods Royal Commission that alleged high prominent persons, judges + ex PM involved in child sex abuse. Protecting his buddies? Protecting political parties? DeclasWoodsRoyalCommission

What’s with these PM ?, John Howard for Dyson Heydon and Tony Abbott for George Pell.


This aweful little grub of a man stands by high ranking pedaphiles, psychopaths & rorters, now thinks he is above the Law & can 'Whitewash' Dr Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde. This is just madness run amuck.

But he is a subject of harassment .... Howard cannot save him

Sunsplashsun What a dotard...

He wrote a character reference for a convicted pedo, so hardly surprising.

Sure he did Johnny. He did an execellent job covering up the fact that he’s a complete sleazebag.

He would say that, he's never said a decent thing in his life.

Standard NeoLiberal behavior.

This comment demonstrates his irrelevance.

Hey Howard lovers - this is your man's standard. This is his idea of great. Of excellent. Think about that. What does that say about his judgement, as a leader, as a man?


'This Lazarus, won't ever rise again .

How many paedophiles and abusive predators can one ex-PM vouch for?

Alongside Hollingsworth and Pell a regular Justice League

He stood by a lot of people that wrecked people. That is one of his hallmarks. Crushing the powerless, lying...

Every time I see the face of John Howard, I get violent urges to slap him in the head.

Says a lot about Howard and his judgement. He always was an untrustworthy grub!

Good God!

of course howard said that. he is unspeakably awful.

What is it with Howard & sexual predators?

Makes you wonder what he thinks is 'ok'

Howard had to be Australia's worst ever PM . He wasted the Countries wealth, he tried to introduce slave labour into Australia, in the form of Work Choices. He Appointed pedophile George Pell ,and stood by every filthy thing pell did to young boys. And he appointed Dirty Dyson

Sure excellent where crime is irrelevant, well they are politicians

Oh dear, a recommendation by lil Johnny surely equates to being tarnished beyond any piece of silver?

Excellent job but for the sexual harassing of his staff, absolutely, don't doubt it . More than a few brilliant cunts around the place. ..........Mmm You're not one of them though,....... John.


Howard is a Idiot. He just says so much rubbish it's unbelievable he ever got to be BP . He Even still believes in George Pedophile Pell He believes in Secret Courts, And Jailing innocent Australians . He robbed East Timour out of Billions

Oh FFS ... go back to your haze and fog of your dementia you old has been

Oh fuck! Sorry for the expletives but what else can one say. Guess his comment is in line with his support for others of similar ilk.

The fact that Howard is an abhorrent little turd, says little for the sprinkled person he is showing support for.

It seems that every person at high levels involved in the Howard government.. the measurement of how good their job was done is it sexual harassment and assault? auspol AuspolSoCorrupt ScottyFromMarketing

The Former PM has got to realise that sexual misconduct in High Place is never ok or fine to be condoned. No matter what political stance a person may be and what 'Professional work done' to gloss over a serious matter affecting peoples lives supposedly below them.

KaushalyaFem So i guess that makes despicable behaviour acceptable then? FO

He really means he did Howard's biding.

He would, just as he did with Pell. Disgusting man. Can't trust people in high places.

Stand at the Hague on war crimes Howard.WarCriminals You're dishonesty decimated innocent people, always backing perpetrators, sickening.


All criminals defend each other 😉

So inflammatory.


Ye shall know the man by the company he keeps

Says the man who provided George Pell with a character reference in court. Kind of sums Howard up! Such a good judge of character (NOT)!

No wonder there are men/boys who have no respect for women when Neanderthals like Howard & Abbott speak up for paedophiles & molesters. Howard & the ‘Minister for Women’ would be happy if we could return to the 50’s when ‘men could be men’ & women were a commodity.BoysClub

Just because he says it doesn't mean we believe it.

All as pytrid as each other. War criminal and architect of tge demise of a once great country, John Howard is hardly a fit person to give any sort of character reference


Sexual deviancy ok with Liberals. We know.

Doing an excellent job doesn't excuse criminal acts

Former Prime Minister and current arsewipe.

The character reference of death.

This guy just cannot pick a winner

John f ing racist Howard is why we still can't have nice things

Howard is DEPLORABLE and so is his legacy

As a child Adolf Hitler was well behaved but inside he hid some pretty serious shit too! 🤷‍♂️🧙‍♂️

Howard was always an arsehole. It should surprise no one.

You all stick together while shoving it to the public. No one can believe a word you lot say.

Read: I don’t care.

Howard the war criminal now gives references & recommendations to paedophiles and sexual harassers. If he gives anyone a recommendation they must be pretty horrible.

Reminds me of a funeral I was subjected to. The deceased was a known, life long paedophile. His enablers (and co-conspirators) were full of praise and adoration for the filth too. Worshipped him like a god. I get it Howard, you're just protecting your own hey... 🤮🤮🤮🤬🤬🤬

aboallaltalbi29 There are so many corrupt judges

Anyone can take kudos for doing an excellent job in a chosen field - it’s the ethical stuff that most fail on...

For centuries we have lived in a culture that assumes a huge level of rich, white, male privilege. Here it is in stark unapologetic reality.

So what he still sexually assaulted people

If I sexually harassed my staff or colleagues I'm pretty confident my boss wouldn't say I was doing a great job

Oh John keep up

This says so much about who John Howard is as a man and what his values truly are.

Par for the course for the apologist PM


Sure did 😵

Old white fellas stick together hey

And lizards won every gold medal in Sydney. Equally true.

Howard will not be remembered kindly.


If one is so inclined to look for public praise from the honorable John Howard, it is suggested that you abuse your position of power and privilege along with a person or three.

How is he still alive? I swear he is like 110 years old!

Absolutely appalling.

What an insidious little man.

He did well for a while leading the undead beyond the wall:

Wind em up and let em go

'Like likes like'.

Ruined a few good people on his way through, but who cares about that? They were only women, let’s not be soft.

What's this war criminal being asked anything for!

Of course he does. Of COURSE he does. Weasel.

Coming from the Midget that had to stand on Kerosine tins, i dont know why his wife didnt use the tins as birth control ... as soon as he went red in the face just kick the faaaaaarrrrrkerr from underneath him ...auspol WarCrim

Heydon was a sensible appointment to the High Court, he was and still is an excellent jurist.

And by that standard Howard was an “excellent” cricketer

Stands by Heydon, stands by Pell. Says it all. grub

He would stand by Epstein too. Saying the man had excellent business acumen

Ah ha, the LNP exPMs club. standing up for abusers again.

Cannot admit that he is wrong. Classic Howard.

I think it is more than accussed. His former peers investigated accusations and came to a rather dark conclusion.

That checks out. If he's good at his job then any transgression should be excused.

Hope Bernard C subpoenas this guy. Would be great to see him in the witness box.

What s load of sh.t, little Johnny is still speaking out his ar..

He thinks he did a good job, himself. Need I say more?

Little Johnny did give George Pell a character reference.

You mean like Pell? Who you also swore by.

John and Tony’s mates George and Dyson. Wait till Newscorp piles on. Heydon will be up for a Knighthood.

Too are truly sick, JWH.

Wow, he certainly seems to be a friend to sexual predators.

Howard also said we should go to war with Iraq, Australia demonstrated their disagreement in massive rallies & he committed us to another war against our will - why would we listen to him now?

Quite so. Dyson Heydon is a brilliant lawyer. That doesn’t necessarily make him a perfect person. auspol

Does’nt it speak volumes about ‘little Johnny’!

Wonder what Howard is hiding in the suppression order?

Well of course he did, he has a history

I’m sure his neighbours also say he was a “good bloke” and “always ready with a friendly wave”. goodoleboys

Of course he does! Pedophiles!harassers! What’s not to like?

So the zombie who won't return to the tomb appears to support yet another sexual predator - what a surprise!

margokingston1 This man is a war criminal - did you really expect any better?

🤢🤮🤬well what would one expect of a war criminal anyway?!

We need to tell him to shut TF up and go back under his rock😡

Johnny Howard seems to stand shoulder to shoulder with many pedophiles

He certainly did an “excellent job” on all those young ladies... and the unions... “Conservatives” love paedophiles and sexual predators...

ffs he runs with a certain crowd including pell💩

Hate the attitude that if you do a good job you can get away with whatever you want. It helps give abusers, murderers, & sexual offenders power and if some ppl had their way, pedos as well. Will never change that it was a monster that did an 'excellent job during his tenure'.

Looks like Howard used the same due diligence process for Heydon as he did for the weapons of mass destruction.

Not called Honest Jonny for Nothing Supporter of all thing s disgusting , Loosing your bottle Jonny , need to have a Brain Scan

That man never concedes to anything or considers the damage done by him and his peers.

But was he a great conversationalist?

And if one of the women sexually harassed by Heydon had been Howard's own daughter? Still going to go in to bat for him? Or is he just saying, I wasn't wrong about him, I am never wrong? auspol

Ah, the same John Howard who stood by a paedophile. That John Howard.

Howards rose tinted glasses vision again

Howard should be in The Hague

Wasn’t he the Australian Prime Minister who vouched for the character of George Pell and against UN sanctions went to war against non weapons of mass destruction?

Of course Howard supports Dyson. 'Little Johnny' signed off on a 90 year Parliamentary Pedophile Protecting Suppression order when he was PM. Every PM and AG since AG Ruddock know about this. Complicity by silence. LiftTheSuppressionOrder dyson Howard

Well Howard did appointed Bishop Hollingsworth to the GG although there were rumors about him

Right wing twat

John Howard proving again that he is an irrelevance.

Having done a very good job in an important role should not be confused with having done some bad things in his personal life... pathetic story.

All these older white guys who had power positions seem to stick together, no matter how abhorrent their behaviour. JFC Howard, this is the 21st century, not the 19th.

As did John. The Iraq war was particularly outstanding.


He is a disgusting predatory human being. And that's all that matters to your god.

No one cares what a war criminal has to say.

Just like Pell?

He did an 'excellent job' of being a lecherous octopus.

BetootaAdvocate do your thing....

The classic example of the war criminal JohnHoward standing by the pervert. I thing jackboot Johnny offered the same kinds of tacit support for Pell. LNPCrimeFamily

A well known c*** HoWARd never disappoints in his references 🤬🤬🤬

Do these stupid, ignorant old men realise the ongoing trauma that the victims of sexual assault suffer. Honestly believe me when I say it doesn't just go away.

An excellent job of harassing women. 🤮

Little Johnny Arthur has a lot to answer for.... And he will eventually. Either here or the hereafter.

This is the typical response of one Fascist describing another “Well he got the trains to run on time.” DysonHeydon

Anyone notice a pattern?

Typical LittleJohnny tries to cover his arse & in the process disregard the many victims

Little Johnnie is only another lawyer turning a blind eye to Heyson. Remember little Johnnie also thinks Pell is a nice bloke. Howard's record is abysmal as he supported Abbott also.

Says the man who took us to war in Iraq on the basis of lies.

No-one sexual harrassing and abusing countless women can be 'excellent' at anything at all. Supporting sexual predators means you support their crimes. Howard and Abbott are abhorrent little stains. DysonHeydon HighCourt LNPcorruption auspol misogyny UnsafeWorkplaces

JohnHoward is considered LNPs gold standard in PMs He has defended paedophiles a number of times, now serial sex pests, he re-wrote the book on destroying our privacy & freedom! Turned Australia into a chop shop for corporations & inequity! Auspol ABCNews TheDrum Abccuts

Of course he would. He already has a reference for a future court case prepared too! All he has to do is rub out Pell's name and put in Heydon's.

Of course a paedophile defender sticks up for a sexual harassment abuser. What is it with these RW/LNP/IPA types?

Of course JohnHoward does, “enabler” of sexual harassment Provides characterreference for childsexualabuser

Of course it didn’t occur to Howard to offer any thoughts for the victims of his maaate, because Howard is an ignorant jerk.


The dedicated old coconut showing he hasn’t lost his tin-ear

OMG!! Support for another sex offender. Jail LNPCrimeFamily

What does “an excellent job” comment from John Howard have to do with the sexual harassment case against Mr Heydon? Is it the boys club again?

Oh course he did. Same as his pedo mate!

This sick little enabler of a man does realise sexual assault is an act of violence? MVAW

Of course he does, always defending predators from paedophiles to sexual deviants ..auspol

John Howard's raison d'être has only been about ideology & a particularly nasty one at that. Evidence the following: attack on Asians in 1980's, attack on trade unions 90's, attack on so called 'black-arm' band view of history, Tampa, illegal US war in Iraq (he is a war criminal)

He doesn't even have a computer! How could he be up with the rest of the world? Back in the 50s where the Liberals yearn to be, and taking us back to. Where the rich go to Uni and everyone else gets a trade. Where if you are rich you get subsidised and if you are poor, savaged.

This is not the first sexual predator to be supported by John Howard.

Not surprising coming from a fan of paedophiles and a war criminal.

How ironic that He who sat in judgment every day of his dirty life is now being judged for who he really is.

Hmmmm what is it with the LNP and sexual predators.

John Howard, Lord of the Idiots.

Well it's amazing how many sexual predators value doing their job well and treating the women they work with like garbage.

Excellence eluded Howard.

John Howard can take a flying leap off the nearest cliff.

John Howard is a prick. Do really have to give assholes a platform after they were booted out. Please stop.

A recommendation from a homophobic racist misogynistic war criminal is no recommendation at all.

Not accusations. Findings

Protecting the Patriarchy to which Howard has a deep commitment.

Yep, being super purvey is their privilege.

Is anyone surprised by this, honestly

First Hollingsworth, now 'Handsy'. Zero judgement.

Listen johnhoward - just because someone does their job doesn't mean they're Not a Deviant whilst doing it. You have this habit of skimming the surface and not looking further than their public achievements. Shame on you

Takes one to know one I say 🙄 Iwas7

He sure likes defending sex pests

The person that did a ‘great job’ can still sexually assault people. One does not cancel out the other and that same person you admire can still be the same person that harms another.

Further proof that John Howard is a truely awful human being, lacking in human decency and integrity.

Oh yes very excellent snort

Murderers might do really well in their 'day job'. Doesn't make them any less heinous.

War Criminal who appointed an Archbishop who protected pedophiles stands by another man who sexually harasses women. This former PM is untrustworthy around all women and children. All women & children in his presence are at risk of harm.

Best distraction from satanic child rape and digestion for a drug high. -- Labor help this trafficking of Australian children and other children into Australia. That is why they didn't want pedophiles to go to jail and voted this way (had to). Australia let's unite!

Just like Pell did a wonderful job. FFS!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

John Howard proving once again to be the best friend of rapists and paedophiles everywhere.

Surprise. Howard is best mates with sexual predator. Why? Something suss about these cuntservatives.

Howard is the pedo protector prime minister.

Howard......eternally tone-deafeven in retirement. Shame.

Why the fuck is it so hard for Howard to not make this about politics. Express some empathy for the victims. Who cares about upholding your judgment. Mean spirited little worm.

When Howard first became leader of the opposition back in the 80s, I celebrated thinking Australians would never elect such a cowardly little dog into office. How wrong I was.

PCKJ3627 Birds of a feather flock together. There needs to be an enquiry into these men that frequent this Boys Club both in politics and in religion. These men are not statemen, they are rotten to the core. Everyone that condones the habits of these low lives is just as bad.

what did he do? c'mon rattus what did he do?

Howard and his best people, the excellent men who do excellent jobs for themselves and their mates.

Promotes and excuses.

I take that Howard has no interest in the welfare of women ?

Not surprised he'd say something like this.

Just bc Howard’s asked to comment dmean he has to, when a simple ‘no comment, let the matter play out in the courts, then I’ll comment’ would do? Heydon

I am not surprised....

John Howard also stands by pedophiles. He's not someone I look up to.

What is it with our political class and their willingness to defend pedophiles, sexual predators and human traffickers. Gotta wonder who's help you need to make it go the top.

Like Howard ('Nobody told me Iraq had no WMDs or that children weren't thrown overboard'), Heydon will rely on a deliberately vague defence of crossed signals & plausible deniability: 'Nobody ever complained to me directly or told me this was wrong or my gropings unwanted'

Abusers defend abusers

So the man that appointed Hollingsworth and supports Pell now stands by Heydon. I wonder if old 'honest' Johnny has some skeletons in his closet. I suspect he may. Then again given how prepared he was to lie to go to war HIS skeletons are of the real children murdered.

This is, like, if doing an excellent job includes the sexual harassment of associates.

The company you keep and all that, Pell,Hayden, clearly Howard has no issue with sexual abusers

I'm flabbergasted that a clown who dragged us into an illegal 'war' we had no business being part of and backs child abusing priests would also back dirty dyson...

Not surprised

Cue Blot and Abbott



Howard - Nothing to see here!

They probably went to Jeffery Epstein's paedophile island.

Little Johnny has a wonderful track record of mixing with, appointing and approving of sexual predators.

🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️of course he did

What? Alleged crimes are not relevant? FFS


Ha!! Of course he did. Cue Blots outrage and Jones’ defense of him across the Murdoch network of Pedophile and Sex Pests protection. FFS. We deserve better.

And that does not excuse any form of inappropriate behaviour.

Said the same about Pell

Why am I not surprised by this? HoWARd was the PM who took us to Iraq war 4 BS WMD. He was also the PM who cldn't say SORRY. So, of course, being a mate of Pell's, why wld he feel that he was wrong with Dyson? He wldn't & he doesn't. auspol LNP

What’s with Howard and Abbott defending sex predators!!!!!!?


AnthonyCole68 Does Little Johnny know just how much Heyden and his old money gps chums would have mocked and looked down on him? It’s almost sad.

“Did an excellent job?..? At what? Harassing young women? Is that what you did Mr Howard? Harass your young female employees....? You see nothing wrong with that? Like you saw nothing wrong with Pell?

I guess John was never at risk....

Howard is a big fan of sexual predators

SadIy.....John Howard is a gIobaIist!

Australia is run by Paedos

Remember this little man has no standards, core and non core promises. He took us to war on a lie, concocted a false narrative to create a fear of refugees and unleashed the worst elements of racist Australia , he embraced Pell as a man of good character. His legacy is a disgrace

No surprise there,eh? Creeporama.

Howard is also a big fan of another sexual predator, George Pell.

Good grief. Do these LNP idiots not understand sexual abuse ? Oh well Howard supported a convicted paedophile!!!

One does NOT go hand in hand with the other in this case lives - opportunities were lost a wealth of legal knowledge was stifled or snuffed out by the self gratification of this HCJ Dyson Heydon creature - excellence in ones role does not allow using power to subordinate others

'War criminal and noted friend of sex criminals says sex criminal is a good guy'

MSMWatchdog2013 Catholics

Same dickhead that have pell a character reference.. great company old Johnny boy keeps

seems these LNP folk sure do have a type: criminals, embezzlers, paedophiles, child rapists, sex pests, oil industry executives, weird cult church leaders etc auspol

Well that says it all...

He did an excellent job of destroying young womens lives. If there are 6 complainants who have come forward it is likely there are many more, Dyson would have been emboldened over the years .. there will be a trail of women trying to forget him

Why does Howard feel he has to say anything about Dyson at this time? Just shut up- you're no longer relevant and every time you open your mouth it's in support of some dodgy person you've supported in the past (and still seem to support) who turns out to be an abuser.

John Howard did 'an excellent job' of lying about 'children overboard', thereby demonising refugees coming to Australia by boat.

An excellent job at touching up women staff 😋

Of course he would!!!

MSMWatchdog2013 Thats ok then. You commit murder while on the job (so to speak) and it's fine so long as you are doing an excellent job.

Johnny likes a good sex offender.

And that isn't the discussion. He could be the best Australia ever had, his behaviour is STILL reprehensible, and he STILL should have been stopped and punished.

MSMWatchdog2013 Well let us hope that Justice Dyson Heydon gets an excellent news coverage of his sexual harrassment charges and is housed in an excellent institution as a result

I'm not going to ask what the word 'job' is a euphemism for...

Howard likes the most grotty vile people.


AnthonyCole68 Milat did a good job as a road worker to.

So he backed a convicted pedophile Pell and now he's backing a 'can't keep his hands to himself' sexual predator fiend, says much about Howard's moral compass. GutterRat

Does anyone listen to this bloke anymore

What? An excellent judge, with bad judgement. Oxymoron exemplified.

If course he did... defending the indefensible yet again, Howard? See Pell for further details.


So what your'e saying is he did an excellent job sexually abusing people

Man of Steel endorses Handy Heydon lol

The thing that fascinated me was that Dyson Heydon was a Rhodes Scolar too. What is it about Rhodes Scholarships that turns out dodgy characters?

Not so....say victims of HEYDON. Howard has strange friends.Pell, Jones and now HEYDON....People are judged by the company they keep..not good

This not looking good on Howard when it takes a sexual harassment accusation to come out and say a high court judge did an excellent job

Why? The guys a sleazy creep, could care less about his creeentials.

OMG the crooked criminal protecting another crooked criminal. Who would have thought. Children overboard... we have not forgotten

That’s great! Thanks John. Still a predator though.

Ugh. Not surprised he came out with that.

Who tf cares if he was good at his job? Hitler might have been known for cooking up a mean chocolate brownie, but he was still an undeniably bad man.

His outsiders view has no relevance.

Predators hunt in packs 😂💩😷

Thats excellent, get a moral statement from this terrorist who had no problems killing Iraqi based on a lie..

I’m sure he did... 🙄

of course he does. how is this shocking.

Except for while he was committing crimes of abuse? Every case he ever presided over now needs reviewing!

Howard supports sexual predator. Again.... No shock there.

Once an ass, always an ass.

It doesnt matter how 'excellent' he was at his job, if he couldn't do his job without sexually harassing female associates. Men who harass and abuse women are not 'excellent' and anyone supporting them needs to rethink their own moral compass.

And? Does that excuse his predatory behaviours?!

I hear Trump mentality being mouthed. Unless he did it to them, then they’re great blokes. Usual pathetic enabling response that has absolutely nothing to do with the person he was out of his court rooms.

Howard is certainly cementing his legacy, war criminal and defender of sexual predators.

He may have done “an excellent job “for his own career , but has ruined at least 6 women’s careers in the process . auspol Howardpoorcharacterjudgement

Of course John Howard said Heydon did a great job! Still the same arrogant ponce he's always been.

If I recall when the High Court vacancy arose, Heydon made a speech in front of Howard at an event where he pretty much attacked all of Howard’s pet hates like “judicial activism.” It was described by a couple of commentators as a fairly public job application.TheRestIsHistory

DYSON HEYDON did An excellent Job eh! Destroyed the lives of 6 young women, and drove them out of their chosen Career's. Oh yes John Howard an excellent Job indeed

AnthonyCole68 Really beginning to wonder about Howard & choice of friends. Previously thought just old fuddy duddy a century behind but now with Heydon on top of Pell etc. What secrets does he have in closet when so open in those he supports.


Doesn't mean he's not a sexual predator. Being good at your job isn't always an indicator of how you treat people in subordinate positions. The two are not necessarily dependent on each other. But then again maybe someone should be looking closer at his record on some topics.

Of course an old white man in a position of power said this

No he didn’t. He harassed women. You can’t separate them

JaniceKPetersen Is this lot just the worst of humanity........

Howard belongs on the dock at the Hague before the International Criminal Court tried for Crimes against Humanity for war on Iraq citing non existent WMD

Of course he did. Getting voted out of office and out of his electorate, (at the time), was clearly not a strong enough message for Howard regarding his toxic views on, well everything. Shame on you SBS for providing publicity to this vile irrelevant imbecile.

A lively conversationalist.

How about releasing the names you had suppressed

Former Prime minister John Howard providing sanctuary for pedos and rapists once more.

Next he’ll be singing the praises of AlexanderDowner...Isn’t that right Curly? You’ve been v quiet lately hmmm?

That’s not the effing point JH! Dyson Heydon has been FOUND to have sexually harassed women in the workplace, therefore any work he has done is undermined by that. His whole work practice is based on the suffering of women.

Trace87243089 Just another one of the GoodOleBoys.

Statements like that just show how out of touch right wing Liberals are from community standards. They believe 19th century behaviour is ok in the 21st century. These attitudes are still fully reflected in the current Federal Liberal & National Party government.

There are Fine people in the Liberal Party It’s just getting IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND THEM

Didn't he back pell as well? Why is anyone even listening to this corpse any more

So being a bit rapey = excellent job

Mr Howard dude must getting too old. sure he did an 'excellent job' but that's got nothing to do with this sexual harassment. Or is he implying that anyone doing good job cannot do such evil act and only the incompetent one will commit such act? 🤔

You can tell a lot about a person from the company he keeps.

Oh here he is....they wheel him out during elections and to endorse a sex predator.

No surprises here.

🤢🤮 Howard no credibility whatsoever

Just shut up ffs. Learn to read the bloody room. Fn boys club attitude.

Here’s the thing you can’t be an ‘excellent judge’ and the perpetrator of sexual harassment. But, I’d not expect Howard to understand that.

He sexually harassed his associates.

Pot kettle black. Howard gas deal with china rips aussies off.

I don't think Howard has a scintilla of credibility and should be ignored from here on by MSM.

Of course he did. Just like him and Andrew Bolt love supporting pedophiles and pedophile enablers like Pell. They’ll look after each other. It’s sickening. Oh yeah, Ted Bundy serial killer — but wow was he great at his job being a salesman. Good on him.

An extraordinary statement. An excellent job for whom?

Yeah that rat would say that. His words hold no weight.

“Very fine people”

Do these people have a secret handshake or something?

Can’t help himself, grandfather of lies just can’t be quiet auspol dirtydyson

It's people like Howard who promote and enable predators like Heydon. How many careers has Heydon destroyed while Howard and his ilk heap praise upon him.

I think that Bill Cosby was an amazing comedian when I was growing up. Does that mean I support sexual harassment aswell? Get a grip people.

Old white guys. Honestly.

Excellent job at the sexual harassment?

He said similar things about George Pell, too. Just waiting for Tony Abbot to put in his half cent’s worth now.

Well he has to say that doesn't he!

John Howard and his protections rack. Defends pedophiles and molester.

John Howard is an enabler of the status quo's backroom toxic behavior DysonHeydon

I agree with John Howard. Justice Dyson Heydon should be commemorated with a statue.

Disgraced former Prime Minister....

Howard never admits he was wrong or apologises....a small man indeed

John Howard, the pell defence. Kind of makes you wonder about Howard’s term in office and life...what don’t we know..

Howard Still Supports George Pell CHILD ABUSER AND NOW CRIMINAL FOR LIFE AND NOW SUPPORTS THIS HIGH COURT JUDGE THE FACE OF EVIL 👿 BECAUSE OF HIS MANY MANY MORE WOMEN ABUSE. But then again Both Howard And Abbott we’re very Strange Beasts in and out of Government.

Time you woke up John Howard, dirty Dyson is no better than George Pell. Public humiliation is the least these creeps deserve.

Just like George Pell did. 9NewsAUS 7NewsAustralia auspol

job_daughter I don't think the question here is about his job performance ability. It's about his character assessment and whether he should have been in that position given his history.

What do you expect from little Johnny,reference for peodophile PELL now reference for DIRTY HEYDON,

Yeah he did an excellent job of harassing women

He is Australia ‘s racist PM , one nation party and fish & chips women supporter!

Howard's comments show yet again that he is completely irrelevant to contemporary life in Australia. Delusional egotist, like so many of our politicians.


'was on the job during his tenure' Fixed ...

michaelhallida4 Another character reference?

JH, your vibe attracts your tribe eh

So little jonny arther support woman gropers.

That is an unnecessary comment.

Typical. 🙄

Twats stick together. All in the same trough.

Tracksuit Johnny's character references aren't worth diddly. Australia is conducting secret trials & has political prisoners right now just to protect him & his corrupt party from prosecution.

He has form Howard provided a character reference for Pell, as is his right. He wrote that “none of these matters” – Pell’s conviction and lodging of an appeal – “alter my opinion of the cardinal.”


I don’t like the circle of friends that little man supports.

Of course he would. 🙄 He’s a liberal. Didn’t Howard put Heydon in the position? Women need to be heard and stand up against these enablers & perpetrators in high ranks past, present and sad to say future, who keep protecting their culture of sexual misconduct.

What an insult!

Yes excellent job, feeling up women!! Men in power😡😡😡

Why do conservatives always come to the defense of alleged rapists. Like you can believe in lower marginal tax rates but also be against rape

'Excellent job' of what You speak of 'Justice'.. You pedavore elites should be judged and sentenced exactly in kind.. 'eye for eye; tooth for tooth; torture for torture; flay skin with YOUR own skin.'

It’s not possible to do a good job as a HC judge and sexually harass or abuse your female Associates..Heydon on the strength of the HC findings must be stripped or all benefits/pensions etc...

of course he does

I guess that means he didn’t do it. Case closed.

Surprise Surprise well he does have a history of supporting Sexual predators

Does Howard have any friends who aren’t disgusting pieces of shit?

Howard also stood by George Pell

How old is this guy now? How much longer do we have to put up with his moronic attitude and ideas?

'Excellent job'? In harassing and assaulting women? Very classy comments.

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