Government needs to focus on the ‘here and now’ for energy supply

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Nationals Senator Matt Canavan says he wishes Energy Minister Chris Bowen and the Australian government would focus on the “here and now” instead of the future regarding energy supply.

“I just wish we had an Australian government, and government around the world for that matter, which would focus on here and now,” he told Sky News

host Chris Kenny.“What we need to do now is increase the use of reliable energy in the free and democratic world to defend that free and democratic world.”


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The only way to reduce electricity prices is for the government to invest in renewables. It should not be left to the market.

Strutting Peacock Bowen.!!!

Exactly right. It is this kind of thinking that the Labor party should thank us for. We left them with a strong economy with low debt and no woke worries about “the future”. Pfffft ClimateScam

mattjcan this is the sort of insight and leadership that saw you and your dinosaur mates trash the Australian people and our future. You’re an irrelevant waste of space, we don’t need any of your inane advice.

He’s lacking the intellect and knowledge even to voice an opinion. He’s shown time and time again that this guy is way out of his depth .Just another political oxygen thief who cannot be taken seriously by anyone. Make this useless guy go away please.

And there is the problem. Libs care only for what’s at the end of their noses - their own wealth, position and career. They care nothing about the future for our children or the planet. Selfish , gutless, ego centric

Who cares what the irrelevant knuckledragger has to say.

Matt Cannavan though is a complete dingbat

Splatt Campervan in denial. When private equity is no longer investing in coal the industry is on ‘life support’.

God forbid we future proof our energy supply, a great demonstration of why anyone supports should not be in goverment.

Because that would be good management, eh? No plans for tomorrow just react to yesterday and fill gaps with spitballs today. Canavan proves again he’s not smart enough to tie his shoelaces…..or is he already mr Velcro shoes?

Canavan the coal snorting conservative

It is this exact attitude that landed The Nats and The Libs in opposition and long may they stay there. Keep up the goid work Sky in making sure that happens. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Hmmm the here and now is a sh*it show leftover by the leftovers. The future is our hope. SkyNewsAust broken optics again

It's spelt Caravan

ALP just seem so excited to be in front of the camera like a Hollywood star. Pity the audience isn’t listening or watching

Did he just say that, I'm betting he might want to walk that back.

Nationale de Senatoria una Dickheadia Canavanista says let's wait 50 years to see if the planet really is going to die!

And here we have it a vision that has no future except a parliamentary pension.

I am surprised Canavan has got up to (caring about) the present. I thought he was still stuck in the past.

Canavan demonstrates the drongo mindset of the former Govt of misfits whose lack of policy and future thought would have seen Australians using kerosine lamps and candles

Normal Matt speak a word salad with no substance. His governments focus on the here and now and not plan got us in this mess LNPNeverAgain

Matty more interested in protecting his assets than advancing the country.

Remain completely transactional, have no plan, pay no attention to the future, just do and say whatever you think suits the immediate situation. ......geez, wonder where he learned that strategy?

Shutup canavan

The job of the Energy Minister is to guarantee our energy supply and to ensure our energy is affordable for all Australians. Bowen is doing the opposite, and doing based not on science but on zealous faith in an alarmist belief not supported by any real scientists.


But Matt is focussing on the 19th Century. Someone needs to let Matt know it is 2022

Bowen is behaving like a ten year old who has just discovered he can tell younger siblings what to do.... And as for his fawning over catastrophically woke Gov Newsom; pathetic.

I wish mat would fuck off down his brothers coal mine & stay there

Matt you are just an ALARMIST DOOMSAYER

of course he would say that…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣… Angus is 🤪🤑🤪🤑


Quite frankly, they haven't got a clue.

Who let cosplaycanavan out again?

So do nothing about the future? Yeah that's a good plan! 😂😂

The very sort of short-sighted lack of vision, complete with absurd claims about the limits of our short term options, that caused this mess in the first place.


Ah yes, the future! That's what's keeping us from the glory days of that passed. The days of knight and lords. Where the poor knew their place and the privileged could take people's land with impunity.

Matt, yesterday's man and an epic failure at anything meaningful for our energy supply.

Yeah beause Canavan doesn't want us to know. What they did or did not do for the last 10 years!

Focusing on “here-and-now” then is how we got to here-and-now, now. If Canavan &Co had focused on now then, then we would be focusing on the here-and-now, now. Now then, why is it that back then Canavan didn’t focus on now?

Matt Caravan, no vision, no planning and Libtards have no future ! Completely irrelevant bunch of grifters

😂😂😂. That’s the problems with the Liberals always looking in the rear or mirror instead of planning for the future.

Printing more propaganda

Any wonder our energy prices are absolutely fucked. Canavan too busy applying make-up to look like a miner to do anything about the future while in power

Bowen shows he has not lost his arrogance when he thinks he is correct in his explanation or summation of whatever he thinks he is doing in this portfolio.

Matt Canavan needs to stop living in the dark ages and get with the future .

LNP caused the current situation by their mind blowing incompetence, Coalface was part of that, future planning beyond next election is refreshing

Keep quoting that tool you losers.

What we have got ourselves into? Just a little over 3 months. Another 2 yes and 8 months to go.

That's why the country is in such a mess! We had a decade of a Government doing things here & now, not planning for the future! Just as Labor is finding out with the budget, nothing funded into the future.Liberals & Nationals have no idea how to run a Country, sleep at the wheel!

'Get me a Bowen headshot,... Worst you can find'

Too much coal dust in his eyes - this is reprehensibly short sighted.

Brilliant idea mattjcan. No vision no responsibility. Let those who come after us deal with the shit we leave behind. Politicians who only think in the here and now are the problem. Then the LNP wonder why their own supporters are leaving them.

Chris Bowen is out of his depth running a Chook Raffle at the pub.

A bit like a crap mechanic telling a good mechanic how to fix a car. Not news sky. Just more noise.

Says everything you need to know about Canavan.

Only thing is, you keep targeting the ALP via the LNP don’t you? You guys at Sky News are truly one-sided with nothing better to do than bash progressive climate policy. And yes, you chose that photo of Bowenchris as a deliberate, comical slur. Grow up.

Did he actually think that through before he said it? 🤣🙄

He’s right , another labour failure

Australia's energy sector is in such a mess because the Coalition had no energy policy for the future. Just a policy for propping up the “here and now” in other words their fossil fuel industry donors.

Which is needed because:- it wasn't focused upon under the coalition !

Canavan is as authentic as a plastic apple.

Clownavan hard at work

Pfft MattCarryon fraud like his old man.

Chris Bowen hasn't got a clue what he's doing now Labor are in government It was easy while in opposition he could dribble on with a heap of garbage but now everyone is listening nothing but more garbage

Sounds a bit short-sighted?

not with this goose in charge he is a serial failure

This is from the people talking about nuclear power

Total lack of vision by CANAVAN and Sky as usual

Says the guy spruiking nuclear with it's famously short build time... 🙄

Hahahahaha 😜 Matt Canavan is a hopeless joke.

CB is a disgusting career politician playing childish games to the detriment of Australian people. IPCC, UN, IEA and Science tells you wind/solar are not reliable and need nuclear in the mix. China, Russia, Japan, UK, USA, France + 33 countries wrong but Peanut knows better 🤣

MattCaravan is now quite irrelevant, except on ! Why?


Here you go.

Why Is he overseas with pong ?

Who would have thought a government should think about the future instead of making sure that their corrupt family makes lots of money? Fascinating!

😂 you c’nts are hilarious. Still trying. Bless your little blue hearts 😂

Great idea why not focus on 200 years ago!! I mean who is going to be living in the future!!

davidbewart Matt wishes we were living in the past. He acts like still does.


I wish when Matt Canavan was in power he concentrated on the here and now rather than the then and themselves

davidbewart 🤣🤣

davidbewart If only the COALition had thought of the future we wouldn't be in deep doo doo in the here and now GasLedCatastrophe


Ah the lnp and sky mo. Short termismn

davidbewart A Has Been? Or A Never Was? Nothing but a cosplayer, Canaan. Go back to the oblivion you so deserve

Bowen is an embarrassment!

davidbewart I always said the LNP had zero capacity to think beyond their term in office and this proves it. The point of our government is to plan for the future, not destroy it because of the now.

They just want to travel and pollute the environment - covid has gone Negative Gearing Bowen let him use taxpayers money to enjoy their Dictatorship Lifestyle - stuff the rest of us

davidbewart Mmm, planning! Wow, what a dill!

🤔 WTF FFS NFI and yet you blindly report this 🐂💩

Good on you Matt, pity your lot did nothing for 7 years.

davidbewart Not relevant!

Subtitle: “why can’t they be short sighted short-term thinkers like us?”

Matt Canavan proving why the LNP are now in opposition, no thought for the future just the now!

Matt also cosplays as a variety of things today it’s a knob

Nationals Senator Matt Canavan says he wishes Energy Minister Chris Bowen and the Australian government would focus on the “here and now” instead of the future regarding energy supply. and there in is the difference , Canavan can't see the future, but Labor and Bowen can !!

After nearly a decade of opportunity squandered by the LNP, this dildonic wants to focus on the now? It’s the sole reason we have to look to the future because his lot cocked it up 10 years ago, the future is now old man!

Canas clutching at straws. A talking head!

Sooty McSootface is clueless about what matters to Australians. He’s the one who bought his “missus” a clothes line for Mother’s Day FFS and bragged about it.


Coal will be a mandatory source of our Energy for the next 50 years !.

Less & less credible Canavan Here & now … largely mocked

How about they prove their version of energy is viable before they threaten present stability.

Bowenchris wouldn't know his arse from his elbow. His renewable network plan is a delusion, underpinned by hot wind and promoted by spivs. Get real mate.

10 years of LNP got us nowhere.

We all know Canavan never focused on the future which is why we’re in the 💩 now.

If this guy knocked on your front door and you opened it! What would be your first reaction? 😎

Self-reliance over all else is needed.

Spoken without irony. Or shame. MurdochGutterMedia

If the LNP had focused on the future 9 years ago, we wouldn't be 'Here and Now'

Canavan and co not looking forward worked so well…


Isn’t the role of Government you KNOB, to plan and manage for the future. The here and now is an absolute reflection on the failures of the LNP for the very lack of planning.

Just worry about missed opportunities over the last 9 years. 🤣🤣🤣

Matt didn’t focus on the future so a decade later, here we are. Why would anyone listen to this goose. ?

That is the face of a total fopdoodle! How does he do it!? Stuff-up every portfolio he has ever held

Sky only running out the old so called experts they like.

this bloke is a galah

Pick your traders carefully, if not you'll lose your hard earn money, like I did 2 years ago. Bamber__Michael is very reliable and transparent. I never regretted again after I got in contact with him

He is not well 🤢 🤕 🤮 🤢 🤕 🤮 🤢

Remind me of his qualifications again?

Chris ''Weasel ''Bowen 🥭 🥭 🥭 Pop goes the Weasel 🔥 📛👨‍🚒 🚒 🧯

Totally agree, because if they do not, our lights are out and businesses gone! At least we will know who the class action will be taken out against! Plus of course Bandt etc!

Surely Matt means only next quarter for profits right. No need for future when next quarter is all that matters…

They're too busy looking forward to their 240 billion self gifted high incomes tax cuts to worry about anything let alone: - trillion dollar debt. - endless budget deficits. - cost of living crisis. - essential services starved of funding from 9 years of LNP Govt. smh abcnews

Agreed, let’s do what they have done in France and Germany and nationalise the coal & gas production!

Guaranteed to say something stupid, every time he opens his mouth

The only term that suits Labor is -Trailer park trash 🙈

Not to worry, the $275 savings will be coming soon...

Matt’s always good for a giggle 🤭

Canavan confirming for us that L&NP unable to imagine a future, let alone plan for one!

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