'It's genocide, full stop': China imposes forced abortion, sterilisation on Uyghurs

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

The Chinese Government is taking draconian measures to slash birth rates among Uyghurs and other minorities as part of a sweeping campaign to curb its Muslim population.

Having too many children is a major reason people are sent to detention camps, with the parents of three or more ripped away from their families unless they can pay huge fines. Police raid homes, terrifying parents as they search for hidden children, AP said.

"God bequeaths children on you. To prevent people from having children is wrong," said Omirzakh, who tears up even now thinking back to that day.The result of the birth control campaign is a climate of terror around having children, AP said. At the same time, IUD use tumbled elsewhere in China, as many women began getting the devices removed.

Across the Xinjiang region, birth rates continue to plummet, falling nearly 24 per cent last year alone — compared to just 4.2 per cent nationwide, statistics show.The hundreds of millions of dollars the government pours into birth control has transformed Xinjiang from one of China's fastest-growing regions to among its slowest in just a few years, according to Mr Zenz's research.US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo denounced the policies in a statement.


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And China was this year appointed to the UN human rights council.... This just makes me sad at where the world is heading towards

Abortion has been the way of China's one child policy for years. Thank god for that or the global population would be 9 billion by now. This was mainly imposed on the Hans, but never on ethic minorities. So now they're extending the policy and it's suddenly genocidal?

Yet the population distribution shows otherwise, does anyone at ABC Fact check anything, especially from that known nutter Adrien Zenz.

propoganda on china everyday. can’t tell which news you report on them is true now.

So why the sudden double standard!!

I’m guessing that China is denying all of this and no one is holding them accountable

And yet we continue to trade with them... it’s genocide and ethnic cleansing but any criticism of China is dismissed by the luvvie Marxists as racism.

kumararepublic It’s a breach of human rights, but not genocide.

Where’s the UN on this? They’re quick to comment on our treatment of refugees but.....

Yeah I don't think so. 'Talked to 30 people'. Rock solid!

Lead with this story instead of the race baiting anti white crap you’ve been doing

Leftists love a good abortion, they’ll be throwing a party about that one.

Cc realDonaldTrump

This may get me banned? But China are just as bad as what German Nazis were with the Jews! The World can't & mustn't ignore this!

This is totally against Human Rights! Remember what you stand for UN ? Pull you fingers out & stop kneeling to China! Australia could also do the same 👎😠

Meanwhile in Australia someone was offended!!! 😲

Of course the CCP wouldn't hesitate to use eugenics to further their cultural war. Just one of the many horrific realities of modern China.

So wrong to do this

The sad reality is going to be, that not one single member of the United Nations will call China into question, regarding these human rights violations or do something about it. auspol truth UN ScottMorrisonMP jacindaardern BorisJohnson AngelaMerkeICDU realDonaldTrump

They do realise people convert to Islam right? It's not a race. The world will do nothing cause it can't. Genocide is not a financial bonanza so we do nothing Unless they are hiding oil

Why is there no jihad against the Chinese? Why aren’t bleeding heart Lefties starting a hashtag?

Wow this China bashing is going well isn't it. Still why not shit all over our major trading partner, at least it'll keep us hitched to Trump.

It is appalling what the cruel chinese government is doing to muslims in china


Xinjiang Uygur were never subject to one child policy and still doesn't apply. Their birth rate is 3 times higher than average han Chinese. Adrianzene is yet spit another crap out of thin Air.

Terrible. Western Nations didn't bother sterilising Muslims, we spent a decade blowing them to smithereens instead. 🙄

Why are Muslim countries NOT making a fuss about this?

No ... this is the worst news.😢

Prepare fo war...the CCP needs to be stopped.

Many Chinese under genocide are happy with their smart leader’s policy, no one cares the real victims. And the real victims are not going to shout out. CCP_is_terrorist AntiChinazi

The CCP are your mob ABC. Deal with it.

If they didn't lie about the virus , they aren't lying about their little camps either , on both fronts we have Chinas say so

It is genocide. Genocide

Where the news comes from? genocide...? curb its Muslim population? encourages some of the country's Han majority ? Han one-child policy, but minorities in China has no limitation.

The new Nazi party right in front of us and we still trade with them and allow them to live here, buy our property drive on our roads all without needing to learn a word of English. Australia are a sitting duck with Morrison as PM and they know it.

it's not genocide.. Oh no, the world's muslim population might grow at a slightly lower rate! How will we survive?

Someone ask DanielAndrewsMP and timpallas their thoughts on One Belt One Road in light of this The same can be asked of the Federal Government as well

Nah.. the CCP assured the world that the Uyghur people love being in 'work camps' and thank them daily for the privilege. And they wouldn't lie to the world would they? 🤔

One thing I do agree with China about auspol and I bet Victorians would agree too 😄👌

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